Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Guide

Sidequest Guide for Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

Sidequest Guide


A full chronological guide of all sidequests in the game.


A full list and detail of the sidequests in Tales of Vesperia, listed as they become available throughout the story.

This guide avoids spoilers where possible and strictly covers the sidequests – the optional content which is not required to complete the story and may be missed if players never initiate them. Unmissable events are only covered if they are required for subsequent missable ones. Sidequests may give items or titles, or may just be detail scenes.

This guide does not highlight all changes in the Definitive Edition, such as new party member arrivals. Sidequests added in Definitive are included, and those changed from the Xbox 360 version are clarified. In short, this is a guide, not a changelog! It also does not cover the short scenes provided early in the game when entering future areas too soon, such as Ehmead Hill before Halure or Heliord before Caer Bocram.

This guide is primarily sourced from my own self-made guide for the original Xbox 360 version which was created out of a dislike for inaccuracies in existing guides. That was hosted on Google Docs though ultimately never published.

How to read this guide

The format of sidequest parts follows a clear structure:

Location: [At a specified place], [do a specified action] [for a specified outcome]. (Sidequest sequence/s) (Extra notes)

Each action involved in a sidequest has a separate entry, even if multiple actions take place close together.

Several sidequests are “stand-alone”; singular scenes with no connections or dependencies to any others; these will have no sequences mentioned. A small portion of sidequest parts are related to two otherwise separate sequences; these will have all of them mentioned.

Sidequest parts are grouped by the first time they become available following storyline progression. Within these groups, they are ordered to create a route that should allow them to be covered quickly.

Many sidequest parts become temporarily unavailable due to party member changes throughout the story; this guide generally does not mention if a sidequest becomes available a second time, but exceptions are made for sidequests that depend on progression with the Monster Book and Collector’s Book.

Chapter 1 – Ilyccia


Zaphias: In the Public Quarter, head toward the Noble’s Quarter to get the Wonder Log. (Wonder Reporter 1/3) (This cannot be avoided; it is included due to being part of a sequence)

After entering the World Map

World Map: Past the bridge north of Zaphias, Enter King of Adventure for a scene. (This appears to be not needed for future King of Adventure sidequests)

Arrival at Deidon Hold

Deidon Hold: Enter the Guard Station, to the right of the gate. Go up the stairs on the far side of the room. Go up the ladder, then head left and Talk to the white-haired man for a scene.

After Quoi Woods

World Map: Ignore Halure, travel north-east past Aspio and the Shaikos Ruins and Enter King of Adventure for a scene. (This appears to be not needed for future King of Adventure sidequests)

Entering Rita’s Hut for the first time

Aspio: Before you Check the pile of books, Check the blastia, the bookshelf and the chalkboard for scenes.

After Rita joins

Aspio: In Rita’s Hut, Check the dresser to the far side of the bed for a scene.

Aspio: In Rita’s Hut, Check the pile of books to the near side of the bed to get the Collector’s Book. (Collector’s Book 1/3)

After Rita rejoins after clearing Shaikos Ruins

Aspio: In Rita’s Hut, Check the blastia at the far side for a scene. (Brionac A 1/3 and Blastia naming 1/2) (Key missable – This is not available forever. Unlike the Xbox 360 version where you need to do this before leaving Capua Nor, in Definitive is still available in early Chapter 2 but not by mid Chapter 3. it is unclear when it gets cut off)

After leaving Halure after clearing Shaikos Ruins

World Map: Enter Halure for a scene.

After the cutscene in Ehmead Hill taking you to the beast trail

Halure: Speak to the couple at the entrance for a scene.

Halure: Speak to the Mayor standing by the tree for a scene. (Halure spirit 1/5)

After the ocean view cutscene in Ehmead Hill

Ehmead Hill: Check the gravestone a little to the left of the cliff peninsula for a scene. (Elucifer 1/2)

After clearing and exiting Ehmead Hill

Ehmead Hill: Enter the area again and approach the broken barrier blastia for a scene. (Stand-alone – Despite claims elsewhere this is not part of the “Brionac A” or “Blastia naming” sequences)

After Estelle rejoins in Capua Nor

Capua Nor: At the far end of town, go to the Dice Master’s House and Talk. Win a game to get Rita’s “New Dice Master” title and a “Gel Set” of Apple Gel x1, Orange Gel x1 and Lottery Gel x1. Subsequent victories in Chapter 1 also give a Gel Set. (Dice Master 1/3) (Prior to getting the title, the lose dialog changes each time you lose until the third time. When you do get the title, the dialog changes slightly if you lost 0, 1, 2 or 3+ times)

Chapter 1 – Tolbyccia

After rejoining the party after the inn scenes in Capua Torim

Capua Torim: Enter Inn “Pullux T” and Talk to the counter for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 1/11)

During Caer Bocram

Caer Bocram: Check the warp blastia near the entrance for a scene. Check it again for another scene.

Caer Bocram: The password clues are “Light”, “Sky”, “Sphere”. The password is “Sun”. (This is not a sidequest; the password is usable without the key items, after the fatal strike tutorial)

After Estelle rejoins the second time in Heliord

Heliord: At the entrance of the Inn & Shop, move to the right of the building until you can Talk to the wall for a scene. (Wonder Reporter 2/3)

Heliord: In front and a little to the left of the town’s barrier blastia, Talk to the unusual knight for a scene (Drake 1/10)

Heliord: Rest at the Inn & Shop for a scene.

Heliord: Enter the Chevaliers’ HQ for a scene. (The dialog of this scene changes slightly if you wait a while until the next party member has joined)

Caer Bocram: Head to the left and approach Duke for a scene. (The dialog of this scene changes slightly if Duke was spoken to at Deidon Hold)

After entering Dahngrest

Dahngrest: In the Guild’s Union HQ, Talk to the NPC in the far left of the room. With enough title points, Accept his request to get Girly Bunny Ears and Bunny Guild Badge. (Bunny Guild 1/14) (This and subsequent steps are generally not doable this early in a first playthrough! It is always available, but is listed here as the first opportunity for EX New Game purposes)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Full-frame Glasses. (Bunny Guild 2/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Top Knot. (Bunny Guild 3/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Small Pipe. (Bunny Guild 4/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Prince. (Bunny Guild 5/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Cute Bunny Ears. (Bunny Guild 6/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Hanging Prince. (Bunny Guild 7/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Pirate Bunny Ears. (Bunny Guild 8/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Doggy Jerky. (Bunny Guild 9/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Justice Bunny Ears. (Bunny Guild 10/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Kitty. (Bunny Guild 11/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Red Bunny Ears. (Bunny Guild 12/14)

Dahngrest: With enough title points, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Dog Face. (Bunny Guild 13/14) (Bunny Guild 14/14 is not available presently)

First passage through Keiv Moc

Keiv Moc: Take the lower route at the first opportunity (the first tree trunk) to get Karol’s “Bug Breath” base arte.

Keiv Moc: Take the lower route at the first opportunity (the first tree trunk) and continue onward for a scene.

In Ghasfarost

Ghasfarost: When the party arrives, Ghasfarost may be exited and Dhangrest returned to. (This is new in Definitive. It might allow getting Bunny Guild 14/14 earlier since Judith is in the party.)

Chapter 2 – North

After leaving Dahngrest

World Map: Enter Dahngrest for a scene.

Ghasfarost: Enter the prison room for a scene. (Brionac B 1/5)

After camping

World Map: If no items have been used in battle yet, the skit “Items? Who Needs Items?” appears. Watch this to get Yuri’s “Item Hater” title. (This is also available using a skit viewer later on if all skits have been unlocked using GRADE.)

Missable note: In Heliord when arriving at the lower part of town for the first time, make sure to Talk to two knights for battles as these have the unique enemies “Knight Fencer K” and “Knight Lancer K”. These were not present in the Xbox 360 version.

Returning to Capua Torim

Capua Torim: To the right of Fortune’s Market (HQ), Talk to the woman facing a palm tree for a scene. (Blastia destroyer 1/3)

After the first Fiertia appearance on the World Map

(Note: At this point it’s fastest to defeat the mermen now and do the following section alongside this to avoid two trips to Zaphias via Ehmead Hill. Alternatively, clear the Atherum too and go there by sea.)

Capua Nor: Rest at Inn “Pollux” for a scene.

Capua Nor: At the far end of town, Talk to the Dice Master counter. Victories in Chapter 2 give a “Bottle Set” of Life Bottle x1, Panacea Bottle x1, Holy Bottle x1, Dark Bottle x1, Syrup Bottle x1 and Nectar Bottle x1. (Dice Master 2/3)

World Map: Directly north of Halure, Enter King of Adventure and rest at the Wandering Traveler for a scene. (This introduces Giganto Monsters: Talk to Rich after defeating each Giganto for a trophy reward. This can be done at any time during the course of the game.)

