Sonic Forces Guide

Every Challenge Mission Guide for Sonic Forces

Every Challenge Mission Guide


Here is a quick guide on how to complete each Challenge Mission.

Modern Sonic Specific Challenges

Modern Sonic has a few specific challenges that only he can complete. They’re pretty self explanatory. If you have the Episode Shadow DLC, you can even play as Shadow in Modern Sonic’s levels.

Slide in a Sonic stage.

Stomp in a Sonic stage.

Boost in a Sonic stage.

Boost while in mid-air in a Sonic stage. (Air Boost)

Use a Homing Attack in a Sonic stage.

Quick Step in a Sonic Stage.

Clear a Sonic stage while Boosting.

Stomp the enemy in a Sonic stage.

Stomp while Air Boosting in a Sonic stage.

Slide right after a Stomp in a Sonic stage.

Boost after a Stomp in a Sonic stage.

For the following challenges, you’ll get the “Defeat 3 enemies” challenge first, once you complete that, you’ll get “Defeat 5 enemies.” So you’ll have to visit each level more than once to complete all of these.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row while Sliding in a Sonic stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row while Sliding in a Sonic stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row while Boosting in a Sonic stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row while Boosting in a Sonic Stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a chain of Homing Attacks in a Sonic stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a chain of Homing Attacks in a Sonic stage.

Classic Sonic Specific Challenges

Same with Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic also has specific challanges. Note: When it says Spin Dash, it does not mean Drop Dash. Drop Dashing does not complete these challenges.

Spin Attack in Stage 13.

Spin Dash in Stage 18.

For the following challenges, you’ll get the “Defeat 3 enemies” challenge first, once you complete that, you’ll get “Defeat 5 enemies.” So you’ll have to visit each level more than once to complete all of these.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Spin Attack in Stage 3.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Spin Attack in Stage 3.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Spin Dash in Stage 10.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Spin Dash in Stage 10.

Avatar Specific Challenges

Unlike the Sonic specific challenges, the Avatar has a lot of challenges requiring you to use every Wispon.

Use an Asteroid Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Use a Lightning Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Use a Cube Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Use a Drill Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Use a Void Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Use a Burst Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Use a Hover Wispon in an Avatar Stage.

For the following challenges, you’ll get the “Defeat 3 enemies” challenge first, once you complete that, you’ll get “Defeat 5 enemies.” So you’ll have to use the Wispon more than once to complete all of these.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with an Asteroid Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with an Asteroid Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Lightning Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Lightning Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Cube Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Cube Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Drill Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Drill Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Void Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Void Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Burst Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Burst Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 3 enemies in a row with a Hover Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Defeat 5 enemies in a row with a Hover Wispon in an Avatar stage.

Clear Stages Challenges

These challenges require you to complete each stage with an S Rank. The easiest way to do this is do them during a Daily Mission Bonus, as it multiplies your overall score, making an easy S Rank. You still have an oppurtunity to get an S Rank even if you die in the level.

The following Challenges just require you to clear the stage and nothing more.

Clear Stage 30.

Clear EX Stage 7.

Clear Secret Stage 6.

The following Challenges require to get an S Rank, again if you’re having issues, wait for a Daily Mission Bonus.

Clear Stage 1 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 2 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 3 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 4 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 5 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 6 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 7 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 8 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 9 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 10 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 11 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 12 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 13 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 14 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 15 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 16 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 17 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 18 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 19 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 20 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 21 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 22 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 23 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 24 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 25 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 26 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 27 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 28 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 29 with an S Rank.

Clear Stage 30 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 1 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 2 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 3 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 4 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 5 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 6 with an S Rank.

Clear EX Stage 7 with an S Rank.

Time Challenges

These challenges are especially tricky which is why I feel I needed to make this guide, especially for the Boss stages. Thankfully, not every stage have a time challenge. During the quick time events in levels the timer is paused so if you wanna get a high score during those segment then go ahead and take your time.

Clear Stage 3 within 60 seconds.
Under 1:00.00
This is probably one of the easiest stages to speed run. Just keep to the top path as it’s the fastest.

Clear Stage 5 within 135 seconds.
Under 2:15.00
This is one of the easiest bosses to speed run. As long as you don’t miss a jump and don’t take too long between homing attacks then you should get this one done.

Clear Stage 6 within 120 seconds.
Under 2:00.00
If you can during the beginning rail part, take the far left path and follow through the rest of the level boosting.

