There is the list of principals secret places in the game Postal 2
Secret 1 : Ben Laden Base
At first, you must go behind the house of the dude (big trailer), you will easily find a tunnel, some bushes hide it.
You go in the tunnel and you will find it !
If you are courageous and you want to kill a lot of Ben Laden, you will find the WMD !
Secret 2 : The Lucky Ganesh Shop
When you are in the shop, search a white door with something wrote in the wall “Infidels…”, you will easily find wooden planks.
Break it with guns or foot, go in !!
Warning : There are some burned dogs at the end of the big tunnel, you must have grenades, fire, etc…
In the dogs place, there is a mini tunnel, you will find the launcher !!
When you go out, you are directly next to the library
It’s very good when you have a lot of problems with police or army, you can hide there and directly go to the library
Secret 3 : Behind the Lucky Ganesh Shop
When you are next to the shop, you go to the house with a locked door
Kick this door until it open
Go on the roof, travel electric wires
You are now in the roof of the shop, you will find the secret place easily
Nice cats, some weapons and a catnip
Secret 4 : Secret Bank
In the Monday missions, sometimes you have problem to get the cash at the bank, and if you stole the cash police make problems to you, this secret is for you
At first go to the bank, take the way next to peoples
Walk, walk and you will find a wooden door
Go in this room, take the cash
There is a moveable bookshelf, touch it and it will open
You can stay here if you want, for avoid the police, or you can exit, at the end of the tunnel, there is an exit