For the lazy people who rather look for guides on Steam instead of the internet. :)100% achievement guide for Charlie Murder.
Introduction for this Charlie Murder Guide
Welcome to this guide for getting 100% of the achievements to the game Charlie Murder.
Heres various guides and hints/tips I found when scouring the net. So I made a guide for ye. <3
I’m automatically assuming you’re using an Xbox controller, be it One or 360 as that is what I’ve used as button prompts found in the texts.
May add pictures for better/easier references if needed or if I cba.
Band members name and their classes per difficulty:
- Charlie Murder
BerzerkerFrostwraithBlood MageBat
- Kelly Skitten
MesmerEnchantressSirenWhite Wolf
- Lester Deth
- Rex
- Tommy Homicide
Oh and of course, if you see their class names in any of the achievments below, it simply is a quick reference and not the required type of class on that character.
Achievements 1-10
[1] I’m Thorough – Find all relics.
There’s a grand total of 54 relics to hunt!
See the Extra section on the side or below to know where to obtain them. -
[2] I Have an Army – Unlock an alternate band from the Sceniverse.
You’ll first need to acquire a golden ticket. Very rarely these will drop from enemies and also found in the shops. Once you have one, equip it as a relic, head to the Art Street theater. (at the beginning of the game, behind lots of cars.) Fight the boss at the end and you’ll earn this as well as the “alternative” band in correspondance with the difficulty setting your’e currently on. -
[3] I’m the Hunter – Defeat Vlad The Eternally Cold.
This is story-related and can’t be missed. -
[4] I Got a Tattoo – Get your first tattoo! You look great.
This is story-related and can’t be missed. -
[5] I Can Save The World – Get the good ending.
To do this, you need to beat the game while having all of Smockula’s body parts (5) equipped as relics. This can be obtained on any difficulty with any character. For more information on Smockula’s body parts, refer to[12] I Collected a Being.
[6] I’m All Inked Up – Get ALL tattoos. Now you’re a mage.
Buy all available tattoos for any character. You buy them inside tattoo shops found in the world. Here’s where to find them:- By O’Flanagan’s Alley ——–> (Ink of Rage).
- By the Gor’Castle Gift Shop –> (Gor’Castle Ink 4 Kidz).
- By Piratenbase —————> (Murder You Tattoo).
- In Hermits Refuge Cave ——> (Kermie’s Creations Tattoo).
- Direblade Plaza —————> (The Forbidden Quill).
- In Mallrus Shopping World — > (7th Level Magic User Tattoo).
[7] I Like it Better This Way – Dye some clothes. How does that look?
You can buy dye from several shops and even get from enemies/destructibles. Once you have one, open your inventory by hitting [BACK/CHANGE VIEW (xbox 360/one controllers)]. From there, select the dye, press [X], select the piece of clothing you want to dye and press [X] again. -
[8] I’ll Give Birth to a King – Eat a heart while in female form.
This is Kelly’s character (mesmer)-specific achievement. In order to get this achievement, you’ll need to unlock the Heart Rip skill for Kelly. Once obtained, pick up a weakened enemy with [B] and then eat their heart by pressing [B] again. -
[9] I Fixed Your Heart – Resuscitate a downed bandmate.
Obtained by reviving your teammate while he’s dead/downed. Go to the downed player, hit [B] and play with the navigation sticks button promps. -
[10] I Made a Garden of Skulls – Make a cluster of 5 healing totems.
This is Tommy’s character (shaman)-specific achievement. In order to get this achievement, you’ll need to unlock the Healing Totems skill. with it, you can make a healing totem by picking up a severed head and pressing [Y].An easy way to get five of these close together is to use a powerful character with a bladed weapon (berzerker for instance). Doing so will frequently decapitate enemies in one hit. Once there are five heads in an area, create the healing totems in close proximity to one another and you’ll get this achievement.
Achievements 11-20
[11] I’m All Sorts of Famous – Get the good ending (Total Anarchy playthrough)
Beat the game on normal difficulty, you unlock Chaos difficulty.
Beat the game on chaos and you’ll unlock Total Anarchy difficulty.
You must get the good endings for Each difficulty and you need to beat the game while having all of Smockula’s body parts (5) equipped.
See[12] I Collected a Being for more information on where to get each item.
[12] I Collected a Being – Accumulate Smockula’s Body.
This achievement is required for the good ending. In order to get it, you must collect all of Smockula’s body parts. Each body part are found at an optional boss.
Where to find the part/boss locations:- Smockula’s Eye (obtained from Hermit Refuge Camp).
- Smockula’s Heart (obtained form St. Sander’s Cemetery).
- Smockula’s Liver (obtained Camp Falconbats).
- Smockula’s Tooth (obtained the sewer near in Direblade Plaza).
- Smockula’s Brain (obtained from Brinelake Dock).
[13] I Melt Your Face a Thousand Ways – Poison, burn, melt, shock, explode, and shatter your foes.
