Brick Rigs Guide

How to Play Brick Rigs with a Wheel/Joystick or Really any other controller for Brick Rigs

How to Play Brick Rigs with a Wheel/Joystick or Really any other controller


How to Play Brick Rigs with a Wheel and/or Joystick Using x360ce Xbox Controller Emulator.


I know all you hardcore racing fans out there who want to play with a racing/steering wheel.
the ones who suggested wheel support 10,000 times on the BR discord

And a little while ago I found out how to play with really any controller.

It uses a little program called x360ce to re-route the inputs of your controller to a virtual Xbox 360 controller.

What you need to know

  • Brick Rigs natively supports Xbox controllers, and with a little help from steam, supports generic Wingman controllers.
  • Steam doesn’t understand most racing wheels, and so you can’t reconfigure through Steam.
  • Wingman controllers only have so many buttons, so you are somewhat limited with reconfigurations.

Downloading x360ce

The regular x360ce program I couldn’t get to work with Brick Rigs, so you’ll need x360ce Beta

You can download it here[]

Unzip the folder in your preferred location

Launching and Connecting

Double Click on x360ce.exe (x360ce if you don’t have file name extensions turned on)

Then this window should pop up:

If you’ve done it correctly, this noise will play:

Remapping controls

A very helpful feature of x360ce is that you can map an axis (pedal/wheel) to buttons (trigger, shoulder, y, x, b, a buttons, etc.)

To remap the controls, simply click on the button/axis you want to assign

And click on the button/axis (or hit record if you don’t know what they are) on the wheel to take it’s place.

I recommend setting the pedals to one axis to make it easier.

Assigning controls in-game

Make sure you still have x360ce running.
Launch Brick Rigs
Load a map (for testing later)

Click on the side panel and hit options.
From there, click controls

The search bar is very helpful for finding controls.

Search for steering (or scroll down to vehicle and find)

Click the plus button beside steering
Turn your steering wheel.

if everything goes correctly, it should look like this:

Extra Steps

1. Putting x360ce in the start menu

Navigate to your x360ce exe file
Right click and hit create shortcut

Open start menu and search for Edge

Click “Open File Location”

Keep the window that popped up open.

Drag the shortcut you just made and drag it into the start menu folder

You can now launch x360ce from the start menu


  • You MUST launch and keep open x360ce to have it work with Brick Rigs
  • It won’t remap the controls unless opened, so you can play games like that support wheels automatically, and it wont remap the controls.

Also share! :3