Screenshots of all encounters and lists of the creature items they have, to help you finish your collections or farm specific items.
This is a work-in-progress which means it will probably never be finished. I still need to do the questlines, triple-check all teams and improve many screenshots. I’ve decided to release the guide now since questlines aren’t easily farm-able.
Remember you can use Ctrl+f to find the units/items you’re interested in.
Forest Areas
-Kobold Backpacks: Blue Pack, Accident
-Electrobot Heads: Magnettu, Baxter, LAN Man
-Gnome Chairs: Nothing Special
-Octoclops Bodies: Baby Band
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Ultrafluff, Well Kept
-Pixie Wings: Soothing, Pretty Pink
-Cupcake Toppings: Polka Bow
-Vampiress Heads: Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Pink Bow
-Gorgon Heads: Elven
-Octoclops Bodies: Red Beanie, Grey Hoodie
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Ultrafluff, Scruff
-Mushroom Faces: Shy, Vomit, Crazed, Topless
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy, Pourus, Flower Child
-Mascot Bodies: The Original
-Cupcake Batter: Neopolitan
-Cupcake Toppings: Office
-Vampiress Heads: Feral, Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Baby On Board, Achilles, Koala Confusion
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Mascot Bodies: The Original, Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Cupcake Batter: Choco Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Raspberry
-Pixie Wings: Soothing
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Octoclops Bodies: Wise Guy
-Mushroom Faces: Old Man Fungus
-Mushroom Caps: Adventurer like you
Grass Areas
-Pixie Wings: Pretty Pink, Gigantic
-Octoclops Bodies: Octo Cop
-Pixie Wings: Drone
-Cupcake Batter: Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Police
-Wraith Belts: Officer Debuph
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Kobold Backpacks: Green Shell, Blue Pack
-Cupcake Toppings: Choco Sprinkles
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Spectrum
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot, Soothing
-Mascot Bodies: Bipolar Bear, The Original
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba, Coordinator
-Cupcake Batter: Grape
-Cupcake Toppings: Googly Eyes
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
-Spidaur Legs: Nut Cracker, Strawberry Banana, Lounging Boots
-Octoclops Bodies: Blue Beanie
-Mascot Bodies: Totally Teddy, Bunbun
-Mascot Backs: Angelic, Portable
-Mushroom Faces: Vomit, Crazed, Neck Warmer
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy, Adventurer like you
-Wraith Masks: Hypnowraith
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt
-Mascot Bodies: Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Mushroom Faces: Free Hugs
-Mushroom Caps: Clone
-Octoclops Bodies: Wizardry
-Mushroom Faces: New Year’s Resolution
-Mushroom Caps: Adventurer like you
-Mascot Bodies: The Original
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Mushroom Faces: Gassy
-Cupcake Batter: Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Construction
Desert Areas
-Hair Troll Heads: Weird
-Spidaur Legs: Red Socks, Black and Purple, Jungle Stripe
-Vampiress Heads: A little something
-Vampiress Backpacks: Baby On Board
-Mascot Bodies: Booster Ben, Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Cupcake Batter: Lemon
-Cupcake Toppings: Dandy, Jurassic Fern
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Electrobot Heads: Android
-Cupcake Batter: Choco Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
-Octoclops Bodies: Sun Hanky
-Hair Troll Heads: Toro
-Hair Troll Heads: Cool
-Mushroom Faces: Red Bandana
Candy Areas & Gumdrop Forests
-Hair Troll Heads: Cooks you first
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry, Neopolitan
-Cupcake Toppings: Dandy, Shavings
-Octoclops Bodies: Pink Hoodie
-Cupcake Batter: Grape
-Cupcake Toppings: Razz Sprinkles, Hot Fudge
-Hair Troll Heads: Radar
-Cupcake Batter: Choco Swirl, Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Torcher, Choco Chunk
-Mushroom Faces: Vomit
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage, Weird
-Wraith Masks: Myrtle, Fertile, Turtle
-Vampiress Heads: Flower Girl, Easter Style
-Vampiress Backpacks: Pixie Wings
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Pixie Wings: Soothing
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry Swirl
-Octoclops Bodies: Inker
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Spectrum
-Cupcake Batter: Rainbow Rescue
-Mushroom Faces: Silly, Kawaii
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child, Special Delivery
-Wraith Masks: Kills for Sport, Something I Said
-Octoclops Bodies: Pink Bow
-Cupcake Toppings: Razz Sprinkles, Goggly Eyes
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Cupcake Batter: Strawberry
-Cupcake Toppings: Birthday Cupcake
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
Graveyard Areas
-Vampiress Heads: Flower Girl
-Vampiress Backpacks: Myth Cluster
-Mushroom Faces: Queasy, Gassy
-Mushroom Caps: Clone, Porous