Halure: By the entrance to Inn “Denebola”, Talk to the man in green to get Raven’s “Arrivederci” arte. (Sicily 1/8)

Halure: Talk to the children standing by the tree to get Veil. (Halure spirit 2/5)

Aspio: With at least 619 entries in the Collector’s Book, traverse the lower stairs inside the library (containing Lounge “Book Shelf”) for a scene. (Collector’s Book 2/3) (This was 529 on the Xbox 360 version, and has increased in Definitive as it checks for 50% completion)

Deidon Hold: Talk to the man outside the Store Room and Clear the warehouse minigame to get Miracle Gel x2, Spicy Potion x1, Limit Bottle x3 and 2000 Gald. (Warehouse Master 1/5)

Zaphias: Go to the Noble’s Quarter for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 2/11)

Zaphias: In the Noble’s Quarter, head to the entrance of Mordio’s Residence and Talk to Shel for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 3/11)

Zaphias: In the Public Quarter, head to the benches and speak to the group consisting of Lune, Ted and another child to get Yuri’s “Tiger Blade” arte and “Kingdom Celeb” title. (Dark Enforcer 4/11) (Note: Sequencing is fiddly here, as parts 2 to 4 can be done later in the story after parts 5 and 6)

Zaphias: In the Lower Quarter, Talk to the distressed woman for a scene. (Nora 1/3)

Zaphias: In the Public Quarter, Talk to Estelle or Rita for a scene. (Nora 2/3)

Zaphias: Move through the Noble’s Quarter for a scene. (Nora 3/3)

Capua Nor: Head towards the Magistrate’s Palace and Talk to Sicily to get Raven’s “Vacance” skill and “Twilight Dreamer” title. (Sicily 2/8)

Capua Torim: At the far east, Talk to the man outside the Torim Warehouse and Clear the warehouse minigame to get Power Light x1, Lottery Gel x3, Golden Horn x1 and 2000 Gald. (Warehouse Master 2/5)

After defeating the mermen

Capua Torim: Head toward the liner service counter to get the Marking Map and Repede’s “Fated One” title. (Dog Map 1/6)

Zaphias: In the Public Quarter by the exit to the Noble’s Quarter, Talk to the dog to get Friendship Fur Ball. (Dog Map 2/6)

After Atherum

Capua Nor: Outside the front entrance to Inn “Pollux”, Talk to the woman to get the “Seafood Bowl” recipe. (This is stand-alone, but the dialog of this scene changes slightly if an earlier stand-alone scene in Heliord was seen)

Capua Nor: Go to the alley for a scene. (This is missable and stops being available later on in the game.)

Chapter 2 – South

After arriving in Nordopolica

Nordopolica: Before you Talk to Natz, Talk to Tokunaga for a scene. (This scene appears to be removed in Definitive! It detailed the Fiertia’s maintenance and upgrade costs)

Nordopolica: Toward the town exit, Talk to the spectacled merchant for a scene. (Blastia destroyer 2/3) (This might not be a dependent sequence; if not but “part 1” was done, this scene mentions it)

Nordopolica: As you travel toward the Coliseum, Talk to Drake for a scene. (Drake 2/8)

After the storyline use of the Nordopolica inn

Nordopolica: In the Coliseum lobby, head up the stairs towards Duke for a scene. (Stand-alone)

Nordopolica: Toward the town exit, Talk to the couple with emotes displaying over their heads for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 5/11)

Nordopolica: Rest at Inn “Fomalhaut” to get Yuri’s “Shining Eagle” arte. (Dark Enforcer 6/11)

After defeating Pteropus

Weasand of Cados: Approach the aer krene for a scene. (This is missable; it can be done after leaving Cados but does not last until the next mandatory visit)

After entering Mantaic

Mantaic: Talk to the back of the palm tree between the Wonder Chef for Curry and a nearby knight for a scene. (Wonder Reporter 3/3)

After the storyline use of the Mantaic inn

Mantaic: Rest at Inn “Antares” to get Mother’s Memento. (This is required for Secret Mission 17)

Mantaic: Rest at Inn “Antares” to get Judith’s “Moonlight Talon” arte. (Note: In the Xbox 360 version, this happened on the first inn use rather than the Mother’s Memento scene; they have been switched in Definitive, probably to reduce the chances of missing the Secret Mission)

After the party splits In Yormgen

Yormgen: Inside Inn “Septentriones”, Talk to Patty to get Patty’s “Dry-eyed Dame” title. (Yes this is missable.)

Returning to Mantaic

Mantaic: At the path to the right near the back of town, Talk to Alph and Layla to lose Glass Marble and get Hourglass. (Allegedly it is possible to get Miracle Gel or Lottery Gel instead; through a few dozen retries across both versions I have never observed this but they have been reported in the comments of this guide)

After Mantaic is liberated

(Note: The town must be “reset” before these work. This is done by leaving and re-Entering the main town area, either by a town exit to the World Map or using the Inn “Antares”.)

Mantaic: Approach the area before Inn “Antares” for a scene. (Guild job #1 1/5)

Mantaic: Towards the oasis, Talk to the man in a vest and accept the job. (Guild job #1 2/5) (Job intel: Client: Yu Seron. Reward: (4200 – 30%) 3000 Gald)

Mantaic: Just outside Inn “Antares”, Talk to the man in a purple bandana to get Book of Friendship and Comrade Crest. (Guild job #1 3/5) (Job intel: Description: Take book to Nobis Celestial)

Mantaic: Go through the arch to the right of Inn “Antares” and Talk to the cow kid. Give him an Apple Gel to get Milk. (Kowz 1/5)

After leaving Nordopolica

Zaphias: In the Lower Quarter, Enter Yuri’s Room to get Bread.

Heliord: Talk to the excited pair near the right exit to get Patty’s “Search Gald” base arte and “Gald Hunter” title. (The pair are called Herath and Cotton)

Dahngrest: Talk to Sassoon (to the left of the bar) to get new accessories and titles based on mixing existing accessories and titles. This feature remains available for the rest of the game; it does not consume the originals.

After Karol rejoins aboard the Fiertia

Dahngrest: Rest at Inn “Arcturus” to get Karol’s “Insomniac” title.

Dahngrest: Rest at Inn “Arcturus” repeatedly to get Karol’s “Special” skill. You get it on the fourth of four scenes. (In the Xbox 360 version, there was only a 1 in 3 chance to get a scene each use of the inn!)

Dahngrest: Enter Tavern “Saggitarius” for a scene. When you leave you’ll get Imperial Crest. (Drake 3/8)

Dahngrest: Enter Tavern “Saggitarius” for a scene. (Ladies’ Man 1/4)

World Map: Enter Shaikos Ruins for a scene. (Ruins’ Gate 1/2) (This can be done in the next set to save on travel time.)

Chapter 2 – Freedom

After Ba’ul joins

World Map: Enter Aer Krene (Desier), Aer Krene (Tolbyccia), Aer Krene (Ilyccia) or Aer Krene (Yorzorea) for a scene. (There’s little point to doing so here, it’s the same scene you can’t miss during the fell arms sequence later on and can actually be done earlier. Tolbyccia could be reached with the Fiertia)

Nordopolica: Approach the coliseum for a scene.

Nordopolica: Outside of the coliseum entrance, Talk to the stationary man dressed in white for a scene. (Ruins’ Gate 2/2)

Nordopolica: Having cooked enough, Talk to the bespectacled man to the right of the Fortune’s Market vendor for a scene. (Amazing Chef 1/2) (Allegedly this requires cooking 600 times and Patty to have 3 recipes “Mastered!”)

Nordopolica: The arena opens with the first three battle types: Thirty Man Melee (Entry fee: 3,000 Gald. Prize: 6,000 Gald, Apple Gel x3, Orange Gel x3), Fifty Man Melee (Entry fee: 5,000 Gald. Prize: 10,000 Gald, Apple Gel x3, Orange Gel x3) and Eighty Man Melee (Entry fee: 8,000 Gald. Prize: 16,000 Gald, Pineapple Gel x3, Lemon Gel x3). The first successful run in any level also gives Limit Bottle x3. (I’m not sure it does in Definitive)

Nordopolica: In the coliseum, Talk to Natz for a scene and access to the area he guards. (Nothing available there yet)

Capua Torim: Talk to the vendor in front of the nearest cart to the town exit. (Seafood Stew 1/4) (This scene gets a very brief extension if done later with Flynn in the party.)

Capua Torim: With a Napa Cabbage, Tofu, Kelp, Scallop, Salmon, Squid and Shrimp (all ingredients), Talk to the vendor in front of the nearest cart to the town exit to lose those items. (Seafood Stew 2/4) (On the first playthrough, Napa Cabbage isn’t available until Egothor Forest (enemies) or Myorzo (shop).)

