Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Guide

Ultimate Performance Tweak Guide for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Ultimate Performance Tweak Guide


Here you find the Ultimate Tweak Guide for Rising Storm 2 Vietnam.This Guide is a bunch of things brought together to optimize the game and guarantee a better gameplay experience.


This Guide will help you to get a better Gameplay Experience out of Rising Storm 2 Vietnam.The Guide has a bunch of Things you can change to optimize the Game. We´re gonna add some Parameters to the Startoptions of Rising Strom 2 and will modify our Gameconfig files.Nothing in this Guide will lead into a Gameban or Serverkick.I´ll try to explain everything as best as i can.Okay folks then letz start going into the Guide itself.I hope its gonna make you feel happy playing.

I want to achieve a good inbetween of high performance,fluid gameplay and a good looking vietnam!

This Guide is a WIP and will get new Tweaks added, so stay tuned and follow this Guide.

Hardware recommendations


Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Intel® Core™ i3 @ 2.5GHz or AMD Phenom @ 2.5GHz
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460 or ATI Radeon™ HD 5850

if you dont hit the minimum recommendation you should consider a hardware update.Start with updating your CPU first.


Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Intel i5 @ 3.2GHz or AMD @4GHz
NVIDIA® GeForce® 760 or AMD R9 270X

UNSUPPORTED 32-bit Operating System

Check your PC here:



Startparameters for Rising Storm 2 Vietnam

-refresh 144

This will force the refresh rate and the above would only apply if you play on a 144hz monitor. Adjust the number to accommodate your setup.


This controls the maximum amount of RAM to allocate to the game. If you have 16GB of RAM and wish to allocate 13GB, then the input you’d place after the equal sign would be 13000.


This will let your operating system decide the amount of memory to use while the game is running. Since the game is not optimized yet, allowing your system to control this will improve gameplay significantly.


This will let your game will start in high priority mode.This can also be achieved by changing your Priority for Rsising Storm 2 in the Task Manager.


This does exactly as it specifies. This will ensure that all of your CPU cores are being used while running Rising Storm 2 Vietnam.


If you’re still having a difficult time running the game then add this to your current Steam launch options. This will change shading from DirectX 11 to DirectX 10. It won’t look as stunning, but it should run a bit more smoothly.Its the same option like -dx10 or -d3d10.


This skips all Intromovies and let you access the game significantly faster.

Your final Startparameters should look something like this but with your own inputs.

-refresh 144-maxMem=13000-malloc=system-USEALLAVAILABLECORES-sm4-high -nostartupmovies (just an example)

Copy the entire text and apply your Steam launch options by doing the following:

>Open Steam.
>Navigate to your Steam Library.
>Right-click on Rising Storm 2 Vietnam.
>Click on Properties.
>Paste your launch settings.
>Press OK.

Ingame commands

Press F3 to open the Developer console

  • Suicide Thats the most important command if you got stuck or your team wants to end a round fast for victory. It kills your character,period.
  • stat fps 1 – This will display your frames per second.To turn off “stat fps 0”.
  • Stat Net – Toggles the display of network statistics including Ping.
  • Stat Audio – Toggles information about the audio system.
  • Stat Engine – Toggles information about the rendering system.
  • Stat Game – Toggles information about the game engine.
  • FOV [degrees] – Changes the Field of View to the specified degrees.Example “FOV 90”
  • togglehudTurn off/on your HUD. This is perfect for capturing screenshots.
  • Tiledshot 5For hi-res tiled screenshot. Note: Screenshots are stored here: C:Users>YOUR_NAME>Documents>My Games>Rising Storm 2ROGameScreenShots.
  • setres Set desired resolution. Example: setres 1920×1080 for 1080p.
  • Resetstats “Your STEAM ID”Example “Resetstats SPAC3M4R1N3”. This will Reset all stats including achievements, Rank, Cosmetics, and your other stats like KD and weaponusage.Do this on your own risk if you want to reset your stats.
  • BugIt – This command will take a screenshot of whatever is displayed at the moment and a text file with important informations like position and angle etc. Thats perfect for Devs to find spots of stuck locations, collision issues, and environment issues that are encountered on maps.
  • Exit Exits the game to desktop immediately.


Disable your Steam Overlay can have a little impact on your Ingameperformance.Possible impact about +10-20fps.

Go to Steam library > Rising Storm 2 Vietnam > Right-click and choose properties > remove the hook for Steam Overlay and the hook for big picture.


Editing the Gamefiles

Now we start editing the .ini files from Rising Storm 2 Vietnam.They can be found “Documents>My Games>Rising Storm 2>ROGame>Config”


  • PoolSize 6144 – Set it to half of your videomemory.It reduces the pop-in-effect of gras and
    many other things they would distract you a lot. I got a 1080GTX Ti and uses 6GB VRAM on it.

  • bUseTextureStreaming=True/False – set it to False if you dont use PoolSize
  • ScreenPercentage=100.000000 -100|125|150.renders the scene at a higher resolution and then scales it down. The value represents a percentage of the overall resolution of the scene.
  • bSmoothFrameRate=False – No FPS limitation.

  • DynamicShadows=True/False – This turns on any shadow that is created and regularly updated as the object casting the shadow moves. Dynamic shadows are the very CPU intensive kind. You can turn this option off, and still retain blob shadows and tree canopies etc.I recommend to leave it on True.

  • MaxAnisotropy=16Ensures that Anisotropic filtering is at its maximum.The game uses 8x when its on Ultra setting.Anisotropic filtering is needed to draw things sharp in higher distance.

