Guide on how to achieve all the endings, find all the notes and certain quests <3
Quests (17 total)
Primary (11)
West Greer
The Subway
Hamilton Square
Cold Pines
North Brookside
Fort Patton
Jamesway Bridge
The University
Area 66
Secondary (6)
East Greer – Find Donny in Act 1 and deliver the Suicide Letter to him.
*(Must read the letter to acquire the quest/dialog option)*
East Brookside – Speak to Natasha during Act 2 and save Rebecca
South Brookside – Speak to Cassie during Act 2 and bring her tools back
The Sewers – Speak to Sofia during Act 2 and restore power to the water station
The Shelter – Discuss the Shelter’s needs with Sofia, Cassie and Natasha
*(No quid pro quo for Ending E)*
B3 – Retrieve and bring Dr. Zara’s research to General Hawke
Note 1(Forlorn Notes): Leave your house and go into the Suits HQ, walk right into the bathroom.
The note will be next to the trashcan.
Quest note 1 (Suicide Letter): After being cornered by Gavin n co. at the electrical station, make your way into the crawlspace to the left and pick up the note, Read it to unlock a dialog option later with Donny in the next area.
Note 2(Bloodied Notes): After using the crowbar to clear the rubble in the subway station, the note
can be found on the dead guard.
Note 3 (Disturbing Notes): Can be found in the room with David after bargaining for the Subway
Note 4 (Messy Notes): Can be found in the hospital after acquiring the medkit.
*Be careful not to leave the room before picking it up because you won’t be able to return.*
Note 5 (Tattered Notes): Can be found in the boathouse after leaving the post-subway area by boat.
Note 6 (Indignant Notes): Head into the sewers south of town and go up the ladder between the entrance and the exit. The notes can be found on the body in the room.
Note 7 (Crumpled Notes): These notes can be found next to a body in the water treatment plant for Sofia’s quest.
Note 8 (Yellowed Notes): Can be found in the Dean’s room during the University sequence, the key can be found on the body next to the Dryad when you walk in.
Ending A: When given the option to give the HAF sample, give it to Dr. Zara
Ending B: Get caught by an ACE drone after giving the HAF sample to Dr. Fareinstein and going into the warzone area.
Ending C1: Give the HAF sample to Dr. Fareinstein, clear the warzone stage without getting caught, choose the option “nod head” during the trial and choose the “resist” option.
Ending C2: Give the HAF sample to Dr. Fareinstein, clear the warzone stage without getting caught, choose the option “nod head” during the trial and choose the “Accept regime” option.
Ending D: Complete the three base building sidequests without asking the soldiers for “favors”
Ending E (True Ending): Complete every quest/sidequest (17 total), complete the three basebuilding sidequests without asking the soldiers for “favors” and acquire all 8 notes scattered throughout the game. (*Cannot be completed if you use the cheat room to skip to West Greer as you miss the first note*)