A dum-dum's short Almanac on what *most* of the common .txt files do and how you (somewhat) mod them. for Total War: ROME REMASTERED

A dum-dum’s short Almanac on what *most* of the common .txt files do and how you (somewhat) mod them.


This guide will *ATTEMPT TO* explain *some* of the properties in the .txt files (and possibly teach you how to mod them or atleast the way I do for some of the more common ones, for those said files that are not either explained properly or not at all)….

The Intro

-Use either Notepad++ or Notepad (I prefer Notepad++ though, but i don’t care what you use but just use one)

-have common sense and patience (in the sense of making copies of your files and not blaming me for your own mistakes and patience, because sometimes, it takes trial and error and time to figure out problems)

descr_building_battle_enums.txt (can be used in basic modding, if you know what your doing)

Basically the Name look-up for all the buildings’ names in game.

descr_cultures.txt (can be used in basic modding, only if you know what your’re doing)

this .txt tells the game which faction’s cities type they should use (this file is quite useful, I have an other guide relating to this .txt on how to port over the bi buildings to vanilla and vice versa, that includes this)

Export descr buildings.txt (A common file you will use)

hidden_resources sparta rome italy – this code “Hidden_resources” is as it says it’s a secret resource line for where a unit can be made at.

building core_building- The core buildings for that section.

levels governors_house governors_villa governors_palace proconsuls_palace imperial_palace- all the buildings in the related chain that they can upgraded into.

recruit “carthaginian peasant” 0 requires factions { spain, }

-you’ll see this line in the EDB, mainly during the barracks building lines, this whole line is responsible for recruiting in said building for said faction, the “” after the recruit, is where you place the unit id name in between them at (located in the EDU). the zero is representing, I believe it is how many chevrons the unit has by default once trained. the “requires factions {spain, }” is the part where you place the faction (right in the { } ).

construction 1: is how many turns it takes for said building to complete.

cost 400 : cost of said building.

settlement_min village: is the city level where the building can be constructed in, at.


– is the line/chain where the previous buildings gets upgraded into the advanced version of it.

agent diplomat 0 requires factions { barbarian, } and etc is the line where you can recruit agents at, insert any other type of agent where the diplomat is and the 0 represents skill level.

upgrade_bodyguard 1- is the line where your bodyguard can be upgraded into the advanced version of the general’s unit

happiness_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { barbarian, carthaginian, eastern, parthia, egyptian, greek, roman, } and remastered- is the line to increase the buildings happiness of said buildings bonus, the 1 is how much, “and remaster” is the code only in the toggleable option of the remaster.

wall_level 3 – is the upgrade levels of the wall like log, stone, large

tower_level 1- similar as the wall line but for towers

gate_defences 2 (this is the line of, “if the gates have boiling oil”)

gate_strength 2 how strong the gate is

law_bonus bonus -1 is the law bonus line

trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4 – how much trade income bonus it makes (in the market line).

population_growth_bonus bonus 2- how much the pop grows bonus line.

agent_limit_settlement merchant 2- how many agents you can make.

weapon_simple 2- upgrades most weapon level

weapon_bladed 2- upgrades blade weapons level

weapon_missile 2- upgrades missile level

armour 2- upgrades armor level

trade_fleet 1 ;trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 is The port only bonus line, the first part is how many trade fleets your able to have.

population_health_bonus bonus 1- is the health bonus line

farming_level 2/road are the upgrade level for them.

mine_resource is the line to increase the resource output for them.

stage_games 1 requires factions { roman,} – is the line where the roman factions can stage games.

recruits_morale_bonus bonus 1 -is the bonus line for the unit’s moral

recruits_exp_bonus bonus 3 -is the bonus line for the units recruit level

Export Descr units.txt and feral_export_descr_units.txt (two common files you will use)

it describes on what to do in the EDU

but I should mention here: The line in the type section or line is used in-between the EDB’s “”s

and the feral version is the same, also you should know if you decide to make a mod you should include the feral version, because some people have said that they’ve had troubles working them without it.

