Whether or not that you guys beat the Cry of Fear campaign, if you have recieved an unlockable mode called Doctor Mode, but are having trouble beating it then look no further. I’ll give you tips and advice on how to beat the 2nd hardest mode in Cry of Fear close to Nightmare mode. First off, in this mode there is no syringes at all and ammo is scarce, so taking the least amount of damage is a priority. Also you must conserve your ammo, because throughout the mode, you’ll have to run and dodge enemies or aim and shoot them accurately.There are some saw runner chase scenes: so avoid dead ends, run past corners, and never use up all your stamina when running, just walk, it’s better than getting killed because you have no stamina move fast. Like I said before, running and strafing enemies is best when the opportunity presents itself. But what really helped me beat the doctor mode, is this here video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScXAr063kM Just follow the video, and it should give you a better image how to beat Doctor mode. And beating the mode is pretty rewarding, I’ll give you a hint what it is, it helps you with the one thing that is really frustrating if you don’t have it in this game. Also I’d like to give credit towards DragonmasterNOR on youtube for this really helpful walkthrough video, he’s also the voice actor for Simon in Cry of Fear, so show him your appreciation if this video helped you at all. And I hope this guide was actually helpful and goodluck beating Doctor Mode!
Walkthrough Video
And full credit goes to DragonmasterNOR(aka the voice actor for Simon in Cry of Fear) for this here walkthrough on how to beat doctor mode.