Noita Guide

100% Achievements Guide for Noita

100% Achievements Guide


An achievements guide for Noita.


Achievements can only be completed in vanilla Noita, with 0 mods enabled. (Installed but not enabled is fine)


Reach Coal Pits
Reach Coal Pits for the first time

Reach Snowy Depths
Reach Snowy Depths for the first time

Reach Hiisi Base
Reach Hiisi Base for the first time

Reach Underground Jungle
Reach Underground Jungle for the first time

Reach The Vault
Reach The Vault for the first time

Reach Temple of the Art
Reach Temple of the Art for the first time

Complete a run

The Gods Are Enraged
Enrage the Gods a few times (by digging in the Holy Mountain)

Gather All The Knowledge
Discover all Orbs of True Knowledge at least once
Wiki Page: [link]

The Gods Are Impressed
Create a wand with an infinite duration spell (Might seem complicated, but it’s not that difficult to achieve)
More information: [link]

The Gods Are Afraid
Achieve a 1 million damage hit

100% Enemy Progress
Discover (and kill) all enemies

100% Spell Progress
Discover all spells. (Using the wand WITH the spell equipped is needed to discover it.)

100% Perk Progress
Discover all perks. Note that you also have to pick up a perk to discover it.