Dahngrest: At the center of town, Talk to the stationary woman dressed in white for a scene. (Ladies’ Man 2/4)

Dahngrest: Outside of Tavern “Crimson Stars”, Talk to the stationary woman dressed in a pink apron for a scene. (Ladies’ Man 3/4)

Dahngrest: Approach Guild’s Union HQ to get Raven’s “Ladies’ Man” title. (Ladies’ Man 4/4)

Dahngrest: Enter Guild’s Union HQ for a scene. (Raven the diplomat 1/3)

Dahngrest: With enough titles, Talk to the Bunny Guild master to get Black Bunny Ears. (Bunny Guild 14/14) (This is the first time it can be done, unless it is available by leaving Ghasfarost late in Chapter 1)

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius”, Talk to the middle bartender to play the serving game. Clear all three levels with everyone to get Estelle’s “Gracious Waitress” title, Karol’s “Lunch Lady” title, Rita’s “Catgirl Waitress”, Raven’s “Gentleman” title and Judith’s “Glamorous Maid” title. Rewards in Chapter 2 give some Gald. (Serving game 1/2) (In the Xbox 360 version, Rita’s title was called “Kitty Kat Waitress”; it has been renamed for reasons unknown)

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius” with a Sharp Blade and a Flare Stone (both synthesis materials), Talk to the man at the right side of the counter to lose those items and get the Kitchen Knife. (Seafood Stew 3/4)

Capua Torim: Talk to the vendor in front of the nearest cart to the town exit to lose the Kitchen Knife and get the “Seafood Stew” recipe. (Seafood Stew 4/4)

Capua Nor: With at least 241 entries in the Monster Book, head towards the far end of town for a scene. (Monster Book 1/2) (This can be done before the scene for resting in Mantaic; the dialog doesn’t change in either scene for doing so, though this does make it seem out of place) (This was 182 on the Xbox 360 version, and has increased in Definitive as it checks for 50% completion)

Ehmead Hill: Head to the enclosed area near the west entrance to get Fire Lily. (Casey 1/4)

Ehmead Hill: Approach the gravestone a little to the left of the cliff peninsula for a scene. (Elucifer 2/2)

Ehmead Hill: Approach the broken barrier blastia from the right for a scene. (Hermes’ Notes 1/5) (This scene may be missable; if so the sidequest can still be started from 2/5.)

Aspio: In the library building, Check the book shelf to the left of Fortune’s Market (Aspio) to get Hermes’ Notes. (Hermes’ Notes 2/5) (In late Chapter 3 you can get Hermes’ Notes from a mage in Capua Torim at Inn “Pollux T”)

Capua Torim: Enter Inn “Pollux T” to lose Book of Friendship and get Rainbow Bookmark. (Guild job #1 4/5)

Capua Torim: Rest at Inn “Pollux T” to get Rita’s “Negative Gate” arte. (Hermes’ Notes 3/5)

Capua Torim: To the right of Fortune’s Market (HQ), Talk to the woman facing a palm tree for a scene. (Blastia destroyer 3/3) (If part 2 is not part of the sequence, then the dialog of this scene changes depending on whether or not it was done)

Capua Torim: Enter Fortune’s Market (HQ) for a scene. (Raven the diplomat 2/3)

Capua Torim: In Fortune’s Market (HQ), Talk to Kaufman for a scene. (Brionac B 2/5)

Mantaic: Just outside Inn “Antares”, Talk to the man in a grey bandana to lose Rainbow Bookmark and get 3000 Gald. (Guild job #1 5/5)

Mantaic: Go through the arch to the right of Inn “Antares” and Talk to Kowz. Give him a Trident to get Rice, Potato, Onion and Carrot. (Kowz 2/5)

Mantaic: Talk to the stationary couple by the left building near the center of town, and also Talk to the man sat talking to children at the oasis for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 7/11) (Talking to the couple may not be necessary, in which case it simply changes the dialog of the scene)

Mantaic: Rest at Inn “Antares”. During the night, approach the oasis for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 8/11)

Mantaic: Enter Inn “Antares” and “Yes” to staying the night for a scene. (If doing this immediately after Dark Enforcer part 8 you will need to leave and re-enter town for this to trigger.) (Other sources claim you need to have learned Bug Breath at Keiv Moc, though nothing links the two scenes.)

Dahngrest: In Fortune’s Market (Dahngrest), Talk to the shopkeeper for a scene. (Brionac B 3/5)

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius”, Talk to the right bartender for a scene. (Guild job #2 1/7) (Job intel: Client: Rhianna Kale. Reward: 4500 Gald)

Dahngrest: In Inn “Arcturus”, Talk to the stationary red-haired woman for a scene. (Guild job #2 2/7) (Job intel: Description: Recover an Everlight Necklace)

Dahngrest: Traverse the town’s eastern bridge for a scene. (Guild job #2 3/7)

Heliord: In the Labor Camp head towards the dock for a scene. (Guild job #2 4/7)

Heliord: In the Labor Camp, Talk to the stationary woman in front of the tent near the toilet for a scene. (Guild job #2 5/7)

Heliord: With a Bird Feather (Small), in the Labor Camp, Talk to the stationary woman in front of the tent near the toilet to lose Bird Feather (Small) and get Everlight Necklace. (Guild job #2 6/7) (Talk to her again afterwards for an amusing line.)

Dahngrest: In Inn “Arcturus”, Talk to the stationary red-haired woman to lose Everlight Necklace. (Guild job #2 7/7)

World map: Use a Mat (or similar) to reach 50% control of the Dog Map for a scene. (Dog Map 3/6). (This is probably technically able to trigger earlier, but Ba’ul may be needed to access 50% of the Dog Map)

Dahngrest: Talk to the cat at the eastern bridge for a scene and protection of Repede’s territory in the nearby area. (Dog Map 4/6) (This may be possible before 3/6 and instead dependent on Repede having full control of the area)

In case you’ve forgotten the actual story part after all that, it’s continued by landing Ba’ul at the crag in the Sands of Kogorh!

Chapter 2 – Pursuit

After entering Myorzo

Myorzo: Do the warehouse challenge to get Flare Stone x1, Frost Stone x1, Air Stone x1, Geo Stone x1, Dragoon Boots, Hourglass x2, and 2000 Gald. (Warehouse Master 3/5) (In the Xbox 360 version the second chest contained All Divide x2 instead of Dragoon Boots)

After leaving Myorzo

Myorzo: Rest at the room you’re given for a scene.

After Yormgen

Mantaic: Move towards the western exit to get Flynn’s “Mark of Knighthood” title.

Note: When approaching Baction to proceed the story, there are two versions of the party’s dialog depending on whether the approach is made by land or air.

While in Baction

Baction: In the room in BF1 with paths you can fall off, fall for a scene. (Magic Lantern 1/3)

Baction: In the room in BF1 with paths you can fall off, fall twice more to get Magic Lantern. (Magic Lantern 2/3)

Baction: In the room in BF1 with paths you can fall off, fall once more for a scene. (Magic Lantern 3/3)

Note: When approaching the Heracles to proceed the story, the party’s dialog gets a slight extension when approaching by sea.

After the storyline passage of the Quoi Woods

Deidon Hold: Enter the Guard Station (to the right of the gate), go up the stairs on the far side of the room, go up the ladder, then head left and Talk to Duke for a scene.

After the Sword Stair

Reminder: The below is a sidequest that was available much earlier but hasn’t been for a while due to party member availability. It’s mentioned again as it’s much more likely the Collector’s Book is filled by now on a first playthrough.

Aspio: With at least 619 entries in the Collector’s Book, traverse the lower stairs inside the library (containing Lounge “Book Shelf”) for a scene. (Collector’s Book 2/3) (This was 529 on the Xbox 360 version, and has increased in Definitive as it checks for 50% completion)

The below are first-time sidequests.

Capua Torim: At the bottom of the stairs to the docks, head right to get Salvage Crane and reinforce the Fiertia’s hull. (Sicily 3/8) (Sea Teachings 1/5) (The reinforcement is not an item, but a World Map ability to sail over shallows)

Capua Nor: With the Salvage Crane, head toward the notice board left of the entrance. Pay the 1,000 gald. (Sea Teachings 2/5) (If you say No, you can Talk to Zarshaan again to do so)

Capua Nor: Head left towards the Magistrate’s Palace and Talk to Duke for a scene.

World Map: Starting from Heliord, fly directly south until finding a salvage point in the sea to the left. Check this to get Miso, Radish, Egg, Potato, Kelp, and a scene which automatically uses all of them. (Sea Teachings 3/5)

Heliord: To the right of the town’s blastia, Talk to Pauly for a scene. (Nanny 1/2)

Heliord: Approach any town exit for a fight to get Repede’s “Special” skill and “Nanny” title. (Nanny 2/2) (Despite two dialog suggestions, this can be any town exit)

Dahngrest: Head towards Inn “Arcturus” to get Flynn’s “Emperor of the Night” title.

