Bloons TD 6 Guide

Monkey Farm & Druid Infinite Money Method for Bloons TD 6

Monkey Farm & Druid Infinite Money Method


This is an overpowered method to essentially gain ‘infinite money’ and prep you for late-game and very high rounds.

The Method

Here’s a video of me getting to Round 173 by myself on End of the Road Hard mode using the method.
Example: Bottom Left

This is best done on the maps Frozen Over and End of the Road.

If you have Benjamin, he should be one of the first towers you place down as he helps provide starter money and take down MOABs and bloons as he amounts XP and grows more powerful. He should be placed in the far back of the map so much so as you can’t even see him since he gets in the way late game when space is limited.

1. Place Monkey Farms all around in a circular fashion with enough space in the center to squeeze as many druids as possible.

Do not upgrade the farms at all until you have a satisfactory amount of druids.

2. Place your first druid and begin to squeeze as many druids as possible in that space, upgrading them one by one and only place the next druid when your previous one has Jungle’s Bounty.

3. Eventually upgrade all druids to Mid Tier (0/4/0) unlocking Jungle’s Bounty.

Use Hotkeys (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc) to activate abilities.
Example: The number 2 on your keyboard linked to the second activatable ability which should be Jungle’s Bounty if you placed Benjamin/or your hero first.

Never stop spamming your Jungle’s Bounty Ability as it is your primary source of income alongside your farmer’s gatherings.

4. Start upgrading all your farms to Top Tier Banana Research Facilities (4/0/0) and eventually have one Banana Central (5/0/0)

Place a Monkey farmer in the center as it allows you to focus on spamming.

5. Send Money to your teammates as requested/survive as long as possible with your newfound wealth.

Your monkey farm gatherings will eventually become forfeit and decline in earnings late-game so it is essential you keep up on your Jungle’s Bounty druid income by spamming the ability.

What To Spend Your Money On

Get as many Tier 5’s as possible of all monkeys.

Example: Maim MOAB and Cripple MOAB for sniper monkeys are incredibly useful for stopping MOABs in their tracks as their shots stun them, make sure you set them on strong and put a monkey village Mid Tier to at least Radar Scanner (0/2/0) allowing the sniper monkeys to target and stop DDTs as it requires you to see camo to target them.

You can have 3 Tier 5’s on each monkey, one for each tier. (e.g., 5/0/0, 0/5/0, 0/0/5)

Go for ‘Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey’

This does NOT work in sandbox mode.

Make sure you aren’t in Sandbox Mode and make sure it’s you buying the towers only one person can do it (if you split on buying the towers then it won’t work).

1. First, sacrifice 50k worth of military, primary and magic to the first sun god temple.

2. Then you need to get 50k worth of primary, military and support for the second temple. Also you need a x/x/5 (Legend of the Night) and an x/5/x (Anti-Bloon) super monkey. Just the tier 5 supers need to be outside the range of your temple but still close by.

3. Once you have done all this, buy your true sun god. Both the Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night should disappear and you will gain access to the vengeful temple of the monkey god.
If Adora is in the sacrifice zone when you get the vengeful temple of the monkey god she transforms into her vengeful version.