Clear Stage 8 within 100 seconds.
Under 1:40.00
As long as you stay on the upper path in the beginning and hit all the side shortcuts during the boost sections then you should get to the end way quicker than you need to.

Clear Stage 9 within 85 seconds.
Under 1:25.00
This is the easiest Infinite fight to finish quickly, just constantly keep boosting, stay infront of him, grab the White Wisps, and never get hit and you’ll be able to finish this quickly.

Clear Stage 10 within 75 seconds.
Under 1:15.00
Drop Dash during any opportunity you can, be careful for pitfalls and stay to the high path. This one isn’t that hard to speed run.

Clear Stage 11 within 75 seconds.
Under 1:15.00
Defeat the first phase as fast as you can, if you get hit and fall off a platform you still have a little leway to recover. During the Egg Dragoon phase, make sure you hit with every boulder each time he throws them out. Should be an easy win.

Clear Stage 13 within 90 seconds.
Under 1:30.00
This one is gonna get kinda annoying, I would recommend staying on the high path here, you’ll end up getting stuck a lot if you take the low path.

Clear Stage 15 within 70 seconds.
Under 1:10.00
This one is pretty easy, keep boosting every chance. Always boost over homing attack every time unless it leads to a quick short cut but as long as you boost throughout the level and take the upper paths you should get to the end quickly.

Clear Stage 18 within 70 sconds.
Under 1:10.00
This one is kinda tricky. During the beginning part, go up the first slope at the beginning and stop when there’s 3 rings in front of you before the slope. Begin a fully charge spin dash and hold forward. This should get you to the top of the first section without having to wait for platforms. Next, you should come up to a badnik that shoots you when you get close, pass him is a jump pad, go pass the jump pad and spin dash towards the wall away from it. This should lead you to a pipe that takes you to another area with a power up. You can go for the power up if you want but if anything it waste more time. Follow the path and it should lead you to a red area with a loop, spin dash infront of boost before the loop and it should take you to a high platform. To the left of this platform is another floating platform going up and down, jump onto that platform and walk into the wall to the left, when the platform reaches the highest point it should throw you into a pipe that leads to an upper section of the level. Go through this part of the level as fast as possible and it should drop you right on top of the ending.

Clear Stage 21 within 90 seconds.
Under 1:30.00
At the start, take the left rail, it’s the fastest. Now if you fast fall through the entire next part and boost yourself throughout the level, you should be able to by pass all the waterfalls before they hit you. During the last section, you should jump right before the last door opens, you should land on a rail, immediately jump after landing on the rail to jump into a loop that should throw you at the end of the level.

Clear Stage 22 within 110 seconds.
Under 1:50.00
Drop dash yourself pass the first section of the level to go by it quickly. Take the upper path when you reach the light path. When you reach the second light path, take the upper path, it should lead you to an area that’ll flip you upside down. Then it should take you to the area with the first… uh… weird looping thing, but you’re gonna wanna jump over that and drop dash to the area below it, it should throw you over the automated electric area which you’ll skip and land infront of the next… weird looping thing. Go through the rest of the level as normal.

Clear Stage 23 within 100 seconds.
Under 1:40.00
I highly recommend watching where you boost in this level as it could lead right into your death. During the section where the platforms move right when you land on them, You should jump right after land on some so that you can get to the next plaform quicker. DON’T DO THIS WITH ALL OF THEM THOUGH, YOU COULD JUST FALL AND DIE.

Clear Stage 26 within 70 seconds.
Under 1:10.00
This level is easy enough, you should be able to just boost through most of it, as long as you don’t get hit you’ll reach the end in time.