-Wraith Masks: Bad Breath, Plague Doctor, Something I Said
-Mascot Bodies: Mini Wraith, That’s not Mom
-Mascot Backs: Death House, Portable
-Wraith Masks: Very Certain, The sad one, Regret, Pathological, Kinda Grim
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Spidaur Legs: Red Socks, Black and Purple
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning
-Cupcake Batter: Mint
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
Kitchen Utensil sword and Just Water shield
-Octoclops Bodies: Antisocial
-Wraith Masks: Kinda Grim
-Mushroom Faces: Nocturnal
-Mushroom Caps: Clone
-Cupcake Batter: Mint
-Cupcake Toppings: Candy Corn
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red, Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk, Pink Bow
-Wraith Masks: Oni Baby, Oni Bro, Tengu
-Pixie Wings: Angelic, Gigantic
-Vampiress Heads: Easter Style
-Vampiress Backpacks: Pixie Wings
-Cupcake Batter: Mint, Yellow 5
-Octoclops Bodies: Octo Pest
-Cupcake Toppings: Candy Corn, Shuriken
-Octoclops Bodies: Wraith Wannabe
-Wraith Masks: Not so certain, Three black dots
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt
-Cupcake Batter: Mint
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix, Raspberry Sauce
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Spidaur Legs: Blue Booties, Galoshes
-Vampiress Heads: Fire Patrol, A little something, Seeing Red, Flower Girl, Enforcer
-Vampiress Backs: Myth Cluster, Blood Punk, Baby On Board
-Mushroom Faces: Aggro, Gassy, Ancient
-Mushroom Caps: Not so Bad, Mohawk Plus, Mohawk
-Wraith Masks: Plague Doctor, Bad Breath, Something I said
-Mascot Bodies: Mini Wraith
-Mascot Backs: Death House
Jungle Areas
-Mushroom Faces: Queasy, Topless
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy, Flower Child
-Cupcake Toppings: Jurassic Fern
-Pixie Wings: Drone
-Spidaur Legs: Galoshes
-Wraith Masks: Steel Mcgee
-Wraith Bodies: Space Marine
-Vampiress Heads: Ace
-Vampiress Backpacks: Hiking Gear
-Wraith Masks: Keyhole, Lucious
-Hair Troll Heads: Weird
-Mushroom Faces: Queasy, Silly
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child, Free Wi-Fi
-Vampiress Heads: A little something
-Vampiress Backpacks: Myth Cluster
-Mascot Bodies: Mane Squeeze, Booster Ben
-Mascot Backs: Honor Tribe
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Lion’s
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
-Mushroom Faces: Vomit, Not in the mood
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child, Porous
-Cupcake Batter: Mint, Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Tribal, Jurassic Fern
Steak Knife sword and DIY shield
-Cupcake Batter: Mint
-Cupcake Toppings: Shuriken
-Octoclops Bodies: Bad Dog
-Vampiress Heads: Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Baby On Board
-Gnome Chairs: Leopard Slayer
-Mascot Bodies: Mane Squeeze
-Mascot Backs: Honor Tribe
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita, Galoshes
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed, Queasy, Nervous
-Mushroom Tops: Adventurer like you
-Spidaur Legs: Loud and Proud, Red Socks
-Mushroom Faces: Shy
-Mushroom Tops: Pourus
-Mascot Bodies: Theater Shark
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba
-Gorgon Heads: To the ballgame, Loud
-Octoclops Bodies: Wraith Wannabe
Lava Areas
Caveman Favorite mace and The Recruiter
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Combed Up, Angular
Hair Troll Heads: Honor
Cupcake Frosting: Charcoal
Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix, Dig In
-Octoclops Bodies: Blue Hoodie
-Vampiress Heads: Flower Girl, Seeing Red
-Vampiress Backpacks: Technnovamp, Beach Refreshment
-Cupcake Toppings: Sprinkles
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom, Red Hot
-Electrobot Heads: Securi-cam
-Electrobot Heads: Ventilated, PAL 8000, Baxter
-Kobold Backpacks: Walk n Talk, Radiator, Red Pack
-Wraith Masks: ALERT
-Mushroom Faces: Vomit
-Wraith Masks: Nightmare, Daydream, Pathological
-Electrobot Heads: Toaster
-Cupcake Toppings: Torched, Caramel Sauce
-Octoclops Bodies: Mustachio, Pie Guy
-Wraith Masks: Hickory Dickory, Riveting
-Hair Troll Heads: Cooks you first
-Mushroom Faces: You can trust me, Disgust
-Mushroom Caps: Intense, Bad Influence
Swamp Areas
-Vampiress Heads: Feral, Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Pixie Wings
-Mushroom Faces: Picnic, Silly
-Mushroom Caps: Free Wi-Fi, Flower Child
-Gnome Chairs: Nothing Special
-Gorgon Heads: Perm, Clueless
-Mascot Bodies: I Eat Your Crops
-Mascot Backs: Portable, Boom Box, Electro
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Mascot Bodies: Leaping Lizard
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba
-Octoclops Bodies: Baby Band, Wise Guy
-Mascot Bodies: I Eat Your Crops
-Mascot Backs: Amp, Beastly
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Scruff
–Hair Troll Heads: Savage, Messy
-Cupcake Batter: Upsetti, Apple Gel
-Cupcake Toppings: Meatballs
-Mascot Bodies: Leaping Lizard, Snail
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Pixie Wings: Swamp, Swamp Plus, Minuscule, Buzzling
-Mascot Bodies: Frog, I Guess?
