Pit People® Guide

Collecting All The Items! for Pit People

Collecting All The Items!


Struggling to find that last sword that nobody seems to have? Maybe you need just one more shield? That’s where this guide comes in! With our help, you should be able to grab those last few (or not so few) items to get that sweet 100%!

All The Items

NOTE: HUMAN ITEMS ARE NOT YET UPDATED TO U7. Here’s an image album of update 7 human items:

View post on imgur.com

In total, there are 1,589 items to collect currently in the game. That’s a lot. But luckily, there are ways to make that process as painless as possible.

Please note: Any incomplete categories are marked with [Insert image here] and have their most up to date form can be found in the Incomplete Items section of the guide.

Decoration Helmets
Cupcake Frosting
Light Helmets
Cupcake Toppings
Medium Helmets
Gnome Chairs
Heavy Helmets
Troll Mother Heads
Melee Weapons
Rainhow Horse Manes
Light Swords
Vampiress Backpacks
Medium Swords
Vampiress Heads
Heavy Swords
Mushroom Faces
Medium Mallets
Mushroom Caps
Heavy Mallets
Electrobot Heads
Offhand Items
Mascot Backs
Throwable Objects
Mascot Costumes
Spiduar Legs
Light Sheilds
Kobold Backpacks
Medium Sheilds
Pixie Wings
Heavy Shields
Wraith Masks
Ranged Weapons
Wraith Belts
Hair Troll Heads
Light Bows
Gorgon Heads
Medium Bows
Octoclopse Bodies

How To Get These Items

With all this information and text in your face, you may be thinking,

Well Hex, this information is all fine and dandy, but how in the world do I find over 1,000 different items in one lifetime???

Well, there are a few easy ways to go about this.

  1. Recruiting

    The easiest way to get started on collecting is through capturing units that have cosmetics. Young Pipistrella’s guide, All Encounters and Their Contents, can be very helpful in conjunction with this guide as it pinpoints all the items you can get this way.

  2. Market Farming

    Market farming is the primary way of getting non-quest items that cannot be found in encounters. Simply keep entering battles, fleeing them, and checking the market.

  3. Loot Farming

    The best way of getting creature items. You can only get item loot for creatures you have registered in the survival guide. Therefore, to control which items you get from loot, you can create a new savefile and only register the unit that you want to farm items for.
    Pro tip: skipping the tutorial also gives you a free human or cupcake. You can use this to effortlessly get the non-quest cupcake items.

  4. The Pit

    A few items are exclusive to pit rewards, meaning you will have to do some unfair challenge or pvp daily to get them. Thankfully, once you get max amount of a pit item you won’t get it again so no need to worry about RNG.

  5. Trading

    The fastest way of getting items without having to use any of the methods above. Some helpful resources you can use to do this include the official Behemoth Discord server[discord.gg] and the trading subforum.

Items marked with ‡ are obtainable through capturing quest characters, doing extra quest objectives or purchasing The Behemoth’s other games.


Decoration helmets:

Decoration Helms
1- Bald
2- Kalli
3- Samurai
4- Xenu
5- Beehive
6- Iceskimo
7- Bunny Years
8- Devlish
9- Ponytail
10- Helmet Hair
11- Dad n Me *
12- Sunglasses
13- Mandalph
14- Caesar
15- Alligator
16- Conan
17- Masked One
18- Cleo
19- Lionness
20- Spiderman

Page 2
21- Blindfold
22- Punk
23- Cromagnon
24- Paperhat
25- Elf
26- Baguette
27- Small Bow
28- Rawbo
29- The Poo
30- Alien
31- Pipistrella Style ‡
32- Bandit
33- Winter’s Coming
34- Orange Cap
35- Medal
36- Elvis
37- Jerkipprentice *
38- Crooked Correctionals
39- SadTown
40- Halo

Page 3
41- Founding Father
42- Girl Next Door
43- ULTRA Bow
44- Tiara
45- Hair With Bracelets
46- Bonnet
47- Tophat
48- The Thief *
49- Ski Mask
50- Banditana
51- Bandaged Branch
52- Horatiostache ‡
53- Yosef Style ‡
54- Pandora’s Cut ‡
55- Hailey’s Way ‡
56- Blue Crew
57- Purple Fab
58- Yosef’s Other ‡
59- Trickay
60- Goldie Tails

Page 4
61- Pink Bangs
62- Brunette
63- Blonde Ponytail
64- Meaning Business
65- The 80s
66- The Scott
67- Does Not Care
68- Trickay’s Friend
69- Bun with Bow
70- Curlsplosion
71- Final Form *
72- Green Beard
73- Maybe Madeline
74- Brianna
75- Something to Prove
76- Frizz
77- Banana Baby
78- Big Bang Hat *
79- Star Punk
80- Windy Day

Page 5
81- Is that Gel
82- Highlander
83- Man on the Mountain
84- Oh so Rugged
85- Bar Fighter
86- Growing it Out
87- Why
88- Though Day
89- Toothbrush
90- Rocket Hair
91- Jerkimedes ‡
92- Child Eater *
93- Blue Maroon Ballcap
94- Green Ballcap
95- Red Ballcap
96- Musketeer
97- First Mate
98- Swashbuckler
99- Second Mate
100- Spring Cleaner

Page 6
101- Ninjitsu
102- Grey Ballcap
103- Sheet with Holes
104- Starfish Struggle
105- Accident Prone
106- Power Checker
107- Jurassic Getup
108- Blast from the Past
109- Bridgeside Bandit ‡
110- Born with it
111- Rugged with Swirl
112- Short ‘n Sassy
113- Man of Rome
114- Mummified
115- Hypochondriac
116- Major McDynamo ‡
117- Boom Bro 1 *
118- Boom Bro 2 *
119- Boom Bro 3 *
120- Relaxed

