STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Guide

A Definitive guide to Stronghold Decorating for STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

A Definitive guide to Stronghold Decorating


This guide will show you the cheapest and most efficient ways to make your stronghold look amazing. While I can’t make value judgments on how you decorate your stronghold, I can tell you the most efficient way to do so.

The Guild Method

This guide will show you how to use to The Guild Method to easily and cheaply decorate your own stronghold.

My Stronghold using Guild Method

Pros and Cons of Guild Method

  • Infinite Decorations for cheap
  • Can give gold keys to friends
  • High Initial Cost
  • Only for one faction (Republic or Empire)
  • Will take up guild slot (can’t join other guilds)

Step 1: Start a Guild

The first step in creating a good stronghold is to create a guild. This might sound unrelated to strongholds, however it has many benefits.

Go to the guild creation vendor in the fleet. They can be found at the strongholds and crew skills section on the fleet. Once there you will prompted with the message shown to the right.

You will need 3 friends and 5000 credits in order to start the guild. If you do not have 3 friends then there are usually plenty of people at the fleet ready to help. Simply invite them to the group while in the same instance, create the guild, and do as you will with the members.

Step 2: Guild Bank

This step is considered the most annoying, however it will be well worth it in the end, and save you much more than it costs.

There should be a guild bank at the same area as the guild creation.

This step will require a subscription or guild bank access pass

The guild bank will cost 600,000 credits and will require 12 characters, shared at least over 2 legacies in the guild. This means you can fill the remaining slots to buy a guild bank with your other characters of the same faction, however you will need at least one character from another player. A guild bank access pass cannot be bought on the GTN, and costs 600 CC on the cartel market. If you cannot afford this, then a friend that has guild bank access will have to do step 3.

Step 3: Guild Stronghold

Once you have created a guild and have a guild bank that you or a friend can access, you must go to the Stronghold Kiosks area. Stronghold Kiosks can be found at the strongholds and crew skills section on the fleet.

Stronghold Kiosks on the Imperial fleet

Once at the Stronghold Kiosks, you may determine which stronghold you would like to use, and take note of the cost of buying that stronghold for your guild. You or a friend must then deposit enough credits to purchase the guild stronghold into the guild bank. From there go back to the kiosk and purchase your desired stronghold for the guild.

Step 4: Decorations


Only buy one copy of any decoration that is rare or worth more than 50k credits, this is important for step 5.

Don’t get scammed

There are a wide variety of decorations with a large variety methods to attain them. Most decorations are sold on the GTN, however these prices are marked up massively, so make sure to look into the decoration you wish to attain. A good example of this is the Imperial/Republic banner, which can go for 2000 credits on the GTN, despite being only 200 credits from the PvP decorations vendor! The site below goes into detail as to how to attain decorations:

Notable vendors

Security Key Vendor (Requires Security Key setup) | Near Cantina

Security Key Vendor Sells:

  • Floor safe (Cargo Bay)
  • Wall safe (Cargo Bay)

Utility Decorations Vendor | Near Fabricator Droids

Utility Decorations Vendor Sells:

  • Appearance Modification Station
  • Cargo Bay
  • Galactic Trade Network (Kiosk)
  • Galactic Trade Network (Wall)
  • Guild Bank
  • Item Modification Station
  • Legacy Storage
  • Mailbox

General Decorations | Near Stronghold Kiosks

General Decorations Sells:

  • A lot

Step 5: Infinite Decorations

After you attain all the decorations you desire comes the fun part… Infinite decorations!

Lets say you bought a Anti-Personnel Defense Turret off the GTN for 20 Million Credits, this means you only have one copy of the decoration since decorations don’t get bound to your collections. A singular Anti-Personnel Defense Turret is pretty useless, and when combined with the exorbitant price you payed for it, things become painful. That is where The Guild Method comes in.

Instead of continually buying Anti-Personnel Defense Turrets off the GTN for insane prices, you can continually buy it for 50,000 credits. How you may ask? By donating the decoration to your own guild to be used in the guild stronghold.

As shown above, what normally costs millions is turned into a measly 50,000 credits. This means one could turn a single Anti-Personnel Defense Turret worth 20 mil on the GTN, into 400 Anti-Personnel Defense Turrets for the same cost.

If you decide to go the traditional route, you would be over paying immensely for decorations. Use the guild system to duplicate your decorations for only 50k, rather than the millions you might’ve paid to get decorations normally.


The feature is HIGHLY inconsistent and will 99% of the time wipe your ENTIRE stronghold of decorations.