-Mascot Backs: Angelic, Violin
Beach Areas
-Troll Mother Heads: Showercap
-Wraith Masks: Steel Mcgee
-Octoclops Bodies: Unnecessary, Dreamer
-Mushroom Faces: Uncanny Valley
-Mushroom Caps: Pourus
-Cupcake Batter: Grape, Apple Gel
-Cupcake Toppings: Hot Fudge
-Cupcake Batter: Lemon
-Cupcake Toppings: Tribal
-Octoclops Bodies: Quadraclops, Baby Band
-Mushroom Faces: Queasy
-Mushroom Caps: Pourus, Clone
-Mascot Bodies: Bipolar Bear, Mini Wraith
-Hair Troll Heads: Plastic Shades
-Electrobot Heads: Tracker
-Spidaur Legs: Galoshes, Red Socks
-Octoclops Bodies: Monoclops
-Mushroom Faces: Uncanny Valley
-Gnome Chairs: Exchange
-Gorgon Heads: To the Ballgame, Bonnet Upon It
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red, Flower Girl
-Vampiress Backpacks: Big Yellow Bow, Beach Refreshment
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Lion’s, Ultrafluff
-Kobold Backpacks: Green Shell, Blue Pack, Blue Bow
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage, Blue Ballcap, Green Ballcap
-Wraith Bodies: Pumped Up
-Wraith Masks: Hypnowraith, Tunnel Vision, Maybe it’s Makeup, Hidden Intentions
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning, Gigantic
-Cupcake Batter: Choco Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Tribal
-Pixie Wings: Prettybird
-Cupcake Toppings: Beachball
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
-Mushroom Faces: Nervous, Silly, Crazed, Suspect
-Mushroom Caps: Narwhal, Radar, Octo
-Cupcake Batter/Frosting: Lemon
-Cupcake Toppings: Tribal
-Octoclops Bodies: Baby Band
-Wraith Bodies: Bare Chested, Napkin
-Wraith Masks: Buck, Hidden Intentions, Maybe it’s Makeup
-Vampiress Bodies: Big Yellow Bow, Beach Refreshment
-Vampiress Heads: Fedorable, Seeing Red, Flower Girl
Snow Areas
-Cupcake Batter: Strawberry, Choco Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Cherry, Choco Chunk
-Octoclops Bodies: Wise Guy
-Vampiress Heads: Feral, A little something
-Vampiress Backpacks: Candy Cane
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Holiday Spirit
-Pixie Wings: Drone
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Scruff
-Mushroom Faces: Neck Warmer
-Mushroom Caps: Cold Outside
-Hair Troll Heads: Uniter, Sleepy, Messy
-Octoclops Bodies: Keeping Warm, Sun Scarf
-Cupcake Batter: Mint, Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Raspberry Sauce, Cherry
-Mascot Bodies: Chilly Charmer
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba, Highlander
-Hair Troll Heads: Uniter, Fancy
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Zeeb
-Mushroom Faces: Pretty Princess
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Stately
-Hair Troll Heads: Fancy
-Octoclops Bodies: Monoclops
-Mascot Bodies: Booster Ben, Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Angelic, Violin
-Spidaur Legs: Blue Booties
-Cupcae Batter: Grape
-Cupcake Toppings: Shavings
Tech Areas
-Gnome Chairs: Office
-Pixie Wings: Drone
-Electrobot Heads: Toaster, Securi-cam, PAL 8000, Android, Ventilated
-Octoclops Bodies: Dad’s gone, Apparatus
-Electrobot Heads: Securi-cam, Magnettu, Battery Powered
-Kobold Backpacks: Radiator, Walk n Talk
-Octoclops Bodies: Secret Service
-Electrobot Heads: LAN Man, Securi-cam, PAL 8000, Weeoo Weeoo
-Gnome Chairs: Office
-Spidaur Legs: Girl’s Night Out
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red
-Vampiress Backpacks: Technovamp
-Electrobot Heads: Android, Securi-cam, PAL 8000
-Electrobot Heads: Android, PAL 8000
Pixie Slayer sword and The Tort shield
-Octoclops Bodies: Stickup
-Electrobot Heads: Coiled Again
-Cupcake Toppings: Shuriken, Cupception
Creature items:
-Gorgon Heads: New Age, Streamlined, Edgy
-Wraith Masks: Kinda Cute
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt
-Vampiress Backs: Technovamp, Blood Punk
-Vampiress Heads: Support Pending
-Gorgon Heads: Streamlined, New Age, Edgy
-Octoclops Bodies: Secret Service
-Wraith Masks: Kinda Cute
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt
-Mushroom Faces: Suspect
-Mushroom Caps: Radar
Mountain Areas
-Octoclops Bodies: Turq Hoodie
-Gnome Chairs: UFBro
-Kobold Backpacks: Extras, On Board, Basket
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Troll Mother Heads: Relaxed
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning
-Spidaur Legs: Collar with Buttons
-Mascot Bodies: Mini Wraith, Theater Shark
-Mascot Backs: Death House
-Mushroom Faces: Wise One
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed
-Electrobot Heads: Magnettu
-Wraith Masks: Nightmare
-Octoclops Bodies: Wise Guy
-Mushroom Faces: Nervous
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child, Adventurer like you
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Kobold Backs: Basket, Spelunker
-Hair Troll Heads: Cool
-Mascot Bodies: The Original, Leaping Lizard
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Combed Up
Cave Areas
-Gorgon Heads: Clueless
-Mascot Bodies: Leaping Lizard
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba
-Pixie Wings: Drone
-Vampiress Heads: Anarkissed, Feral
