This guide will explain how to get the secret items and information in Labyrinths DLC, some of which may not in the Kaguya Trials.If you’re a new player or don’t like getting things spoiled, I will recommend against reading further. If so, I’d just give you the following advice instead: Remember to use MemDump!To obtain the hidden items as many as possible at a time, I recommend playing the Kaguya Trials the time you get Decypher and DecHead.*Most of the IPs in this article can be seen in the screenshots.这份指南将介绍如何获得迷宫DLC的隐藏物品与信息,其中有些并不在辉夜的试炼任务之内。如果你是新玩家或不想被剧透,建议不要读下去。如果确实如此,作为代替我只给你一条建议:扫内存!为了一次获得尽可能多的隐藏物品,我建议在得到密码破译器(Decypher)和报头破译器(DecHead)的时候再进入辉夜的试炼。*很多IP在图里。
ComShell.exe is a program that allows the user to control all the shells at a time. To obtain ComShell, you should analyze the fifth Memory Dump file at Bibliotheque Drop Server and hack into Raven Dataworks.
ComShell.exe是一个让用户可以一次控制所有Shell的程序。若想获得它,需要在Bibliotheque共享服务器分析第5个内存文件,并黑入Raven Dataworks.
DNote.exe is a simple program which could show your notes without using any memory.
To get DNote, you should run MemDumpGenerator at Nete Wesson’s Home PC(head of the Hermetic Alchemy). This file contains a photo of his book(?), as well as the IP address of his STOR-DRIVE. Hack into the storage and you’ll get DNote.exe finally.
DNote.exe是一个能够不占内存地显示笔记的小程序。要想得到它,要扫Nate Wesson家的电脑的内存。内存文件包含一张他的书(?)的照片以及他的存储设备的IP地址。黑进去就能得到DNote.exe。
That’s easy. Run MemDump at Kaguya_Project, the last server in Labyrinths, and you’ll find the IP of it.
There are some chat logs between the devs at this server.
Similar to Clock.exe, it’s a clock, but it also has the true ultimate power.
To get ClockV2, you need to run MemDump at the Head of the Polar Stars(of course, that means you must have been to /el/). And then you’ll find the IP of the Gibson.
The Gibson has all the ports that are possible to be cracked in this game, so you should have got all the tools(from SSH to KBT).
After hacking into the Gibson, you’ll find ClockV2.exe at /bin/. You could also sign your name on Victors.txt if you like.
若想得到ClockV2,你需要在北极星之首扫内存(当然了,这意味着你必须去过/el/)。然后从中找到the Gibson的IP。
The Gibson具有这个游戏所有可以破解的端口,所以在此之前你得集齐所有工具(从SSH到KBT)。
黑入the Gibson后,你会在bin中找到ClockV2.exe。如果你喜欢,还可以在Victors.txt署上你的大名。
Pellium Box
Pellium Box is a server containing many x-server themes. To get the IP address of it, you should run MemDump at Naix’s Gateway.
Pellium Box是一个里面有很多x-server主题的服务器。在Naix_基地网关扫内存即可得到IP。
After finishing Kaguya’s Trials, you’ll find a new mission in CSEC. This mission requires you to swap an Incident Report with a framed one.
However, whether you chose to save the plane or crash the plane(s), the report always says it was saved.
Decipher the head of the original report, and you’ll find the IP of one of the foolish employees at Pacific Air.
Decipher the head of the framed report, and you’ll find the IP of Kaguya Gateway, which Coel gave you if you chose to save PA_747_0022.
Decipher the original report, and you’ll find the IP of Coel__Gateway in the text.
I fail to find the PW of Coel Gateway in game, but the PW in fact is colamaeleon.(what does it mean?) There’s a cuuuuuuute x-server theme named after her at this server.
- MemDump the Viper’s, you’ll find some Steam keys of this game.(But they are all used! Dammit!)
- Try MemDumping your own PC and see what happens.
- Delete the Uni Works of the Striker after finishing Kaguya Trials and see what happens.(But there’s a bug that you will receive nothing after PortHacking the Heart.)
- MemDump Ash’s Aliengear, and you’ll see his “tank” illustration.
- MemDump Bitwise Repo Base, and you’ll find something baffling.
- Enter netmaporganiser -c and see what happens!
- Connect test(test is its IP). You’ll see some .dec files(one of them needs a PW and it’s test) and a MemDump file. Don’t forget to use eosDeviceScan.
- 扫毒蛇电脑的内存,能找到一些这个游戏的Steam key。(但是都用过了,干!)
- 试试扫你自己电脑的内存,看看会发生什么。
- 在辉夜的试炼通关后,删去Striker服务器的Uni文件夹中的内容,看看会发生什么。(但有个bug,PortHack心脏后什么也收不到。)
- 扫Ash’s Aliengear,可以看到他神奇的坦克。
- 扫Bitwise Repo基地,会找到一些奇怪的东西。
- 输入netmaporganiser -c,看看会发生什么!
- 连接一个IP叫test的服务器,能找到一些dec文件(一个要密码,是test),还有一个内存文件。别忘了扫一下EOS设备。
Special thanks to all the players that have helped me with finding the secrets.