  • DynamicLights=True/FalseThis turns on the majority of the lighting in the game. Without this on, every zone/area you go to will look abnormally dark. This setting is also a prerequisite for alot of the lighting/shadowing in the engine.I recommend to leave it to True
  • Bloom=True/FalseThis is a post processing effect that adds a glare / bright white effect to clouds or neon textures, such as lights on a wall or cars etc.I recommend to set this to False

  • AmbientOcclusion=True/FalseThis is a post processing setting that can be applied to most 3D applications. it adds darkness to areas that are slightly obstructed from the light source, or adds darkness to areas where two objects or textures intersect (such as the corners where walls meet the floor, or where plants meet the ground) . In settings you can find SSAO.Irecommend to set it to False if your GPU isnt powerful eneugh.

  • ResX=1920 and ResY=1080 – Always stick to your Native resolution of your monitor, it will help you alot spoting enemies far away.Dont really tested DSR so its maybe a subject to be changend after testing.DSR is scaling in higher resolution and downsamples to your native resolution and could make AA obsolete.But like i said, its subject to test first.

in ROinput.ini set:

  • bViewAccelerationEnabled=FALSE – mouseacceleration turned off.Helps you aiming down way better.

Problem Texture Streaming Solved(NEW!!!!!)

The Solution for Users with Mid-High End PC´s.

With these settings, you will have almost no Microstutter and the Pop in effect is reduced to a minimum. Your graphics will look the same as before.The big problem with the UE3 engine is the Texture Streaming. After many tries and trying around I finally came to a result. I switched everything with Streaming to False and had a phenomenal effect. The game has never run as well as now. Hardly any Framdrops, Microstutter and Pop in effects exist. All those who have a relatively strong PC should try this out. All relevant LVL data will be in preloaded into the memory and remain there during the game.

This Solution is highly memory related.Everybody above 8GB of ram should test this one out.Its a day and night experience.

  • PoolSize=999999999 – This looks crazy, but take it exactly like this.

  • MaxAnisotropy=16

  • bUseTextureStreaming=False

  • OnlyStreamInTextures=False

  • AllowStreamingLightmaps=False

  • UsePriorityStreaming=FalseVery important to set this to False, without this command this method will not work.

  • bAllowSwitchingStreamingSystem=False

  • bSmoothFrameRate=False

It still will use the same amount of ram regardless, but instead of feeding it in one chunk at a time it will all pop in after you load the level.

To Everybody who uses this method, please report your experience in the comment section.This Guide still remains WIP.

Antialiasing (FXAA,MLAA,SMAA)

Which Antialiasing will fits you best?


  • FXAA

FXAA(fast approximate anti aliasing) is not real anti-aliasing, it’s just a blurry post process effect, turning it off completely will give you better image quality and will end up in higher framerates and more sharp edges.At a distance, the picture becomes very blurred, but there is a way to deal with it.

If you play on 1080p i recommend just using Off or Low

  • MLAA

– Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA) is a post-processing filtering technique occurring outside the traditional rendering pipeline.Its made for AMD users and is the direct answer to Nvidia´s FXAA.Because i dont used AMD hardware a long time i can not say how good this AA works.But there is a chance to activate this in the .ini files.

Turn off FXAA in the graphic settings and go to:”Documents>My Games>Rising Storm 2>ROGame>Config>ROEngine.ini”.Search for MLAA and you will find AllowMLAA.

Now set False to True.

  • MSAA

MSAA (Multi Sampling AA) reduces the performance needed compared to SSAA. MSAA detects the edges of polygons and only increases the number of samples there.Its the best of the here listed methods but not supported by the game itself.The command “Maxmultisamples” dont function anymore since ARVN patch.

But there is another way to get SMAA and combine it with FXAA or MLAA. SweetFX 2.0 is the Key to victory.

  • SweetFX SMAA

SweetFX 2.0!!! Dont use any higher version because it will get a confilct with the EAC Anticheat program because higher versions will apply something like an ingameoverlay to the game and Easy Anti Cheat detects it as external software.
SweetFX is actually whitelisted by EAC and will not lead into a gameban.

Here you can download SweetFX 2.0 Installer.[www.chip.de]

After installing SweetFX 2.0 by searching the VNGame.exe in “binaries>win64>vngame.exe” we can start and set some parameters to sweetFX.First you have to start the game for the first time then a SweetFX folder will appear in the win64 folder.Open the SweetFX folder and go to SweetFX_settings and open it with notepad or similiar program.

Step 1

#define USE_SMAA 0 – set it to 1 and SMAA will be activated.
#define USE_LUMASHARPEN 0 – set it to 1 and sharpening effect will be added.

Step 2

#define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.05
#define SMAA_EDGE_DETECTION 2 – here you can change to personal preference.

Step 3

#define sharp_strength 0.45
#define pattern 2

Now save and you´re done.Maybe you have to adjust a little bit to personal preference to find your comfort zone.Feel free to try out with other settings, just backup your original file first.

Here i got some example pictures of my results using SweetFX and FXAA low.


Keep your drivers up to date.Old drivers can cause some weird problems and are not good optimized. Find the websites of the two big groups here.


Nvidia Homepage driver section[www.nvidia.de]

Install the driver manually via the homepage or use Nvidia Experience to update the driver.


AMD Radeon Homepage driver section[support.amd.com]

The same procedure as Nvidia.

Other drivers

The drivers of the other components such as chipset,cpu,audio and other various components must be up to date. Most start problems with outdated drivers.This is a essential part and should stay at first place.I personally use DriverBooster and im happy with it.Here you can get the free trial.

Iobit Driver Booster 5 Download[www.iobit.com]

After your first run you will probably be shocked how many outdated drivers were on your machine.There will be a noticeable performance boost after updating all your drivers.Repeat this at regular intervals to stay safe.