As you defeat enemies and earn money, you’ll also find new equipment and be able to buy even more. Different pieces of equipment can have different effects. Poisoning, burning, metling, shocking, and freezing (which leads to shattering) can all be gained through equipment. For explosion, simply throw one of the grenades from a crate at an enemy. Environmental items can also cause death through the other effects, so if you can’t find a specific piece of equipment for something, check the environment around you as you play.If you’re struggling with this and don’t know which you’re missing, it’s most likely frost – there are fewer frost items than other elements in the game. In order to get frost easily, use Kelly’s Evil Eye tattoo.
[14] I’m a Reverse Repairman – Defeat the Wretched Electronics.
This is story-related and can’t be missed. [15] I Battled a Ghost – Defeat Lord Mortimer’s phantom.
This is story-related and can’t be missed.[16] I’m a Serious Musician – Get 100% on any music minigame part.
For an easy time, go with Kelly (mesmer) on this one.[17] I’m a Brewmaster – Craft a beer.
To do this, you need yeast, malt, and barley. All three drop from enemies/destructibles randomly. Once you have one of each, go to the brewery (2 machines near eachother) and mash the malt and barley together. This will give you a wort, which you can then ferment with a yeast. Doing This will net you the achievement and a beer.[18] I’m a Knife-Wielding Lunatic – Sever some limbs while dual-wielding machetes.
This is Charlie’s character (berzerker)-specific achievement. To get this achievement, you need to unlock the Dual-Wielding skill, then find two machetes. This can be slightly difficult because machetes are relatively rare, they break fairly easily, and limbs can take a while to pop off.To get this achievement easier, be at a decent/high level and play on normal difficulty at the Gor’Castle Parks Entrance with the Mithiril Cog relic(random drop) equipped.
Take the ferry across, and in this area run back and forth, using the machetes to hack at everything. Machetes are common here, and there are plenty of enemies to hack at. Additionally, if you have the Cyclone skill available, you can use it to hit enemies – it won’t damage your items and will inflict significant damage.[19] I Gave Them a Show – Defeat King Tepes.
This is story-related and can’t be missed.[20] I’m Cemetery Go Go Go – Defeat Circe Bathory in St. Sanders Cemetery.
This is story-related and can’t be missed.
Achievements 21-30
[21] I Demolished You With The 80’s. – Crush an enemy beneath an arcade machine.
This is Rex’s character (tank)-specific achievement. To get this achievement, you need to unlock the Heavy Lifting skill.When you got the skill, find an arcade machine. Pick one up with [X] and then throw it with either [X] or [Y]. The throw must kill an enemy and knock them down for the achievement to unlock.
[22] I Can Destroy The World – Get the bad ending.
Most likely obtained if playing blind. Simply beat the game without having all the body parts (5) equipped. You can have them in the inventory, no problem. -
[23] I’m The King of Rock and Roll – Get the good ending (Chaos playthrough)
Beat the game on normal difficulty, you unlock Chaos difficulty.
You must get the good endings for Each difficulty and you need to beat the game while having all of Smockula’s body parts (5) equipped. -
[24] I Steal Your Soul – Rob 7 enemies of their souls.
This is Lester’s character (mage)-specific achievement. To get this achievement, unlock the Soul Sucker skill. When obtained, you will be able to steal souls from downed enemies by pressing [Y]. Do this seven times to get the achievement. -
[25] I’m a Uniter – Host a team attack, join a team attack.
This requires two people or a second controller. In order to get this achievement, you must first unlock your character’s team attack. These are available at level two for every character.The team attack names are called:
Mosh Pit (berzerker, mesmer)
Stygian Beast (mage)
Gerudo Mech (shaman)
Free Ride Combo (tank).Once your team attack is unlocked, you must reach a 20 hit combo to make it available to use (if you’re having problems with this, you CAN hit your co-op partner to boost this number).
Finally, once this is done, hit [LT] and [RT] simultaneously to prompt your co-op buddy to do the same near you. When they do, you’ll perform a team attack and unlock this achievement.
[26] I Removed a Stain – Defeat the Lady in Tatters.
This is story-related and can’t be missed. -
[27] I Cut the Supply Chain – Defeat the Infested Roadie.
This is story-related and can’t be missed. -
[28] I Earned an Organ – Defeat the Gory Mound.
The Gory Mound is the first optional boss. To fight it, go out of the dead-end gate at the end of St. Sanders Cemetary to the Derelict Crypt. At the end of the level, the Gory Mound awaits. Defeat him to earn an achievement and one of the parts for the achievement[12] I Collected a Being.
[29] I Brought Down a Giant – Defeat the Boss Monster.
This is story-related and can’t be missed. -
[30] I’m an Exorcist – Defeat Beelzebaal.
This is story-related and can’t be missed.
Full set of items obtainable and where to get them for the achievement
I’m Thorough
I put the icon picture[s] taken directly from the game files at the bottom of this chart. Do mind that one is not available due to a bug and got patched. So 55 is actually 54 in reality.