Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Guide

100% Achievement Guide [UP TO DATE] for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

100% Achievement Guide [UP TO DATE]


Hello, in this guide I would like to show you some tips and help you as much as I can with getting every single achievement. Vietnam is a hostile place so it is not going to be easy but without further do, let the hunt begin!

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Mode completion

For the following achievements, you just have to play the modes over and over.

A Winner is You! – Rookie

Win a total of 10 rounds, regardless of map or gamemode.

A Winner is You! – Veteran

Win a total of 50 rounds, regardless of map or gamemode.

A Winner is You! – Master

Win a total of 100 rounds, regardless of map or gamemode.

Grind. Grind. Grind.

Skirmish Rookie

Win 10 Rounds of Skirmish.

Skirmish Veteran

Win 50 Rounds of Skirmish.

Skirmish Master

Win 100 Rounds of Skirmish.

Skirmish is a fast-paced close combat mode with very small maps. Up to 5 rounds per map played with only 16 max players. This mode requires more thinking, as you can respawn only during a small window after successful objective capture.

Supremacy Rookie

Win 10 Rounds of Supremacy.

Supremacy Veteran

Win 50 Rounds of Supremacy.

Supremacy Master

Win 100 Rounds of Supremacy.

Supremacy is all about the teamplay and correct decisions. Lots of freedom and running around, but you will need to know which objectives are worth capturing or holding during the game. Destroying or placing tunnels should be the priority.

Territories Rookie

Win 10 Rounds of Territories.

Territories Veteran

Win 50 Rounds of Territories.

Territories Master

Win 100 Rounds of Territories.

Teritorries maps are the most tactical ones. Squad leaders are the key to success as well as good positioning and correct usage of commander abilities. Move very carefuly because you will get spotted and killed otherwise.

Kill achievements

Just keep killing Charlies or GIs. In case of need grab the specific role. Judging by my experiences, the hardest to-kill achievement beside those melee ones is to get 500 kills with LMGs. Because getting kills with sniper rifles is very very easy, esecially in Teritorries mode. On the other hand, you cant just run around with LMG and deliver a lot of frags. Good positioning and maps knowledge will be your best friends here.

Rookie Soldier

Kill 100 Enemy Infantry.

Veteran Soldier

Kill 500 Enemy Infantry.

Master Soldier

Kill 1000 Enemy Infantry.

How long you will need for this? Probably like 20ish hours. Depends on your skill.

Sharpshooter Rookie

Kill 50 Enemies with Sniper Rifles.

Sharpshooter Veteran

Kill 100 Enemies with Sniper Rifles.

Sharpshooter Master

Kill 250 Enemies with Sniper Rifles.

You just gotta be quick to select the Sniper or Marksman role. Everybody wants to be the sniper.
Can be done very quickly. I usually like 70 kills per map played.

Machinegunner Rookie

Kill 50 Enemies with LMGs.

Machinegunner Veteran

Kill 250 Enemies with LMGs.

Machinegunner Master

Kill 500 Enemies with LMGs.

As I said, you cant just run around. You gotta use the terrain and map knowledge. Kinda time consuming as you will get most likely like 30ish kills per map.

Hand-to-Hand Rookie

Get 10 Melee Kills.

Hand-to-Hand Veteran

Get 50 Melee Kills.

Hand-to-Hand Master

Get 100 Melee Kills.

Getting 100 melee kills is currently the most rare achievement. Why? Because nobody wants the achievement I guess. You may think its hard but it really isnt. If you are going for all achievements you will need to play at least 100 maps across all modes. Skirmish is a tough one for melee so I dont count it. Basically you just need to average 1 melee kill per map. That doesnt sound that bad. And if you focus on melee kills you can do this easily. Check out my favorite spots, where I just wait for enemy to get the melee kills. Works damn well, trust me.

First Blood
First Blood: Part 2

Get the first kill in a round. Get the second kill in a round.
I did it my way. Rushed to the location marked below and killed some GIs running from “E” to “D”. Map is An Lao Valley. By using RPG you can get both at the same time with a bit of luck. Another option is rushing “A” objective on Hue City.

Just another day in Nam

The following achievements mostly dont need any additional comments, you will gain those easily just by playing the game.

Welcome to the Rice Fields

Finish a round on any map as the North Vietnamese forces.
Our homes are safe!