World Map: In the northernmost forest on the north-western continent, Enter Yumanju. Enter the building and Talk to the receptionist for a scene. (Hot spring 1/13) (This is probably not necessary for future parts) (Warning: The expensive inn is just a regular inn; it has no sidequest involvement)

Mt. Temza: Enter the area and walk forwards a little to lose the Fire Lily and gain the Compact of Remembrance. (Casey 2/4)

World Map: Enter Phaeroh’s Crag for a scene. (Labyrinth of Memories 1/9)

Phaeroh’s Crag: Approach the phantom rift for access to Yormgen (Past). (Labyrinth of Memories 2/9) (This becomes unavailable after Chapter 2 ends)

Yormgen (Past): At the top of town, Enter the Sage’s Home and Talk to the Sage for a scene. (Labyrinth of Memories 3/9) (This might become unavailable after Chapter 2 ends as well)

Yormgen (Past): Talk to the Sage and Rest for a scene. (Labyrinth of Memories 4/9) (This one might not be necessary for the sequence, but it does reference Lilith Aileron from Tales of Destiny)

Yormgen (Past): Talk to the Sage for a scene. (Labyrinth of Memories 5/9) (Not necessary for the sequence; it’s just backstory for Myorzo)

Mantaic: Go through the arch to the right of Inn “Antares” and Talk to Kowz. Give him a Poison Ward, Paralyze Ward and Stone Ward to get Flare Cape x3. (Kowz 3/5)

Nordopolica: Near Belius’ Room, Talk to the man outside the Nordopolica Warehouse and Clear the warehouse minigame to get Specific x3, Treat x3, Paralysis Ward and 2000 Gald. (Warehouse Master 4/5)

Myorzo: Enter Elder’s Residence to get Abyssion. (Fell arms 1/11)

World Map: Use a Mat, Simple Mat, Tent or Barrier to get Flynn’s “Dazzling Spin” arcane arte. (Other guides say “repeatedly”; this may need an accumulated total uses of these items for it to trigger)

World Map: Fly with Ba’ul for a short time once 4 fell arms are owned for a scene (Fell arms 5/11) (This is a premature scene when bringing 4+ unpowered fell arms into an EX New Game)

Note: When approaching Zaude to proceed, the party’s dialog gets a slight extension when approaching by air.

While in Zaude

Zaude: In the area after the first water area, take the exit toward the screen and approach the entrance guards for a scene. (This is just a short “can’t go this way” – memo to self, consider removal)

Chapter 3 – Regroup (1/2)

After leaving Zaphias

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius”, Talk to the middle bartender to play the serving game. Rewards in Chapter 3 give more gald. (Serving game 2/2) (You can still get the titles in Chapter 3.)

Dahngrest: Cooking Station “Bistro Black Hole” now has a shop, selling every ingredient in the game. Yumanju already did in late Chapter 2. (This is not a sidequest.)

After Rita rejoins

Capua Nor: At the far end of town, Talk to the Dice Master counter. Victories in Chapter 3 give a “Super Gel Set” of Apple Gel x1, Lemon Gel x1, Orange Gel x1, Pineapple Gel x1, Miracle Gel x1 and Lottery Gel x1. (Dice Master 3/3)

After everyone rejoins (1/2)

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius”, Talk to guild quest NPC for a scene. (False Dein Nomos 1/3)

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius”, Talk to guild quest NPC to get Ghasfarost, Basement Key. (False Dein Nomos 2/3)

Dahngrest: In Fortune’s Market (Dahngrest), speak to the “…” knight to be able to Open the storeroom. It contains (C) F Statue, Poison Ward and Stun Bracelet. (Collection 1/8) (The latter two are hidden.)

Dahngrest: Near the town’s right exit, Talk to the man in a purple bandana for a scene. (Guild job #3 1/7) (This is Yu Yevon from job #1.)

Ghasfarost: Enter the main doors, then Check the device by the stairs to the left. Then use the Sorcerer’s Ring on it and take the stairs that were previously unusable to get False Dein Nomos. (False Dein Nomos 3/3)

Heliord: Approach the town’s central blastia for a scene.

Heliord: At Inn & Shop, Talk to the Fortune’s Market (Heliord) clerk to get one of: Estelle’s “Enchanting Belle” title, Karol’s “Girly” title or Judith’s “Sultry Tempest” title. (Seduction outfits 1/4) (This is decided by the character you chose to seduce the guard in early Chapter 2. The scene’s dialog changes depending on who this is.)

Heliord: With Cheagle Fur, Spirit Fragment, Sacred Tree x2 and Cockatrice Claw x2, Talk to the Fortune’s Market (Heliord) clerk to get one of the other two titles mentioned immediately above. (Seduction outfits 2/4) (The order is predetermined: Estelle and Judith are ahead of Karol. I don’t know who is second if Karol is first. Cheagle Fur can be found at this point only at the shell in the rough waters north of Eastern Island of Ilyccia (southeast of Shaikos Ruins).)

Heliord: With Cheagle Fur, Spirit Fragment, Sacred Tree x2 and Cockatrice Claw x2, Talk to the Fortune’s Market (Heliord) clerk to get the remaining title mentioned above. (Seduction outfits 3/4)

Heliord: In the Labor Camp head towards the dock for a scene. (Sicily 4/8)

Heliord: After 10 battles, head towards the dock for a scene. (Sicily 5/8)

Heliord: Talk to Barrelow X near the Labor Camp town entrance for a scene, jarnk. (Sicily 6/8) (Karol’s “Gaia Bug” arte gets a minor buff: 10% of the time he will pull out Karolow X which deals more damage.)

Capua Torim: Talk to the man at the town’s land exit and agree to the job. (Guild job #3 2/7) (This is Nobis Celestial from job #1; in the Xbox 360 version he was found at the port instead.)

Capua Torim: Head to the top of the stairs to the docks for a scene. (Casey 3/4) (Drake 4/8) (This can be done before Casey 1/4 and 2/4.)

Capua Torim: In the lighthouse, Talk to the lady for a scene. (Lighthouse 1/4) (In the Xbox 360 version there’s a red-haired NPC girl taking about becoming a pirate instead of this lady.)

Capua Torim: In the lighthouse, Climb the ladder for a scene. (Lighthouse 2/4)

Capua Torim: In Patty’s room, Check the door, the flag with an anchor, the photo and the boat with a doll on it for short scenes. (Lighthouse 3/4) (In the Xbox 360 version, the decorations are missing. The drawers named a girl as “Pa…?” here.)

Capua Torim: In Patty’s room, Climb Down the ladder for a scene. (Lighthouse 4/4) (After doing this, the drawers in Patty’s room can be checked for the same “Pa…?” message!)

Capua Torim: In front of the vendor carts in front of and a little right of the Inn “Pollux T”, Talk to the woman and donate 500,000 Gald. (Drake 5/8)

Capua Torim: Head to the town’s land exit to get Estelle’s “Noble Princess” title. (Drake 6/8)

Dahngrest: Enter the Inn “Arcturus” for a scene. (Guild job #3 3/7) (This involves Rhianna from job #2.)

Yumanju: Enter the building and Talk to the receptionist. Pay 300,000 Gald for a scene. (Hot spring 2/13)

World Map: Fly above Mt. Temza for a scene. (Race on Ba’ul 1/3)

Mt. Temza: At the end of the area, Check the red stone by the second crater to the right of the green warp to get Everlight Ore. (Guild job #3 4/7)

Mt. Temza: Either backtrack on foot (ignoring the green warp) or use the green warp and advance into Mt Temza a second time for a scene. (Guild job #3 5/7) (This scene is missable by taking the green warp and not returning, or if you’re near the end of the game.)

Mt. Temza: Leave the area for a scene. (Guild job #3 6/7)

Mantaic: Go through the arch to the right of Inn “Antares” and Talk to Kowz. Give him All-Divide and Hourglass to get Apple Gel, Lemon Gel, Orange Gel, Pineapple Gel, Melange Gel and Miracle Gel. (Kowz 4/5)

Nordopolica: The arena enables Hundred Man Melee (Entry fee: 10,000 Gald. Prize: 20,000 Gald, Lemon Gel x3, Pineapple Gel x3) (Not really a sidequest.)

Myorzo: Enter Elder’s Residence and Check the scripture in front of the mural to get Bush Baby Doll. (Astion 1/2)

Myorzo: Immediately after the above, leave and re-Enter Elder’s Residence and Check the scripture for a scene.

Capua Torim: Talk to the man at the town’s land exit of town to lose the Everlight Ore and get 5,000 Gald. (Guild job #3 7/7)

Chapter 3 – Regroup (2/2)

After everyone rejoins (2/2)

Dahngrest: In Tavern “Saggitarius”, Talk to the guild quest NPC and agree to the job. (Guild job #4 1/9)

Dahngrest: Rest at Inn “Arcturus”. (Hot spring 3/13) (No scene, just needed to progress. Any Inn works and Dahngrest’s is on the route.)

Yumanju: Enter the building and Talk to the receptionist. Pay 600,000 Gald for a scene. (Hot spring 4/13)

Aspio: At the far left of the central area, Talk to Tort to lose Bush Baby Doll and get Estelle’s Astion arte. (Astion 2/2) (Later in the game, Tort is in Deidon Hold instead.)