Page 7
121- Autumn
122- Under the Weather
123- Head Nurse
124- Registered Nurse
125- Slice and Dice
126- Purple Scarf
127- Green Scarf
128- Rawbo II
129- Rawbo III
130- Bluetiful
131- Middle Classy
132- Hip Star
133- Average Joe
134- Ginger Snappy
135- Bangerang
136- Sweet Sweep
137- Tuft Guy
138- Hair Helm
139- Lumpy Do
140- Lumpy Don’t

Page 8
141- Lumpy Locks
142- Gwaakkk *
143- Hrrrnnp *
144- Shwugg *
145- Glauphtzz *
146- Beoooowp *
147- Hauuuuugh *
148- Pomp Adore
149- All U Can Quaff
150- Doe Boy Band
151- Owie
152- Shirley Tops
153- Applesauce *
154- Tenderlips *
155- Lambert *
156- Slamboree *
157- Snack Attack *
158- Chewy *
159- Damian *
160- Ears To You †

Page 9
161- Amazeer *
162- This is Okay *
163- Hagatha ‡
164- Hatty Hattingthon ‡
165- ICWYDT *
166- Dealt With *
167- Boss Fulp
168- Boss Baez
169- Boss Paladin
170- James ‡
171- Aleks ‡
172- Rocco ‡
173- Shawn ‡
174- Derrick ‡
175- PJ ‡
176- Mecha Richter ‡
177- Garrett ‡
178- Yoratio ‡
179- Future Horatio ‡
180- Future Pipistrella ‡

Page 10
181- The Butler *
182- Updo
183- The Yorick ‡
184- Sultan of Shivers ‡
185- Nagatha ‡
186- Jerk Fro ‡
187- Mister Punch ‡
188- Helmetot ‡
189- Choggin’ Hat ‡
190- Gill Ears ‡
191- Choggles ‡
192- Egg Hat ‡
193- Mussed Up
194- Pet Hat *
195- Lonely ‡
196- The Stanley ‡
197- Beardface *
198- Googoo Gjoob *
199- Klutzy *
200- Alternate Universe *

Page 11
201- Versimilitude
202- Trap Jaw *
203- QwakqwakqwakqWAAK *
204- One Percenter
205- Two Percenter
206- Three Percenter
207- Four Percenter
208- Five Percenter
209- Rump Trumpet ‡
210- Lostradamus ‡
211- Jack
212- Optio ‡
213- Cheer Hair ‡
214- Brother Hiss ‡
215- Father Crickets ‡
216- Creeper Peeper *
217- Fur Top ‡
218- Furtastic ‡
219- Bear Muffs ‡
220- Furbottom ‡
Page 12
221- Hansel ‡
222- Handsome ‡
223- The Frank ‡
224- Gloss Boss ‡
225- It’s James ‡
226- Mr. Handsome ‡
227- Bear Rain ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit item
‡ Can only be obtained through special means (quest reward/capture)

Helmets 2

Light helmets:

Light Helms
1- Thin Hat
2- Thin Hat ‘n Locks
3- This Side Up
4- Thimble of Shame
5- Soldier
6- Astronaut
7- Flower Power
8- March Blue
9- Veil
10- Stop Sign
11- Robo plop
12- Space Monkey
13- Welder
14- Beekeep
15- Bear
16- Puppet Master
17- Burril *
18- Late for Work *
19- Cold Cap
20- Miss Daisy

Page 2
1- Ribbon of Fashion *
2- Mini Pharoah
3- Beat the Heat
4- King’s Guard
5- Ultra Peasant
6- The Ball Game
7- Jerkipprentice *
8- Something to Lose *
9- Rootin Tootin
10- Pirate Power
11- Most Fair Hair ‡
12- Manticore
13- King of the Jungle *
14- Hobbyist
15- Romantic Rescuer
16- Skillet Head
17- Apparatus 5
18- Scuba Steve
19- Cuddlefish
20- Bitey Buddy

Page 3
1- Immitation Poacher
2- Immitation Poacheer II
3- Head Chef
4- Revolutionary
5- Revolutioscary
6- Beefeater
7- Lumberjack
8- Lumberjim
9- Lumbeerjackette
10- Lumberjock 1
11- Lumberjock 3
12- Green Bow *
13- Productive *
14- Bob N Weave
15- Crop Circle
16- Green Meanie
17- High N Mighty
18- Best in Life
19- Mane Man
20- The Statement *

Page 4
1- So Jelly *
2- Folli-Cool
3- Leopard Master *
4- Nanny Tupence ‡
5- Horse Mask *
6- Must-kateer †
7- March Red
8- O Waddup *
9- Tell Me More *
10- Alien Hominid ‡
11- Solitude *
12- Scuba Elf ‡?
13- Helmeton ‡
14- Shark Tooth *
15- Banana Man *
16- Roboturd *
17- Eraser Head *
18- Expressor *
19- Calligula *
20- Wellington *

Page 5
1- Blue Stiletto ‡
2- Crimson Tachi ‡
3- Carrot Hood *
4- Centurion ‡
5- The Pilgrim ‡
6- Cowl of Quiet ‡
7- Bear Hat ‡
8- Bearber Shop ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit item
‡ Can only be obtained through special means (quest reward/capture)

Helmets 3

Medium helmets:

Medium Helms
1- Wolulo
2- Fauxclops
3- Leathertop
4- Riot Gear
5- Spartakiss
6- Templar
7- Imposter
8- Future Samurai
9- DoubleTusk
10- Visor
11- Screw Loose
12- The Hypnotist
13- Vampire Skull
14- Nature Hat
15- Nature Mask
16- Winston
17- The Chog
18- Penelope
19- Head Warmer
20- Hissing Helm

