POSTAL 2 Guide

ANUSTART - No Kills Guide for POSTAL 2

ANUSTART – No Kills Guide


Some tips on completing the game with no kills and earning the ANUSTART achievement.


Whether you want to earn the achievement, or just like a challenge, the goal of this guide is to give you some information on completing the Postal 2 game mode without killing a single person. Well, without killing anyone by your own hand at any rate. Getting the achievement isn’t as hard as it sounds, but it does take a little thinking, and a little patience.

Most of this guide can also help you with the Can You Dig It achievement, since the shovel isn’t a very effective weapon against tougher NPCs.


Obviously the easier you make the difficulty, the easier it will be to get the achievement. The biggest worry you’ll have in getting this achievement, other than your psychotic tendencies to kill everything that moves, is your enemies’ aim. While most firefights can be avoided, there are certain areas of the game that force you into hostile situations.

However, give yourself a bit of a challenge, and don’t pick the lowest levels. I got my achievement on Aggressive difficulty, and it seemed to be a good balance. I would recommend staying away from Hestonworld and higher difficulties unless you’re some sort of FPS badass. Hestonworld gives all bystanders weapons and the POSTAL and higher difficulties makes all those bystanders hostile towards you on sight.

Drugs, Health, and Body Armor

The only weapon realistically available to you is the taser. It can get you out of a tight spot or allow you to buy some time getting past a guard or police officer. You can technically use other weapons as long as you don’t kill anyone, but you’re taking a chance at botching the achievement, so I don’t recommend it. The taser is easiest to find on Monday. Simply go into the house in front of your trailer through the back door. In the room with the computer there will be a taser sitting on the desk.

Since your offensive capabilities are limited, you’re going to want to stock up on food, health pipes and body armor. While health pipes have the 25% health loss penalty, they can get you out of the difficult hostile events the game forces you to go through. Catnip can also come in handy as it slows down the movement of the world and allows you to move at full speed. You won’t be using the shotgun, so you don’t need it for attracting cats.

Body armor is very important to have before you get into a hostile situation, so take your time to prepare. You can get an easy piece of body armor each day by simply going into the house in front of your home and looking in the closet of the room where you found the taser. On later days the body armor will have 200 points of protection instead of 100, so make sure you grab it.

Food items are also handy, but be careful in acquiring them. A lot of times when you pickup food you have to go into a restricted area or you’ll make someone hostile, so make sure you can incapacitate them with the taser and get away.

Pay Your Way

Money. While it isn’t absolutely necessary, it will make your task much easier. Money allows you to pay for certain things and allow you to skip hostile encounters. For example, paying for milk allows you to skip the firefight at the Lucky Ganesh on Monday and it will save you some hassle at the Police Station on Thursday.

Money can be found lying around in buildings and homes, but there are two easy sources you can tap each day. The first is the bank vault, which can be robbed very easily. Simply walk to the back like you belong there and empty the vault. When you’re ready to exit, go through the secret bookcase and you shouldn’t have to fight anyone. On Monday make sure you wait in line and cash your paycheck first, before robbing the vault for maximum profit.

The second is the drug dealer’s house which is in the same map area as your home. You can quickly open the Employees Only door and use the taser on the guard. Grab the money on the dresser and run out before the guard recovers.

Day by Day

These are just general guidelines on how to complete each of the errands. Make sure you’re stocked up on body armor and health before doing dangerous errands.



Head to RWS, but before you pick up your check, head to the conference room to the right once you enter the main doors. Kick out the window and you’ll find a little hidden area with some picnic tables. On one of them will be a pile of cash, take this to pay for your milk.

Pick up your check and out out of the back while the RWS employees and protestors fight it out. There will be some protesters out back, but they should be easy enough to run around.


Just go to the store and pay for it. If you grabbed the pile of cash at RWS, you’ll have enough money to cover the $5.


Wait in line and cash your check. When the robbers come in ignore them and head for the back, the police and robbers should keep each other occupied. Rob the vault and head out of the secret exit.



Nothing dangerous or difficult here. Make sure you ask everyone twice to sign it, sometimes they’ll change their mind.