Deidon Hold: At the tents, Talk to the man or any of the dogs. Answer Woof! (Yes) to play the snowboarding mini-game. Finish Course 1 faster than 1’10”00 and select End game to get Repede’s “Snow Delivery Dog” title and unlock Course 2. (Snowboarding 1/9)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Researcher attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 2 faster than 2’45”00 to get Rita’s “Puppy Pajamas” title and unlock Courses 3 and 4. (Snowboarding 2/9) (Overdrive Researcher is found in a deeper part of Shaikos Ruins, which opened up after Zaude. You do NOT need to use the “Snow Delivery Dog” title. There are more titles available but they require accessories not available at this point.)

Zaphias: In the Noble’s Quarter, approach the castle entrance for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 9/11)

Zaphias: Leave and re-enter the Noble’s Quarter, then approach the area just to the left of the castle entrance to get Yuri’s “Dark Enforcer” title. (Dark Enforcer 10/11)

Zaphias: In the Public Quarter at the nearest bench to the town entrance, Talk to Leblanc to get Raven’s “Imperial Knights Captain” title. (Raven the diplomat 3/3) (This may not be the same sequence, but it does reference parts 1 and 2.)

Zaphias: In the Lower Quarter in front of the fountain, Talk to Leblanc for a scene. (Guild job #4 2/9) (This can be done immediately after the above despite the lack of screen transition.)

Zaphias: In Inn & Tavern “Comet”, Talk to the blue-haired woman for a scene. (Guild job #4 3/9)

Zaude: Approach the Yeager battle area for a scene with a battle to lose the Compact of Remembrance and get the Divine Cannon and Letter of Challenge (L. Claw). (Casey 4/4) (Important: Use Repede’s “Thievery” arte to get Gauche Sword and Droite Sword, not available elsewhere.)

Manor of the Wicked: Enter the area and walk forwards a little for a scene. (Guild job #4 4/9)

Dahngrest: Near the town’s right exit, Talk to the man in a purple bandana to get Letter to Leviathan’s Claw. (Guild job #4 5/9)

Manor of the Wicked: Enter the area for a scene with a battle. (Guild job #4 6/9)

Zaphias: Approach Inn & Tavern “Comet” for a scene. (Guild job #4 7/9)

Zaphias: Following immediately above is a choice: Either Talk to Mumula and Sebastian and select “Accept” to get 200 Gald and an Apple Gel, or go to the fountain and Talk to Leblanc to get a better reward later. Both give different scenes, though the voiced part is the same. (Guild job #4 8/9)

Dahngrest: If you didn’t accept Mimula’s reward, in Inn “Saggitarius”, Talk to the guild quest NPC for 6,000 Gald. (Guild job #4 9/9)

Dahngrest: In Inn “Saggitarius”, Talk to the guild quest NPC and choose “Accept job”. (Guild job #5 1/4) (This can be done immediately after the above.)

Dahngrest: In Guild’s Union HQ, Talk to the pair at the far right-hand side of the lobby for a scene (Guild job #5 2/4) (Brief reminder: When going to Baction, fly north and use the map edges to save time.)

Baction: Enter the shrine, Climb Down the ladder, travel NNWNE. Take the stairs, then travel EESSWSS. Check the shovel. (Guild job #5 3/4) (Some of the walls require shooting with the Sorcerer’s Ring Lv. 3 to pass.)

Dahngrest: In Guild’s Union HQ, Talk to the pair at the far right-hand side of the lobby to lose Shovel and get 5,500 Gald. (Guild job #5 4/4)

Chapter 3 – Spirit

After Undine appears

Halure: By the great tree, Talk to any of the children to get Estelle’s “Fairy Tale Weaver” title.(Halure spirit 3/5)

Halure: Approach the great tree to get Estelle’s “Force Field” arte. (Halure spirit 4/5) (If done immediately after part 3, you need to change areas. The fastest way is to Enter and Exit Inn “Denebola”.)

Myorzo: At the near-right of the “warehouse area” screen, Talk to the child to race on Ba’ul. Clear LEVEL 3 to get Krones’ Dew. Clear LEVEL 5 and quit to get an Ultimate Red Cape and Judith’s “Super Dragon Rider” title. (Race on Ba’ul 2/3) (Krones’ Dew lets Ba’ul land on Zopheir.)

Myorzo: With Total Number of FSs (fatal strikes) at least 1000, at the near-right of the “warehouse area” screen, Talk to the child to get Judith’s “Into the Sky” title. (Race on Ba’ul 3/3)

After defeating Daybreaker and Nightbreaker

World Map: Check the salvage point immediately west of Nordopolica to get Cheagle Fur x1, Spirit Fragment x1, Sacred Tree x2, Cockatrice Claw x2, and a scene which automatically uses all of them to get Patty’s “Head-turner” title. (Sea Teachings 4/5, Seduction outfits 4/4)

Myorzo: In Elder’s Residence, Talk to the elder for a scene. (Sundering Moon 1/2)

Dahngrest: Rest at Inn “Arcturus” for a scene.

World Map: Enter Aspio for a scene. (Meteor Storm 1/4)

Aspio: Head to the center area for a scene. (Meteor Storm 2/4)

Aspio: Sleep at Lounge “Book Shelf”. (Meteor Storm 3/4) (Nothing happens, it’s just a requisite step. Aspio’s inn is the closest; other town inns also work, but a Mat or the King of Adventure do not.)

Aspio: Head to the center area to get Rita’s “Meteor Storm” arte. (Meteor Storm 4/4) (Later in the game, this can be done at Heliord instead.)

At this point the game needs progressing in three areas – Phaeroh’s Crag, the Erealumen Crystallands and Relewiese Hollow. Going to Phaeroh’s Crag before Erealumen extends scenes in Erealumen. Going to Erealumen before Relewiese extends a scene half-way down Relewiese, and going to Relewiese before Erealumen gives a minor extension to the boss scene at Erealumen. There are no extensions for visiting Phaeroh’s Crag last.

After Efreet, Gnome and Sylph appear

World Map: As soon as you are next flying with Ba’ul, you get a scene.

World Map: Be flying with Ba’ul for another scene. (This can be delayed for a short while by using the quick-jump but it will eventually be seen.)

World Map: Enter the visible rock formation on The Four Isles, south of Nordopolica. Approach the far end of the first area in Aer Krene (Desier) to get Zarich. (Fell arms 2/11)

Aer Krene (Desier): Enter the cave and travel the left path of the interior to get the Sorcerer’s Ring Lv. 4. Travel the right path of the interior to enter the Sunken Grotto for a scene. (Nothing happens here for now but the area can be explored for treasure.)

Aer Krene (Ilyccia), Aer Krene (Tolbyccia) OR Aer Krene (Yurzorea): In the first area, approach the rock formation for a scene.

Aer Krene (Ilyccia), Aer Krene (Tolbyccia) OR Aer Krene (Yurzorea): In the second area, move to the end of the peninsula in the middle of the spring to get Sorcerer’s Ring Lv. 5. (Each aer krene also has a Sunken Grotto with only treasure for now.)

Keiv Moc: Use the Sorcerer’s Ring Lv. 4 or greater on bushy barriers to get more treasure including Overdrive Old Man and Nebilim. (Fell arms 3/11)

Relewiese Hollow: Use the Sorcerer’s Ring Lv. 4 or greater on bushy barriers and rocks to get more treasure including Overdrive Princess and Mercurius. (Fell arms 4/11)

World Map: Be flying with Ba’ul for a short time with 4 fell arms owned for a scene. (Fell arms 5/11) (This won’t be repeated if the scene was seen at the end of Chapter 2 due to carrying the fell arms into an EX New Game.)

Quoi Woods: Use the Sorcerer’s Ring Lv. 4 or greater on the large vine wall near the Halure-side Exit to access an extra area with trees (that react to the Sorcerer’s Ring to get 2-3 random fruit) and the Chimera Butterfly giganto beast. Open chests here to get treasure including Overdrive Kid and Glasya Labolas (Fell arms 6/11)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Princess attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 1 faster than 1’00”00 to get Estelle’s “Holy Night Delivery Girl” title. (Snowboarding 3/9)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Old Man attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 3 faster than 1’15”00 to get Raven’s “Faux Gentleman” title and unlock Courses 5 and 6. (Snowboarding 4/9)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Kid attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 4 faster than 3’15”00 to get Karol’s “Delivery Reindeer” title. (Snowboarding 5/9)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Lady attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 5 faster than 1’15”00 to get Judith’s “Invitation to a Wonderful Evening” title and unlock Courses 7 and 8. (Snowboarding 6/9)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Warrior attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 6 faster than 3’30”00 to get Yuri’s “Winter’s Night Delivery Man” title. (Snowboarding 7/9) (The accessories and characters for courses 7 and 8 are not available yet.)

