Hints for all major puzzles – no total spoilers.Optional and easy puzzles are not mentioned here.
The golden barrels
3 of the barrels are mandatory.
These can be found in these locations.
For Barrel 1 you need the Speed X2 upgrade
For Barrel 2 you need the Force Cube
For Barrel 3 you need the Double Jump
Triple Jump Barrel
- Do you see anything purple?
- The jumppad is for you, not for the barrel.
- The barrel will press the button that activates the jumppad.
- See anything purple?
- You need to place the force cube twice to get the contraption into a position so that you can walk to the next part.
- Listen to the NPC!
Jumppad on the tower
- See anything purple?
- Watch exactly which button does what, and how cables connect all elements.
- Only the stone can press the button that activates the jumppad. How can you let the stone fall while standing on the jumppad?
Gate to blue crystal
- The shot-button moves the platform. The button needs something to power it. Look around the area to find it?
- It needs either a person or a big object to press the button.
Double Doors
- You don’t ever need to touch one of the buttons yourself.
- You need a force cube and a gun.
- Without telling you specifics: 1. Place the cube 2. Walk 3. Shoot 4. Walk/Solved
Moving platform
- Figured out where your goal is and what you need to reach it?
- How can you make the platform stop?
- At which position do you need the platform to be, so you can cross both sides?
Mr. Miracle
- Do you know what your ultimate goal in this region is? Figure that out first.
- Listen closely to all NPCs in the region.
- Explore the entire region carefully. Figure out which objects can be carried.
Purple button
- Open the cabin in front of the shop with a red keycard.
- No idea how to get a red keycard? Go back to the previous region.
- You need to throw something at the big purple button to open the door. Something purple.
- Look at the angle of the jumppad that is attached to the platform.
- Look at the path of the platform.
Giant Pencils
- Talk to the NPC!
Locker Room
After you followed the tutorial in the locker room, you continue here.
Then you solve this easy puzzle with a ball cannon between 2 force fields!
Glass tower – Green pipe
- You need to get the ball.
- How can you interrupt the path of the ball?
- What kind of things can go through green pipes?
Facility main door
- Walk around the facility.
- Look out for all buttons and doors.
- What color is the button? What do you need to hit it?
Facility Indoor
The most complex puzzle construct so far.
- Figure out where your goal is and then think backwards.
- Figure out a way to get a ball into the facility.
- Carefully explore every corner.
- To get to the locked door you need to jump there from the floating platform. How can you get the platform in a good position?
Rattle Hag
Turn off all 4 shield generators. Then the rest isn’t that hard anymore!
Power 1
- You think opening the door was useless? Remember what your latest new ability is!
Power 2
- Your buckle can move objects that you cannot touch.
- Can’t get the anvil to connect both? Elevate it with something that you find nearby!
- The jumppad is vertical, your companion can dance on its own for a while.
Power 3
- Can’t get in. Can you throw the battery into its slot somehow?
- If you manage to open the little hut and solve the girl problems of the 2 Supraball players, you will get additional hints.
- Look out for everything metallic – everything can be a conductor. But there is also another object that can become a conductor with a special treatment.
- In one place you will need a Force Cube to lift a conducting element.
Force Beam 1
- You will need to combine another of your abilities with the Force Beam?
- Yes, it can balance on the beam.
Force Beam 2
How to get the crate out of the glass box?
- You don’t need to touch or pull the crate yourself!
- Look for wooden surfaces everywhere. Where can you create a movable beam?
Force Beam 3
- To activate the jumppad you need only the crate and the force beam.
- Look for wooden surfaces near the laser barrier.
- Remember, you can pull objects to each other with the 2nd fire button.
- How to get rid of carrots? Listen closely to all NPCs – do you ever hear anything regarding carrots?
- How to get a diamond pickaxe? 1. What game’s character does he look like? 2. What does a diamond pickaxe look like in this game? 3.What color is a diamond in this game?
- How to get the barrel? You can shoot the barrel out of the brick wall. From which side?
- How to get blue color? How do you get blue color into the coloring machine? Is there anything blue near the machine that you can forcefully get into the machine?
