Don’t Starve Guide

Challanges for Don't Starve



This is a guide about challanges, First guide and still in development whenI get one

First challange: Mr.Rabbit ( Dont know if someone else thought of it as well 😀 )

This challange is about haveing a pet! (no not that mod, OH GOD NO NOT THAT MOD YOU SICK MINDED PERSON!) Once you catch a rabbit you have to take care of it forever you can post your days with it until it died in comment and I will add it to here as a score! Note you have to add Mr. Rabbit to the comment! Note: you might want to get chester beacuse he allows you to speperate your rabbit out from others you kill 😀

Challenge two: Pet taker (easy one)

There are 2 ways to do this one! WOW! NEAT! AMAZING! So for this you survive as Wigfrid and what you do is kinda like Mr.Rabbit BUT the easier one is kinda easier so what you do is that you trap one bird and one rabbit these are your pets (and I do advise getting chester) but for this one you take care of them and feed them with the appropreate things so this is easy and not challangeing, but your Wingfrid who only eats meat! So you can kill other birds and rabbits! Post your score!

Challenge two: Soft, Kind hart (HARDCORE BOSS MODE VERSION!)

This is the hard one and boy it is! Now again as Wingfrid THIS TIME YOU CANT KILL BIRDS AND RABBITS (without restarting the it!) But you start this after you get a fishing pole so you dont die but with this its hard, you can eat Monster meat or if you find meat laying on the ground that you didnt kill that rabbit (note: you cant send pigs to kill the rabbits and then take the meat it has to be from idk a random trap that spawned or caused by lightning) so when dont starve together comes around your friends who dont play this can get meat for you! So let me explain this better, Wingfrid cant kill bird rabbits, you can eat fish and monster meat and dead pigs, will have restart if you kill rabbit with pig. POST YOUR SCORE!

Challange three: Most wood (by lynncornon)

This challange was by my friend lynncornon, this is where you set all of your boss spawning on highest, low food,stone,trees. You chop down trees the more wood better the score now, when you die its over (not unless you have a meat thing or way of resurection) ever log is 1 point, post your score along with other challanges too!

Piggums (by CoolLPDude)

This is were you get 5 piges following you (you should get a mod called infinate followers so you dont have to keep getting them if your bad :3) but if one dies you cant get another
1 day&night= 1 point
post your score under the name Piggums!

Home isn’t where the hart is? (by MrZombie.. ♥♥♥♥ how I spell it?)

This is where you cant build fire pits and have to move day to day, you get points for each night survived :D. This is kinda hard if you find a mod that allowes you to have mobile Science machean its fair game but just… dont starve. Post score in comments under Hiwthi?[i/]

Video link if dosnt work 😀

Suggest ideas!

So thats about it you can suggest ideas in the comments!

Videos are needed for videos here for toutorer

Brought to you by a dont starve together mod 😀

[link] One of the nice mods I have seen that could help me make some challenges 😀