This is a Guide to getting the full gallery and achievements and the fully gallery for the DLCs. I’m writing this from how I got them so I don’t really know if it is 100% correct. I own nothing and get nothing from this, I just hope this guide and the guide I’m going to write for Witch 2 Hell Adventure help people who are stuck.
There are no ghosts
“There are no ghosts” ending achieved. Simplest Ending to get. Wait out the clock without moving from the start of a new game. I don’t know how long it is supposed to take but It took me about 30 minutes.
The first ghost
The first ghost appease the ghost. Tame/Appease the Zombie (is how I got it) the description just says the first ghost so I don’t know if you can get it by taming/Appeasing any ghost.
12 ghosts tamed. Second easiest ending Tame/appease all ghosts. when given the option choose Appease the Ghost. This is in the order I did it in.
Top Right Garden section; Walk near the Tombstone and he will appear
Outside Left Cornfield; When walking near the right edge of this screen, it will enable his interactions.
Right Vegetable Patch; Pickup the vase of flowers and he will appear.
Basement; Always available in the Basement upon entering the house.
The Queen of Spades:
Middle Floor Left Room; Walk past the mirror, and after a delay you will be able to interact with her.
Ghost Lady:
Middle Floor Left Bedroom; Always available upon entering the room next to the Bed.
TV Girl:
Upstairs Left Room; Turn the TV on, leave the room, and after you see her appear from the TV just wait a while and she will crawl in the room.
Inside The House; After finishing half of the ghosts, if you wait a while he will eventually appear at the edge of rooms.
Inside House; After a while and opening interior doors a couple of times, whilst in the house “Fear” will start to pop up in text. If you open a door and go through after a short delay he will appear in the doorway.
Upstairs Middle Library; Near the middle of the library you will have a prompt to interact with a book, this will spawn Marquis.
The Jester:
Attic; Open up the musical jack-in-the-box, and he will appear in the room for me there was a delay before I could interact with him.
Upstairs Right Room; Stop the kitty clock on the left of the room, and this spawns Vortex on the right.
Act of faith
The Act of faith ending achieved. Get grabbed by the inquisitor, 4 times during the time when the game has a greenish tent to the screen, (I think it called wolf’s hour but I’m not sure) and where the area exits lead are randomized (unless you have the green lamp/lantern then the area exists are still the same). Do Not set out the pumpkins/Jack-o’-lantern whatever they are or you could get a ghost to appear that will kill the inquisitor. I don’t know if they both have to be on screen or not for it to kill him so be safe and don’t.
Example of Wolf’s hour (?)
12 ghosts exorcised. Exorcise all 12 ghosts. In my experience one of the hardest too get. This is in the order I did it in. the way to summon them is the same no matter what and where they appear is the same but I will restate when needed it just in case.
Right Vegetable Patch; Pickup the vase of flowers and he will appear.
How To Exorcise
Walk up to him and choose the “Touch” option.
Outside Left Cornfield; When walking near the right edge of this screen, it will enable his interactions.
How To Exorcise
You need to squash 4 pumpkins down the toilet in the Bottom Left Bathroom.
Required Item:
4 x Pumpkin. From Top Left Garden, Top Right Garden, Right Vegetable Patch, and Outside Left Cornfield.
How To Exorcise
Walk past the record player, and choose the “Hum A Tune” interaction with him.
Upstairs Middle Library; Near the middle of the library you will have a prompt to interact with a book, this will spawn Marquis.
How To Exorcise
Walk up to him, and choose the interaction to draw a Salt Circle using the Jar Of Salt.
Required Item:
Jar Of Salt, from Bottom Right Kitchen.
Ghost Lady:
Middle Floor Left Bedroom
How To Exorcise
Next to the bed interact and choose “Hang The Amulet”.
Required Item:
Amulet from Middle Floor Right Room.
The Queen of Spades:
Middle Floor Left Room; Walk past the mirror, and after a delay you will be able to interact with her.
How To Exorcise
Using the Red Pen, interact and choose the “Draw Ladder” option.
Required Item:
Red Pen from Middle Floor Left Bedroom
Inside The House; After finishing half of the ghosts, if you wait a while he will eventually appear at the edge of rooms.
How To Exorcise
Go to the Upstairs Right Room, and summon Vortex. Wait for Killer to also be in the room on the left. Walk up to Vortex and choose the Guard interaction, this will exorcise the Killer.
Note: You obviously must summon Vortex before you can Exorcise the Killer
Upstairs Right Room; Stop the kitty clock on the left of the room, and this spawns Vortex on the right.