Halure: With a complete Collector’s Book, by the fountain Talk to the mage in white to get Estelle’s “Itemania” title. (Collector’s Book 3/3)

Last chance to do the below:

Aspio: With at least 619 entries in the Collector’s Book, traverse the lower stairs inside the library (containing Lounge “Book Shelf”) for a scene. (Collector’s Book 2/3) (This was 529 on the Xbox 360 version, and has increased in Definitive as it checks for 50% completion)

Chapter 3 – Rescue

After Tarqaron appears

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Gymnasium, Talk to the Poker table, then exit and re-enter the Gymnasium to get a poker battle and Judith’s Legendary Gambler title. If you win the game you get 20,000 Gald, if you lose you only get 15,000. (If you have 1,200 or more coins at the end of any turn the game ends with victory immediately.)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Gymnasium, Talk to the Kowz left of the Poker table for a scene. (Miska Doctoral Degree 1/7)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Gymnasium spend 250,000 or more chips overall at the Premiums Counter and leave the Prize Exchange menu for Judith’s Poker Face title. (Poker Face 1/2) (This does not have to be all in one visit.)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Shoe Locker, Talk to Kaufman or the Kowz for a scene. (Poker Face 2/2) (Despite implying a plot thread, nothing comes of this.)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Gymnasium, Talk to the Antlionz just before the stage area to play Tales of Draspi. Then play 30 times to get Raven’s “Hardcore Gamer” title and an Ultimate Blue Cape. (Cancelling at the title screen before playing each time still counts.)

Yumanju: Inside, Talk to the man at the far left to get a Tiara. (Collection 2/8) (Apparently this also needs Judith’s Legendary Gambler earning before he appears. Check next playthrough.)

Yumanju: Inside, use the Yumanju toy dispenser in the far left to get (C) B Statue, (C) H Statue and (C) J Statue. (Collection 3/8) (These can only drop after part 2; there is no need to leave and re-enter the screen to enable them. They are random drops that do not drop in any set order.)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Gymnasium, use the gel toy dispenser (10 chips) to get (C) S Statue, the bottle toy dispenser (50 chips) to get (C) I Statue and (C) N Statue, the weapon toy dispenser (100 chips) to get (C) P Statue and (C) R Statue, and the food toy dispenser (500 chips) to get (C) M Statue. (Collection 4/8) (These only drop after part 2. In the Xbox 360 version the rest of this sidequest was available now but Definitive adds a dependency that means it cannot be completed until later.)

Heliord: In the back room of Chevaliers’ HQ, Check the bookshelves to get “Urban Planning for Bustling Cities”. (Miska Doctoral Degree 2/7)

King of Adventure: After all 11 Giganto Monsters have been defeated, Talk to Rich to get Karol’s “Valiant Swordsman” title. (Gigantos Defeated 1/4) (Reminder: King of Adventure is north-west of Halure.)

Capua Torim: In Fortune’s Market (HQ), Check the bookshelves to get “Reflections on the Scent of the Sea”. (Miska Doctoral Degree 3/7)

Capua Torim: Talk to the man standing beneath a palm left of Fortune’s Market (HQ) for a scene. (Gigantos Defeated 2/4)

Capua Torim: If Karol has the “Girly” title, Rest at Inn “Pollux T” for a scene. (The title doesn’t need to be set.)

King of Adventure: Talk to Rich for a scene. (Gigantos Defeated 3/4)

Halure: In Halure Elder’s Residence Check the left side of the central area to get “The Village Carpeted with Flowers”. (Miska Doctoral Degree 4/7)

World Map: Fly over Zaphias for a scene. (Core thieves 1/3)

Zaphias: Enter the town via the Royal Quarter & Gate for a scene. (Core thieves 2/3) All three entrances provide the same scene, this one is just the fastest. In the Xbox 360 version this scene only happened when moving between the Lower Quarter and Public Quarter.

Zaphias: Approach the castle for a scene. (Core thieves 3/3)

Zaphias: In the castle, Enter Estellise’s Room for a scene. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 1/7)

Zaphias: In Yuri’s Room, Check the bed and rest to get Estelle’s “Best Friends” title and Rita’s “Estelle’s Best Friend” title.

Renansula Hollow: Approach the gravestones for a scene.

Mantaic: In Inn “Antares”, Check the bookshelf by the beds to get “The Legend that Sleeps in Searing Sands”. (Miska Doctoral Degree 5/7) (The last book is not available yet.)

Zaude: Proceed to the inner sanctum (the Alexei boss area) to get Great Pirate Symbol and access to Necropolis of Nostalgia. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 2/7) (Maris Stella and Maris Gemma are not lost; the former remains usable in battle.)

Necropolis of Nostalgia: Progress through Firmament, collecting Seven-Branched Blade from a Treasure Chest (Red) on 8F. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 3/7) (Fell arms 7/11)

Necropolis of Nostalgia: Progress through Existence, collecting Corbis from a Treasure Chest (Red) on 9F. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 4/7) (Fell arms 8/11)

Note: When approaching Northeastern Hypionia to proceed, the party’s dialog gets a slight extension when approaching by land.

After using Vesperia No. 1

Dahngrest: Move towards the crossroads in the middle of town for a scene, select “Accept”. (Guild job #6 1/5) (Selecting “Do not accept” leaves Dyne standing in town; he can be spoken to again to select “Accept”)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the Gymnasium, go to the far left and speak to the man by the stage to get Shield of Valor, Hero’s Sword, Yuri’s “Improvisionist” title, Estelle’s “Heroic Actress” title, Karol’s “Brilliant Support Role” title and Rita’s “Spotlight Hog” title.

Mantaic: Move towards the middle of town for a scene. (Guild job #6 part 2/5)

Mt. Temza: Progress to the second screen in the area for a scene. (Guild job #6 part 3/5)

Mt. Temza: Immediately after the above, approach Pterobronc and defeat it. (Guild job #6 part 4/5)

Mantaic: Speak with Dyne by the Fortune’s Market outpost to get 8,000 Gald. (Guild job #6 part 5/5)

Chapter 3 – Aurnion (1/3)

After the naming of Aurnion (1/3)

Save now if you’re paranoid about Brionac, but it’s really not needed.

Aurnion: With Raven having fully learned at least 100 Skills, Enter the town to get Raven’s “Shining Star” title. (Shining Star 1/2)

Aurnion: With Repede at least level 60, Enter the town to get Repede’s “Tough Hound” title. (Ultimate Dog Warrior 1/3) (In the Xbox 360 version, this needed walking towards the town’s blastia.)

Aurnion: Enter the town to get Yuri’s “Final Gale” arcane arte. (In the Xbox 360 version, this needed to Talk to Flynn just inside the town entrance.)

Aurnion: With at least 63? of the 74 territories on the Dog Map, move to the watchtower at the far left side of town to get Pork Chop. (Dog Map 5/6) (Hereafter, Little Wolf stops gaining territory.)

Aurnion: Check the town’s blastia for a scene. (Brionac A 2/3)

Aurnion: With Rita as the party leader, Check the town’s blastia for a scene. (Blastia naming 2/2) (This is NOT part of the Brionac sequences.)

Aurnion: Rest at Inn “Canopus” for a scene. (Hermes’ Notes 4/5)

Aurnion: Rest at Inn “Canopus” for a scene.

Aurnion: Rest at Inn “Canopus” for a scene. (Brionac B 4/5) (This scene does not appear if certain other scenes have been seen on this visit to Aurnion, mainly any Drake scene. If it is missed for that reason, it will happen on the fifth stay or later, provided Aurnion is re-Entered and no other scenes prevent it again. This scene does not require Brionac A part 2 to be seen first.)

Rush to Caer Bocram now if you’re paranoid, but it’s really not needed.

Aurnion: Rest at Inn “Canopus” for a scene. (Hermes’ Notes 5/5)

Aurnion: Inside Inn “Canopus”, speak to the doctor for a scene. (Dedicated Paramedic 1/4)

Aurnion: Inside Inn “Canopus”, speak to the doctor for a scene. (Dedicated Paramedic 2/4)

Aurnion: Talk to the nearest NPC to Inn “Canopus” for a scene. (Dedicated Paramedic 3/4)

Aurnion: With an accumulated total of 4,000,000 HP healed in battle, move towards Inn “Canopus” for Estelle’s “Dedicated Paramedic” title. (Dedicated Paramedic 4/4) (This doesn’t require the source of healing to be Estelle.)

Aurnion: Outside Aurnion HQ, Talk to Drake to get Yuri’s “Certified Soldier” title. (Drake 7/10)

Aurnion: In the tent area at the far right of town, Talk to Drake to get Flynn’s “Ideal Commandant” title. (Drake 8/10) (This needs re-Entering Aurnion after part 7.)

Aurnion: In the tent area at the far right of town, Talk to Drake to get Estelle’s “Worldly Adventurer” title. (Drake 9/10) (This needs re-Entering Aurnion after part 8.)

Aurnion: With Raven as the party leader, Enter town then at the town’s blastia, Talk to Drake to get Raven’s “Vanji Lost” advanced spell. (Drake 10/10) (If Raven is not the party leader when you enter town, Drake will not be there. If Raven is not set as the party leader when you speak with Drake, he greets Estelle until you switch back to Raven.)

Aurnion: Inside Aurnion HQ at the far left of town, Check the cabinet on the left to get “Against a Backdrop of New Hope”. (Miska Doctoral Degree 6/7) (In the Xbox 360 version, this could be done immediately after battling Flynn.)