Finish a round on any map as the US forces.
Your rice is ours!

I Ain’t Got Time To Bleed!

Kill an enemy whilst you are bleeding.
When you take a hit and the bandage symbol appears, dont use the bandage immediately, kill one enemy first and after that finally help yourself with that med stuff.


Use two bandages in one life without dying.
With a bit of lucky nonlethal hits, you will need to use both your bandages, which will give you this achievement.

Iron Thighs

Spend a total of two hours crouched.

Crouch Run Through the Jungle

Sprint while crouched for a total of 10km.

Green Belly

Spend a total of two hours prone.
Enjoy the buggy animations:)

Run Through the Jungle

Sprint for a total of 10km.

Ain’t No Hurdle High Enough

Mantle 500 times.
Enjoy the buggy animations 🙂

What a Thrill.

Spend a total of 2 minutes climbing ladders.
The best map for this is Cu Chi. Lots of ladders.

Rider on the Storm

Spawn 10 times in the back of a helicopter.
Only in Supremacy mode or Hill937 map in Teritorries. Simply choose to deploy on a transport helicopter if available.

The Gang Solves the North Vietnam Situation

Finish a game as part of the top-scoring squad in the game.
You will probably get this easily but if you still struggle, i suggest to focus on objectives instead of kills. Especially in Supremacy mode. Why? Because more points!

The Value of Not Being Seen

Use camouflage to hide from recon planes for a total of 5 minutes.
Find yourself a nice tree or bush that will cover you entirely and profit.

Back For More

Refill an out-of-ammo primary weapon at a Resupply Point.
Waste all your ammo, then just press T and find the closest suply point to refill.

Lead Farmer

Fire every round of an LMG’s starting ammo in a single life.
You can do this with Back For More together. Obviously, make sure you have selected the machine gunner role.

The Horror…

Witness another player dying from napalm up close, while surviving yourself.
You can earn it on either side. If you just cant get this, try to move around an “F” objective on Cu Chi or “C” on Hue City as almost all commanders drop it there.

Demolition Man

Collapse 25 enemy spawn tunnels.
When you find a tunnel, simply hold “F” to destroy it. You can also use any explosives. Cobra helicopter or artillery/barrage from a commander can destroy “riceholes” as well.

Charlie Don’t Surf!

Kill a North Vietnamese soldier while they are standing in water.
Fairly easy on Hue City as many Charlies will try to cross the river. Alternatively Song Be, but that is way harder


Get 25 Kill Assists.
You will get an assist and 1 scorepoint everytime you inflict some damage or spot an enemy. Awarded upon the enemy´s death.

Explosives and traps

There is nothing more thrilling for me in this game. RPG takedowns and explosive kills. Use the map knowledge and get tons of kills without facing the enemy.

It’s a Trap!

Step on an enemy’s punji trap.
You will get this naturally just by playing. Traps are everywhere. If you see a weird-colored spot on the ground, step on it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaww.

High Five!

Get 5 kills with punji traps.
Having troubles getting punji kills? Check out my favorite spots. Ez kills.

Tripwire, Interactive

Kill an enemy player with a tripwire trap.
Although any experienced player will see your traps, there are still lots of new players or blindfolded US soldiers. Cover it as much as possible and you will get this eventually.

No Strings Attached

Get a kill with a tripwire trap that hasn’t had its second stake planted yet.
This one is a bit tricky. You will need to plant just one stick and enemy has to step right on top if it. That could be a problem. Check out f.e. those spots but feel free to be creative. You can also plant just the first stick and then shoot it from distance. Works either way.

Daisy Chain

Kill an enemy with an MD82 mine that was detonated by another MD82’s explosion.
Simply make a chain from your mines with a distance between each other like 5m. Then just wait for some unaware enemy to walk close to one of those mines. Shoot the furthest one. Profit. Or do it with a friend on an empty server.

What Goes Around…

Kill an enemy North Vietnamese soldier by shooting a booby trap to detonate it.
Pretty hard in normal gameplay. You would need to shoot the trap right after VC finished planting it or camp the spotted trap until any VC goes nearby. Again, do it with your friend.

Weapon specific

For those, you will need a specific weapon. As usual, when it comes to grabbing the right role for the particular achievement, you will need to be very quick as for example RPG or Marksmen roles are the first ones everybody pick.

