Storm Chasers Guide

Modding Game Files In Storm Chasers for Storm Chasers

Modding Game Files In Storm Chasers


This is the guide on how to mod game files in Storm Chasers. Following these steps will help you modify files.

How to access game files

In order to modify game files, you must first go to your game files. You can find them by following these steps.

First, you need to get Dnspy in order to modify the game files

First, go to your PC and select the drive you have Storm Chasers installed on, click on that.
Next, you go to Program Files (x86), Steam, Steamapps, common, Storm Chasers, Storm_Chasers_Data, Managed.

I don’t know how to do it on anything else than Windows.

Once you have followed those steps, you will come upon a list of Unity files. The file you want to modify is a file named “Assembly-CSharp.dll”.

I have not modified game files myself, but if you want to modify them, to modify game files.

If you follow the video correctly, it SHOULD modify your game file. Make sure that when you replace the file, that it does not have any spaces or (1) in it, otherwise you will be stuck on a permanent loading screen.

Have fun!

Things not recommended to do in Storm Chasers modding

These are some things I recommend NOT doing in Storm Chasers modding, failure to do so can/will break your game.

don’t make a tornado the size of the map, Unity does not like that and you will crash almost instantly.
Don’t try to make a vertically tall dust cloud for a spout either, the game doesn’t like it.
Don’t add random digits, it breaks the game.
Don’t have more than 15 tornadoes, you will crash.
Do not increase lightning chances too high, you will regret it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been struck due to lightning chances being really high.
Increasing hail/rain probabilities, be careful with it, Unity doesn’t like a lot of things.
Be careful with vehicle health, don’t go below 1000 otherwise if you touch a fence, you’ll explode on impact lmao.

This is all I can think of right now. If I missed anything, let me know!