Aurnion: Outside Aurnion HQ, Talk to the blue knight for a scene. (Aurnion development 1/5)

Aurnion: Outside Aurnion HQ, Talk to Agueron and select Yes to give Desier Gold Dust x3, Hypionia Tree Bark x3 and Yurzo Fruit x3. (Aurnion development 2/5)

Aurnion: Outside Aurnion HQ, Talk to Agueron and select Yes to give Might Orb x3, Treant Flower x3, Crystal x3, Mystic Orb x3 and Great Leo Fang x3. (Aurnion development 3/5) (Agueron reappears after staying at an inn. As it is commonly lacking, Great Leo Fang x2 is available from a shell search point in the shallows northeast of Capua.)

Aurnion: Outside Aurnion HQ, Talk to Agueron and select Yes to give Greenlight Stone, Pitch-black Ink, Rare Metal and 500,000 Gald. (Aurnion development 4/5) (Agueron reappears after staying at an inn.)

Aurnion: Having rested at inns 3 times after the last donation to Agueron, Enter the town to get King’s Cape. Aurnion’s layout has improved and its second shop sells all food items. (Aurnion development 5/5) (Resting can be in Aurnion. It can also be in King of Adventure, but not items like Mats.)

Aurnion: With Aurnion developed, the last warehouse can be tidied to get Special Gel x3, Mysterious Piece, Spring of Wisdom, 2,000 Gald and Karol’s “Warehouse Master” title. (Warehouse Master 5/5)

Aurnion: With Aurnion developed, at the far left of town Talk to Ioder to get BC Rod. (This needs re-Entering town after the improving scene.)

Capua Nor: By the land entrance, Talk to the red-haired female knight or the merchant she’s speaking to for a scene. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 1/10)

Capua Nor: With a complete Monster Book – including Magic Lens identification – approach the vendor carts in the middle of town to get Karol’s “Manly Man” title. (Monster Book 2/2)

Mt. Temza: Proceed to the first save point in the area to get Judith’s “Sundering Moon” arcane arte. (Sundering Moon 2/2)

Yormgen: Inside the “building” examine the red box on the floor for a scene.

Yormgen: Talk to the noble family or their servant for a scene. (Swimsuits 1/6)

Mantaic: Go through the arch to the right of Inn “Antares” and Talk to the kowz. Give him Silver Edge +1α to get Magic Lens, Krona’s Symbol, Blue Dice, Rebirth Doll, Holy Avenger, Hypershock Yo-yo, Dragon Helm, Paladin Cape, Black Onyx, Special Gel, Red Sage, Hourglass, Alexandrite and Rebirth Doll. (Kowz 5/5)

Mantaic: Enter the Inn “Antares” for a scene. (Guild job #7 1/10)

Aer Krene (Desier): At the end of the Sunken Grotto, Check the altar for a scene. (2/10)

Sunken Grotto: Approach the central area for a fight. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 3/10)

Nordopolica: With all other recipes in the game known, talk to Wonder Chef on the pier to get Cooking Match Invitation and the “Mabo Curry” recipe. (Cooking Match 1/2)

Relewiese Hollow: Enter from the world map for a scene.

Aer Krene (Ilyccia): At the end of the Sunken Grotto, Check the altar for a scene. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 4/10)

Sunken Grotto: Approach the central area for a fight. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 5/10)

Zaphias: In the Lower Quarter, speak to Hanks to get the (C) L Statue. (Collection 5/8) (In the Xbox 360 version this did not need Flynn and was available after Aurnion appeared.)

Zaphias: In the Lower Quarter, Check the fountain for a scene. (This appears to be stand-alone.)

Zaphias: With at least 71 of the 74 territories on the Dog Map, Talk to the dog in the alley next to Inn & Tavern “Comet” to get Repede’s Great Boss title. (Dog Map 6/6)

Zaphias: In Yuri’s Room, Check the bed and rest to get Letter of Challenge (Flynn). (In the Xbox 360 version this was obtained by Entering Aurnion and walking forwards a little.)

Zaphias: Enter Inn & Tavern “Comet” to get Patty’s “Amazing Chef” title. (Amazing Chef 2/2)

Zaphias: In the Public Quarter, pass through the right side of the area with benches for a scene. (Dark Enforcer 11/11)

King of Adventure: Rest at Wandering Traveler to get Repede’s “Shining Fang” Arte. (Ultimate Dog Warrior 2/3) (Gigantos Defeated 4/4)

King of Adventure: Rest at Wandering Traveler to get Order of the Loyal Hound and Repede’s “Ultimate Dog Warrior” title. (Ultimate Dog Warrior 3/3)

Chapter 3 – Aurnion (2/3)

After the naming of Aurnion (2/3)

The Blade Drifts of Zopheir: Open a new chest by the western entrance to get Microcircuit. (Swimsuits 2/6)

Capua Torim: Enter the area by the land entrance to get Karol’s “Rending Drop” arcane arte. (Rending Drop 1/2)

Capua Torim: At the bottom of the slide in the upper area, Talk to the sailor to get Patty’s “Critical Moment” advanced spell.

Heliord: If Repede is at least level 50, in the Labor Camp head towards the dock to get Murakumo. (Sicily 7/8)

Heliord: In the Labor Camp, Talk to Witcher for a scene. Karolow X gets upgraded. (Sicily 8/8) (If done immediately after the above, Heliord needs to be re-Entered.)

Aer Krene (Tolbyccia): At the end of the Sunken Grotto, Check the altar for a scene. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 6/10)

Sunken Grotto: Approach the central area for a scene. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 7/10)

Dahngrest: Enter the Inn “Arcturus” for a scene. (Guild job #7 2/10)

Keiv Moc: Enter the area to get Karol’s “Golden Soldier” title and Letter of Challenge (H. Blades ). (Hunting Blades 1/2)

World Map: In the ocean between Manor of the Wicked and Yumanju, Check the harvest point to get Leoluca. (Sea Teachings 5/5)

Aer Krene (Yurzorea): At the end of the Sunken Grotto, Check the altar for a scene. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 8/10)

Sunken Grotto: Approach the central area for a fight. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 9/10)

Aer Krene (Any?): Leave to get Sword of Prayer Rag Querion. (Sword of Prayer Rag Querion 10/10)

Yumanju: Talk to the receptionist, then all of your party members, then return to the reception area to get Yumanju, Permanent Free Pass, Yuri’s “Tank Top Lover” title, Estelle’s “Massage Therapist” title, Karol’s “Towel Fanatic” title, Rita’s “Fashionista” title, Judith’s “Enchanting Beauty” title, Raven’s “Spa Manager” title, Repede’s “Patient Pooch” title, Flynn’s “Short-sleeved Prince” title and Patty’s “Festival Fan Jr.” title. (Hot spring 5/13)

Yumanju: Indoors, speak with the man at the far left to get Yuri’s “Recollection Guardian” title. (Collection 6/8).

Yumanju: Having rested at inns 2 times after getting the hot spring titles, Enter the area for a scene. (Hot spring 6/13) (Despite what some other guides say, everyone’s hot spring titles do NOT need to be set.)

Yumanju: Inside, Talk to the receptionist for a scene. (Hot spring 7/13)

Yumanju: Talk to Flynn or Witcher for a scene. (Hot spring 8/13) (Repede, Raven and Karol are available to Talk to also, but this is not required.)

Yumanju: Exit the building for a scene. (Hot spring 9/13) (Karol and Witcher are available to Talk to, but this is not required.)

Yumanju: Enter the building to get Spike Armor. (Hot spring 10/13) (Repede, Raven and Flynn are available to Talk to, but this is not required.)

Yumanju: Having rested at an inn after the above, Talk to the receptionist to get Judith’s “Belle of the Ball” title. (Hot spring 11/13) (Any inn works, items (e.g. Mats) do not. The 100,000 Gald “inn” at Yumanju works; Exit and re-Enter the building afterwards.)

Yumanju: Having rested at an inn after the above, Talk to the receptionist to get Karol’s “Black Tights” title. (Hot spring 12/13) (Any inn works, items (e.g. Mats) do not. The 100,000 Gald “inn” at Yumanju works; Exit and re-Enter the building afterwards.)

Chapter 3 – Aurnion (3/3)

After the naming of Aurnion (3/3)

Nam Cobanda Isle: Talk to the Antlionz inside the town entrance for a scene. (Collection 7/8)

Nam Cobanda Isle: With enough of the game’s chests have been opened, Talk to the Antlionz inside the town entrance to get Yuri’s “Treasure Hunter” title. (Collection 8/8) (I’m not 100% on the number of chests needed in Definitive.)

Nam Cobanda Isle: At the far left of town, speak with the ladies in red and orange hats for a scene. (Guild job #7 3/10)

Nam Cobanda Isle: In the near side of the Gymnasium, Talk to Miska Jutalion to take a test and get Rita’s “Miska Doctoral Degree” title. (Miska Doctoral Degree 7/7) (Answering all questions correctly is not needed for the title but does give an achievement. The answers are “September 30, 1998”, “Raine Sage”, “Bubbles”, “Presea Combatir” and “Ishtar turns to stone”.) (The Xbox 360 version had 3 different questions in the PAL release as Destiny, Legendia and Abyss had not been released in PAL at the time.)