Oh Baby, a Double!

Kill two enemies with a single round from a non-explosive weapon.
I got this actually by getting a triple kill. Shotgun. 3 enemies. 1 shot. Lots of blood. Easy with sniper rifle when you line up your shot.

White Feather

Kill an enemy from over 250m away with the XM21 Sniper Rifle.
This is not very easy. Check out what is the distance of 250m. I recommend doing it just like in the pictures below. You want to kill an enemy a bit further behind the road. But be advised, with distance like this, you will most likely need 2 hits to kill the enemy beside headshots.

It Belongs in a Museum

Get 10 kills with the Mosin Nagant (non-sniper).
Only available in Territories on Cu Chi and Hue City. Select the Guerilla role. Change the AK for Mosin Nagant. Kill enemy. Easy.

One Shot, One Kill

Using the Mosin Nagant (non-sniper), get one kill for every shot fired from a single five round clip.
5 shots, 5 kills? I suggest camping somewhere completely hidden until you are alone in the enemy territory. Since you were there for the whole time you can use the weapon. Line up your shots. You want to headshot people as they wont know where the shot came from. Wait a bit and find a new target. Again, easy with your friend.


Kill 7 enemies with shotgun slugs in a single life.
With the power of shotguns its fairly easy if you are clever and decent in fragging.

Up Close and Personal

Kill 5 enemies using a bayonet.
Most of the weapons can be equipped with bayonet. Press C by default. Camp. Kill from behind. Repeat.

Whatever Happened to Leon Trotsky?

Kill an enemy with the pick mattock.
Well, you just need to play as a VC Squad Leader and use your pickaxe as a weapon. Make them feel the wrath of your almighty pickaxe!

Heigh Hoooo!

Secret achievement. You need to kill 7 enemies in a row with your pickaxe. Impossible you say? Check out this guy 🙂 He is in fact the reason why this achievement was added in first place. His RPG skills can also help you understand how to do things properly.


Kill an enemy with an unexploded M79 shell.
What you need to do here is to be a Grenadier. Simply aim your GL at enemy from very close range. The shell will kill him without the explosion.

Walls Can’t Save You Now!

Kill an enemy with an RPG-7 through a wall or other piece of cover.
You will get this easily by spamming rockets to the building where the US soldiers are coming from.

A Real Hot Behind

Kill an enemy with the RPG’s back-blast.
Camp. Wait. Turn your back to the enemy. Shoot. Celebrate.


Shoot down an enemy support aircraft with an RPG.
You need to shoot Spooky or F4 Phantom with an RPG. Even if you magicaly manage to “hit” the Spooky as you probably wont (500m above the ground!), you will only make the Spook smoking. No need to say that all the rpg rockets look like they go thru the Spook itself with no damage being done. So however it sounds crazy, do it with Phantom. How?

Chopper related

For those achievements, you have to play Supremacy mode only or special maps in Teritorries. You also need to choose a specific role – Combat pilot or Transport pilot. Most importantly tho, you need to know how to fly.

In case you are a newbie in this game or you just dont know how to fly properly, check out this awesome in-depth guide from my experienced pilot friend Hex dk.


Kill an enemy by landing a helicopter on them.
Honestly pretty much impossible without a friend. I only saw 2 kills like that in 150 hours of gameplay. Find yourself an empty server and do it with a friend.


Kill an enemy with a helicopter’s tail rotor blade.

… and a Haircut

Kill an enemy with a helicopter’s main rotor blade.
Same goes for those achievements. Impossible in normal gameplay. Do it with your friend, but be aware as rotor kills are sometimes very buggy. Obviously you will need to know how to fly with a chopper.

Look Out Below!

Be killed by enemy artillery whilst in a helicopter.
As soon as you hear bombs being dropped, check your map. If you dont see the strike zone on your map, that means it is an enemy who is using the barrage. Follow the sound and sacrifice yourself in the name of this achievement. Also do it in Roach or empty Huey, as you dont want to kill anybody in your team with you, do you? But you dont have to be the pilot yourself, you can just keep spawning in the Huey and be extremely unlucky with your pilot being an idiot or going for this achievement lol.

