Amazing Frog? Guide

Ultimate Amazing frog guide? for Amazing Frog?

Ultimate Amazing frog guide?


Heres a big guide full of a lot of the stuff in amazing frog. I will keep adding until i have mostly everything.this is in progress


check out Noahs guide on where all the costumes can be located


Unicorn hat:Get to the pink bouncy castle on the top of one of the clouds in swindon

Ants head:Save all the frogs in the ant room

Where you put the frogs in

Dead ant head: Kill 50 ants

Cone hat:Buy it in the knockdown app for 200 knockdowns

This is were you get the app for knockdowns

Poop hat: Put a citzen in the magic mystery toilet (plus they get a poop hat)
Sad poop hat: Get it by putting drunk donald trump behind the parking conplex in the giant mystery toilet
Right where im standing is where donald trump will be (already got him)

Cat head: Save all the cats in swindon. Heres a video to show where a guy finds the cats

Tv head: Get all the tvs in the tv minigame
tv locations video..
Were you put the tvs for the hat
Time trial cap: for doing some time trials. Time trial minigame is unlocked when you touch the car

Gem smash cap:for doing some gem smashes. you get it for doing gem smashes

Space cat: Rescue all space cats. Heres a video of the locations for the http://cats:
Shark hat:kill the megaladon with the big red canister on the small island to the right
Red megalodon hat: kill the red megalodon

{credit to anton} the antlers. i currently only know they were in the last christmas update. you get them by collecting one of santas presents

Fly head
Space fly head
“here is a video showing the location (way too hard to explan)”

Fancy fly head
“watch from 5-7 min to find how to get to it”

Magic mystery toilet

Here it what all the cars in swindon look like after getting put into the toilet…

Here are the locations for the special vehicles/what they look like after toiletifed

This jurassic park truck is on the second floor of the parking building on the far right.
This trampoline truck is behind the wraparound road from the roadabout to the playground.
The fan truck is on the building behind the parking building in a little corner.
The space rover is ontop of the fayju office.
The orange truck can be found by trashcans randomly and is one if not the fastest vehicle

Mooncraft-at the top of the fayju planning office (jump up and touch it to bring it down)

Frog milk coffee lady=5 frogest greeting coffee (gets +5 swindon points)

Otakupunk frog=”Whiskey for all” (turns frogs into Otakupunk’s Fans)

Cheru frog=”get down to fartgyms” Turn frogs into Cheru Fans

Mattshea,Something gaming,Super family gaming, Guy with a purple G on his chest and
Oompaville=”lot a love to go around” makes random youtubers

Pungence shirt wearing friend=”pungenator” (turns frogs into pungence shirt wearing friends.

Dts the tds frog=”hiatus my ass” turns frogs into dts the tds frog

Joke frog=”Jokes on you” (turns frogs into joke frog)
Citzen=unlocks poop hat and get the citzen a poop hat.

Drunk donald trump=unlocks sad poop hat and donald trump gets sad poop head.

Others…. Trash,traffic cones,guns etc etc wil get lagger

Jetpak=ballon pak can make ballons

grapple hook=ballon maker makes balloon

Megalodon: Can fly like a fast chicken that can fly

Propain tank:becomes big but cant kill the mega with it cuz the game still thinks its small. the small one is 42kg and the big oe is 142 kg.

Thats it help me if you find more


Vrog –
Colors: Green, Yellow, Purple, Gray, Black, Pink, Blue
10 shots with an AK47
4 shots with a Shotgun
5 shots with a Sniper
6 shots with a Laser-Rifle
14 shots with the Desert Eagle
(___ in swindon)

The Vrog is the 6th fastest mode of transport and is a good all around car. It can drive fast,drift well enough but not the best for long distance travel.

Colors: Green/White, Blue/Black, Gray, and Hippie Theme
10 shots with an AK47
4 shots with a Shotgun
5 shots with a Sniper
6 shots with a Laser-Rifle
14 shots with the Desert Eagle
(5 in swindon)

The Van/camper is the 6th fastest mode of transport tied with the vrog. It can drive fast,do epic 360s (pretty hard to drift with tho) but totally wouldn’t use it for traveling.

Colors: Pink, Yellow, Lime, Black, Red (each can either have a White or Black roof)
10 shots with an AK47
4 shots with a Shotgun
5 shots with a Sniper
6 shots with a Laser-Rifle
14 shots with the Desert Eagle

The Mini-cooper is the 7th fastest mode of transport and i would call it the drifters car. It can drive fairly fast,do epic drifts but wouldn’t use for long travel because it could get flipped easily by the hills and its drifting power.

