Shoulder mounted Rocket Pods are a type of MRLS (Multiple Rocket Launcher System). They are basically glorified weapon racks with a high damage potential. The Pods hold a fixed amount of rockets that can’t be reloaded during the match making them a precious resource to manage.
Did you know? You can cancel your rocket salvo.
You can switch between mounted weapons with [T] and fire individual Pods directly or set them to sequential mode (SEQ) or alternatively link them together (ALL) with [Alt+T]. Pods can queue rockets and release them in a salvo. Do this by holding down the fire key [middle mouse button] and release it to launch.
Available rockets use the “Ingame Primary” HUD colour
Loaded rockets use the “Ingame Secondary” HUD colour
Spent rockets use the “Ingame Background” HUD colour
You can end up running with a fully loaded Rocket Pod with no enemy in sight or the situation might be less than optimal to unleash a devastating alpha strike. To cancel the barrage quickly click the fire button again [middle mouse button] after release.
It is not a bug, it is a feature!
We wanted to address this situation but the implementation of the weapon system already made it happen. Sometimes useful features emerge from unintended properties. This is how rocket jump in Quake, or skiing in Tribes came to be.