Die Walkure

Insert 25 soldiers into combat from the Huey.
You will need to land nice and easy in order to get the 5 transport points per soldier insterted. If you cant land, dont do this achievement. You will kill tons of your soldiers and everybody will hate you. Pilots are being insulted 24/7.

Spitting Cobra

Get 50 kills with the Cobra’s chin turret.
You will need to choose Combat pilot role and take the front seat in the Cobra. M1 is the chin turret by default, MMB is the machine gun. If you dont know how to switch to shooting mode, its MWUp by default.

Get Some!

Get 25 kills as a helicopter door-gunner.
Very hard. You will need to grab the machine gun in Huey and kill enemies. Sounds easy but it is actually one of the hardest achievements in game as all the VCs focus Hueys nonstop and you as a door-gunner are the first person being shot usually.


Secret achievement.
You will need to fly under the wooden bridge on An Lao Valley map.
I recommend using Roach as it is very small and to me the easiest chopper to control.

We Just Put Sir Isaac Newton in the Driver’s Seat

Survive a helicopter crash with two dead pilots or a destroyed main rotor.
You can get this easily by deploying in the Hueys often. I can assure you most of pilots will crash a lot and it is only the matter of time until you get this.

Blowin’ in the Wind

Safely land a helicopter (using autorotation) after the engine dies at greater than 50m altitude.
Also one of the hardest achievements. How to get this? Just fly above the enemy objectives and with a lot of luck somebody will destroy your engine without killing you. You will need to try to manouvre a bit further away and then use the autorotation button to safely land.

Hoist By Your Own Petard

Destroy a Helicopter as North Vietnamese with a stolen M79 Grenade Launcher.
If you hear the “blob” sound of a GL guy shooting, rush him and kill him. Use the launcher then to take the enemy chopper down. Easily done with a friend which will drop you the GL, then respawns as a pilot and let you shoot him down.

Duck Hunting Rookie

Destroy 5 Enemy Helicopters.

Duck Hunting Veteran

Destroy 50 Enemy Helicopters.

Duck Hunting Master

Destroy 100 Enemy Helicopters.
Well, the only advice I can give you is to pick RPG role and be a Squad Leader at the same time. Check out the pics below for the best tunnel placements so you can respawn close to the landing zones (LZ). Beside that its only up to you and your aim/experience.

Trick Shot

Kill an enemy player with a crashing aircraft that you shot down.
Shoot everything on the sky and hope for the best. RPG or DSHK in Supremacy mode recommended. Anti-Air missiles do also count.


Be killed by a crashing aircraft that has been shot down.
Luck needed. If you see an aircraft falling down just run towards it. Can be also done with a friend. Let him hover above you and just shoot the chopper down right on top of you.

Commander only

Those achievements can be obtained only while playing as a Commander. The most important and responsible role. Make sure you know what to do before choosing this role. Nobody gets as much hate as bad pilots and even worse commanders. Usually low level commanders are being kicked immediately.

Surprise, Mother…!

As the VC/PAVN Commander, spawn 8 or more friendly soldiers on your position in a single use of the Ambush ability.
Simply use the Ambush ability once there is more than 8 dead soldiers on your side. Usually you can get this one after some successful enemy artillery killing your pawns.

Puff the Magic Dragon

Get 50 kills with the AC47 gunship.
AC-47 also known as Spooky is an ability of US commander. For this achievement you will probably want to play Cu Chi or Hue City. Why? Because those two maps are ideal thanks to lots of enemies grouping up in small areas. Just watch out for the AA missiles that will destroy your Spook in a couple seconds.

The Smell of Napalm in the Morning

Kill the North Vietnamese commander with napalm.
You will need to know where all the enemy radio spots are and focus on those because 90% of commanders dont use radiomen. They just stand behind the radio on those spots, commanding their troops from there. Best suggestion is to use napalm on radio nearby “A” objective on Song Be. Of course you can do this the easier way with your friend on empty server.

Smells Like… Victory!

Get 10 kills with a single napalm strike.
I really doubt there is any other option beside “F” objective on Cu Chi. No other objectives are so small yet full of enemies. Not sure if I counted correctly, but I think i got 11 kills there including 2 teammates. That makes me think your own teammates count towards it as well. Weird.