How To Exorcise
Take the antique box and place it on the swings just outside the front of the house.
Required Item:
Antique Box, from Upstairs Right Room.
TV Girl:
Upstairs Left Room; Turn the TV on, leave the room, and after you see her appear from the TV just wait a while and she will crawl in the room (I don’t knw if you have to summon her before you can exorcise her or not I did just to be safe).
How To Exorcise
Choose the “Stab” interaction on the TV after picking up the scissors.
Required Item:
Scissors from Top Right Garden,just after the tombstone where the Zombie spawned.
Inside House; After a while and opening interior doors a couple of times, whilst in the house “Fear” will start to pop up in text. If you open a door and go through after a short delay he will appear in the doorway.
How To Exorcise
When the “Fear” begins to appear, open a door and then leave the area but without using the door (such as just walking left or right to a different screen). Repeat this a few times (I think it takes five times because the one time I did it took five times) and he will be exorcised.
The Jester:
How To Exorcise
Take the musical jack-in-the-box and give it to the Zombie, this will exorcise The Jester.
Required Item:
Musical jack-in-the-box, from the Attic, pick it up instead of opening it.
Top Right Garden section; Walk near the Tombstone and he will appear.
How To Exorcise:
Let him follow you to the Top Left Garden section, and sit down at the table
Note: He is also used to exorcise the Jester and this should be done as fast as possible
Yes I did wait too do the Jester and then Zombie Last order doesn’t really matter expect for the Killer and Vortex and even then I don’t know if it is really needed or not
Death of the inquisitor
Kill the inquisitor. Kill the inquisitor. Sounds easy right? it’s not first you need to gather the 4 pumpkins/Jack-o’-lanterns that you needed to Exorcise Jack but instead place them around the house, to make a ghost with a gun to appear and kill the inquisitor when they are on the same screen.
Required Items
4 x Pumpkin. From Top Left Garden, Top Right Garden, Right Vegetable Patch, and Outside Left Cornfield.
I don’t really know or remember the order I put them in to get the ghost to appear. I think it was Bathroom, Bedroom with the Ghost Lady, then Kitchen, and basement. but even then I don’t know if you just need to set out 4 pumpkins or not I’ve only summoned him twice
Love and peace
The “Love and peace” ending achieved. This is a semi-easy Ending to get all you need to do is either waste half your time or deal with, I Think, 8 ghosts and you get a notification of this guy showing up in the garden. I think his Name Is Nick other than the 1 time I went to him I just skipped the message about him, so I really didn’t pay much attention to it to really see what his name is. find him in the garden and interact with him and choose leave with him.
The ghosts’ toy
The “The ghosts’ toy” ending achieved. This ending took me a while all you have to do is let non-tamed but summoned ghosts see the Character, I think her name is Chelsea, at the end of the times when the game has a green tint to it (again I think it’s called wolf’s hour) you need to have the character and ghost on the same screen and it needs to happen 4 times to get the ending. I found it was easier for me to kill the inquisitor as well but I only did that before I got the last one so I don’t know if it really helps or not.
The “Blaze” ending achieved. This is a semi-easy ending to get, all you have to do is get the Green lamp/lantern from the bathroom in the house and take it to the fire place place it in the fire place, then escape the house. After placing the Lamp/Lantern into the fireplace it will be Wolf’s Hour (?) at all times and you just need to get to the front door and leave, I would however advise killing the inquisitor just in case.
And what about the ghosts?
The “And what about the ghosts?” ending achieved. This Ending I got by accident trying to do another ending for the gallery. Exorcise 6 ghosts, and Tame 6 Ghosts. I think it doesn’t matter which 6 you Exorcise and Which you Tame but in case it dose I will list the one I exorcised and which I tamed.
Zombie: Tamed
Jack: Exorcised
Gnome: Exorcised
The Queen of Spades: Tamed
Ghost Lady: Tamed
TV Girl: Tamed
Vortex: Tamed
The Jester: Exorcised
Killer: Exorcised
Creature: Exorcised
Marquis: Exorcised
Shoggot: Tamed
Again I don’t think it matters which six you tame and which you Exorcise.