- How to get purple color? The lady in the house behind the coloring machine has a hint. What did the person, that she mentions, teach you about in the beginning of the game?
- How to become strong? The green dressed guy in town tells you what you need to do. To carry the green acid use a sponge. Sponges are compatible with the force beam. The juice machine is in the building right next to the green dressed guy. The yellow seeds are also right next to him.
Blue Ville
Opening the main gate:
- What mechanism opens the door and what does it require?
- Can you force someone into helping you activate a machine?
Getting 5 Coins for the Gold module:
- Find a door that you can open with your Force Beam!
Getting 30 Coins for the triple jump:
- Which new places can you reach with the gold module upgrade?
- Find a battery and a steel ball (look for Pixel bricks)!
- How can Gold help you get the battery into its socket?
- Use the steel ball as a conductor to activate the jumppad!
- See the golden cube on the balcony of one of the houses? Move something wooden in place to connect both!
Getting 40 Coins for the Force Cube:
- What can you reach with a triple jump now?
- Ignore the 2 guys running in circles!
- Find secret passages until you have 40 coins, then return to the shop!
Opening the castle gate:
- If you randomly carry around and color crystals, you’re doing it wrong.
- Listen closely to what the NPC on the bridge says!
Getting 60 coins for the gun:
- Look at all cables, figure out which thing triggers what! Clear the way for the battery and insert it!
- Can you clear the way from the bridge to the electricity contraption?
- How can you steer the steel ball to fall through the coils?
- You are far away from the ball the moment you make it start rolling downhill.
- The Force Cube is used in 2 ways in this puzzle.
Getting 120 coins for the Float Buckle:
- If you bought the gun, you have everything you need. Stay close to the door and figure out how to do what the NPC says!
Volcano 1
Trouble finding the volcano? Follow the gold pieces in the left of this image:
- The guy on the right wants gold nuggets. Did you find anything nugget shaped?
- To get the ball you need to move a wooden object to be able to create a beam.
- To enable the coloring machine you need a yellow projectile. What could you send the projectile through to make it turn yellow?
- Once you got the new ability use it with your Cube and the vertical jumppad somehow.
Volcano 2
- What tool do you have with you that could help determine the difference between real and fake gold?
- The big red button needs enough weight. Do you find any objects that could be made heavier in some way?
- When you are on top of the building, use the same technique that you used to activate purple or yellow buttons.
- To get the flies to move, use the same thing that helped you figure out the fake gold.
Volcano 3
- To free your blue cousin, you need to bring electricity over from the gold-nugget house. What is the biggest conductor you can find?
- To destroy the wooden boards, think of a way to carry fire to them.
- Not all wooden boards can be reached in the same way. For the others you first need to fire up something else and then guide it over there.
- The key can be found on a big bright brick very high on the outside of that building.
Volcano 4
- Distract your blue cousin and repaint him in the required color.
- If he is too slow use the panic light to speed him up. Which light do you own that you could repurpose for this?
- Use the blue and the green MacGuffin to open the door.
Green Moons
- Buy the chest detector, then go back to the red crystal tower.
- One of the 2 chests requires only the translocator to get it. The other chest requires the stomp, the float buckle and the translocator to get it; you aren’t going to enter from the side or above.
Volcano 5
- Watch what happens when you try to color the translocator ball.
- There are 3 possible options to activate the 3 rings, once you managed to get into the little hut.
- Once the jumppad is activated use the translocator midair.
Volcano 6
- You only need to use the pipe one time with the force cube. Then ignore it completely!
- You will need to connect the beam to the force cube and walk up to it.
- There is one wooden element that you need to move into position.
Farting Meat Bag
In this puzzle you only use known mechanisms but in each case you have to substitute the normal way with something else.
- You can’t find a ball? Find a good replacement for it!
- Keep asking the NPC, he has multiple hints.
- You have to become green, but don’t use the color machine for it! There is a different way that might disgust you.
- You don’t have a purple glowing crystal to attract the flies? Find a replacement! Use one of your tools for coloring.