Page 2
21- Prickly
22- Dinnermint
23- Esteban’s Helm
24- Sofia’s Helm
25- Recruitador
26- Staying Cool
27- Samurai Helm
28- Happy Jack
29- Celery Stalk
30- Builder
31- Orange Knight
32- Red Knight
33- Green Knight
34- Blue Knight
35- Peaches
36- Apprehender
37- The Chogfather
38- Doe Boys
39- Doe Boy
40- Miner

Page 3
41- Space Justice
42- Weirdo II Point O
43- Bear Cultist
44- Polar Order
45- Ameri-Wrap
46- VR Goggles
47- Toastmaster
48- Marine Dream
49- Scorpion Order
50- Crustazia
51- Upholder
52- Emerald Hat
53- Crustazia 2
54- Mapled
55- Red Pilot
56- Blue Pilot
57- Orange Team M
58- Green Team M
59- Cup Noggin’
60- Sphere Itself

Page 4
61- Gold Star
62- So Helmet
63- Happy Raptor
64- Incorrect Shark
65- Cow Chop
66- Ready Eddy
67- Farm Poacher
68- Plains Poacher
69- Ptero Skull
70- Large Skull
71- Ploom Bloom
72- Carrot Cover
73- Legionary
74- Upright Acolyte
75- Boss Yolk
76- Bear Cult Novice
77- Bear
78- Papastrella
79- Admiral Sofia

Heavy helmets:

Heavy Helmets
1- Classic
2- Barbarian
3- Tajmahal
4- Butterstick
5- Sparta
6- Tribal Baby
7- Sunhat
8- T-Rex
9- Hammerhead
10- Log Hat
11- The Squid
12- Nature Blossom
13- Burn Stopper
14- Official Helmetite
15- The Core
16- Iron Bandana
17- Orange Team
18- Green Team
19- Futron
20- Cycler

Page 2
21- Televoven
22- Linebacker
23- Tackler
24- Valhallan
25- Valkyrie
26- Merchant
27- Germaphobe
28- Zoey
29- Melon Pilot
30- Crockpot
31- Neighbor
32- Weirdo
33- Big Bear Cultist
34- Sub Standard Helm
35- The Cappin
36- Plan Opener
37- Alpha Lumberjock
38- Sizzle Baron
39- Prince Sipitation
40- The Rookie

Page 3
41- Queenie
42- Blubber Magi
43- Lead Head
44- Synthesizer
45- LogNoggin
46- Strange Skull
47- Overseer
48- Top Heavy
49- Ruby
50- Once in a Century
51- Silverback
52- Predictor
53- Bronzateer
54- Quartzader
55- Subsanta
56- Helmet Boss
57- River Poacher
58- Space Poacher
59- Jerk Trooper
60- Starry Knight

Page 4
61- Moon Hat
62- Carrot Helm
63- By the Horns
64- Praetorian
65- Allstar
66- Scare Bear Stare

Melee Weapons

Light swords:

Light Swords
1- Pirate’s Rapier
2- Needle
3- Ninja Sword
4- Turkey Carver
5- Double Prod
6- Poisoned Thorns
7- Fishing Spear
8- Freeze and Awe
9- Toilet Brush
10- Recruitador
11- Zagtastic
12- Scalpel
13- Hobbler
14- Mining Pick
15- Harpoon
16- Bean Stalk
17- Jerk on a Stick
18- Dodo Leg
19- Extra Dirty
20- Board To Death

Page 2
21- Sweeper
22- Falchion
23- Grave Digger
24- Mightier
25- Retired
26- Grateer
27- Second Hand
28- Experienced
29- Yard Stick
30- Drastic Measure
31- Practice
32- Breaker
33- Blue Balloon
34- Red Balloon
35- Rebar
36- Hot Poker
37- Rare Gold Foil
38- Fudge Stick
39- Strawberry Stick
40- Leg of Beetle

Page 3
41- MatchStick
42- Burnt Match
43- Wood Baton
44- Just a Twig
45- Cotton Sward
46- Keycard
47- Go Gently
48- Bear Hair Comb
49- Hansel’s Fork
50- Admiral’s Sword

Medium swords:

Medium Swords
1- Longsword
2- Zig Zag
3- Better Days
4- Saber
5- Round the Corner
6- Box Cutter
7- Jagged
8- Kitchen Utensil
9- Swordfish
10- Safety First
11- Steak Knife
12- Saw Sword
13- DIY Cane
14- Treble Death
15- Helmetite Sword
16- Pixie Slayer
17- Screwdriver
18- Spatula
19- To Remain Violent
20- Trusty Machete

Page 2
21- Blade of Alzafat
22- Ordinary Corkscrew
23- Golden Corkscrew
24- Where’s the Fire
25- The Golden Axe
26- Emerald Defender
27- Shining Skewer
28- Knightly
29- Chogtastic
30- Socket to Them
31- Mandible
32- A bit much
33- Salmon Accent
34- Cobra Cutter
35- Pickaxe
36- The Bubby
37- Birdbrella
38- Dub Thee #1
39- Legatus
40- Obsidian Cutter

Page 3
41- Mantis Leg
42- Pizza Cutter
43- Red Hot
44- Gladius
45- Close Shave

Heavy swords:

Heavy Swords
1- Heavy Pain
2- Sharp Rectangle
3- Reinforced
4- Scissor Half
5- Freezy Pete
6- Heavy Lunch
7- Bunyan
8- Massacre
9- Terrible Idea
10- Helmetite Steel
11- Ancient Blade
12- The Sun Sword
13- Offyx and Bluby
14- Emerald Enforcer
15- Burning Vengeance
16- Knife of Zeus
17- Heavy Hisser
18- Excalbeef
19- Safety Last
20- The Dismantler

