UnderRail Guide

Junkyard - Depot A walkthrough (spoilers!! duh ...) for Underrail

Junkyard – Depot A walkthrough (spoilers!! duh …)


This guide will help you survive Depot A and obtain the drill parts.


You will need the following:
Tactical Vest with at least 6 damage threshold

Lot of
Bear Traps
Molotov Cocktails
EMP Grenades

A few frag/HE Grenades

Completed (Black Eels) Dockmaster Silas’ quest line to access wormhole

Mutated Dog Leather Armor
55 effective lockpicking skill
60 effective hacking skill
60+ effective stealth skill (the higher the better)
Frag + HE mines
Jackknife + Eel sandwich will allow any character to use frag mines
Metal boots + Caltrops

Completed (Scrappers) Eddy’s quest line to access Old Junkyard

Depot A South (Optional)

Follow this section if you are playing classic mode and would like extra 1000 XP at the end, otherwise skip this section.

Enter Depot A South using Eddy’s entrance.

Set up a mine field here if you have at least 50 effective lockpick skill:
The two bear traps will block the south entrance for four turns and waste an additional 25 AP to open the door. You can also set up a frag mine in front of the bear traps for a quicker fight.

The Old key (Old Junkyard) is carried by this mutie.

This fight will be a cakewalk if you have quick tickering, just use bear traps + abuse line of sight (LOS). Enemies will waste precious MP+AP running around due to the two entrances.

If your build doesn’t have quick tickering use molotov cocktail instead.

Alternatively you can set up a mine field here behind closed curtain:
When finished toss a frag/HE grenade to attract attention. Fight should be easy if you are a range/psi build as you can abuse LOS. Melee build can use molotov cocktail to thin out the crowd and use doorway to ensure it’s always a one-on-one fight.

Once you have the old key head back to the wormhole.

Wormhole (obsolete as of ver 1.0.3.x)

Note: version 1.0.3 changes the way auto-turret interact w/ other muties/dogs so the following section is now obsolete.

Enter Depot A Underpassage East using the wormhole

Easy mode – if you have enough lockpicking skill:
Enter this ventilation Shaft
This auto-turret will do most/all of the killing for you. Open the door, manually enter combat (by hitting ENTER key), walk out, toss a grenade, walk back in and close the door.
You will exit combat after 6 turns without enemy contact.

You should hear the auto-turret + existing mines killing muties and dogs. Once things quiet down go back up the ventilation shaft and check to see if everyone is dead.
You can wipe them out here and now or just repeat the above and let the auto-turret do your killing for you.

Hard mode – if you do not have enough lockpicking skill to open vent:
Pick a room and set up mine field (if you have metal boots use caltrops on top) near doorway, abuse line of sight + molotov cocktail and kill everyone. Be careful as the area is littered with mines.

Once everyone is dead you should pick up outer south gate key …
and security key card

If you have at least 60 effective hacking skill:
Use this terminal to shut down all auto-turrets within Depot A

Easy Mode – if you have at least 55 effective lockpicking skill:
Head to Underpassage West using this ventilation shaft

Hard Mode – if you do not have enough lockpicking skill:
Head back up using this ladder
Watch out for mines, use the east exit
More mines
If you didn’t shut down all the auto-turrets earlier you will enter combat here (manually enter combat behind cover if you have low initiative). DO NOT retaliate as any noise will attract horde of mutant dogs.
Head straight for the door without fighting and arrive at this terminal:
You will automatically exit combat mode after six turns without enemy contact. Unlock the underpassage transition door using the terminal. Head back to Underpassage East and use this door to enter Underpassage West:

Underpassage West

Equip EMP grenades before entering Underpassage West as you will be fighting multiple sentry bots + auto-turret. You will not take any damage from sentry bots if you are wearing a tactical vest with at least 6 damage threshold. Auto-turret, however, is a different story. This level is much easier if you shut down the turrets earlier but this requires 60 effective hacking skill. If your build lacks hacking note the auto-turrents hit hard, so try to abuse line of sight and take your time taking out the two turrets here:
Grab the inner gate key card


Easy mode – if you have enough stealth you can head straight to your goal under stealth:

Hard mode – no stealth
You are in for a tough fight as you will have to take on multiple mutated dogs and mutants. Mutated Dog Leather Armor would help a lot if you have it, but not the end of the world if you don’t. Head up using this ladder:
Set up mine field here (if you have metal boots use caltrops as well), same deal, abuse line of sight (LOS) + molotov cocktail. Don’t be afraid to go overboard with bear traps and frag mines. You can hide behind those crates to break LOS. Try not to end your turn within sight of mutated dog/mutant as they will use acid spray on you. Acid spray have a pretty high chance to proc acidic entanglement and once that kicks in chances are you are dead.

Once you are clear head south – you are almost done!


If you are playing classic mode and have the old key you can listen to Wyatt’s story for 1000XP (classic mode only, no oddity XP given).

Feedback/comment/correction is welcome.