-Vampiress Backpacks: Baby On Board, Koala Confusion
-Cupcake Batter: Sorbet
-Cupcake Toppings: Plain Sprinkles
-Mushroom Faces: Free Hugs, Not in the mood, Vomit, Topless
-Mushroom Caps: Clone, Tripple Truffle
-Gorgon Heads: Up, Bonnet Upon It, Royalty, Bawb
Tinkletown Area
-Cupcake Batter: Lemon
-Gnome Chairs: Efficient
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Cupcake Toppings: Citrus Slice
-Mascot Bodies: Chocolate Bud
-Mascot Backs: Tubular Tuba
-Mushroom Faces: Kawaii, Gassy, Crazed
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy, Pourus
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Well Kept
-Mushroom Faces: Vomit, Gassy
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy, Flower Child
-Gorgon Heads: I Scream
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot, Soothing
-Octoclops Bodies: Sun Hanky
-Mascot Bodies: Bunbun, Ellie
-Mascot Backs: Learning, Angelic
-Hair Trolls Heads: Plastic Shades, Weird
Golf Area
-Electrobot Heads: Magnettu
-Gnome Chairs: Park Bench
-Octoclops Bodies: Waiter
-Mushroom Faces: Distinguished
-Mascot Bodies: Leaping Lizard
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Cupcake Batter: Grape
-Cupcake Toppings: Dandy
Construction Area
-Octoclops Bodies: Inker
-Rainbow Horse Manes: The Cone
-Electrobot Heads: Magnettu
-Vampiress Heads: Enforcer
-Vampiress Backpacks: Technovamp
-Octoclops Bodies: Apparatus
-Cupcake Batter: Charcoal
-Cupcake Toppings: Construction
Wasteland Area
-Mascot Bodies: Bunbun, Leaping Lizard
-Mascot Backs: Death House, Electro
-Mushroom Faces: Gassy
-Hair Troll Heads: Plastic Shades
-Electrobot Heads: Ventilated, Toaster, Magnettu
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot, Drone
-Cupcake Frosting: Apple Gel, Chocolate, Hair de Jour
-Cupcake Toppings: Office, Morbid Mix
Elite Teams
Found in deserts.
-Vampiress Heads: Ace
-Vampiress Backpacks: Hiking Gear
-Mushroom Faces: Cool Headed
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
Found in deserts.
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed, Cool Headed
-Hair Troll Heads: Messy, Plastic Shades
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red, Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Beach Refreshment, Student Pack
-Mascot Bodies: Bipolar Bear
-Mascot Backs: Extra Drums
Found in deserts.
-Mushroom Faces: Akiba, Crazed
-Mushroom Caps: Hitchhiker
-Kobold Backpacks: New Friend, Extras, Old Friend
Found in grass areas.
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Zeeb, Angular
-Cupcake Batter: Rainbow Rescue
-Cupcake Toppings: Meat Sauce
Found in grass areas.
-Cupcake Toppings: Office
Found in grass areas.
-Mascot Bodies: I Eat Your Crops
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Octoclops Bodies: Wise Guy
-Gorgon Heads: Modest
Found in snow areas.
-Octoclops Bodies: Wizardry
-Mascot Bodies: Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Death House
Found in snow areas.
-Pixie Wings: Soothing, Angelic
-Cupcake Toppings: Hot Fudge
-Hair Troll Heads: Uniter
Found in snow areas.
-Gorgon Heads: Modest
-Vampiress Heads: Flower Girl
-Vampiress Backpacks: Pixie Wings
-Kobold Backpacks: Perforated, Basket
-Spidaur Legs: Nut Cracker, Collar With Buttons
-Cupcake Toppings: Plain Sprinkles, Whipped Cream
Found in graveyard areas.
-Wraith Bodies: Patootsie
-Wraith Masks: Maybe it’s Mekeup, Lucious
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Spidaur Legs: Girl’s Night Out, Red Socks
Found in graveyard areas.
-Gorgon Heads: Loud, Perm, New Age
-Vampiress Heads: Anarkissed, Seeing Red
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk
-Mascot Bodies: I Eat Your Crops, Mini Wraith
-Mascot Backs: Extra Drums, Extra Bass
Found in graveyard areas.
-Octoclops Bodies: Closet Monster
-Vampiress Heads: Feral, Good Game
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk
-Cupcake Batter: Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
Found in jungle areas.
-Gorgon Heads: Snake Craddle, Bawb, Royalty
-Spidaur Legs: Creeper
Other stuff:
-Axes: Useless Currency
Also, it’s the only place in the game with demi-clops spidaurs.
Found in jungle areas.
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot, Nature’s Warning, Pretty Pink, Soothing, Gigantic
-Spidaur Legs: Galoshes, Loud and Proud, Blue Booties, Jungle Stripe
Found in lava areas.
-Mascot Bodies: Glorxdon, Leaping Lizard
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning
-Spidaur Legs: Red Socks
Elite Teams – Part 2
character limits are annoying
Found in lava areas.
-Hair Troll Heads: Toro
-Gnome Chairs: Ouch Couch
Found in tech areas.
-Electrobot Heads: Securi-cam, PAL 8000, Baxter, Tracker
-Gnome Chairs: Nothing Special, Exchange, Ouch Couch
Found in tech areas.
-Pixie Wings: Drone
Found in forest areas.
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Mushroom Faces: Aggro
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy
-Troll Mother Heads: With Nature
Found in forest areas.
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom, Drone
The Mapler sword and Rock of Nothing throwable
Found in forest areas.