Page 2

21- The Mapler
22- Overkill
23- Birch Blade
24- Dentures
25- Road Closed
26- The Messenger
27- XL Razor
28- Alien Technology
29- Master Work
30- Big Bill
31- Sour Candy
32- Red Scissor
33- Obsidian Slicer
34- Crowd Patrol
35- Man at Work
36- Croc
37- Pit Sword 4
38- Pit Sword 5
39- Cleaver
40- Shear Terror

Medium mallets:

Medium Mallets
1- Standard Issue
2- Bulbusore
3- Caveman Favorite
4- Bruiser
5- Dad’s Wrench
6- Scorpion Stinger
7- Hey That’s Mine
8- Your Greens
9- Large Nanner
10- Saxapwn
11- The Beast
12- Flanksgiving
13- The Moon Mallet
14- Homerun
15- Time Hammer
16- Flattener
17- Problem Solver
18- Tenderizer
19- Justice for Maul
20- Whale Walloper

Page 2
21- Corn on the Clobber
22- Babyback Bruiser
23- Backup Plan
24- Alaskan
25- Scary Story
26- Person Cleaner
27- Fatal Fryer
28- Basic Board
29- Bubble Blower
30- Campfire Killa
31- Overdoing it
32- Dessert First
33- Lime Time
34- Grape Escape
35- Scary Cherry
36- Creamsicle
37- The King’s Scepter
38- Chess Club
39- Swing and a Mess
40- Calcium Rich

Page 3
41- Sore Winner
42- Demon Ball
43- Red Wrench
44- Wood Brush
45- Blue Brush
46- Green Brush
47- Red Marker
48- Green Marker
49- Blue Marker
50- Mustard Marker
51- Cactus Crasher
52- Boom Broom
53- Board of Education
54- War Bonker
55- Sleep Hammer
56- Mush Masher
57- Buzz Hammer

Heavy mallets:

Heavy Mallets
1- Stone Age
2- Hammer Time
3- Sharp Slammer
4- The Owie
5- Branch of Justice
6- Alpaca Lips
7- Golf Club
8- Bird Basher
9- Unforgiving Fudge
10- Slamtastic Strawberry
11- Murderous Mango
12- Clunky
13- Spooky
14- Incorrect
15- Fan
16- Immature
17- Croquet
18- Loves me not
19- IDK
20- Anchor

Page 2
21- French Dread
22- Sausage Swing
23- Mean Pepper
24- The Belt
25- Sub Club
26- Go Big
27- Pit Basher
28- Sand Slammer
29- Dat Axe
30- The Straightener
31- Salon Baton

Offhand Items

Offhand Throwables

Offhand Throwables
1- Rock of Nothing
2- Shuriken
3- Handbag
4- Baseball
5- Nugget
6- Femur
7- Fore
8- Darts
9- Short n Stout
10- Serious
11- Croquet Ball
12- Olives
13- Brick Piece
14- Wad
15- Gamepad
16- Switchblade
17- Tiny Log
18- Goldfish
19- Spelling
20- Sandburger

Page 2

31- Pipette
32- Die
33- Guilty
34- Caution: Hot
35- Plushroom
36- Rubber Phone
37- Taffy
38- CustomBall
39- The 8
40- Berry
41- Apple a Day
42- Strawberry
43- Soured
44- Not Sure
45- Quick Lesson
46- Antique
47- Self Defense
48- On a Roll
49- Aces Wild
50- Stanley’s Finest

Page 3

51- Pink Tangler
52- Red Ornament
53- Green Ornament
54- Blue Ornament
55- Served
56- Go Long
57- Three Pointer
58- Clematis
59- Amaryllis
60- False Indigo
61- Aggro
62- Important
63- Gourmet Cookie
64- Throw Pillow
65- Beard Brush

Light Shields

Light Shields
1- Small Shield
2- Tiny
3- Leaf of Amazement
4- Cup of Joe
5- Sheriff Badge
6- Toilet Paper
7- Helmetite Shield
8- Baseball Mitt
9- Hook
10- House to House
11- Construction Cone
12- Book of Balance
13- Shining Example
14- Old Blue
15- Emerald Buckler
16- Found Him
17- NRG-SH1
18- Stamp of Ventricles
19- Stamp of Star
20- Stamp of Leaf

Page 2

31- Oatmeal Reason
32- Piece of Chip
33- Peanut Protector
34- Coin of Truth
35- Headache Stopper
36- Miracle Worker
37- Mysterious Relic
38- Pirated Copy
39- Mixtape from my ex
40- Mixtape from your mom
41- Time Checker
42- Tongue Twister
43- Private Eye
44- Agent 36
45- Forget Me Not
46- Sunny Sideways
47- Strongest Shield
48- Beach Bum
49- Just Water
50- It’s a Brownie

Page 3

51- Futron Panel
52- Ruby
53- Pit Shield 1
54- Pit Shield 5
55- Ladybug
56- Pan flute
57- Sammy
58- Sputnik

Medium Shields

Medium Shields
1- Buckler
2- Moneycatcher
3- Kite Shield
4- Boxy
5- Iron Heart
6- Who Was That
7- Happy Birthday
8- Ancient Shield
9- Canteen
10- The Tort
11- Mint Chip
12- Sewer Cap
13- Troll Hair Wad
14- Crustasia
15- Scorpion Order
16- Gets it done
17- Choglicious
18- Muy Muy Pizza
19- No Toppings
20- Meat Lovers

Page 2

31- Veggie Vigilance
32- New York Dodger
33- New York Porker
34- Is this Vegan
35- One More Minute
36- It’s A Shark Tooth
37- Tooth of Odin Shark
38- Expansion Pack
39- Sweet 16
40- East Coast
41- Pit People the Movie
42- Disc-like Relic
43- Dirty Wood
44- Flapjack Forcefield
45- Plate of Fate
46- Dirty Dish
47- Stumped
48- Turn Based
49- Sunblock
50- Rainy Day
51- Roman Round
52- Goldiblocks
53- Solar Shield
54- Admiral’s Shield


