A low quality guide to playing the worst character in the game.
Robot is a fairly versatile character and is one of my favourites when it comes to this game. He has fairly good sustainability so he should be good for beginners and high level players alike. This guide will go over the basics of how robot is supposed to be played. I’m not the best player by any stretch but I hope I can help you in your future endeavours as robot.
Robot, like most characters in the game has one active and one passive ability.
His passive ability allows him to get weapon drops one level earlier then other characters in the game. This ability is quite redundant however as going to pizza sewers or entering a crown vault will give any character the equivalent of this ability and the drop table ends at loop 1 sewers (I would recommend learning the drop list found underneath this paragraph).
His second ability allow him to eat weapons and get one small health pack or ammo pack in return. This ability is reasonably useful but will only really boost your ammo consumption as the ability is coded to only give you health when you don’t need it. There is no downside to eating weapons however and I would recommend eating every weapon you don’t need (make sure to not eat the weapons you are using). Throne butt will buff this ability by one pack, these packs can differ and you can get one ammo and one health etc. Eating golden weapons will give you four packs by default and will give you five with throne butt. Eating cursed weapons will damage you so I would highly recommend you don’t eat them. Later in your runs, when you get your ultra mutation you will eat all leftover guns in the area.
Here are some of the mutations that synergise with robot and if I would recommend grabbing (or, should I say installing) them while playing robot (I only mention mutations that synergise with robot in this section, just because a mutation isn’t here doesn’t mean it isn’t good):
Second Stomach:
Second stomach is very good in normal game play but also works well with robot. Second stomach will double the rate at witch eating weapons will heal you so you would get healed by four instead of two when getting health from eating (eating will work the same as picking up the respective health or ammo pack).
Back Muscles:
Back muscles will allow you to hold significantly more ammo in your guns, increasing your bullet capacity from 255 to 555 and all other ammunition capacity from 55 to 99. This will help you hold all the ammo you get from eating guns. This mutation will be more effective in loop as there will be more enemies and therefore more dropped weapons.
Open Mind:
Open mind will mean that you get one more of one type of chest every level. This mutation is not as good as the other ones on this list but it will synergise with both of your abilities as you will get better loot from red chests and get to eat bad drops. You will only get a double red chest 1/3 of the time however so keep that in mind.
Throne Butt:
Throne butt has a different effect for each character in the game but for robot this mutation will buff his eating abilities by one. This means you will get two mini health packs or ammo packs. I explained this mutation earlier in the guide.
Heavy Heart:
Heavy heart will boost your chance of weapon drops and will only be available once you have gotten three mutations that effect weapons (including boiling veins) in a single run and will only be available for one level. This mutation will give you more guns to eat but isn’t that effective as you need to sacrifice four mutations to get it.
Ultra Mutations
Robot has two ultra mutations:
This ultra mutation gives robot the ability to regurgitate weapons that he eats as chests at a rate of 43%. Ammo chests can spawn as medkits and IDPD chests and item chests can spawn as cursed if you have a crown. This is the best of the two ultras but requires slightly more brain power as you actually have to eat your weapons before the end of the level.
Refined Taste:
This will mean that robot can only find “high quality” items. However as this my seem helpful at first but it only removes items that would spawn at 3-1 or lower. These items only take up 37/108 of the items so you wont be getting them much anyway. In short this mutation is a massive scam and you should avoid it.
B Skin:
Robots B skin is the best in the game hands down, it is also the third easiest to unlock, to unlock it all you need to do is eat a hyper weapon (hyper rifle, slugger or launcher). This skin upgrades robot into a gaming computer, ditching his rusty old metal case for a sleek blue one. When using this skin as robot the game will be locked at 60 fps instead of 30 due to robots extra computing powers. Crowns will differ depending on if you are preloop or not.
Crowns are gained from crown vaults (pictured to the left). Vaults can “activated” by shooting them a certain number of times, when activated the vault will suck in rads from dead enemies and rad canisters and the lights on the side of the vault will light up. When all the lights are turned on the player can shoot and destroy the vault to open it and spawn a portal to the crown vault. One in the vault the player will be given a choice between crowns, crowns will have negative and positive effects on your game play and work best with runs that are built around them.
Crown of guns:
This crown gives you more weapon drops in exchange for no ammo drops. This will act kinda like heavy heart but it is easier to access as you don’t need to collect certain mutations for it to come into play. I do not recommend this crown as it will likely not replace the lack of ammo drops with the ammo you get from eating the extra drops. This is the only crown in the game that I can think of that synergises with robot, if there are more please tell me in the comments.
Fighting the throne:
Once you reach floor 7-3 you will reach the throne fight. Although your abilities don’t help you during this fight once you get used to fighting this boss he will become relatively easy. you should aim to bring one melee with long arms and one high damage weapon into this fight if you are having trouble defeating it. Use the melee weapons to destroy the green balls that the throne fires. Make sure to do this immediately after the throne attacks as these balls will give an ammo drop or a health drop and destroying them will delete a lot of the bullets the throne fires. Use the high damage weapon to shoot the throne in the times between hitting these balls.
Looping the throne and the second phase:
Once you have defeated the throne once and unlocked Rouge you are now ready to loop. One you reach the throne again and have hit it, activating the boss fight move downwards to the four generators at the side of the room. stand at the topmost left one and wait for it to turn green. once turned green start shooting it until it explodes (warning it explodes) and pick up the ammo and health drops it leaves behind. Move to the other generators and destroy them in a Z pattern. Make sure to keep hitting the balls the throne shoots and making sure not to shoot the throne. Once all four are dead the throne will make a groaning sound, after this has passed proceed to kill the throne like you normally do. after you beat the fight you will enter a massive portal and start the second phase of the fight. after leaving the portal you will find yourself in the campfire area that you see on the character selection screen at the beginning of the game. Some police portals will spawn around you but these should be easy to kill as you just have to spam your melee, I do recommend playing some Rouge to get used to these enemies attacks however. After killing the police the throne phase 2 will start. This phase is almost the same, just destroy the balls with your melee and attack the throne. The throne might be difficult to hit with plasma or slow projectile weapons here as he will be flying around the screen so keep that in mind. Once you have defeated the throne enter the portal and start the loop.
Playing in loop:
Once you are in loop there is nothing much I can do to help you. The loop is pretty much just the normal game but with more enemies and bosses. It might be hard at first but after a couple of runs you will get the hang of it and start getting deep into the loop perhaps even reaching loop 2 or beyond. Congratulations on reading this entire boring guide on how to play this character and have fun on your future ventures. Goodbye.