Can be a little tough, just run like hell and avoid the activists. There is some health in a closet behind the first staircase you encounter. Avoid the fire at all costs.

Gary’s Autograph

Go into the mall from the entrance that is on the same map segment as RWS. Gary should be right below you. Get the autograph, ignore the police and walk out the way you came.

Confess Sins

Wait in line and confess. When the terrorists attack, get out your taser and head downstairs. You can avoid a lot of the terrorists if you go onto the balcony and jump down into the pews (benches). Go out the side door and head towards the Loading Zone. You’ll take some damage but with adequate health and body armor it shouldn’t be too difficult.


Piss on Dad

This is one of the most challenging to do without killing anyone. Make sure you pick up any health pipes and food that are available. Any food items you had before the rednecks took you will be on one of the side rooms near the start of the Brewery. Several areas have health packs on the wall, so be on the lookout for those. Other than that you just need to keep moving. You may need to save in a few places to finally make it out. Also on the curved staircase near the end you may need to move past the rednecks by going to the right of them (away from the wall) instead of to the left. The ledges’ clipping area seems to be a bit bigger than they look. Don’t forget to pick up your taser, it should be on a table in one of the rooms with the piles of grain.


Nothing dangerous or difficult about this. Obviously don’t go to do this if you have a wanted rating, as there are police officers in the room with the voting machine.

Get Xmas Tree

On your way to the tree pick up any food items on the ground, once you get the tree and the cutscene ends start heading to your left. You’ll eventually go through the valley with the wrecked cars. At the end of the valley you’ll see a bridge that has a ladder on the side. Just climb up and head to the nearby Loading Zone.


Pay Ticket

Just pay the $300 at the front desk, you should have it if you’ve been collecting money each day.

Get Steaks

Another difficult event. Move as quickly as possible to the end of the map and use food and health pipes as necessary. There is a set of 200 point body armor at the end, which should help refresh you. The butchers have a tendency to chase you and bottle neck in the last room, so you may have to dance around a bit with the taser until an opening appears. Once you’re past the majority of the butchers, holster your taser and just run past the police.

Get Krotchy

It’s easy enough to run past the hostile NPCs in the back room and get the toy. One NPC at the end has grenades, so just watch out for those. Once the police get there, holster your taser and run past them as usual. Krotchy will fire rockets at you, but they should be easy enough to avoid. Your closest exit will be on the right as you leave the toy store.

Get Napalm

It’s expensive to pay for this one, so if you don’t want to spend the cash, just holster your weapon and run past the police. Once the factory catches fire it’s just a matter of doing the jumping to get out.


Get Alternator

If you don’t have the money to pay, it’s fairly easy to get it yourself. Using the catnip as a drug can help avoid the dogs, and the large crushing machine at the end.

Get Package

You’ll have to fight either way, so it’s up to you if you want to pay the postage. This is another map where you just have to run through and use your food and health pipes. It’s not nearly as difficult as the Brewery or Meat World though.

Go to Clinic

Take aim!

Uncle Dave’s Birthday

Not really as difficult as it should be. Work your way into the compound. If you need some body armor there’s a set in the gym. Give the present to Dave and then just make your way out with the taser holstered. The ATF agents will only try to beat you with clubs and they are fairly easy to get past. Sometimes people do catch on fire though, so watch out for that. If the ATF agents are clogging the hallways, try luring them into the gym, then running away.

Other Tips

It might sound obvious, but use the police to your advantage when you can. If you’re coming up on an NPC that is going to turn hostile, like the activists, make sure a police officer is near by. When fired upon the police will turn hostile against those NPCs. They should provide enough of a distraction to prevent you from taking a lot of damage and sometimes they will even eliminate the hostile NPC.

Loading Zones are also a good way to avoid a fight. Just like you should know where the nearest exit is on an airplane, you should know where your nearest Loading Zone is. Hostile NPCs won’t follow you through, so use them to escape situations.

Fire is deadly and wastes valuable food items to recover from it. If you do catch fire, unzip those pants and aim upward. You’ll put yourself out.