The rest

Edge of a Straight Razor

Complete the capture of an objective as the only player in it, in any mode.
The description says “in any mode” however it doesnt work in the easiest one – Skirmish. So head out to some empty server, capture an objective and you got this.

Help is on the Way!

Reopen your team’s spawn window in Skirmish mode by capturing an objective as the last man standing.
I dont understand why this achievement is so rare. I guess because not that many people play Skirmish. I got this literally in my first game. Not very hard. Just remember Skirmish is more about objectives than kills.

Nothin’ But Net

Secret achievement.
All you have to do is head out to map called Firebase. There is a basketball court on “F6” coordinates. Jump and try to touch the net. Thats all.

Tunnel Rat

As a member of the US forces, kill 5 enemies in a single life while inside a North Vietnamese tunnel.
Can be done fairly easy on Cu Chi. There are a lot of tunnels underneath the “D” objective. Just go there, find a good spot (preferably as close to the VC entrance in main building as possible). And just hope you will get 5 Charlies before they get you. Or as a commander, take your radioman with you in the tunnels and simply call some arti/napalm. It counts as well towards this achievement.

Purple Haze

Mark a target with purple smoke that is then bombarded and kills an enemy player.
The easiest way in theory is to just pick the Commander role, use your purple smoke and then use your mark. However it doesnt work like this. You have to be Squad Leader and your Commander has to use your mark. Should work with both napalm and artillery but this achievement is currently very buggy. For some it works only with napalm, for some with arti only, for some it doesnt work at all. After dozen tries I got this when commander used my mark and killed someone before the purple smoke vanished. That makes me think the purple smoke has to still be there when the enemy is being killed.

ANZAC expansion

First huge content expansion with a lot of new achievements as well.
Full details: [link]

He Was Only Nineteen

Kill an Australian soldier.
Head out to Long Tan or Rung Sac and kill that poor Aussie.

I Come From a Land Down Under

Finish a round on any map as the Australian forces.
Again, Long Tan or Rung Sac are your maps to go. Simply finish a round.


Complete a round as an Australian soldier with red hair..
I know, I know. But its just for one round, okay? #puke


Throw a grenade, get blown up by it. (As an Australian soldier).
Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK.

We’re the Only Diggers Around Here!

As an Australian soldier, kill a North Vietnamese soldier who is in the process of digging a spawn tunnel.
Finding a SL that is digging a tunnel might be challenging, so if you dont want to just run around, pick a commander role and use your stuff wisely. Way more easy.


Spot 4 enemies in a single life as an Australian soldier..
A lot of players dont use “spotting” whatsoever. Thats a shame tbh, its really helpful. Default key is “Z” and for this achievement you just need to spot 4 enemies. No need to kill´em.

Master Blaster

Who runs Bartertown?! As an Australian soldier, kill an enemy with a stolen RPG.
Just play the game. As soon as you see or hear an RPG, do whatever you need to do to kill him and steal his sh*t. Pick it up, run away and punish the enemy! Or do it with a friend.

That’s Not a Knife, That’s a Spoon!

Kill a player who has a bayonet equipped, using melee WITHOUT a bayonet equipped, on an Australian forces map (as either team).
I would say 99% of people playing this game dont use bayonets. That makes this achievement pretty much a nightmare. Save yourself the trouble, do it with your friend.

That’s Not a Knife… THAT’S a Knife

Bayonet a player who is mid-bayonet charge on an Australian forces map (as either team).
Same case as the previous one, do it with your friend. For those of you wondering, “mid-bayonet charge” stands for player who is sprinting with his bayo equipped atm.

Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves

Safely land and exit a bushranger with a dead pilot or co-pilot (as either pilot or copilot).
From time to time, your pilot gets shot and you as a co-pilot (or the other way around) will be forced to land on your own to get this one. Its not that hard and situation like this happens pretty much every round.

Captain Thunderbolt

Kill 50 enemy soldiers as the gunner of the Bushranger.
The description for this achievement is actually a bit confusing. There are mounted M60 door guns, but those do not count towards the achievement! By “gunner”, they specifically mean co-pilot with the minigun.

Ned Kelly

Kill 100 enemy soldiers as the pilot of the Bushranger.
You can use both FFA rockets and the minigun. Easily 30 kills a round.


Secret achievement
The map is Rung Sac. Just go on “H7”, find the crikey and shoot him. Call PETA afterwards.

