This guide explains how to get a Portal Gun in Half Life 2 (or, more specifically, how to get to City 17 in Portal). I got bored today, and wanted to try this out, but every guide I saw was outdated. So I figured it out, and made you guys a guide. Ask any questions you have, and go portal around City 17.
Intro – What you’ll need
A Copy of Portal
A Copy of Half Life 2
A Copy of Half Life 2 : Lost Coast
The Portal 2 Authoring Tools
GCFScape (D/L Here)[nemesis.thewavelength.net]
Patience. A lot of it.
We’ll start off simple, download and install GCFScape.
If you haven’t got the Portal 2 Authoring Tools, get them now.
Once you’ve got all those, BACKUP YOUR PORTAL FOLDER. It is extremely important that you have it backed up, if you screw up, it saves a lot of time. You only need C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonPortalportal backed up, not the whole game, so if you do back it up, it may look like this: (portal_master can be ignored)
Now that you’ve got all the tools you’ll need, we’ll start doing things.
Part 1: Lost Coast
I quite honestly have no idea why this works. You can play the game of Half Life 2, everything works just fine, there’s sound for everything, and you have a Portal Gun. But you need to have certain files from Lost Coast in a certain place, or else nothing works.
Start off by navagating to your Lost Coast directory (C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonHalf-Life 2lostcoast by default) I prefer to open a second window for what you’re about to do, but it’s up to you.
Make a folder called what ever you want (not in the Lost Coast directory) Mine’s “addons”.
Copy the folders cfg, downloadlists, maps, and resource from your Lost Coast Directory, into your “addons” folder.
Once that’s done, if you’ve installed the Portal 2 Authoring Kit like you were supposed to, navagate to: C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonPortal 2bin and find an application called vpk.exe, make a shortcut to that exe, and place in the same directory as your “addons” folder, then drag the “addons” folder onto vpk.exe.
Once you’ve done that, a command prompt window should open for a short time, and when it disappears, you should be left with an “addons”.vpk
Copy lostcoast_pak_000.vpk, lostcoast_pak_001.vpk, and lostcoast_pak_dir.vpk to the same directory as “addons”.vpk, and then navagate to your Portal/portal folder (the one I told you to backup) and make a new folder called “custom” (this name is important, name it custom), then place the three lostcoast vpks and your addon vpk into custom.
If everything’s been done correctly, your game should look like this if you start it up.
Part 2: Half Life 2
Now we’re going to insert the Half Life 3 Half Life 2 files into Portal for usage.
All that’s going to happen now is we’re going to extract files from HL2’s vpks into Portal’s directory.
Open a hl2 vpk, lets say, hl2_textures_dir.vpk (only open the ones with _dir at the end) right click materials, click extract, and then navagate the horrible interface until you can select C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonPortalportal, then click okay.
You only have to extract materials from hl2_textures_dir.
From hl2_sound_vo_english_dir, extract the sound folder to Portalportal
From hl2_sound_misc_dir, extract the sound folder
From hl2_pak_dir, extract the maps folder
And from hl2_misc_ dir, extract the materials and models folders.
Part 3: Wake Up, and Smell the Ashes
You’re done. No really. To start playing, start Portal, make sure you’ve got the dev console on in the Advanced Keyboard Options, and on the main menu, press ~, then in the console window type “map d1_trainstation_01” and hit enter, once you’ve got control of Chell, open the console again, type “sv_cheats 1” followed by “give weapon_portalgun” and “upgrade_portalgun” and now you’ve got a Portal Gun. You can play the game normally from here, or type “impulse 101” to get all of the Half-Life 2 weapons. If you have any problems, ask and I’ll try and help out as soon as I can.
*Note, You are the only person who can go though Portals, but everything else (bullets, projectiles, objects, and I think turrets) can.