(Bi: How to Use the descr_SM_factions)

faction huns – is said faction.

culture hun – is said culture of faction.

ethnicity eastasian – is race of said faction.

symbol models_strat/symbol_huns.CAS -the campaign symbol of faction.

rebel_symbol models_strat/symbol_hun_rebel.CAS -the campaign symbol of faction rebels.

primary_colour red 70, green 70, blue 70 -the primary colors of factions flag.

secondary_colour red 0, green 0, blue 0 -the secondary colors of factions flag.

ftree_background_colour red 44, green 43, blue 42
ftree_font_colour red 255, green 255, blue 255
ftree_selected_line_colour red 255, green 255, blue 255
ftree_unselected_line_colour red 200, green 187, blue 187 – these I have no idea, maybe
backgrounds for it.

loading_logo loading_screen/symbols/symbol128_huns.tga -The loading screen’s
faction logo.

standard_index 4
logo_index 233 ; Index into strat3.rsd
small_logo_index 247 ; Index into shared.rsd -indexing of both the battle
standard and factions logo.

triumph_value 5 – no idea not even a guess here

intro_movie – The intro movie to play here when starting said is first played, if said faction even has

victory_movie fmv/victory/huns_win.wmv -the winning movie
defeat_movie fmv/lose/huns_eliminated.wmv – the defeat movie
death_movie fmv/lose/huns_eliminated.wmv -(similar to the defeat one?)

custom_battle_availability yes -if said faction is available in custom battles

horde_min_units 60 -minnium of horde units in army

horde_max_units 100 -maximum of horde units in army

horde_max_units_reduction_every_horde 20 -the reduction rate of rate of max unit in every horde

horde_unit_per_settlement_population 300 -(horde units received per cities pop)

horde_min_named_characters 4 -the minnium amount of named charatcers that spawn when a
horde starts

horde_max_percent_army_stack 80 – the maximum percent of a spawned horde army stack

horde_disband_percent_on_settlement_capture 33
horde_disband_percent_on_settlement_capture 50
horde_disband_percent_on_settlement_capture 100 -these three are the same effectively, the
the percent of hordes disappearing when
capturing a city

horde_unit hun horde spearmen
horde_unit hun horde spearmen
horde_unit hun horde horse
horde_unit hun horde spearmen
horde_unit hun horde spearmen
horde_unit hun horde horse
horde_unit hun horde horse
horde_unit hun horde chosen warriors – this stack is the same, these are
the units that will appear in a
spawned horde stack

can_sap yes – if this faction can use sapping at all

prefers_naval_invasions no -if this faction likes to do naval invasions or not

all the descr_names.txt (link of my independent guide in this section to save from writing more)

These range from name look ups to the effective archives and to what the game uses/

[link] :My Guide for it here.

The descr_strat.txt summed

huns- the faction that is playable
*insertfactionhere* that is unlocked when finishing a campaign
empire_east_rebels -a faction that ranges from either completely to slightly non playable

start_date 363 summer -the start date of campaign (can be changed to anything)
end_date 476 summer -the end date of the campaign (can be changed to anything)

marian_reforms_disabled (used in rome total war vanilla)
rebelling_characters_active (is the option to either enable or disable rebelling characters, is only used for the western and eastern empire *only* )
gladiator_uprising_disabled (enable or disable gladiator uprisings)
night_battles_enabled (enable or disable night battles)
brigand_spawn_value 10
pirate_spawn_value 12
(the brigand and pirate are the same, they are the spawn rates for them, lower is less, increasing

; >>>> start of resources section <<<<

: Resource Type Quantity X Y
resource elephants, 2, 238, 55 (lined it up to easily show what this does)

level large_town -level of city
region Britannia_Superior

year_founded 363
population 2597 -the set population of city
plan_set default_set
faction_creator celts
type core_building governors_villa – the core building required for said building
type defenses wooden_wall – the building to be built or present


DS_ALLIED = 0 -starts out allied
;DS_SUSPICIOUS = 100 -starts out not trusting
;DS_NEUTRAL = 200 -starts out either not knowing or caring about you
;DS_HOSTILE = 400 – will be or about to be declaring war on you
;DS_AT_WAR = 600 -is at war or will start at war with said faction

core_attitudes slave, at_war_with: empire_east, empire_west, franks, huns, sarmatians, sassanids, saxons, vandals, goths, celts, berbers, alemanni, ostrogoths, romano_british, slavs, empire_east_rebels, empire_west_rebels, roxolani, burgundii, lombardi

(The slaves are unique here since they go by At_war with, instead of 600 like a other at war nation does)

core_attitudes empire_east, 0 empire_west
core_attitudes empire_east, 200 franks, romano_british
core_attitudes empire_east, 400 huns, goths, ostrogoths, roxolani, saxons, burgundii, lombardi, sarmatians, berbers, alemanni, vandals, slavs
core_attitudes empire_east, 600 sassanids, slave, empire_east_rebels, empire_west_rebels