Do you ever find it difficult finding that elusive Azimuth coordinate, the one that ends up making you miss that extra-special signal you’ve waited hours- no, days! -to finally find? Well then, this guide is for you! It doesn’t have very much, but what is DOES have is your soon-to-be-favorite calculator!
The Only Thing That Matters
[link]You’re welcome, everyone! The best way to utilize this tool is to get the signal ready so the coordinates are showing up on the screen, line it up so you can see the minimum/maximum coordinates on the top right of your screen, then activate your Steam Overlay so that the calculator is underneath of your coordinates (be sure that both are still visible!). Be sure not to pause the game before going into your Steam overlay, otherwise you won’t be able to update your calculator in real time!
I know that may be a little confusing, so I decided to go into my game and show you what I mean with a screenshot! Hope it helps!