This guide will explain my viewpoints, secrets/meta, concepts, logic, gameplay basics, etc of my version of Jurassic Park. While most JP scenarios usually follow a general guide/template, I wrote mine from scratch. There are minor differences here and there. Although, the general idea of the game is the same.
Jurassic Park SpoOky Version – Introduction
While the “How to play Jurassic scenarios Guide” does give you the general idea, mine is slightly different since I made it from scratch. I will explain how to play below on mine.
Jurassic Park SpoOky Version – Setup
Players 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are the “Prey/Park Guests”.
Player 8 is the “Hunter/Dinosaurs”.
Player slots/colors are in order. (1-8.)
Teams -. (Automatically setup in scenario.)
Reveal Map: Explored.
Everything else: Standard. (Everything is defined in the scenario for balance sake.)
Jurassic Park SpoOky Version – Objective/How to Play
Setup: Once the game begins, you need to setup the game as host. In the center of the map, there is a King. Move the king to one of the relics to pick the difficulty of the game. The difficulty is based off the “Prey/Park Guests”. There are a total of 5 difficulties to select from:
- Noob: 10 Minute Delay, +1025 Wood, and 510 Stone. +1 Armor per 240 Seconds.
- Easy: 8 Minute Delay, +825 Wood, and 310 Stone. +1 Armor per 120 Seconds.
- Normal: 7 Minute Delay, +625 Wood, and 210 Stone. +1 Armor per 60 Seconds.
- Hard: 6 Minute Delay, +425 Wood, and 110 Stone. +1 Armor per 30 Seconds.
- Impossible: 5 Minute Delay, +225 Wood, and 10 Stone. +1 Armor per 15 Seconds.
The total game time depends on the following:
Time of/to Picked Difficulty + Difficulty Delay + 2 Hours.
It is recommended you pick normal. Unless you know the Hunter/Dinosaur’s and “Prey/Park Guest’s” skill level. Once the difficulty is picked, there will be a Delay to let the “Prey/Park Guest’s” to build/hide. Once the delay is over, the In-Game 2 Hour Timer begins.
Booter: Just to the upper left of the center is the Booter King. Move to a flag to boot that player.
Game Status: The game status can be viewed near the center. There will be relics outside with all the game info you need to know. If a flag of a player is still there, they are still alive. If not, they are dead. The time remaining and difficulty is on the other side.
Objective: You are to run/hide from the “Hunter/Dinosaurs” and try to survive for 2 hours. (In-Game Time.) If all seven are defeated, the “Hunter/Dinosaurs” wins.
How to Play: Each player gets 2 Villagers, 1 Janissary, and 1 Transport Ship. Depending on the Difficulty picked, the Delay time will be 5, 6, 7, 8, or 10 minutes. You need to run to one of the “Island/Base’s” and defend yourself. Here is a generic map/drawing of what the map looks like:
The yellow area is where you should build walls to defend yourself.
The green area is the “Island/Base’s”.
The magenta dots are where you enter the base.
The cyan dots are where your escape routes are.
The red areas are unreachable/unusable areas.
The orange area is where the “Hunter/Dinosaur’s” are.
Building: You require resources to build buildings and you are given very little in the start. In order to gain more, you need to build camps/mills to gain more. As for technologies, you can build other buildings to automatically research them for you. They can vary per scenario version but, in my version, this is what each building does:
- Lumber Camp: Generates Wood. You can build a maximum of 5 for resources. *
- Mill: Generates Food. You can build a maximum of 5 for resources. *
- Mining Camp: Stone. You can build a maximum of 5 for resources. *
- Market: Generates Gold. You can build a maximum of 1 for resources. *
- Outpost: Researches Line of Sight Techs and Cartography.
- Stable: Upgrades your “Security Guard”.
- Archery Range: Researches Tower Techs.
- Barracks: Researches Building Techs/Fortified Walls.
- Blacksmith: Researches all Blacksmith Techs and Slowly Generates Tower AP. *
- University: Researches Misc. Techs.
- Castle: Researches Spies.
- Wonder: Deals 4285 Damage to the Hunter/Dinosaur’s”. (Once per Player.)
- Dock: Escape by training ships. However, heals hunter. (Once per Player.)
- * These buildings you SHOULD NOT delete. Everything else is fine to delete.
Objective: You are to hunt/find all seven “Prey/Park Guests” within 2 hours. (In-Game Time.) If you do not eat/kill all of them within the time limit, the “Prey/Park Guests” win.
How to Play: Depending on the Difficulty picked, the Delay time will be 5, 6, 7, 8, or 10 minutes. You must wait until this timer is up. Your main units will spawn in the center. In the meantime, you can use your “Archaeopteryx” to scout the “Prey/Park Guest’s”. (Trade Cogs.) Once the time is up, the In-Game Timer of 2 Hours begins. At this time, it will release the “Styxosaurus” spawn. (Fire Ships.) From here, you have to hunt down the Prey/Park Guest’s” within 2 hours or it’s game over. As for your main units, you will get the following:
- 43 Tyrannosaurus. (Elite Tarkans.)
- 1 Avaceratops. (Siege Ram.)
- 43 Styracosaurus (Elite War Elephants.)
- 6 Vulcanodon (Elite Cataphracts with 2 Range.)
Every 20 Minutes, these units will get stronger and respawn faster.