Water Vehicles
Colors: Green, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Blue
Invincible as far as I’m concerned
Traction: very slippery on water, fast

Speed Boat
Colors: Blue/White
Traction: Slow turns, Slow

Color: Yellow/Black
Invincible but flips over the slightest bump
Traction : VERY slow turns, and very SLOW

Fayju Truck
Colors: Blue, Purple and Green
Literally invincible i have tried for hours, doors and crate only fall off
Traction: slow turns, and decent speed

Orange Truck
Color: Orange (Duh)
unknown, can flip and roll just fine or blow up at the slightest touch
The fastest car in the game

-to do

Moon Buggy
Color : White/Gray
Traction: Smooth turns, decent speed

Giant Moon Buggy
Its the same as the regular Moon Buggy, but massive and invincible (maybe)
Quick turns and decent speed

Giant RC car
Colors: Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink

Digger Cart

Colors: Red, Yellow

Traction : Extremely slow

Colors: Red, Blue
Invincible, flips like a maniac
Traction: Good turns, Blue Scooter is actually faster

Colors: White
Durability: Invincible
Traction: Impossible and slow

Colors: Grey,Yellow

Air Vehicles

Rocket Cube

Colors: Red/White, Green/White, Yellow/White
Blimp (Old)

(i put durability on each because i could of sworn some cars are more durable than others, guess im wrong)

The Apps

Swindon Changelog, tells you whats new in this version.

Illuminati app: Shows you cool animations you can use

This is where you get the app

FApps app: Shows you how much things you did like how much steps you did. It is incompatible with this version of fphone. (developers need to fix it)

Weather app:Tells you the weather

Knockdown app:you can play a fun minigame Where you knock frog over to get points.Points buy costumes and hats.You get it by touching the statue below.

Fnn news: tells you the information on the new update in a funny made story.

Map: Tells you where you are in the world, a hikers best friend.

Swindon citizenship program:Tells you how many points you got by picking up trash,saving cats and killing zombie etc etc.Once you have 2500 you get the key to the city and can go out of the town with the gate.

Collectibles app:Tells you what you have collected includes trophies,costumes,crystals and more

Gun app:Able to enable guns spawners all over town.



Giant spaceworm: found on the moon, spawned by a green pole behind the green laser

How it attacks: Sucks you into its mouth and gos underground.
How to kill: lure under giant laser


Only killable by the green laser.

Normal spaceworm: found on the moon all over the place
How it attacks: sucks you into its mouth,can go underground.
How to kill:Guns,giant laser


Ants:their weak point is their butt and middle.

How it attacks on moon:One shots you with its pincers
How it attacks in Lol vault: Mutiple shots you with its pincers
How to escape: quickly jetpack or run away before you get bit
How to kill:Guns, explosions

Toughness level: Medium
“Hard in the head but weak in the butt” a great man told me that once. the ants are strong in head and neck needing 30 shots for a kill but only need 3-5 for the butt. Be smart and shoot for the butt.


Megalodon: Found on swindon on sea,spawned at a bouy to the left of the island
How it attacks: Sucks you into its mouth if you get too close,faster than sharks.
How to survive getting sucked: if you get sucked use your flatulence to escape.

How to kill: Get the big red explosive canister on a small island to the right of the megaladon spawner.
Let it suck it into its mouth and shoot it,tada you have made sushi!!

Head for the island then turn right and look for a bouy, hit it and you’ll have a megaladon on your hands.

Toughness level: EXTREME

Can only be killed with the 142kg propane tank on the island to the right of its spawner.

Shark :Found at almost all bodies of water
How it attacks:Bites you and eats you,sorta fast
How to survive getting eaten: same with the all sharks make sure to fart to escape the power of S U C C.
How to kill:Guns and explosives

Toughness meter: Medium

10 shots with a crossbow
8 shots with an ak47 (if you aim in their gills {weak spot})
4 with a shotgun
4 with a sniper
2 with a frog zapper

Red megaladon:Found behind swindon,very far away in a body of water.
How it attacks:Flys when frog is nearby,sucks you in its mouth and eat you.
How to escape the S U C C: JUST FART!!
How to kill: Bring the red propane tank (142 kg) from the island by the og megaladon and bring it all the way over there to the red megaladon and shot it when inside his mouth or vice versa.