Bootable Offence

Secret achievement
Another find&shoot achievement. Long Tan map, “F9” cords and a huge boot waiting for you.

ARVN expansion

Here we go, the newest expansion is finally here. That ofc means more achievements to hunt.
Full details: [link]

ARVN a Good Time

Complete a round playing as the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
Simply finish a round as the ARVN soldier on the new maps Quang-Tri or A Sau.

A Flare For the Dramatic

Win a round on A Sau.
I noticed people seem to not like this map because its not “properly balanced”, so you should go for this achievement asap because the map is being played less and less.

A Sau Loser

Lose a round on A Sau.
Same as above.

Quang Trifecta

Win three rounds on VNSU-Quang Tri.
This map is actually a lot of fun. There is so much cover and stuff around. I personally like it a lot so I got those 3 wins pretty much the first day.

Unlucky Number

Be the fourth ARVN soldier killed in a round.
Having trouble with this one? If you can count to 3, you can just use your grenade as commiting a suicide counts towards this one as well.

The Untouchables

Get ten kills with the M1A1 Thompson without taking damage.
Close to impossible in theory. The only two classes with Tommygun are pointman and commander. If you are god in this game, maybe you can do it as a pointman, but for casual mortals, simply select a commander role and kill 10 enemies with napalm/arti/spook without taking damage yourself.
Edit: The latter option has been patched. Gotta do it the hard way!

Raising the BAR

Get 100 kills with the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle.
Again, only two classes can use this big boy, a machine gunner and an engineer. It is very powerful and accurate, so it will easily become your favorite I suppose. I started to pick up those roles again just because of this beauty.

High Ping Killer

Reload the M1 Garand 250 times.
This one is a ♥♥♥♥♥. Takes quite a while. Just be advised that partially emptied clips are gone forever. Luckily you have 11 clips by default.

Miss Saigon

Near-miss (suppress) 8 enemies without hitting anyone, with a single shot from the M1D Garand sniper rifle.
Im still trying to figure out the best spot for this pain in the Nam achievement. You obviously need at least 8 people very close to each other and a clear shot. I´ve been trying to go for it, but so far no success. Maybe if the sniper roles werent full in 1 second, that would help…

Edit: We might have found a good spot. Check this one out! [link]

A Spad Time

Shoot down the Skyraider with an RPG.
Douglas A-1 Skyraider is a support plane called by the US commander. Same speed as F4- Phantom so it is insanely hard to hit. And yes, it is basically the same achievement like The Triggernometry one from earlier. Hopefully someone makes a video, you know, to encourage us.

Barrel of Laughs

Secret achievement.
Another hidden object to shoot. This time it is a sparkling barrel inside a small cellar on QuangTri map, F5 are the exact cords. It is located right in front of the C objective building.

Spinal Tap

Secret achievement.
All you have to do is accomplish 11 spinal shot in a single life. If you see this icon in a killfeed, you got one.

Also my advice is to aim at the lower back right above the pelvis. It is the most accurate method as you will often end up with heartshot/headshot otherwise (when shooting in between the shoulder blades or neck resp.)

And why 11 you ask? Here is the reference.

Campaign expansion

Long awaited campaign mode finally kicking in. Couple new achievements, couple more reasons to live.
Full details: [link]

Rewriting the History Books

Win a campaign as the South Vietnamese forces.
The description itself is self-explaining. It takes some time because of the campaign length, but not really hard. I would say 90% of the time SV wins.

Home Status: Safe

Win campaign as the North Vietnamese forces.
This one is way harder. NV is the weaker side and if you dont have a good team things can snowball real quick. Honestly I won as a NV on like 12th attempt.

Kill ‘Em All

Win a round as the South Vietnamese forces with the Search & Destroy ability active.
An easy achievement awarded upon winning a single round/map with the ability active. However you can only vote to activate it on the attacking side. Cooldown 3 rounds.

Ho Chi Winh

Win a round as the North Vietnamese forces with the Ho Chi Minh Trail ability active.
Same case as the previous one. Voting occurs only if you are attacking on that map. Ability refreshes every 3 rounds.