Yormgen: Talk to the noble family or their servant to get Yuri’s “Aloha Boy” title, Karol’s “Seaside Boy” title, Raven’s “That Summer Guy” title, Repede’s “Timid Dive Dog” title and Flynn’s “Technical Diver” title. (Swimsuits 3/6)

Yormgen: Talk to the noble family or their servant for a scene. (Swimsuits 4/6)

Zaphias: In the Royal Quarter, speak to the knight left of the archway leading to the residential area. (Guild job #7 4/10)

Zaphias: In the Castle prison, Talk to Mimula in the middle cell for a scene. (Guild job #7 5/10)

Halure: Enter the town for a scene. (Halure spirit 5/5)

Halure: By the Inn “Denebola”, Talk to Professor Sicily for a scene. (Motivation 1/10) (This can be done before Sicily 7/8 but requires at least 3/8. There is a brief dialogue expansion if 7/8 is done first.)

Halure: With Max. Number of Hits at least 200, Talk to Sicily to get Shinai. (Motivation 2/10)

Halure: With Total Damage Given at least 8,000,000(?), Talk to Sicily to get Measuring Tape. (Motivation 3/10)

Halure: With Max. Grade at least 30(?), Talk to Sicily to get Cat Teaser. (Motivation 4/10) (Most guides say 35; I was able to get it with 33.48.)

Halure: With Encounters at least 1,000(?), Talk to Sicily to get Deck Brush. (Motivation 5/10)

Halure: With Max. Gald at least 1,000,000(?), Talk to Sicily to get Slingshot. (Motivation 6/10)

Halure: With Fastest Win of 00’02″000 or faster, Talk to Sicily to get Grilled Chicken. (Motivation 7/10)

Halure: With Total Escapes at least 50, Talk to Sicily to get 765Kg Hammer. (Motivation 8/10)

Halure: With a Thirty Man Melee time of 01’30″000 or faster, Talk to Sicily to get Bouquet of Roses (Motivation 9/10) (The time does not need to be set by Flynn.)

Halure: With Total Synthesis at least 200(?), Talk to Sicily to get Dried Squid (Motivation 10/10)

Halure: By the fountain, Talk to the mage in white to get Super Aer Conductor. (Swimsuits 5/6)

Atherum: Enter the area for a fight. (Guild job #7 6/10)

Caer Bocram: Take the first left for a scene. (Guild job #7 7/10)

Caer Bocram: Take the first left and move past the lake for a fight to get Letter of Challenge (Clint). (Hunting Blades 2/2) (Can be done immediately after the above.)

Caer Bocram: Use warp blastia to ascend two levels, then continue left and Enter the building at the end of the path to get Brionac. (Brionac A 3/3, Brionac B 5/5) (In the Xbox 360 version this was found in the building after turning right at the first junction.)

Dahngrest: Talk to the man standing outside Bistro Black Hole and select Yes and choose a character to partake in a Cooking Match. Win to get Yuri’s “Commoner Chef” title, Estelle’s “Cordon Bleu” title, Karol’s “Guild Chef” title, Rita’s “Chemical Chef” title, Raven’s “Weekend Chef” title, Judith’s “Chef Mom” title, Patty’s “Ultimate Chef” title and Flynn’s “Mysterious Chef” title. (Cooking Match 2/2) (Winning requires certain recipes to be Mastered! on the character chosen, and seemingly all others to be 3 stars. Without checking every recipe individually, it seems that the HP and TP recipes are the ones that need mastery. Losing means nobody receives titles; the Cooking Match can only be attempted once per playthrough, so save beforehand. The order of titles given depends on which character was chosen to compete.)

Dahngrest: Travel to the center of town to get Infinity. (Rending Drop 2/2) (The scene has a choice: “A heated battle call” wins and “A burning confession of love” loses, but the reward is always given.)

Dahngrest: At the Guild’s Union HQ prison, talk to the man in the left cell for a scene. (Guild job #7 8/10) (After the warden has a unique line, nothing special.)

Dahngrest: At the Guild’s Union HQ prison, talk to the man in the left cell, select Yes and then Okonomiyaki to get Irmine’s Manual. (Guild job #7 9/10) (Okonomiyaki is unlocked by having Raven cook Scottish Egg, which is unlocked by having Estelle cook Fried Chicken and Fries.)

Yormgen: Talk to the butler to get Estelle’s “Refreshing Dress” title, Rita’s “Breezy Beach Girl” title, Judith’s “Barely-There Black Bikini” title and Patty’s “Southern Rainbow” title. (Swimsuits 6/6)

Mantaic: Speak to Nobis in the Inn “Antares” to get 8,500 Gald. (Guild job #7 10/10)

Dahngrest: Travel to the center of town for a scene. (This becomes available after finishing guild job #7.)

Halure: Approach the great tree to get Ivy Blade. (This becomes available after finishing guild job #7 and might also need Meteor Storm considering the dialogue about spirit magic.)

Halure: With Total Damage Given at least 60,000,000, at the left of the Inn “Denebola” Talk to the mage to get Rita’s “Seeker” title. (If done immediately after the above, Halure needs to be re-Entered.)

Chapter 3 – Tarqaron

While clearing Tarqaron

These are technically available prior to the second healing save point; the alternate route opens up immediately beforehand thanks to the left of the two terrain-moving blastia.

Tarqaron: With Raven as the party leader and using the Shining Star title, travel to the far side of the alternate route on Level 3 (the castle roof area) for a scene. (Shining Star 2/2)

Tarqaron: In the process of fully completing the area, two chests contain Uroboros and Susanoh. (Fell arms 9/11)

World Map: Fly with Ba’ul for a short time once all 9 fell arms are owned for a scene. (Fell arms 10/11) (In the Xbox 360 version there were only 7; Yuri still refers to them as 7 in the scene.)

Aurnion: Once all 7 fell arms are owned, Enter Aurnion for a scene. (Fell arms) (This scene was removed and partially combined with the above in Definitive.)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Pirate attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 7 faster than 1’00″00 to get Patty’s “Snowy Someone” title. (Snowboarding 8/9) (Overdrive Pirate is in Tarqaron.)

After the cutscene in Tarqaron before the second healing save point

Zaphias: In the Lower Quarter, Talk to the child in front and a little to the right of the fountain to get Claiomh Solais, Yuri’s “Hope of the Town” title and Flynn’s “Hope of the Town” title.

Tarqaron: If all 9 fell arms are owned and potentially only if part 10 is done, the final boss gets a third form which needs to be defeated. Doing so unlocks the kill-based power of the fell arms. (Fell arms 11/11) (The unlocked fell arms themselves are available at the start of the third form, but they are counted as having 0 kills until after it is won.)


Aurnion: With all 25 Secret Missions cleared in the playthrough, rest at Inn “Canopus” to get Yuri’s “True Knight” title. (In the Xbox 360 version, Flynn stood in front of the town’s blastia to Talk to.)

Phaeroh’s Crag: Take the warp to Yormgen (Past) and Talk to the Sage to get “Legend of the Dark Blue Warrior”. (Labyrinth of Memories 6/9) (This scene names the Sage as Sordeth.)

Dahngrest: Enter the area for a scene. (Labyrinth of Memories 7/9)

Yumanju: With all the hot spring titles set, Talk to the receptionist for a scene and a skit. (Hot spring 13/13) (If they are set indoor the building having already spoken with the receptionist, Exit and re-Enter first. Judith’s “Belle of the Ball”, Karol’s “Black Tights” and any combination titles such as “Squeaky Clean Frog” do not work, it must be the exact set of titles provided by part 5.).

World Map: Fly over the Truffdae Mountains area for a scene and to unlock the Labyrinth of Memories. (Labyrinth of Memories 8/9)

Labyrinth of Memories: Clear the lengthy dungeon by collecting 15 Fake Gald and using it at the end for a fight. Hereafter, after 100-Man Melee has been cleared with at least 3 characters, 200-Man Melee becomes available. (Labyrinth of Memories 9/9)

King of Adventure: After visiting every area in the game (including all four Aer Krene on the World Map, the Labyrinth of Memories and the Necropolis of Nostalgia), rest at Wandering Traveler to get Estelle’s “Curious Princess” title.

Zaude: Enter the area for a scene. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 5/7)

Necropolis of Nostalgia: At the bottom level of Existence, proceed for a scene and to access Hegemony. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 6/7)

Necropolis of Nostalgia: Complete Hegemony, Fauna, Fatality and Abysm to get Patty’s “Paradise Pioneer” title. (Necropolis of Nostalgia 7/7)

Deidon Hold: Equip the Overdrive Knight attachment. In the snowboarding mini-game, finish Course 8 faster than 3’15”00 to get Flynn’s “Cultured Gentleman” title. (Snowboarding 9/9) (Overdrive Knight is in Necropolis of Nostalgia, Hegemony 4F.)
