Wick Guide

100% In-Depth Wick Achievement Guide w/ Maps for Wick

100% In-Depth Wick Achievement Guide w/ Maps


Just a quick write-up on how to get all the achievements in Wick. Some of them can be rather tricky, and random so I figured I’d consolidate what I figured out, and what I’ve read in Discussions and previous guides into one fully detailed guide. I apologize for not having video for these. I completed the game for my channel, and collected most of the items off cam. After I got everything I decided to make this guide, but I hope the map/descriptions help you find the items. Each section will have the map, as well as the collectible’s location circled. In addition to that, I’ve circled every spawn point to make it easier to figure out a path to getting the items. Good luck, and happy hunting.

Base Map (Spoiler Free)

Just the base map you unlock I believe once you’ve gotten to 2 AM. This is for anyone who just wants a map without locations/events spoiled/revealed.

Midnight Collectibles

You can find the Mask sitting on the fireplace at the settlement. Head there, then keep walking forward and the Knife can be found on the ground by the Campfire. After you find the Knife, head towards the bridge, and then to the well to find the Stuffed Bunny sitting on top.

1 AM Collectibles

The Rabbit Skull can be found super early. Just go towards the large rock and it’ll be on a small ledge/piece of the rock about midway/middle of the rock. The Leg Brace will be under the bridge in the center on the ground, head for it then to the Water Tower. The Cross is also on the ground leaning up against the beams of the Water Tower.

2 AM Collectibles

Easy to figure out the path for this one. Get to the bridge as soon as you spawn and you’ll see the Bucket at the end of the brige. If going from the spawn it should be on the left, far side. It’s been a bit, forgive me, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find. The Bible is found on some bricks at the settlement. The second Mask, is found on a tree just past the Wood Shed, before The Graveyard. It should be right near the intersection.

3 AM Collectibles

I believe you’re spawned looking towards the bridge, so turn around and book it towards the graveyard. Of course if you’re not spawned looking towards the bridge, then follow the path off towards the graveyard. Either way, get to the graveyard. You’ll find the Shovel behind a grave on the ground. Next head to the bus and you’ll find the Baby Rattle on one of the seats. Not too far off at the Camp Sign you’ll find the Trophy at the base.

4 AM Collectibles

From the spawn head right and get to the bridge. The Shoes are, I believe, in roughly the same spot or close to where the Bucket was. Either way, they’re on the bridge and not too hard to find. From there you can go for the Lantern which is either on the floor or the stove at the Wood Shed. It’s there, in case I’m messing up the exact spot. Sorry, writing this well after I’ve completed it. The Gas Mask can be found at the Water Tower on the ground, near the path. If you don’t see it, just circle around it, should be easy to spot.


Note: There is no real best time to do any of these except for, “A Bridge Two Fear.” More on that later, but as long as the child is active that night, I believe it can work. For best results, go for the event on a night the child is active anyway. A lot of these are simply random, so you might need to go in/out of the area a few times until it activates. Or run past the area if it’s not the Wood Shed, Bus, etc. Just be patient, keep trying, and eventually they’ll activate. Sometimes it won’t unlock so you might have to do some of these a few times, especially if you die. They’re a wee buggy.

I’ve put them in order of the night’s that it is feasibly possible to get the events to trigger.


Schooled!: Get to the bus and just go in and out of it until Tim spawns. Be sure that you’re physically inside the bus, or it might not unlock for you. Once you hear/see Tim spawn and you’re inside the bus, immediately run out and keep going until you see it pop for you.

Toasty!: This one can be done on any night really, and is 100% random. I had it happen for me once when restarting Midnight to unlock Matchstick Man. Just get near the fireplace/inside the Settlement and you’ll know when you’ve got it when you see flames, a woman on fire, and you hear her screaming.

1 AM:

The Rock of “Nope”: At the large rock where you find the Rabbit Skull, Lillian has a chance of spawning. Just move towards the rock, and away from it until she spawns. Once she does, run, and it should pop once she stops chasing you.

Dev confirming location:

Originally posted by Cancerboy:

It is the rock where the rabbit skull is found.

2 AM:

Claustrophobia: Go in and out of the Wood Shed until the door shuts behind you. At this point Thomas should spawn. Spin around the cabin avoiding his gaze until the door unlocks. Step out and it should pop. Now, this was kinda buggy when I did it so, he might not actually spawn and you’ll have to try again. When I did it, I had the door close, the event went off, but there was no Thomas. I ran out, got no achivement. I ran back in and out a few times, and he spawned despite the door being open. I spun around, avoided him, ran out, and boom. It unlocked.

5 AM:

A Bridge Two Fear: Now, I’ve never been able to get this to work outside of the Epilogue/5 AM. I don’t know if it’s luck, I don’t know if it can be done at 2 AM once Thomas is active as well as Tim, but all I could get was Thomas randomly spawning at the middle of the bridge, and him doing his head spinning thing. Anyway, get to the bridge, and just run back and forth off it. One end to the other. Eventually you’ll hear them both, and you’ll see one spawned at the end of the bridge, but not after you.

At this point you need to turn around and look at the other brother. I know for the whole game it says, “DON’T LOOK AT THOMAS!” However, this time you need to if only for a moment. Keep turning back and forth until they’re close enough that one more turn will end up with them close enough to kill you. I don’t know if you can step off the side of the bridge for this to work, or if you have to fall through the hole in the bridge. I did that, and died doing it, but I got the achievement anyway.