Found in candy areas and Gumdrop forests.
-Pixie Wings: Pretty Pink
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Raspberry, Cherry
Found in candy areas and Gumdrop forests.
-Pixie Wings: Angelic, Soothing
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Festivity
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry Swirl, Strawberry
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
-Wraith Bodies: Patootsie
-Octoclops Bodies: Witchery
-Hair Troll Heads: Weird
Rainbow Horse Manes: Neon
-Troll Mother Heads: Polkadot
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Phoenix, Lion’s
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning, Red Hot
-Wraith Masks: Pathological
-Mascot Bodies: That’s not Mom, Ellie, Booster Ben, Mane Squeeze
-Mascot Backs: Electro, Amp, Beastly, Extra Drums
-Gorgon Heads: New Age
Troll Mothers
While they’re most commonly found in mountain areas, they’re actually separate from mountain encounters and can be found in a few other obscure spots around the maps.
-Kobold Backpacks: Basket, Extras, Old Friend
-Troll Mother Heads: Relaxed, Yellow Bow
-Wraith Bodies: Pumped Up
-Wraith Masks: Kinda Grim, Not so certain
-Troll Mother Heads: Company, Curlers
-Mascot Bodies: That’s not Mom
-Mascot Backs: Honor Tribe, Boom Box
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Juiced
-Troll Mother Heads: Red Phones, Pigtails
-Mushroom Faces: Disgust
-Mushroom Caps: Adventurer like you
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
Other Teams
These can appear in multiple areas.
-Octoclops Bodies: Unnecessary
-Cupcake Batter: Apple Gel, Cherry Gel
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
-Mushroom Faces: Queasy, You can trust me
-Mushroom Caps: Tripple Truffle, Porous
-Pixie Wings: Drone
Helmetite Sword and Helmetite shield
-Cupcake Batter: Leftovers
-Cupcake Toppings: Protein Sprinkle
Helmetite Sword and Helmetite shield
-Kobold Backpacks: Ouchy, Helmeted
-Cupcake Batter: Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Plain Sprinkles
-Octoclops Bodies: Sun Scarf
-Electrobot Heads: Jerkish Programming
-Rainbow Horse Manes: The Cone, Disturbing
-Pixie Wings: Soothing, Red Hot
-Hair Troll Heads: Prankster
Can be found in 4 specific spots in the corners of worldmap 3
-Gorgon Heads: Old Fashioned
-Electrobot Heads: Magnettu
-Gnome Chairs: UFBro, Coaster
Other stuff:
-Decoration Helms: Cow Chop, James, Aleks
Can be found in 4 specific spots in the corners of worldmap 3
-Kobold Backpacks: Scare Tactic, Perforated
-Pixie Wings: Angelic, Drone
-Mushroom Faces: Free Hugs
-Mushroom Caps: Tripple Truffle
-Hair Troll Heads: 9 Volt
-Mascot Bodies: Chocolate Bud
-Mascot Backs: Learning
Other stuff:
-Decoration Helms: Shawn, Rocco, Derrick, Garett
Can be found in 4 specific spots in the corners of worldmap 3
-Wraith Masks: Simple
-Wraith Bodies: Patootsie
-Spidaur Legs: Lounging Boots, Active Predator
-Cupcake Batter: Sorbet
-Cupcake Toppings: Office
Other stuff:
-Decoration Helms: PJ, Mecha Richter
Found near Wanted: Webslingers quest in worldmap 1
Creature items:
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red, A little something. Enforcer
-Vampiress Backpacks: Technovamp
-Wraith Masks: Froglike
-Wraith Bodies: Waiting Forever
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
Worldmap 1 (“La Lucha”) Quests
-Hair Troll Heads: Weird, 9 Volt, Radar
-Spidaur Legs: Blue Booties
-Pixie Wings: Soothing, Gigantic
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Neon
From tent spawns:
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Minty, Roller
-Spidaur Legs: Loud and Proud
-Pixie Wings: Soothing, Red Hot
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry Swirl, Grape, Neopolitan
-Cupcake Toppings: Birthday Cupcake, Waffle, Polka Bow
Credits to SonicDen220 for the image. It’s only missing the grape cupcake.
From tent spawns:
-Kobold Backpacks: Basket, Extras, Old Friend, Black Pack
-Mushroom Faces: Silly, Mustard Bandana, Topless
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy, Adventurer like you, Flower Child
-Spidaur Legs: Galoshes, Loud and Proud, Jungle Stripe
Special thanks to SonicDen220 for the image.
-Pixie Wings: Soothing, Gigantic, Gas Station Bathroom
-Mascot Bodies: Bully in Blue
-Cupcake Batter: Strawberry
-Cupcake Toppings: Birthday Cupcake
-Mushroom Faces: Vomit, Nocturnal
-Hair Troll Heads: Weird
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
-Spidaur Legs: Jungle Stripe, Goth Lolita, Red Socks, Collar with Buttons, Black and Purple
-Spidaur Legs: Lounging Boots
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning
-Mascot Bodies: Mantiroar
-Gnome Chairs: Catcher
Worldmap 2 (“Mundo de Vagones”) Quests
-Spidaur Legs: Red Socks
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom, Nature’s Warning
Other stuff:
-Medium Helms: The Chogfather
-Wraith Masks: Bad Breath, Regret, Nightmare, Lockabye Baby
-Wraith Belts: Burly Belt, Role Model, Pumped Up
-Spidaur Legs: Blue Booties, Loud and Proud
In second part:
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red, Anarkissed, All you can eat, Flower Girl, Easter Style
-Vampiress Backpacks: Hiking Gear, Moon Mission, Baby On Board
Accepting the quest spawns an elite.