Every so often, you will gain armor for these units as well. However, it varies per difficulty.
If you need to heal your units, you can return them back to the center and will heal automatically.
Jurassic Park SpoOky Version – Math/Logic/Meta
So, if you were wondering what I did math wise, I will try to explain my reasoning behind the numbers here…
Noob Mode: 10 Minute Wait, 1025 wood, and 510 stone.
Easy Mode: 8 Minute Wait, 825 wood, and 310 stone.
Normal Mode: 7 Minute Wait, 625 wood, and 210 stone.
Hard Mode: 6 Minute Wait, 425 wood, and 110 stone.
Impossible Mode: 5 Minute Wait, 225 wood, and 10 stone.
Survive Time: 2 hours + Waiting Time + Start Delay Time. (It is ALWAYS 2 hours to survive. Minus the waiting/delay time.)
Note: The 25 wood and 10 stone is for an outpost. This gives you cartography/LOS techs.
Resource Gained: +2 every 2 seconds per camp/mill.
Tower AP: +1 every 15 seconds.
Hunter AP: +1 AP every 5 seconds.
Hunter HP: +4 HP every second.
Hunter Armor Noob: +1 every 360 seconds.
Hunter Armor Easy: +1 every 180 seconds.
Hunter Armor Normal: +1 every 120 seconds.
Hunter Armor Hard: +1 every 90 seconds.
Hunter Armor Impossible: +1 every 72 seconds.
Dock Healing: Heals 1 HP every 10 seconds per player Dock Activated. (Once Dock Built.)
Center Healing: Heals 1 HP every second while unit in the center.
I may need to rebalance these eventually. However, this is what I have currently…
Max Hunter HP: 28800. (Technically higher on Noob-Hard Mode. I may need to fix this.)
7200 seconds (2 hours in game time)
7200 / 1 = 7200 * 4 = 28800
Why 28800? Well, if you know about the HP limit, it’s 32k approx. I could probably go with 30k but, I already set it up for 28800. I can change it later if need be. Besides, 7200 * 5 is over 32k. Can’t do that.
Max Hunter AP: 1440. (Technically higher on Noob-Hard Mode. I may need to fix this.)
7200 seconds (2 hours in game time)
7200 / 5 = 1440.
As for the reasoning behind 5, I honestly have no idea. It just seemed like a good number at the time. 1440 is decent AP for hunter considering walls are within that range. It might need more though. Let me know what you all think.
Max Hunter Armor: 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. (Depends on Difficulty picked.)
As for the reasoning, I have none. Just inserted these values recently. May need rebalancing some day.
Max Hunter Dock Healing: 0-5040. (Depends on Docks Built.)
7200 / 10 = 720. (Per Dock.)
720 * 7 = 5,040. (All Docks.)
Max Hunter Center Healing: 7200. (Technically higher on Noob-Hard Mode. I may need to fix this.)
Max Hunter Healing: 12240 HP. (Assuming that was possible. Probably more like 10k.)
Max Tower AP: 480. (*7=3360)
Max Damage: 3360+. (Depends on Number of Towers and Tower AP at that time. Also, How many players sharing a base.)
Below, I am going to write some Meta/Logical Strategies for each player.
(Prey/Park Guests)
– Priority wise, you want to build 1+ Lumber Camp(s) first. If you run out of wood, you are going to have to get a tribute from another player. Which will take some time and slow you down as a team. Good teamwork is important in this scenario.
– The only exception to this is if you plan to build walls/towers. You might want to build 1+ Mining Camp(s) instead and receive wood later on. Decide on what you want to do as a team as early as possible and start defending.
– Teaming up with 2+ players is recommended. However, if you control more Island/Base’s, you have that many more places to hide. Although, the downside to this is that it is much harder to defend this way.
– Tower Hopping is important in this to rewall. If you don’t rewall, you will have to run somewhere else and lose possible Island/Base’s.
– Surrounding the Prey/Park Guests is extremely important to winning. If they cannot escape, they will die and that will be less units you have to hunt down. However, the less units there are, the harder it might be to find them.
– Don’t waste time. The longer you wait to attack, the worse off you will be. Towers will have too much AP for you to raid the bases. The longer Towers/Blacksmith stays up, the worse it will be. The only exception to this is saving up armor. New unit spawns do not save armor.
– Focus on one Island/Base at a time. Trying to focus on multiple bases is possible but, not recommended. It was designed to focus on one at a time. Also, scout the larger Island/Base’s first. The smaller Island/Base’s are easier to raid.
– Think/Focus. Remember, you are the “Hunter”. Think like the “Prey” and you should have little/no problem killing them. Learn the popular spots and you should find them with ease. Also, consider the weakest spots as well. (AntiMeta.) It sounds crazy but it works.
Jurassic Park SpoOky Version – Replays
While this is an older version of the scenario, the idea is basically the same. I was playing as the hunter this game.
Here is a game I found on youtube. I don’t speak Italian (thanks google translator.) but, it is nice to see others play it once in a while.
I finally got around to making a video on building/prey. I was player 3 this game. I honestly got lucky that I survived this game. I took the hardest base to defend by myself and somehow managed to survive. While the hunter never hunted before, he did mention that he knew the scenario. I am grateful for him hunting reguardless. I needed a video. I also want to thank the other prey as well. Thanks for being good sports too. 🙂