Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! Guide

100% Full Achievement Guide! for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

100% Full Achievement Guide!


I’ll be showing you how to unlock each and every achievement in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! with as much precision as possible! (ICONS INCLUDED!) This guide does in fact contain spoilers so… You have been warned!!!

Main Achievements

These are Achievements related to the main game.

Start a New Game – Make it to Act 2 in the Main Story!

Buy my mixtape – Listen to the Soundtrack in the “Desktop” for at least 20 minutes!

Error – Change the wallpaper of the “Desktop” in-game from the “Pictures” menu.

Good feature – Keep making boxes with your mouse on the “Desktop” like you would in any regular computer!

No – While viewing the in-game menu, (NOT the “Desktop”) click “Exit DDLC” then click “No”.

Stonks – Open the file “Project plan.txt” in the “Files” section of the “Desktop” at files/internal/2/2/1 and have your time set to 2:40.

Friendship and Literature – Complete every single Side Story! In order to unlock all of ’em in the first place, you need to explore the main game and complete Acts favoring each girl individually!

Breakthrough – Achieve 100% data collection. Basically unlock all pictures after completing EVERYTHING in the game, this includes Side Stories, Main game endings, Acts etc. You must also unlock secret poems, 3 random ones always appear towards the end of the game so you might need to beat the game a few times to unlock this achievement. After listening to the song “Candy Hearts” on the “Desktop” a new, spookier version will appear called “Candy Heartz”. This counts as a percentage. Once you end up achieving 100% data, go back to the “Side Stories” on your “Desktop” and click the new Side Story.

Poem Achievements

These are Achievements you get related to poems.

Perfect! Sayori – Get a full 20 word combo in the Poem Writing session for words relating to Sayori.

Perfect! Natsuki – Get a full 20 word combo in the Poem Writing session for words relating to Natsuki.

Perfect! Yuri – Get a full 20 word combo in the Poem Writing session for words relating to Yuri.

Perfect! Monika – Get a full 20 word combo for Monika… later in the game.

Any% WR attempts – Finish a Poem Writing session in less than 20 seconds in any act.

Doki Doki Poetry Slam – Spend enough time during the Poem Writing session for the music to loop.

Ending Achievements

These are the Achievements you get towards the end of the game.

Ruin everything – Finish the game by deleting Monika’s Character file on the “Desktop” in-game.

Thank you – After finishing the game by deleting Monika’s Character file on the “Desktop” in-game, re-enter the game and you’ll receive a “Thank you” letter from Monika.

She will never be real – When talking to Monika after every other character was deleted, keep interacting with her until you unlock this Achievement. Must read at least 15 monologues.

Dan says hi – This Achievement is unlocked after you get the true ending by interacting with each girl on every act before the game ends/the characters get deleted and you’re in the ending phase. Keep in mind in this version of the game you need to unlock every regular DDLC CG image on the same save file, just keep altering between Saves and Loads until you take routes with every girl.

2-stocked – After running the file when the credits have rolled, delete Monika’s file again.