-Wraith Masks: Hidden Intentions, Froglike
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt, Space Marine
-Kobold Backpacks: Puffing Up
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita
-Gorgon Heads: Up
-Hair Troll Heads: Fancy
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
-Octoclops Bodies: Wise Guy
From tent spawns:
-Spidaur Legs: Collar with Buttons, Exoskeleton
-Vampiress Heads: Good Game
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk
-Mushroom Faces: Nocturnal, Aggro
-Octoclops Bodies: Wraith Wannabe
-Cupcake Batter: Chocolate, Leftovers
-Cupcake Toppings: Goggly Eyes
-Gorgon Heads: Lots
Special thanks to SonicDen220 for the image.
-Mascot Bodies: Bipolar Bear
-Mascot Backs: Coordinator
-Electrobot Heads: Robo MOM, Securi-cam, Tracker, Battery Powered, PAL 8000, Weeoo Weeoo
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
Other stuff:
-Heavy Helms: The Rookie, Queenie
Accepting the quest spawns an elite.
-Electrobot Heads: Battery Powered, Ventilated
-Gnome Chairs: Park Bench, Beanbag
-Mushroom Faces: Bibby
-Electrobot Heads: Securi-cam
-Pixie Wings: Flight, Drone
Other stuff:
-Medium Helms: Toastmaster
-Spidaur Legs: Active Predator
-Vampiress Heads: Fire Patrol
-Vampiress Backpacks: All you can eat
-Mushroom Faces: 4 Eyes
-Wraith Masks: Kills for Sport
-Mascot Bodies: Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
-Cupcake Batter: Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Construction
In second part:
-Mushroom Faces: Red Bandana
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning
-Vampiress Heads: Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk
-Spidaur Legs: Exoskeleton
Wraith Masks: Sir Lichington
-Vampiress Heads: Anarkissed, Feral
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk
-Cupcake Batter: Mint
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
In second part:
-Wraith Masks: Plague Doctor
Worldmap 3 (“Reclutelona”) Quests
-Octoclops Bodies: Sun Hanky
-Spidaur Legs: Loud and Proud, Black and Purple
-Kobold Backpacks: Extras, On Board
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
-Kobold Backpacks: Perforated, Blue Bow, Basket
-Pixie Wings: Soothing
-Gnome Chairs: Park Bench, Nothing Special, Leopard Slayer
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita, Collar with Buttons
-Wraith Masks: Sir Lichington
-Wraith Bodies: Pumped Up
-Hair Troll Heads: Fancy
-Mascot Bodies: Glorxdon, Leaping Lizard, That’s not Mom
-Mascot Backs: Electro, Amp, Beastly
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Juiced
-Spidaur Legs: Stars ‘n Stripes
-Pixie Wings: Pretty Pink
-Mascot Bodies: Chilly Charmer
-Mascot Bodies: Totally Teddy
-Mascot Backs: Learning
-Mushroom Faces: You can trust me
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child
-Octoclops Bodies: Monoclops
-Cupcake Batter: Sorbet
-Cupcake Toppings: Shark Fin
Creature items:
-Octoclops Bodies: Dad’s Gone
-Mushroom Faces: Blue Bandana
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child
-Mascot Bodies: Chocolate Bud
-Mascot Backs: Amp
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry
-Cupcake Toppings: Dandy
If you join the peasants:
-Mascot Bodies: Leaping Lizard
-Mascot Backs: Hawk House
-Spidaur Legs: Exoskeleton
If you join Sir Froth:
-Mascot Bodies: Bunbun
-Mascot Backs: Boom Box
Accepting the quest spawns an elite.
-Gorgon Heads: Streamlined
-Spidaur Legs: Jungle Stripe
-Octoclops Bodies: Apparatus
-Cupcake Batter: Raspberry
-Cupcake Toppings: Shark Fin
-Electrobot Heads: Securi-cam
-Octoclops Bodies: Apparatus
-Kobold Backpacks: Biohazard, Explorer
-Hair Troll Heads: Radar
-Spidaur Legs: Predator
-Electrobot Heads: Toaster, Magnettu, PAL 8000, Ventilated, Battery Powered
-Gnome Chairs: Coaster, Royal Pain, Ouch Couch, Exchange, Park Bench
-Cupcake Frosting: Cherry Gel
-Cupcake Toppings: Morbid Mix
-Kobold Backpacks: Red Pack, Old Friend
-Spidaur Legs: Sports Socks
Worldmap 4 (“Costa Reina”) Quests
Accepting the quest spawns a chasing elite.
-Gorgon Heads: Royalty
-Octoclops Bodies: Choices
-Vampiress Heads: Feral
-Vampiress Backpacks: All you can eat
-Electrobot Heads: Magnettu
Accepting the quest spawns a chasing elite.
-Octoclops Bodies: Quadraclops
-Gnome Chairs: Exchange
-Mushroom Faces: 4 Eyes
-Electrobot Heads: LAN Man
-Cupcake Frosting/Batter: Neopolitan
-Cupcake Toppings: Office
Participating in the optional fight will later allow you to get a gorgon with the Bawb hair.
