Brick Rigs Guide

History of BRAF vs DW (Fan Made) for Brick Rigs

History of BRAF vs DW (Fan Made)


Have you ever thought about Brick Rigs’ history, the Desert Worms and the BRAF? No? Let me tell you how all this started, from the discoveries to the actual conflict. Let’s begin!


Let’s start with Brick Rigs’ geography. Brick Rigs’ nation is actually located in a big island about the size of Cuba (not shaped like Cuba) with another tiny island. The archipelago is located near the southeastern coast of USA. The north of the big island is full of green fields and some small mountains meanwhile the south is dry and hot, with a really big canyon in the middle. There have been rumors that the tiny island didn’t existed and the big island was divided in half thousands of years ago because the canyon was actually a big river with fields and a forest surrounding it and it divided the big island.

The Discoveries

The Bricklanders were a group of rebels from the Vikings which needed to escape from Greenland to the Brick Rigs’ island because of the war. However, at the same time, the Wormu tribe which came from America, discovered the south of the island. The Bricklanders were the most developed people of the island meanwhile the Wormu tribe was really small and not developed.

The Kingdom

The Bricklanders made the Bricklandia kingdom, a really well developed and rich kingdom. The Wormu tribe wasn’t ready for a new political system, they even didn’t expect a better life, instead, they wanted to live always the same life and not develop like Bricklandia did. Bricklandia planned to invade its neighbours because they didn’t have many minerals in the north, so they started an invasion on the Wormu tribe, starting the actual conflict. The invasion was successful and made Bricklandia even more powerful.

The Republic

In the early 19th century, after several deaths in the royal family, the system was changed. It was now a republic which later would become democratic. A civil war started in Bricklandia. A group of politicians who were against the current republic did an army, called the Desert Worms. They thought the former Wormu tribe should have a nation like Bricklandia but it was later rejected by the senate so they did it by their own.

The First Civil War

The civil war started in the desert until they reached towns and conquered them. Bricklandia used their first trains to transport soldiers to the battle. Bricklandia defended mostly the canyon, it was near the desert and had many minerals. Without the canyon in Bricklandia’s hands, the Desert Worms would become the new advanced and developed nation in the archipelago. After surrounding the Desert Worms in the coast, they did a treaty. After the war, the Desert Worms made the Wormu nation located in the southern coast of the island. It had a small town as the capital city but the government was in a bad crisis.

The Industrilization

In the beginning of the 20th century, during WW1, Bricklandia joined the Allies. Bricklandia was always USA’s ally. Industries started to grow very fast in Brickslandia. With the new technology, they produced vehicles for the war but also civil ones. During WW2, Bricklandia’s industries produced some tanks, even Sherman tanks and some Panzers. Bricklandia was neutral in WW2 so they did vehicles for the Allies and the Axis. After both wars, the industries started to do more civil vehicles than military. After all this new industrialization, Bricklandia was called the Brick Rigs’ Republican Nation because of how industrialized Bricklandia was.

The Actual Conflict

The Wormu nation was really jealous of them, the Worms knew they couldn’t defeat them. They still had a new and intelligent tactic, ally with some nations from the Middle East. The Wormu nation could ask for fuel to those countries and steal armament and vehicles from the Brick Rigs’ republic, so they did. In the 90s, the Desert Worms attacked on many towns from the south, they have stolen the vehicles from the factories. Brick Rigs’ republic declared war on the Desert Worms. The UN can’t fix this conflict, the Desert Worms have been rejecting everything from the UN and will continue attacking the Brick Rigs’ republic. The Desert Worms did a really strong attack on Bricksville and the canyon. Although, the BRAF is getting help from powerful countries like USA and France. They are getting advanced armament and vehicles. Also, the current industries in Brick Rigs’ republic are testing multiple tanks and bombs to defeat the Desert Worms. They even did a big area called grid map to test the stuff made by the industries. Bricksburg is at the south and is currently conquered by the Desert Worms, the south of the island, too. The actual frontlines are on the canyon and near the Bricksville city.

The Armament

There are some differences between BRAF’s and DW’s armies. The Desert Worms have many old vehicles from WW2 and the Cold War and also some modern ones captured from BRAF. There are some from WW1, too. They use a really common skin which fits for desert combat. They use the same guns as BRAF such as the M4, the Desert Eagle, etc. In the other hand, BRAF has a very modern weaponry, with modern tanks, planes and cannons. They also have some vehicles from USA and other countries which gives them an advantage. Can this make BRAF win the war?

The End…?

Made by Tom, with help of Mikestion.