7 Days to Die Guide

7 Days to Die Dedicated Server (SteamCMD) [English/Englisch] [Windows] for 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die Dedicated Server (SteamCMD) [English/Englisch] [Windows]


This guide will show you how to set up a server with the SteamCMD.The following ports must be open:TCP:
8080-8081 (ONLY if you plan to administer your server remotely.)
8082 (If you are using Alloc’s mods, this is for the web map.)
You will also need at least 8 GB free disk space and2 GB of RAM.German Version:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1731898014I also created a tool, that automates the installation process. You can find this tool here:https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ServerTool

SteamCMD Download

First of all you need the SteamCMD. You can download it here:

SteamCMD Login

Now you need to execute this file.
After a few seconds you can login with the following code:

login anonymous

Server Files Download

Now you need to enter the following in the console:

force_install_dir ./7daysserver/

This will create a folder with the name “7daysserver” and it will put in the files in this folder.

Now you can start the download with:

app_update 294420 validate

If the download was sucessful, you have to type


in the console to close the SteamCMD.

Run the Server

Go into your “7daysserver” folder, there you will find an
“startdedicated.bat” there. With this file, you can start the server, after a few minutes it should run.

To shutdown the server, just click on the “X” it will ask you, if you want to shutdown your server if you press “yes” the shutdown process will be started.

Server Configuration

In your “7daysserver” folder you will find a file named “serverconfig.xml” which will be used to configurate the server.

You can open this file with any text editor, i personal use “Notepad ++”

I also recommand to edit the “UserDataFolder” and the “SaveGameFolder” string, so that these files will be saved in your server folder, so that if you need to move the files everything is in the same place.

<property name=”UserDataFolder” value=”E:/Server/SteamCMD/7daysserver/userdata”/> <property name=”SaveGameFolder” value=”E:/Server/SteamCMD/7daysserver/savegame”/>

Source: [link]
Server Console Commands: [link]

Frequently Asked Questions

I can not see my server / No one can connect to my server
Please make sure, that you have opened all the required ports in your router. If the everything is set correctly, but the problem still occurs, please contact your internet provider.
Or look for your router model here:

Is there another way instead of opening the ports?
Yes, you can also host your server through a VPN network like “Hamachi”. Of course only the people in the VPN network will be able to join the server then.
If forwarding your ports doesn´t work, please contact your ISP, i won´t be able to help you.

How can i change my server port?
Just edit in your “serverconfig.xml” file the following:

<property name=”ServerPort” value=”26900″/>

The SteamCMD download failed! What should I do now?
Mostly you just need to retry the download, then the problem should be fixed.

How do I update my server?
Just open the SteamCMD and login again, then retry the Step “Downloading the files” it will be checked which files need to be updated.

Server Creation Tool

To automate these steps to setup/upgrade a server, i created a tool, the group can be founde here:

The tool itself is hosted on Github, which can be found here:

I hope, that will help you in the future!