Toughness level: EXTREME

Only killable by the 142kg propane tank.

Crocodiles: found in a lake behind the golden pug

How it attacks:slides toward you biting like mad
How to counter the bite: if you can stand it helps you escape and plus F A R T.

10 shots with a shotgun
20 with a frog zapper
30 with an ak47
The croc is one tough cookie make sure to bring some ammo if your taking these guys down

Sewer and Swindon

Weak but come in groups found in the gray biohazard container behind the parking lot on top of the swindon hotel (can’t enter) and in the sewers.

How they attack: grab your feet and nibble you until death
How to survive: F A R T

(weak point= head)

1 with sniper rifle
1 with frog zapper
1-2 shots with ak47
1-2 with shotgun
2 or 3 with crossbow

Ants:their weak point is their butt and middle.

How it attacks on moon:One shots you with its pincers
How it attacks in Lol vault: Mutiple shots you with its pincers
How to escape: quickly jetpack or run away before you get bit
How to kill:Guns, explosions

Toughness level: Medium
“Hard in the head but weak in the butt” a great man told me that once. the ants are strong in head and neck needing 30 shots for a kill but only need 3-5 for the butt. Be smart and shoot for the butt.

Tips + Tricks

1. land on trampolines with your chest first to jump higher

2. spin in towards the middle of trampolines to jump even higher

3. use the stuck app if you are stuck

4. fly straight up with the jetpack to get the maximum height


In this part i will show you the balloon buttons and gun button.

SSP Points

SSP points are earned by doing various tasks, and will unlock multiple awards such as the key to the swindon door.
Heres a description on how to unlock SSP points:

There are several types of litter scattered around swindon, which can be turned into trash cans for SSP points. There are usually big clumps scattered around each bin, but you can find trash thrown randomly about anywhere
Toilet Paper : 2 SSP
Orange Can : 3 SSP
Croaka Cola : 5 SSP
Coaka Cola (Green) : 5 SSP
Croaka Cola (Black) : 5 SSP
Coaka Cola (White) : 5 SSP
Frog Milk Coffee Cup : 5 SSP
Orange Truck : 10 SSP
Giant Newspaper : 20 SSP
Ouya Box/Controllers : 20 SSP

Much like the trash, there are Post stations around swindon. You can find letters lying about around them, and do the same with the trash and turn them in.

There is a huge variety of Post letters:
Greetings From Swindon : 3 SSP
Pink SwindonShire : 3 SSP
Moldy Letter : 5 SSP
Blue Letter : 5 SSP
Hogwarts Letter : 5 SSP
Swindon Bank Letter : 8 SSP
Package : 10 SSP
(theres more, will add)
Other Tasks:
Killing pigeons and them in the Waste Control gets you 15 points
Rescuing the cats gets you 100 points each
Catching criminals is 100 points each

Frog files

here are some thing i found in the files -anton

space fly hat
monarch face
monarch crown
playground starburst
test lab water-group0 pass4

asteroid ring/variant
audio zombie
placard_a – play card a
bandana b
cookie tutu
csharp/presets/playground bouncing coins
wolverine claw right
playground burning robot
fphone/applications/main menu/after reclaim trophies
costume/accessories/egg hat – egg hat from knockdown
listen 628687323 0 0

so what i learned is that there will be a new place called the playground and it is in fact going to have a robot. the cookie hat is not a hat it is a tutu/ the thing frog balelrina wears. wolverine,woody and other frogs on the ouya are goung to be in fact added. the egg hat from knock down will be a prize from knockdown. and a monarch butterfly hat MAY be added cuz i see ANTS and FLIES are both bugs OR they mean the monarch frog crown. some things like the brian frog nose and the sky frog arrow will be useable in the next version. and the listen 628687323 0 0 thing is still a mystery BUT it reminds me of one thing: navi that says LISTEN or navi might be an accesory for link frog. the cookie is not in the game yet. these are only SOME things i found. #spaceflyhatconfirmed

this time it got deeper. what i mean is a got dis ting 4 free and i see ALL the files of the game. i can auctually listen to some of them and they are very creepy. one says: *static* roger. another one says: radiation detected or procceed with mission. and i found some enw costumes!! one is spider frog,frozen frog, radiation frog,dumbledoor, vector. dumbledoor has some sort of power.there is a new shark called the deadly shark and i only know that becuase there is a hat for it in the files. chack this regularly and find out more of things that i make