Page 3

51- Orange Team
52- Green Team
53- Pit Shield 2
54- Pit Shield 6
55- Bronze Shield
56- Quartz Shield
57- June Bug

Heavy Shields

Heavy Shields
1- Legionnaire
2- DIY
3- Steel Wall
4- Honeyhug
5- Riot Shield
6- Let it Thaw
7- Heat Guard
8- Farm Fence
9- Not Dead Yet
10- Delicious Deflection
11- Button Masher
12- Just Junk
13- Repurposed
14- Wil it Work?
15- Thick Brick
16- Oranized
17- Close Call
18- King’s Coffers
19- The Stopper
20- Traveller

Page 2

31- Ted
32- NRG-SH3
33- Pit Shield 3
34- Pit Shield 4
35- Thicker
36- For Honor
37- XL Sewer Cap
38- Iron Shield
39- Olde Kite
40- High Stakes
41- Lona Misa
42- Physics Lesson
43- Piece
44- Hold the Door
45- Cautionary
46- Big Beetle
47- Legion Scutum
48- Hold It
49- Emperor’s Pet
50- Hubble Trouble

Ranged Weapons


1- The Usual
2- Meathooks
3- Extra Sharp
4- Pineapple *
5- Double Uzi *
6- Cyber Gun *?
7- Crispotron 5000 *
8- Sofia’s Musket ‡
9- Prehistoric Puncher
10- Number 2
11- Knuckle Dusters
12- Do You Even Lift
13- All screwed up
14- Vampiress Hunter
15- The Last Straw
16- Curveball
17- Paperweight
18- Tambourine
19- Freedom Fries
20- Just Cheese

Page 2

31- Tater Slammers
32- Chives and Cheese
33- You slay Tomato
34- Vitamin E
35- Bright Ideas
36- Useless Currency ‡
37- Thumb Tacks
38- Batteries
39- Brains over Braun *
40- Coconut
41- Baby Shark *
42- M80s *
43- What did you say *
44- Home Video
45- Yellow Cup ‡
46- Alien Phaser ‡
47- It’s Not a Fish
48- I C U
49- Unyun
50- Pong Paddle

Page 3

51- Small Arrow
52- You’re the One
53- Green Paper
54- Blow Fish
55- Weird Root
56- Bonjour
57- Lip Reddener
58- Metal Dart
59- Axes of Dad ‡
60- Smells Like *
61- Experiment 42
62- Killer Kukri ‡
63- Lawn Scissors
64- Sweet Dreams
65- Shear Carnage
66- Pacifiers ‡

Light Bows
Light Bows
1- The Lightest Bow
2- Mild Chill *
3- NRG-B0 *
4- Violince *
5- Bones of Dinner
6- Secret Admirer *
7- Cupid’s Kisses *
8- Bronze Bow *
9- Papercuts
10- Suckershot *
11- Menace
12- Toothpix
13- The Best Bow
14- Sharp Sticks
15- Comb Patrol ‡

Medium Bows

Medium Bows
1- Medium Bow
2- Skelebow *
3- Totally Unsafe *
4- Ice Blaster *
5- Weiner Shooter
6- Socket Shooter
7- Bow n Arowana
8- Goblin Bow
9- Rain of Pain
10- Shark Attack
11- Opposite Day
12- Mr. Compound
13- Bow of Emerald
14- Bow of Saphire
15- Bow of Ruby
16- Silver Bow *
17- Vegetebow
18- Adorabow *
19- Bat Bow *
20- Down Under

Page 2

21- In Offe Basket
22- Good Manners
23- Capabow
24- Barber
25- Watcher *
26- Tech Support
27- Circular
28- You so silly
29- Carved
30- Rain Bow *
31- Driller
32- Arcus et Sagitta ‡

1- Standard
2- Long Range Bowler *
3- Ice Cold Mortar *
4- NRG-M0 *
5- Holy Harpoon *
6- Bully’s Harpoon *
7- Soviet Surprise *
8- Tesla Special *
9- Sword Launcher
10- iHarpoon
11- Golden Blast †
12- Painful Melodies *
13- Orc’s Delight
14- The Stinger
15- Air Hair ‡


Cupcake Frosting
2- Chocolate *
3- Lemon
4- Strawberry
5- Mint
6- Raspberry Swirl
7- Choco Swirl
8- Raspberry
9- Grape
10- Neopolitan
11- Sorbet
12- Cherry Gel
13- Leftovers *
14- Apple Gel
15- Taste of Victory †
16- Charcoal
17- Stream Flavored
18- Rainbow Rescue
19- Upsetti
20- Hair De Jour

Page 2
21-Yellow 5
22- Honeymuffin
23- Janet
24- Blueberry Mash
25- Apple Pie
26- Cupancake


Page 1

1- None
2- Cherry
3- Waffle
4- Sprinkles
5- Morbid Mix
6- Shuriken
7- Choco Chunk
8- Shavings
9- Raspberry
10- Choco Sprinkles
11- Candy Corn
12- Jurassic Fern
13- Beachball
14- Wedding Cupcake
15- Birthday Cupcake
16- Dandy
17- Office
18- Construction
19- Police
20- Tribal *

Page 2

21- Torched
22- Hot Fudge
23- Raspberry Sauce
24- Caramel Sauce
25- Citrus
26- Lime
27- Razz Sprinkles
28- Plain Sprinkles
29- Googly Eyes
30- General
31- Citrus Slice
32- Protein Sprinkles *
33- Whipped Cream
34- Strawberry
35- First Place †
36- Gold Star †
37- Polka Bow
38- Striped Bow
39- Blue Bow
40- Red Hat

Page 3

41- Shark Fin *
42- Green Hat *
43- Cupception *
44- Dig In
45- Meat Sauce
46- Honeycomb
47- Melted
48- Meatballs

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
‡ Only available through special means
Fun fact: frosting used to be called batter. The Dig In cosmetic used to be callled Meat Sauce while the Meat Sauce cosmetic was called Meatballs.