-Kobold Backpacks: Green Shell, Extras, Spelunker, Ouchy, Naked, Red Pack, Explorer, Gumball, Black Pack, On Board, Pink Bow, Kik Me, Blue Pack, Walk n Talk, Biohazard, Basket
-Electrobot Heads: Securi-cam, PAL 8000
-Pixie Wings: Drone
Completing the quest will let you get a Rainbow Horse with the Well Kept mane.
-Octoclops Bodies: Octo Pest
-Mushroom Faces: Disgust
-Mushroom Caps: Tripple Truffle
-Vampiress Heads: A little something
-Vampiress Backpacks: Blood Punk
-Wraith Masks: Daydream
-Wraith Belts: Burly Belt
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita
-Electrobot Heads: Valiant Programming, Battery Powered
-Gnome Chairs: Nothing Special, UFBro
-Spidaur Legs: Loud and Proud
-Vampiress Heads: A little something, Feral
-Vampiress Backpacks: Baby on Board, Hiking Gear
-Kobold Backpacks: Walk n Talk
You can get a wraith with Something I said and Waiting Forever from this quest.
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed, Akiba, Disgust, Aggro, You can trust me, Vomit
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child, Leafy, Special Delivery, Clone, Porous
From tent spawns:
-Wraith Masks: The sad one
-Wraith Bodies: Pumped Up
Credits to SonicDen220 for the image.
-Mushroom Faces: Red Bandana, Mustard Bandana, Distinguised, Old Man Fungus (Yes, it is possible to capture those 2 shrooms, although it’s probably not intended)
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
From tent spawns:
-Spidaur Legs: Blue Booties, Galoshes
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
-Octoclops Bodies: Sun Hanky
Credits to SonicDen220 for the image.
Worldmap 5 (“Nueva España”) Quests
-Pixie Wings: Lift
-Mushroom Faces: Distinguished
-Mushroom Caps: Dapper
-Mascot Bodies: Eat Your Crops
-Mascot Backs: Extra Treble
-Gorgon Heads: Perm
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Holiday Spirit
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
-Mushroom Caps: Special Delivery
-Mushroom Faces: Silly
-Wraith Bodies: Festive
-Wraith Masks: Not so certain
-Cupcake Frosting: Cupancake
-Cupcake Toppings: Melted
-Mushroom Toppings: Earlybird
-Electrobot Heads: Toaster
-Hair Troll Heads: Cooks you first
-Gorgon Heads: Loyalty
-Mascot Bodies: Glorxdon, Eat Your Crops
-Mascot Backs: Amp, Electro
-Mushroom Faces: Ancient
-Mushroom Caps: Pony
-Cupcake Frosting: Grape
-Cupcake Toppings: Razz Sprinkles
-Electrobot Heads: Tracker
-Pixie Wings: Lift
-Spidaur Leggings: Predator
-Pixie Wings: Guano, Chloro
-Troll Mother Heads: Company, With Nature
-Mushroom Caps: Leafy
-Vampiress Heads: Seeing Red, Feral
-Vampiress Backs: Blood Punk, Technovamp
-Electrobot Heads: Toaster, Securi-cam, PAL 8000
-Pixie Wings: Soothing
-Mascot Bodies: Glorxdon, Totally Teddy
-Mascot Backs: Boom Box, Amp, Highlander
-Gnome Seats: UFBro
-Hair Troll Heads: 9 Volt
Credits to SonicDen220 for the image.
-Spidaur Legs: Creeper, Exoskeleton
-Mushroom Faces: Suspect
-Mushroom Caps: Spore Decor
-Mascot Bodies: Snail, Eat Your Crops
-Mascot Backs: Death House
-Vampiress Heads: Feral, Flower Girl, Anarkissed
-Vampiress Backs: Blood Punk, Pixie Wings, Homecoming
-Hair Troll Heads: Green Ballcap, Blue Ballcap
-Pixie Wings: Helium, Pinwheel
-Spidaur Legs: Sports Socks
-Mushroom Faces: Ancient, Uncanny Valley
-Mushroom Caps: Giddy, Cursed
-Troll Mother Heads: Curlers
Questline – Tinkletown
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed, Vomit, Gassy
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child
-Gnome Seats: Efficient
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning, Gigantic
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed, Not in the mood
-Vampiress Heads: Feral, Anarkissed, Good Game
-Vampiress Backs: Baby On Board, Blood Punk, Achilles
-Wraith Bodies: Pumped Up
-Wraith Masks: Kinda Grim, Eye See You, From the moon
-Cupcake Frosting: Raspberry
-Cupcake Topping: Morbid Mix
-Electrobot Heads: Toaster
-Gnome Chairs: Efficient
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt
-Wraith Masks: Steel Mcgee
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
-Spidaur Legs: Exoskeleton
-Vampiress Heads: Ace
Questline – Scrumptious
-Pixie Wings: Angelic
-Hair Troll Heads: Cooks you first
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot
-Spidaur Legs: Predator
-Spidaur Legs: Collar with Buttons
-Vampiress Heads: Easter Style
-Wraith Bodies: Pumped Up
-Wraith Masks: OR IS IT?
