Age of Empires II (2013) Guide

Fast Castle (To Knights or Boom) for Age of Empires II (2013)

Fast Castle (To Knights or Boom)


This Guide will tell you how to get a Fast Castle (Between 16:30 to 17:00) with either enough resources to boom, or make a few knights to harass. Very good read, please tell me if you have any critiques with this build, or if something isnt explained well enough

The Dark Age and Feudal Age Build Order

Villagers 1 and 2 make a house then go to sheep under towncentre
3 makes a house then sheep
4-6 sheep
7 make a lumber camp on forest
8-10 wood, as well as villager 7
11 house near boar (once house done lure it)
12 mill deer (once boar is on 180 food left make one of the hunters go lure your second one)
13-15deer (ALWAYS make them eat off the same deer at once)
16- mill berries (around this time, take your two injured villagers who lured the boars, and put the on farms on the RIGHT of the town centre, tests have showed that there is a bug which makes farms on the right gather u food faster)
17-20 eat berries
21 make a lumber camp at a new wood pit
22-24 wood at the new wood spot
25 make a mining camp on gold
26-27 gold

(if you want to go knights, grab a vill from wood and make a barracks now)

Click Feudal Button

Decide NOW, do you want to boom, or harass your enemy with knights?

~Arrive in Feudal~
Queue two villagers, put them on gold if knights, on wood if boom. (Now at this moment make someone from wood make a blacksmith, and if you want to boom, get three from wood to make a market, if you want knights, three from wood make a stable)

Click Castle Button

If Boom: Switch one of your guys from boar to gold, once all boar and sheep is done

Managing your Military and Economy after wards

If you went boom, almost every new villager needs to go onto farms, i like to lay down 4 tcs by 22 minutes, keep one of them making vills onto wood, and the other three making new vills to farms. Though by 26 minutes or so you should start making guys to gold and stone, so you have enough to hit imperial in the next few minutes and so that you can field a mighty gold heavy army. Make sure at some stage you research wheelbarrow, i usually do this if by some reason i run out of houses, or otherwise by 23 minutes, hand cart as well, should be done by 29 minutes.

Also as soon as you hit the button to go to castle age, i research double bit axe, no matter if im going knights, or boom.

If you went knights try to put each new vill on famrs ASAP, and delay your new towncentres for a few minutes until you have solid food income, then expand, non stop make villagers, and make knights when you can. VILLAGER CREATION TAKES PLACE OVER KNIGHT CREATION. Remeber that, Very important. Ill add a recorded game for a super boom, with champs and rams in the meantime.