Gnome Chairs
1- Purps
2-Park Bench
3- Leopard Slayer
4- Efficient
5- Ouch Couch *
6- Nothing Special
7- Office
8- Coaster
9- Beanbag
10- Royal Pain *
11- Director
12- Catcher
13- Exchange
14- UFBro *
15- Wrong Side *
16- Block of Gold †
17- Guard n Gnomes

* Quest loot
† Pit loot

Troll Moms

Troll Mother Heads
1- Nothing
2- Turquoise
3- Fruit Lady *
4- Relaxed
5- With Nature *
6- The Queen *
7- Pigtails
8- Flower Girl
9- Tiny Tophat
10- Blue Phones
11- Red Phones
12- Company *
13- Showercap
14- Best Mom
15- Curlers
16- Straw Hat
17- Polkadot
18- Yellow Bow
19- Best Mom Ever †
20- Fabulous ‡
Page 2
21- Ursa Major ‡
22 – Ro Coco ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
‡ Only available through special means
Fun fact: The Best Mom Ever cosmetic wasn’t originally a pit reward.

Rainbow Horses

Rainbow Horse Manes
1- Striped Hair
2- Zeeb
3- Saddle
4- Festivity
5- Stately
6- The Cone
7- Ultrafluff
8- Lion’s
9- Scruff
10- Well Kept
11- Combed Up
12- Roller
13- Juiced *
14- Pegasus †
15- Minty
16- Holiday Spirit
17- Spectrum *
18- Phoenix
19- Ammo
20- Neon *

Page 2
21- Sturdy Blue
22- Disturbing *
23- Lightning
24- Angular
25- Blue Ribbon †
26 – Don Cloppity ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
‡ Only available through special means


Vampiress Heads

Page 1

1- None
2- Dainty Princess
3- Anarkissed
4- Seeing Red
5- A little something
6- Feral *
7- Ace
8- Fire Patrol
9- Easter Style *
10- Flower Girl
11- Enforcer
12- Good Game *
13- Golden Gold †
14- Mole Face †
15- Ironhawk †
16- Student Cap
17- Fancy Pants ‡
18- Fedorable *
19- Support Pending *
20- Need a Tissue ‡
Vampiress Bodies

Page 1

1- None
2- Moon Mission *
3- Baby On Board
4- Hiking Gear
5- Technovamp
6- Myth Cluster
7- Big Yellow Bow
8- Koala Confusion *
9- Achilles
10- Beach Refreshment
11- Blood Punk
12- Candy Cane
13- Pink Bow
14- Homecoming
15- Juicy Merdure *
16- Pixie Wings *
17- All you can eat
18- Student Pack
19- Bragger †
20- Goo Pack ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
‡ Only available through special means
Fun fact: Fancy Pants and Goo Pack were obtainable through regular random loot before Megabat’s quest was released, and they had a different appearance.


Mushroom Caps
1- None
2- Leafy
3- Flower Child
4- Adventurer like you
5- Tripple Truffle
6- Fungal King *
7- Porous
8- Clone *
9- Free Wi-Fi
10- Special Delivery
11- Cold Outside
12- It’s a Crown †
13- Hitchhiker
14- Spore Decor
15- Cubed
16- Denim Cap
17- Washed Cap
18- Special Cap
19- Plain
20- Pepperoni

Page 2
21- Mushroom
22- Pineapple
23- Earlybird
24- Dapper
25- Bad Influence *
26- Narwhal *
27- Not Myself
28- Cursed
29- Giddy *
30- Punky
31- Intense
32- Rammy
33- Arthur
34- Octo *
35- Pink Pick
36- Clowny *
37- Nice
38- Pony
39- Pink Ribbon
40- Blue Bow

Page 3
41- Mirror
42- Nerdy
43- Motivated *
44- Radar
45- Mohawk
46- Mohawk Plus *
47- Slip
48- Plumpkin
49- Not so Bad

Mushroom Faces
1- Indifferent
2- Crazed
3- New Year’s Resolution
4- Kawaii
5- Cool Headed
6- Aggro
7- Queasy
8- Vomit
9- Shy
10- Old Man Fungus
11- Nervous
12- Silly
13- Topless
14- Gassy *
15- Red Bandana
16- You can trust me
17- Pretty Princess
18- Blue Bandana
19- Mustard Bandana
20- Neck Warmer

Page 2
21- Nocturnal
22- 4 Eyes
23- Not in the mood
24- Free Hugs
25- Distinguished *
26- Bibby
27- Wise One *
28- Picnic
29- Uncanny Valley
30- Akiba
31- Disgust *
32- Fun Guy †
33- Famed Farter †
34- Birdy
35- Suspect
36- Ancient

* Quest loot
† Pit loot


Electrobot Heads
1- Stock Model
2- Toaster
3- PAL 8000
4- Android
5- Ventilated
6- Securi-cam
7- Magnettu *
8- Battery Powered
9- R3D C04T *
10- Founding Father *
11- Valiant Programming *
12- Jerkish Programming *
13- Robo MOM ‡
14- Smarticus ‡
15- Mr. Goldbot †
16- Pit King Query †
17- Davy Sprocket ‡
18- Weeoo Weeoo
19- Tracker
20- Baxter

Page 2
21- Coiled Again
22- LAN Man

* Quest loot
‡ Only available through special means
Fun fact: Davy Sprocket was available through random loot before the quest related to it was released.