Main Game Gallery
There are 24 Gallery Items for the main game
They are numbered by 1-4 down, 1-21 right in the Gallery
01.Tame The Zombie Scene
02.Tame Shoggot Scene
03.Tame The Jester Scene
04.Tame Marquis Scene
05.Tame Jack Scene
06.Tame The Killer Scene
07.Tame The Queen of Spades Scene
08.Tame The Ghost Lady Scene
09.Tame The Gnome Scene
10.Tame The Creature Scene
11.Tame The TV Girl Scene
12.Tame Vortex Scene
13.Act of faith Ending
14.Coven Ending
15.Exorcist Ending
16.Blaze Ending
17.Love and peace Ending
18.There are no ghosts Ending
19.The ghosts’ toy Ending
20.And what about the ghosts? Ending
21.The ghosts’ toy Scene All you have to do is let non-tamed but summoned ghosts see Chelsea, at the end of Wolf’s hour you need to have the character and ghost on the same screen. This gallery item is the scene you get for it happening 1,2, or 3 times let it happen a 4th time to get the Ending.
22.Act of faith Scene All you have to do is let the Inquisitor grab Chelsea, durring the Wolf’s hour. This gallery item is the scene you get for it happening 1,2, or 3 times let it happen a 4th time to get the Ending.
23.Chelsea VS the Forces of Darkness Ending: If you get the endings – (Coven, Exorcist, and Blaze) start a new game go to house without encountering ghosts in the room with the pictures, a passage will appear, and the goblin will offer to kill all the ghosts, agree to his deal. It will start you back at the start with a different outfit and gun it is necessary to kill all the ghosts using the gun, don’t tame/appease and don’t exorcise them the normal way. Note: I saved just after starting this track for the ending after getting the gun and quit for the day loaded the save and it sent me back to normal but my time was as it was when I quit, so I had to start over.
24.who let you in? Ending: The Zombie must be tamed, Take the jester box Keep it in your inventory until the very end, and The rest of the ghosts must be either tamed or exorcised. I first tried this and ended up getting the And what about the ghosts? because I exorcised half (including the jester) and tamed half. My next 2 tries I tamed all but the Jester, Keeping the box and exorcising all but the Zombie and keeping the box both got me said ending.
Witch Halloween Dollhouse DLC
Their are 7 Gallery items for this DLC
This is in the order I got them with the explanations of how I got them.
1. Toy Soldiers: Walk up to the toy soldier on the right of the door and choose the play interaction with him.
2. Stuffed Bear: Walk past to the toy soldiers, going right of the door, you will enter a new room and walk to the vary end to see a stuffed bear and choose the play interaction with him.
3. Merry-go-round: Go to the right room of the second floor and ride the Merry-go-round clockwise.
4. Two-headed Doll: Go to the 3rd floor then to the right room and choose to play with them.
5. Newlyweds Ending: Play with all 4 Interactable toys.
6. ‘Escape’ ending: Kill. all 4 Interactable toys and steal their keys, then open the door.
How to: Get the Doll’s Head from the left most room on the second floor, interact with the cannon next to the stairs to the left of the Toy soldiers on the first floor, it will kill both of them, the closest one has a gun, use the gun to kill the bear, go to the Merry-go-round and ride it counter-clockwise. On the third floor left most room at the very back find the knife, and use it to kill the two-headed Doll, it is an option you have upon interacting with them after gaining the knife. After gaing all the keys quickly go back to the door and unlock it, I put each key in as I got them I don’t know if you can just put them all in at once or not.
7. Trapped Ending: Play with 2 toys and Kill the other 2 toys or possibly wait until the last light gets blown out I don’t really know if the DLC has a timer to wait out or not, I also think if you have all the key but don’t make it th the door/put the keys in before the lights blow out you get this ending
Witch Halloween Krampus DLC
Their are only 4 Gallery items for this DLC
1. Give the First area Soul Fragment to Krampus
2. Give the Second area Soul Fragment to Krampus
3. Give the Third area Soul Fragment to Krampus
4. Give all Soul Fragments to Krampus
There is an alternate ending to it where you choose to feed the first Soul Fragment to Chelsea, the turn the pentagram around the free the second, the lastly freeing the zombie in the 3rd area. It is not in the gallery however. If you don’t do all three the same way you keep repeating until you do.
Witch Halloween Skins DLC and After party(+OST) DLC
Skins is just alternate costumes to make Chelsea turn into after appeasing ghosts
After party is just 2 Videos and the Soundtrack.
Here are some images:
Thanks to Towndarktales or Dark Tales Town or whatever they call themselves for making the game and Thank you For reading this guide I hope it helps.
All information was gathered from one of 3 ways
1. This Guide: Ghost Locations by ❤ Chuck The Elusive Corrupt Fox
2. This Discussion: Gudie posted by lancela originally and all of the following comments.
3. My own Playing
I own nothing. All Images Came for the Store Pages and Achievements page.
The Icon came from the Trading card I got form Playing the game.
My Guide for the 2nd Game:100% guide for Witch 2 Hell Adventure