-Electrobot Heads: Ventilated
-Mushroom Faces: Crazed
-Mushroom Caps: Flower Child
-Cupcake Frosting: Chocolate, Raspberry Swirl, Mint
-Cupcake Toppings: Choco Chunk, Raspberry, Shavings, Lime
Upon completing this fight, a cupcake with the Cherry topping will be added to your spoils.
Questline – Magma Carta
-Spidaur Legs: Loud and Proud
-Wraith Bodies: My Hero
-Wraith Masks: OR IS IT?, Something I said
-Cupcake Frosting: Choco Swirl
-Cupcake Toppings: Police
-Spidaur Legs: Stars ‘n Stripes
-Wraith Bodies: My Hero
-Wraith Masks: The happy one, Lucious
-Electrobot Heads: PAL 8000
Frostwaddle is not recruitable here.
-Wraith Bodies: My Hero
-Wraith Masks: Hypnowraith, Can’t see, Oh look at this one
-Electrobot Heads: PAL 8000
-Mascot Bodies: Chilly Charmer
-Mascot Backs: Highlander
Questline – Freeware
-Cupcake Frosting: Lemon
-Cupcake Toppings: Green Hat
-Spidaur Legs: Lounging
-Kobold Backs: Gumball
General Custard is not recruitable here.
-Electrobot Heads: R3D C04T
-Pixie Wings: Nature’s Warning
-Mascot Bodies: The Original
-Mushroom Faces: Red Bandana
-Mushroom Toppings: Free Wi-Fi
-Cupcake Toppings: General
-Gorgon Heads: Up
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Disturbing
-Mascot Bodies: Bully in Blue
-Mascot Backs: Lion House, Death House
-Kobold Backs: Old Friend
-Electrobot Heads: R3D C04T
-Electrobot Heads: R3D C04T
-Gnome Chairs: Royal Pain
Questline – Hardboil
-Octoclops Bodies: Monoclops
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
-Spidaur Legs: Collar with Buttons
Smarticus is not recruitable here.
-Spidaur Legs: Active Predator, Galoshes
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot, Gigantic
Completing the optional fights and keeping the allies alive in the final fight will let you get them along with their items: Distinguished and Hitchhiker for the shroom, and Police for the cupcake
-Spidaur Legs: Red Socks, Stars n’ Stripes
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic, Red Hot
Note: you can recruit a unit in each of the fights.
In first part:
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
-Octoclops Bodies: Monoclops
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic, Gas Station Bathroom
-Cupcake Frosting: Chocolate
-Cupcake Toppings: Choco Chunk
-Octoclops Bodies: Monoclops
-Spidaur Legs: Goth Lolita, Collar with Buttons
-Electrobot Heads: Smarticus
Keeping the ally hair troll and cupcake will let you get them, along with their items: Investigative for hair troll and Raspberry and Dandy for cupcake.
Questline – Megabat
Megabat is not recruitable here.
-Cupcake Frosting: Leftovers
-Cupcake Toppings: Protein Sprinkle
-Wraith Masks: Kinda Grim
In first part:
-Spidaur Legs: Galoshes, Goth Lolita
-Pixie Wings: Gas Station Bathroom
In second part:
-Pixie Wings: Red Hot, Nature’s Warning
-Troll Mother Heads: Fabulous
-Hair Troll Heads: Glamour
-Pixie Wings: Pretty Pink
Defeating Grendel XLR will let you recruit a vampiress with the Goo Pack and Fancy Pants items.
Mr. Whispers’s Quests
Accepting those will spawn a special enemy on the worldmap that will slowly move towards Mr. Whispers as you walk around.
-Kobold Backpacks: Gumball, Red Pack, Perforated, On Board
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Gorgon Heads: Up, Annie, To the Ballgame
-Mushroom Faces: Picnic, Nervous, 4 Eyes, Not in the mood, Uncanny Valley, Akiba
-Mushroom Caps: Porous, Clone, Special Delivery, Flower Child, Fungal King
-Pixie Wings: Drone, Soothing, Nature’s Warning
-Vampiress Heads: Feral
-Vampiress Backpacks: Moon Mission, All you can eat
-Spidaur Legs: Active Predator, Collar with Buttons, Galoshes, Stars ‘n Stripes
-Mascot Bodies: Glorxdon, Snail, Mini Wraith
-Mascot Backs: Electro, Violin, Amp
-Pixie Wings: Gigantic
-Mascot Bodies: Mane Squeeze, Theater Shark, Ellie, Bunbun
-Mascot Backs: Portable, Tubular Tuba, Extra Treble
-Octoclops Bodies: Mustachio
-Gnome Chairs: Park Bench, Leopard Slayer, Director, Exchange, Beanbag, Coaster
-Wraith Masks: Something I said, Simple, Very Certain, Hypnowraith
-Wraith Bodies: Burly Belt, Festive, Pumped Up
-Vampiress Backpacks: Baby On Board
-Cupcake Batter: Apple Gel, Leftovers
-Cupcake Toppings: Protein Sprinkle, Citrus Slice
Now Recruiting: Electrobot
-Electrobot Heads: Ventilated, Toaster, Securi-cam
-Rainbow Horse Manes: Zeeb, Spectrum, Festivity, Sturdy Blue
-Octoclops Bodies: Octoclops, Pie Guy, Choices, Waiter, Blue Beanie
-Hair Troll Heads: Plumage, Honor, Sleepy, Savage, Plastic Shade, Blue Ballcap
U7 stuff will be here temporarily.