Mascot Bodies
1- Base Flavor
2- Chilly Charmer
3- The Original
4- Bully in Blue
5- Theater Shark
6- Leaping Lizard
7- Totally Teddy
8- Mane Squeeze *
9- Booster Ben
10- Snail
11- Tricerastops
12- Mantiroar ‡
13- Theater Guard ‡
14- Bipolar Bear *
15- Chocolate Bud *
16- Glorxdon *
17- Bunbun
18- Ellie
19- That’s not Mom
20- Mini Wraith

Page 2
21- 24 K †
22- The Behemoth †
23- Eat Your Crops
24- Delicious
25- Frog, I Guess?
26- Jerk Buddy ‡
27- Ursa Minor ‡
28- Wolf Wolf ‡
29- Sheep Shape ‡

Mascot Backs
1- Go Marching In
2- Highlander
3- Tubular Tuba
4- Drum of Doom †
5- Whatsamacalit †
6- Amp
7- Violin
8- Beastly
9- Electro
10- Learning *
11- Honor Tribe *
12- Boom Box
13- Extra Bass
14- Extra Treble
15- Extra Drums
16- Portable
17- Heavenly *
18- Coordinator
19- Lion House
20- Hawk House

Page 2
21- Swiss House
22- Death House *
23- Baby Rattle ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
‡ Only available through special means


Spidaur Legs
1- Standar Fur
2- Red Socks
3- Jungle Stripe
4- Goth Lolita *
5- Exoskeleton
6- Collar with Buttons *
7- Black and Purple
8- Loud and Proud
9- Stars n’ Stripes *
10- Active Predator
11- Blue Booties
12- Gloshes
13- Chic Sheen †
14- Expensive †
15- Gold Paint †
16- Lounging *
17- Sports Socks†
18- Creeper
19- Nut Cracker
20- Girl’s Night Out
Page 2
21- Strawberry Banana
22 – Derby Team Green ‡
23 – Derby Team Killers *
24 – Big Boots ‡

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
‡ Only available through special means


Kobold Backpacks
1- Backpack
2- Basket
3- Gumball
4- Walk n Talk
5- Naked
6- Green Shell
7- Biohazard
8- Helmeted
9- Explorer *
10- Ouchy
11- Perforated
12- Radiator
13- Pot o Gold *
14- Pink Bow
15- Blue Bow
16- Old Friend
17- New Friend
18- Scare Tactic *
19- Extras
20- Accident

Page 2
21- Spelunker
22- Blackpack
23- Red Pack
24- Blue Pack
25- On Board
26- Puffing Up *
27- Kik Me
28- Overdog†

* Quest loot
† Pit Loot


Pixie Wings
1- Common Species
2- Red Hot
3- Soothing
4- Gas Station Bathroom
5- Angelic
6- Gigantic
7- Pretty Pink
8- Drone *
9- Nature’s Warning
10- Golden †
11- Sunset †
12- Super Sonic †
13- Pinwheel
14- Guano
15- Pest
16- Lift *
17- Helium *
18- Chloro
19- Jazz Hands *
20- Delicate

Page 2
21- Buzzing
22- Beaut
23- Dual
24- Camoflauge
25- Monarch
26- Nature
27- Unreal
28- Swamp
29- Swamp Plus
30- Eloquent
31- Eagle *
32- Sugarplum
33- Cherub
34- Cherubette *
35- Artemis
36- Gross
37- Prettybird *
38- Vengeance
39- Spectrum
40- Flight *

Page 3
41- Webbed
42- Minuscule
43- Starry
44- Lovely
45- Deadly *

* Quest loot
† Pit loot


Wraith Bodies
1- Naked
2- Burly Belt
3- Festive
4- Space Marine
5- Officer Debuph
6- Pumped Up
7- Waiting Forever
8- My Hero
9- Role Model *
10- Champion †
11- Centurion †
12- Patootsie
13- Dealer
14- Fancy Lad *
15- Bare Chested
16- Demonic
17- Napkin
18- Berlin
19- Rome
20- Patriot

Page 2
21- Apprentice
22- Dare Devil

Wraith Masks
1- Simple
2- Wraith-like
3- Tunnel Vision
4- Sir Lichington
5- Plague Doctor *
6- Kinda Cute
7- Kills for Sport
8- Can’t see
9- Kinda Grim
10- Eye See You
11- Maybe it’s Makeup *
12- Bad Breath *
13- Not so certain
14- Very certain
15- The happy one
16- From the moon
17- Hypnowraith
18- Oni Baby
19- Oni Bro
20- Tengu *

Page 2
21- Cash *
22- Lockabye Baby
23- Keyhole
24- Elephantom
26- OR IS IT?
27- The sad one
28- Hidden Intentions
29- Hickory Dickory *
30- Oh look at this one
31- Something I said
32- Lucious
33- Nightmare
34- Daydream *
35- Three black dots
36- Pathological
37- Steel Mcgee
38- Riveting
39- Myrtle
40- Fertil

Page 3
41- Turtle
42- Regret
43- Pirhana
44- Froglike
45- River Stix †
46- HELLO †
47- Minotaur †
48- Eye Sore †
49- Buck
50- Arrr! *
51- Wut? *

* Quest loot
† Pit loot
Fun fact: before update 5, the Elephantom item was a silver lock named CHANGING THIS ART.