I turned to each bro until they were super close, I moved forward just barely in front of Tim, I dropped, and then I guess it glitched and the death animation went off, as well as the achievement. Now, I don’t know if walking off the side works, it might, but I can’t confirm. I can confirm that if they’re both not RIGHT in the middle of the bridge as seen in the achievement icon, you won’t get it. They have to be in the middle, just off from killing you. This one may take a few tries cuz it’s the last night, but your candle is infinite, so just avoid the other kids, get to the bridge, and try to activate the event.

*NOTE: Apparently this works as early as 3 AM. Spawn on the bridge, run over it until it procs, easier to do it with no light. I can’t confirm, but I was told about it on the forums by Comfortably_Numb. Thanks for the tip.

Miscellaneous Achievements

These are achievements you’ll get naturally as you progress through the game, as well as some that require you avoid an attack from one of the children. I’ve also put them in order of the time it can first be done on, such as ones that require surviving a later night. As well as ones that require surviving an attack from a child, and finally, based on difficulty. You don’t wanna do Well well well… at 4 AM. It’s stupidly hard.


Everyone Dies: Simply start a night on Midnight and die.

First Hour: Survive the first level, Midnight.

Matchstick Man: Not as easy as it sounds. Start on Midnight, and when you spawn stand near the candle until it gets blown out. Here comes the tricky part. You only have 5-6 matches. While Tim, and all kids for that matter, is more aggressive in the dark, you need to save matches. Wander around, and try your best to stay on a path or clear of obstacles. Tim only pops down in front of you when the music stops. You’ll hear it, you’ll possibly see him drop, just turn and run. If you wanna be safe pop a match as soon as the chase starts, but it’s not 100% needed.

Also, you’re going to hear what sounds like someone behind you walking. If you turn around you’ll start a chase with Tim cuz it’s him. As long as you don’t turn around to look at the footsteps, you’ll be fine. Just keep walking. This takes some trial and error, but it’s still relatively easy to get after a few tries, if not your first try. My strategy was to just run around in the dark, pop a match during a chase, and I personally started the chase if I knew I had full sprint available cuz even in the dark you’ll generally outrun them, though it can be kinda risky as rarely he will catch you.

Lights On: This one is super easy to do, as long as you’re paying attention to your candle, and not wasting it down with sprinting. I can’t confirm it, but it seemed like my candle ran out faster whenever I ran, so try to walk as much as possible. Be sure to transfer your light to a new candle to be sure you are 100% in the light. I’m not sure if it counts if you drop the candle and light a new one while the old one is still illuminating the area, but I honestly wouldn’t risk it. Transfer the light, pick up the new candle, find a new one.

My strategy was to simply walk towards a new candle and strafe. Once Tim attacked me I ran in as straight a line as possible, then ran back to the fresh candle. Be sure not to let your candle get too low, as you might end up running out during a chase, running back, or just trying to find a new candle if you haven’t already.

1 AM:

Second Hour: Survive the second level, 1 AM.

2 AM:

Third Hour: Survive the third level, 2 AM.

Go Back To Sleep: The trick here is your lit candle. You may or may not survive after getting this achievement cuz you’ll be in the dark. Wander around until you hear Benny snoring, then get as close as you can until he wakes up. Once the snoring stops, the music starts/he gets up and chases, RUN! Sprint for a short bit, then immediately drop your candle. After that keep running. Benny should charge the candle, roar, snuff it out, then go back to sleep as long as you’re a fair bit away from the candle. Once he’s out the achievement will pop.

Well well well…: This one is a bit of a pain, cuz if your candle is lit it will slowly drain even if you set it down. This means you’re going to need unlit candles, which also means no matches or you’ll automatically light any candle you pick up. My strategy here was to simply place my starting candle on the well, then run towards the bridge in search of fresh candles. Then it’s just a matter of getting two back to the well to place before the starting one burns out. On top of avoiding the kids of course.

If the original one burns out, feel free to light a match and go find a third, or even a second candle if necessary. You could even have a lit candle, find unlit ones, and transfer them along using the light while the candle is on the ground. Swap lit for unlit, run a bit, place the unlit. Then grab the lit, run to the unlit, swap, repeat until you have three candles on the well. As soon as the last candle is placed, you should see the achievement pop.

NOTE: Personally I found this easiest to do at 2 AM, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it on an earlier night. I liked 2 AM simply because you get the starting candle, and if you get good RNG you can get super lucky and get an extra candle on the well and/or nearby. Plus the bridge usually has a candle on it or near, again if you have good RNG. This might take a few tries, but you’ll get it.

3 AM:

Fourth Hour: Survive the fourth level, 3 AM.

We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Fridge: You’ll unlock this naturally as long as you collect all the drawings at the start of the nights. Theyr’e always right near the spawn and impossible to miss. Once you collect the final drawing showing Caleb it’ll unlock.

Dig THIS!: 3 AM is when Caleb becomes active. Caleb burrows underground and never stops chasing you. You can easily hear him, and normally you wanna stay away from him. However, for this achievement, let him get as close as he possibly can so that he pops out of the ground. You can either wait to hear him pop up and run, or try to face where he’s coming from so that you can see his skull pop out and then start running. Either way, let him get close enough to attack, run, and once he’s done chasing you. Boom, the achievement will unlock.

I got super lucky while going for collectibles on 3 AM, and he just so happened to pop up. I didn’t even realize it. I just randomly started sprinting until I couldn’t anymore and the achievement popped. As long as you start running as soon as he bursts out of the ground you should be able to get this one no problem.

4 AM:

Fifth Hour: Survive the fifth level, 4 AM.

Reveal the Truth: After you finish collections A-E, and you survive 4 AM you’ll unlock The Epilogue, and this achievement.

5 AM:

True Detective: Survive the final level, 5 AM. This will unlock the final piece of evidence needed, and the achievement will pop.
