Turbo engines tend to be very complex on creating, which takes time to build. The purpose of this engine build is to show how to build one in a few minutes while still retaining a moderate amount of power density and fuel efficiency. Make no mistake, there are other engine designs are better in those catagories but are more complex to build.
The image is one showing a 17x9x4 size engine.
200 engine power is added for every crankshaft added.
The engine costs roughly 77 for every 200 engine power added.
Provides 1288 power per fuel at all engine sizes.
Step 1: Basics
Build a single block, then a fuel engine ontop of it.
Extend the crankshaft for however much power you need.
Step 2: Adapters
Add Adapters(Red) ontop of every other crankshaft.
Step 3: Cylinders
Set a mirror on the center of the crankshaft.
Add Cylinders(Green) to every adapter and every crankshaft that doesn’t have an adapter.
Step 4: Exhaust
Add X-Junction pipes(Green) between each cylinder.
Add Junction pipes(White) along the top and sides of the cylinders.
Add Corner pipes(Purple) to the ends.
Step 5: Carburattors
Add the Carburettors(Light Blue) to every cylinder.
Step 6: Framework
Because adding turbo engines requires a connection before adding, the corner piping needs to be added.
Place the X-Junction pipes(white) 2 tiles away from the carburators.
Step 7: Corner pipes
The framework will be replaced with Corner pipes(Red).
This marks the lower half and upper half of the engine.
Step 8: Inline turbocharger
All turbochargers must be in the same, either left or right.
Place the Inline turbochargers(Blue) so the white part connects to the top and bottom of the carburattors.
Step 9: More corner pipes
Connect the parts of the turbochargers with the pipes that are not connected.
(Shown in green)
Step 10: Connect exhaust
You will have to replace the corner pipe with a L-Junction pipe(Red).
How it can be used
Turbochargers will only give the high power to fuel efficiency while its running at higher speeds. Which means its better suited for powering shields, lasers or thustercraft, where the engine is going to be on all the time.
The high fuel efficiency means its ideal for use in the campaign.