Clear Stage 27 within 135 seconds.
Under: 2:15.00
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU BEAT THE GAME BEFORE TRYING THIS, USING THE VOID WISPON HELPS A LOT. This is one of the most challenging time challenges to do as the fastest I’ve ever seen people do is one second before the 2:15 mark. Converse your boost wisely, if you slow down during a part where you have a chance to hit Infinite will cost you. Boost any time he throws the moving crosses at you but don’t move from the middle, you should be able to easily by pass the crosses, keep boosting afterwards. During the sections where enemies appear, stay on the far left and once you get closer to Infinite, spam that jump button. If you accidentally miss an enemy floating around him or you hit an enemy on the ground, restart. During the second phase when your Avatar, make sure you’re using the Void Wispon. This time when he throws the crosses at you, boost through the first three in the middle, then side step the left for the fourth one, then side step back to the middle for the last one. Keep boosting afterwards as Infinite will give you a chance to attack. Then he should try to charge at you, boost the second you see him teleport around and avoid his attack, if you get hit, restart. After he misses, he should spawn floating enemies around him, boost towards him until you get close, then use the Void Wispon to push enemies away, then boost again so you control Sonic and spam the jump button. Repeat the same steps from last cross attack and when you hit him this should trigger the Double Boost cutscene. The time is frozen as this point, look at the time, if it’s at 2:07 or under, you’re in the clear, but if it’s over that, you gotta restart, the following scene takes an extra 7 seconds so restart if your time is at 2:08. I highly recommend looking at videos of people completing this challenge as seeing other peoples movement methods helps.

There’s another easier method contributed by Leon [BR]
Using the Drill Wispon when Infinite charges at you damages him. Here’s a video demonstrating the method:

Time Challenges Part 2

Clear Stage 28 within 140 seconds.
Under: 2:20.00
Keep to the upper path and take any shortcuts you can, this has an autoscroller in it so as long as you go fast during the other sections then you should be good.

Clear 30 within 270 seconds.
Under 4:30.00
The final boss is actually a lot easier than it seems. Same with the last Infinite fight, I recommend looking at other peoples movement methods to help. During the first phase, he’ll throw boulders at you that you should hit back at him. Just hit back one of them during the first time he throws them and bounce that one at him twice. When he throws another wave, make sure to hit two boulders at a time and keep hitting the boulders over and over again until you defeat this phase. The second phase it easy, after he fires the first wave of rockets, walk close to him and grapple onto the chest, then walk away and wait until he punches the ground, grapple the chest again. Repeat this for the next attack. After that, he should punch the ground, making that entire floor fall apart. After that, he should fire some rockets, immediately after he fires the rockets, grapple the chest before he begins firing the laser, after he fires the laser, grapple the chest and it should trigger the final phase. Just continue the boss fight as normal, you should have enough time to clear the boss in time at this point.

Clear EX Stage 1 within 30 seconds.
Under 0:30.00
As long as you keep jumping and avoid getting hit, you should reach the end in time.

Clear EX Stage 4 within 35 seconds.
Under 0:35.00
This one is kinda hard to get down, especially during the last part, just boost your way through the whole level, homing attacking enemies shooting at the blocks QUICKLY if you can or just jump on the blocks quickly before they destroy it. There is no real easy way to do these EX stages.

Clear EX Stage 6 within 45 seconds.
Under 0:45.00
There is no easy way to do this one, this one requires you to take your time because if you try to speed run it, you’re gonna get hit. I recommend just going at your own pace and learning the cycles of the flamethrowers before attempting this one.

Clear EX Stage 7 within 55 seconds.
Under 0:55.00
There is a White Wisps box you can pick up to get some boost, it’s in the lower section of the area with three Plasma Cannons in a line, if you grab that it should be easy to get through the rest just make sure you don’t smack yourself into a cannon.

Honors Challenges

The next few challenges require you to get 3 gold honors as each race: Wolf, dog, rabbit, cat, bear, bird, and hedgehog. This basically means you HAVE to beat the game to get these ones so you can make more characters. Once you beat the game, your character should already be at 3 gold honors, so now just play through a few levels with the other races. You don’t have to play Avatar levels to level up their honors.

Red Star Rings Challenge

There are 120 Red Star Rings in the entire game, and you have to collect all of them to get access to all the EX Stages. I recommend looking up videos on their locations because there’s a lot of them and some are very well hidden while others are in plain sight, especially during some of Modern Sonic’s levels.


SOS Mission Challenge

This is self explanatory, these challenges only go up to 30 so you’ll only ever need to complete 30 SOS Missions.

Here’s this so you know what you’re getting into.

  • Red SOS: Play as the avatar that had posted the signal to clear the stage. You can use their Wispon weapon during the stage.
  • Green SOS: Use the Avatar that sent the signal as a rental to clear the stage.
  • Blue SOS: Play as Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, or an Avatar to rescue an Avatar that sent the signal. They are captive in some location within the stage.