Richard Nixon, War Hero

Win a Campaign as the South Vietnamese forces before the end of 1975.
This may look hard but it isnt. SV wins all the time and if your commander knows what to do, its not really hard to dominate. You will be attacking pretty much nonstop so teamwork is the key. Also the US commander abilities are superior. Doesnt matter how you win. It just has to be before 1975 (winning in 1975 still counts).

Domino Theory

Win a Campaign as the North Vietnamese forces before the end of 1975.
Hardest campaign-based achievement to obtain. Winning a campaign as NV? Yeah, maybe. Winning before 1975 as NV? Nope, nope, nope. You need an exceptionally good team, a huge amount of noobs on the enemy side and the gods helping you. I have seen this happened only once and I was lucky enough to be on the winning side.

Christmas 2018 event

We go green this Xmas bois. And we hunt some more achievements obviously.
Full details: [link]

Joy to the World

Win a match on the ‘Green Army Men Christmas’ event map.
Very easy as the map is decently balanced, maybe slightly better for greens at the end.

I’m on Santa’s Naughty List

Lose a match on the ‘Green Army Men Christmas’ event map.
Easy to win, easy to lose.

Christmas Sleigh

Kill five players in one lifetime on the ‘Green Army Men Christmas’ event map.
Once you discover how awesome the stairs/balcony are, you will easily get 20 kills in one lifetime.

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Burn two enemies with the Flamethrower without releasing the trigger on the ‘Green Army Men Christmas’ event map.
This one is tricky. You can only grab the flamethrower as a green and there is also only 1 spot. Now the worst part. With the recent GMA update (as of 7/2019) the flamethrower role is blocked unless you purchase the overpriced DLC. Have fun lol.

For the rest of the achievements, we are going to use my “brilliant” map. Graphic design lvl 99.

Is That Big Ben?

Time flies when you’re having fun!
(1) Just get in front of the clock close to the “F” objective, doesnt matter if you fly or walk. You should get it after staring at it for a second or so.

Look Mom, I’m on TV!

You’ll get square eyes if you sit that close!
(2) Awarded by standing too close to the TV near the “D” objective. Just use the christmas chains aka ladders to get up there (the left one/blue side one) is currently bugged.

Couch Potato

What’s a holiday without lazing around on the couch?
(3) Casual campers paradise. Getting up there is easy for both sides.

Ghost of Christmas Past

Now how did that get up here?
(4) You have to get on top of the cupboard near “C” objective (where the soldier figurines are). There is a hidden Rising Storm disc and the achievement is unlocked upon standing in front of it. The only option to get up there is by dropping from the huey.

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

Successfuly defend the ‘Christmas Tree’ objective on the ‘Green Army Men Christmas’ event map.
(5) Shouldnt take too long as many people choke here or run out of tickets.

What a Block Head

We’d also have settled for ‘block party’.
(6) Just head out to the “D” objective and you should get it as soon as you get close to the blocks. However there are many blocks around the map and several people have reported getting it elsewhere.

Rudolph Won’t You Guide my Sleigh…

Twas the flight before Christmas…
(7) Very good piloting skills needed. You have to fly up the chimney close to “C” objective. Once you reach the top (touch Santa´s boots) you should get it. Some people said they got the achievement simply by walking around the fireplace (bug), but that didnt work for me. Remember, only the pilot gets the achievement. Upon getting the achievement, pilot can jump out allowing the copilot to get it as well.
The main problem with this achievement is that the space is so small that the helicopter does not fit in the chimney if not positioned precisely around 90 degrees). If you try to go up without rotating the helicopter the tail rotor will hit the wall. Turning and controlling the speed and distance from the walls is actually the key. After turning around 90 ish degrees, just reposition the helicopter inside the chimney accordingly and go all the way up.

Time to Play Santa

Pilot a helicopter for the first time on the ‘Green Army Men Christmas’ event map.
(8) Just deploy on n.3. What a wonderful idea to allow every role to pilot a choppa. You remember how everybody was TKing near the choppers back in the day? Yeah it is back. So many people want to fly the hueys, but only 2 available. Well if you manage to pilot one, you got the achievement. Just remember to drop out of huey before the crash. No fall damage.

Thats it. Hope this guide will provide some good informations and tips to help you achieve as many achievements as possible. Have fun and good luck in the jungle. Yaaaaa.

Feel free to comment or post some additional tips I should include in this guide. We are a community. We do things together. Thanks.
