This is my timeline for the history of the BRAF and DW conflicts. This is unofficial, and is something I came up with after getting bored in singleplayer.
Events Leading Up to War
Terrorist Attacks
A few years before the war begins, multiple terrorist attacks occur in the City and Bricksville. The BRPD doesn’t know who is behind the attacks, but the BRAF suspects the Desert Worms, a nearby faction who has remained relatively peaceful. Multiple riots begin when BRPD officers are ordered to apprehend anyone if they are suspected of being a terrorist, resulting in the imprisonment and execution of many civilians. BRAF resources are diverted almost entirely to combat the riots.
Suspicious Cargo
A year after the terrorist attacks commence, the BRAF sends a Spec-Ops team, including the one and only Bob, to intercept a trade shipment en-route to DW territory. The team finds shipments of military supplies, imported and exported goods, but most suspect of all, small crates containing Uranium 235, a material used in nuclear warheads.
some months after the cargo was intercepted, many BRAF patrols and battalions sent to DW territory to investigate were ambushed by unknown assailants. Some BRAF soldiers reported seeing a DW Insignia on the perpitraitor’s vehicles and trooper uniforms, but it is unconfirmed wether they were DW soldiers.
Boiling Point
Just one month before the war, a BRAF cargo plane was shot down after entering airspace in the Canyon. The plane had to go through the Canyon to not risk running out of fuel on it’s resupply trip to the City from Bricksville. No specific details were able to be discerned about the attackers, but in their final moments the pilots of the plane saw World War 2 to Cold War Era Anti-Air guns and fighter planes.
Shortly after a terrorist attack had occured in the City, the City was assaulted by a DW gunship and two DW Fighter planes. The gunship bombarded and destroyed roughly 60% of the city. Firefighters and Police had described the event as, “A hailstorm of bullets just came raining down on us”. Many first responders were killed by the attackers. The BRAF quickly scrambled four fighters at the city airport. Two were gunned down on the runway while two had made it in the air. The duo destroyed one fighter, when one was shot down by the other fighter. The last fighter, piloted by Bob, quickly neutralized the enemy Jet and the gunship. The BRAF declared war on the DW shortly after the event.
The BRAF quickly re-organize after the gunship siege, retaliating by sending a large attack force. Outposts were put up on the edge of the Canyon, as the rest of the force continued. Ground forces were met with heavy enemy armor and a few attack planes. The BRAF had superior tech, but the DW had the numbers advantage, quickly destroying the attack force before they could inflict serious damage. Ariel forces engaged enemy fighter planes and Anti-Air, again being vastly out-numbered. The BRAF outposts were destroyed.
Conquest: City
After the great BRAF defeat at Canyon, DW soldiers were sent out to the City in an attempt to conquer it. This resulted in multiple small skirmishes, some lasting days. Both factions had to capture critical areas of the City and hoist flags so reinforcements can regroup at a safe place. The citizens of the City were ordered to go to Bricksville where they would be provided with all-expenses-paid apartments.
The Final Push
A large DW attack force besieged the City a while after a conquest skirmishes. The force pushed through the city fast enough and taking over the airport fast enough to stun BRAF forces, resulting in a quick victory. Full occupation occurred fast after the inital attack and the DW quickly built another attack force.
Conquest: Bricksville
Similarly to the City skirmishes, small battles broke out in bricksville. BRAF forces were constantly on guard to stop DW forces. What separates the Bricksville skirmishes from the City skirmishes, Bricksville was dominated by snipers, with many high-rises and tall buildings to snipe from. Fewer vehicles were also seen in the Bricksville skirmishes, with more winding paths making it harder for larger vehicles to maneuver through the tight housing.
Battle of Bricksville: Part 1
A large DW attack force strikes the city, a carpet bombing run destroying BRAF forces in the city. Bob was rendered unconscious in the chaos, being buried under debris. DW or BRAF forces never found him in the debris. The BRAF forces were overpowered.
Battle of Bricksville: Part 2
Bob regained consciousness, running to the airport back to where BRAF forces had regrouped. Bob found out that the DW had constructed a Storm Cannon, getting ready to shell the airport. Using infantry or vehicles was too dangerous due to the extreme BRAF presence in the airport. Bob and his Spec-Ops team met up, geared up and went in the night to destroy DW supply points and the Storm Cannon. Bob was successful and the DW were repelled.
Safety Measures
When Bricksville was finally repaired, the BRAF needed a way to stop the first phase of another attack, a get-out-of-jail free card. The BRAF took some CIWs’ from some of their Naval Warships and mounting them on buildings as an Ariel defense. One day, the CIWs’ took down a DW bomber. BRAF forces searched the wreckage and found a note saying not to resupply the bomber and that there was a second one getting ready for another attack early morning.
Bob and his Spec-Ops team were assigned to go into DW territory and neutralize the DW bomber scheduled for attack the next morning. Bob and his team were successful in destroying the bomber, but the exfil helicopter was shot down. Only Bob survived. While being hunted by DW forces, Bob had to use all of his skills to evade capture and make it back to Bricksville.
Operation Sabre
The BRAF knew they needed a hard-hitting attack to stop the DW. Bob and his new Spec-Ops team were told that they were going to the City airport to prepare it for the attack. They disguised as civilians and flew a plane to the city airport, entering the terminal and killing everyone inside. Bob put up barriers at the road and said that the airport was getting a re-model to prevent civilians from entering. Passenger planes loaded with BRAF vehicles and supplies were flown to the City at random to prevent suspicion from DW forces. A recon mission was launched to learn of the DW occupation. Multiple vehicles and soldiers roamed the city.
The next morning, the BRAF launched a ferocious attack. Artillery shelled the City while Bombers destroyed large amounts of infantry and vehicles. The initial attack stunned DW forces, destroying most of their occupation force. The main BRAF Attack force arrived and crushed the remaining forces. The DW retreated back to the Canyon and the BRAF re-occupied the city. A DW nuclear warhead was seized in the attack, the BRAF threatening to launch it at the DW if they didn’t surrender.
After The War
After the war, the DW signed a peace treaty with the BRAF. The DW agreed to stop importing Uranium 235 and to not use any military equipment for battle unless necessary. The DW continued training exercises and putting their military equipment to use in the form of training. The BRAF and DW made an alliance a year after the war ended.