Half-Life 2 Guide

Entanglement Swarm: Surviving the Waves for Half-Life 2

Entanglement Swarm: Surviving the Waves


This chapter is chock-full of challenging scenarios. If your playing on hard, this section of the game can be a real doosie. Using this guide, I believe that gamers will find this part of the game much easier to accomplish. So, at the second set of combine “waves,” you will find that you are trapped in a room with 4 doors on each end of the hallways, two internal hallways leading to the combine entrances, and a second floor balcony. The combine will come through the 4 doors and will shoot down from the balcony. Basically, set up the three mountable turrets that can be found on the right side of the screenshot’s internal hallway. Mount one facing the internal hallway and the other two facing each door at the end of the hallway. Reside in the jail cell behind the turrets and only come out to pick up the turrets if they have fallen. This is the most effective way I have found to complete this section. By completing this wave, you gain the “Warden Freeman” achievment. Good Luck, and as Gordan Freeman says it “………..!”

Side View Looking Down Internal Hallway

Front View Looking Down Right Hallway
