A guide on how to stance your car iin Brick Rigs to get that nice clean look.
Choosing the right car
Step 1
Make sure your car is appropriate for lowering. Your car should be 6-7 wide to get a proper scale.
This car is too small as it is already as low as it can get.
This car again is too big as the fenders are quite low and it uses massive wheels
Getting started
Step 2
For this guide i’ve chosen this generic police car
Start by removing the wheels and axels:
For this car the fenders are a bit too low, so we will begin by raising the fenders by adding one 2×1 brick under the fenders:
Repeat this for all the fenders
Making the axles
Step 3
Let’s start making the axles. Start by making a good camber angle (recommended amount is 7 degrees):
After that make these 2 pieces:
Then make this piece:
And adding these 2 pieces to the earlier one:
And put 2 pieces togehter like this:
And after all that put it all together:
Then make sure you have the axles set up:
Then paint it all the same color if you haven’t already:
Placing the component in the car
Step 4
Then press on any part of the component and press recursively connected:
and press c to copy 4 of these:
Then start connecting the wheels:
After that make sure all the axles are properly set up:
Then you will run into this proplem how these wheels have positive camber, revert the back to normal with pressing shift and using w and s
There you have it! the car is completed:
Hope you enjoyed this guide. If you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment! I’ll try to respond to all of them 🙂