Hair Trolls

Hair Troll Heads
1- Basic Troll
2- Fancy *
3- Weird
4- Cool
5- Investigative *
6- Toro
7- Cooks you first
8- Plummage *
9- Prankster *
10- Radar
11- 9 Volt
12- Kaiser Roll †
13- Shell Shock †
14- Gold Tips †
15- Messy
16- Aloof
17- Blue Ballcap
18- Green Ballcap
19- Honor
20- Sleepy

Page 2
21- Savage
22- Uniter
23- Here Comes *
24- It Was *
25- Plastic Shades
26- Much Glamour ‡
27- I Can Hear You ‡
28- Snot A Hat *

* Quest loot
† Pit Loot
‡ Only available through special means


Gorgon Heads
1- Traditional
2- Notdog
3- Cupsnake
4- High Rank *
5- Mastery
6- Bear Hair ‡
7- Up
8- I Scream
9- Clueless
10- Daisy
11- Bawb
12- Bonnet Upon It *
13- Annie *
14- Dame *
15- Roaring 20s
16- QTPatootie
17- To the Ballgame
18- Lots
19- Snake Cradle
20- Old Fashioned

Page 2
21- Perfect
22- Edgy
23- New Age
24- Perm
25- Streamlined
26- Mysterious
27- Loud
28- Attendant
29- Royalty
30- Crown O’ Snakes †
31- Dolled Up
32- Modest
33- Elven *
34- Captain Leviatha ‡
35- Hisstory Maker †

* Quest loot
† Pit Loot
‡ Only available through special means
Fun fact: Leviatha’s Crown accidentally replaced Crown O’ Snakes in update 2 and the Elven head was originally called REMOVE ITEM and was available from pit rewards. It was removed through a hotfix. The Hisstory Maker was originally called Royal Pain.


Octoclops Bodies
1- Neutral
2- Waiter
3- Unnecessary
4- Octo Cop
5- Inker
6- Seret Advice
7- Monoclops *
8- Wraith Wannabe
9- Apparatus
10- Wise Guy
11- Sun Hanky
12- Sun Scarf
13- Bad Dog
14- Grey Hoodie
15- Turq Hoodie
16- Pink Hoodie
17- Blue Hoodie
18- mLady
19- Baby Band
20- Dad’s gone

Page 2
21- Dad’s promoted
22- Closet Monster *
23- Octo Pest
24- Wizardry *
25- Witchery
26- Stickup
27- Burgle
28- Keeping Warm
29- Beanie
30- Red Beanie
31- Blue Beanie
32- Pink Beanie
33- Choices *
34- Dreamer *
35- Pink Bow
36- Blue Bow
37- Mustachio
38- Pie Guy
39- Quadraclops
40- Octoclops

Page 3
41- Antisocial *
42- Cheered For †

* Quest loot
† Pit Loot
Fun fact: the Octoclops cosmetic originally didn’t have extra tentacles.

Special Items

Pandora’s Cut, Yosef’s Other, Hailey’s Way and Esteban: activate all levers/buttons on maps 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Jerkimedes: don’t let him join you in the Jerkdome, then recruit him.
Child Eater: capturable in Chill Out, Child Eater!
Major McDynamo: capturable in Boom Camp!
Hagatha: capturable in Groomer Has It, if you don’t let her get away.
Hatty Hattingthon: own Battleblock Theater on your Steam account.
James, Aleks, Rocco, Shawn, Derrick, PJ, Mecha Richter and Garrett: recruitable in the special encounters in the corners of map 3 (Reclutelona).
Yoratio: complete The Tale of Yoratio.
Future Horatio and Future Pipistrella: recruitable in The Tale of Yoratio.
The Yorick: recruitable in Groomer Has It.
Sultan of Shivers: recruitable in Gulga Burr. You must not destroy the thermostat.
Nagatha: win Fresh and The Radicals.
Jerk Fro: let Jerkimedes join you in the Jerkdome.
Helmetot: recruitable in Helmetite overworld teams.
Choggin’ Hat: recruitable in Chog overworld teams.
Gill Ears, Choggles and Egg Hat: recruit in Bloodbath Lagoon or complete the quest.
Lonely, The Stanley: recruitable in Groomer Has It.
Rump Trumpet: complete the last quest in the Tinkletown questline.
Lostradamus: let Lostradamus join you at the end of Botanikill Gardens.
Optio: loot a chest in Mt. Olympus or recruit there.
Cheer Hair: let the enemy ring the third bell in Saving Salisbury, then recruit.
Brother Hiss: recruitable in Keep Quiet.
Father Crickets: bring Gwennifer Blobbins to Keep Quiet.
Fur Top, Furtastic, Bear Muffs: recruit in The Bear.
Furbottom: press all buttons in map 5.
Hansel: complete the last story quest a second time.

Most Fair Hair: capture General Custard and complete the last part of the Freeware questline.
Alien Hominid: unobtainable, previously random loot in beta.
Scuba Elf: recruit in Nautical or Nice.
Helmeton: recruit in Helmetite overworld teams.
Blue Stiletto and Crimson Tachi: complete The Tale of Earl and Starlene.
Centurion: loot chests in Mt. Olympus or recruit there.
The Pilgrim and Cowl of Quiet: complete Keep Quiet. The Pilgrim also appears in So You Wanna Be a Cannibal.
Bear Hat and Bearber Shop: recruit in The Bear.

Special Thanks

Some cool people to thank for helping us create this guide:

Lelo9444, who helped in writing this guide and provided many of the screenshots
Evolution, who created the Steam trading group
Young Pipistrella for getting nearly all of the screenshots, naming the items, and revamping info sections.


Jack Vitae, who provided the Cupcake screenshots
MarmoTacoSaurusmon o3o who provided pictures for Wraiths, Vampiresses, Rainbow Horses, Mascots and Gnomes
Young Pipistrella who is a l337 hacker provided pictures for Kobolds, Light shields, Mascots, Octoclops, Mushroom Faces, and Robots


Young Pipistrella who is still a l337 hacker provided pictures for Cupcake toppings, Electrobots, Gorgons, Hair trolls, Mascot bodies, Octoclops bodies and Vampiresses
Jack Vitae, who provided the Cupcake batter screenshots
8 Bwit, for the last 2 wraith masks


Tango for providing the Flight pixie wing
SonicDen220 for providing the Bad Influence mushroom cap
Young Pipistrella for all the other update 5 items
