For players of any skill help play the Yaoguai race better.
In the Yaoguai race, I started collecting stats and compiled ways to understand the game, and what effects the decks truly have. Hopefully that will translate well to my build guides. I’m not a pro player, but I think I am pretty good with forming decks, and I think my guides will contribute to other players enjoying the game further. Also, the person of any deck has a particular play style. I am no different. My decks reflect my play style. They won’t fit everyone’s play style. So understand these guides may not reflect the typical thought process towards a common deck.
Also, since I’m making this guide during early access, the infomation gathered in this guide may be no longer valid and/or changed. I will try my best to update any part of my guide that becomes outdated and also improve/add anything else I find worth putting into my guide.
Commander Skills
All 3 races have different commander skills, some better then other. In this part Ill put what the Yaoguai commander skills do and how I use them in my games.
- Commader Skills
– Mind Control
Temporarly take control of all enemy units in the selected area for 4 seconds.Its good for stealing essence capsules and the Essence Dragon. I generally use it to destory a wave of units to give my team more time to take down a turret if we need it.
– Monkeymorph
Turn all friendly biological units in target area into monkey warriors.I dont really use this skill that much anymore but if your using alot of Wolfs, then you could use this to make that wave stonger and possibly take a turret if the team doesnt adjust.
– Shrink
All friendly units (not undergorund or set up) in the area of effect enter a reduce state for ten seconds, and click this skill again to immediately return to original size.This is basically a retreat spell. This is very useful for a number of reasons. You can pull back a wave to attack with your allies units. You can save your teammate’s Steam Engine if there isnt a wave protecting it. You can use shrink to counter a enemies Petrifaction on your units so they dont take damage. Those are some ways of using it, I take this skill with me if I have Acient Egg or if the my team takes something thats placeable and can be saved by Shrink.
– Acient Egg
Place one of three Ancient Eggs at target location. The creature that hatched belongs to the team that breaks it.This skill is pretty dangerous because the other team can steal it from you but basically I always use the scorpion looking acient monster becuase it can be useful as a way to push forward and attack a turret.
– Frenzy
Increase the attack rate of friendly units in the target area by 100% and movement speed by 30% for 10 secondsIf your using alot of weaker units in your deck or high damage units, then I take it for a Zerg rush on the turret or Essence Dragon.
– Giant Piranha
Summon a Giant Piranha, which burrows underground and comes up at times to devour enemies.I love this skill because it destroys everything thats near it and can be the deciding factor in winning or losing the ending 45 – 48 wave battle.
– Sacrifice
Summon Tower of Sacrifice: Biological units in a wide range (of your units) will quickly move to this place and blow themselves up.I dont really use this skill but when I do, I use it as a last resort to destroy the enemy wave if its to strong. Very good with Wolfs because they can get there faster.
When it comes down to the Yaoguai’s special ability they get Immolation – (2 units of your choice get a 90% refund). Im not sure if anyone else saw the potential in this ability as I did. But essencially, you can easily hit max unit capacity with a weaker card like wolf and then sell almost all of them to help with expensive cards like Bone Dragon and Bear. Here are the two cards I usually put in Immolation.
- Slot 1 I think the card you should always have in this slot is always one of the wolf type cards. This allows you to make many Wolf’s for one wave and then turn around and sell them and get just about all your money. This works really good with the commmander spell (Monkeymorph) so you can make the best of low cost units.
- Slot 2 I would say the second slot is depending on the deck your trying to make. Personally, I put the Beatle in the second slot because if the enemy team has a huge wave coming, you can use them to blow up a good percentage of the enemies and then resell then for more important troops later on.
Early, Mid, Late Game and Counters for Yaoguai Players.
- Early Game (Mine U1)
The Yaoguai are pretty good in the early game because of their Wolfs being a easily spamable unit which can be sold into better units later on. Also their Basilisk make getting the capsules early on easy. If your team is getting destroyed by invisiable atlac enemies, be the bigger person and buy beholder for your teammates if their not buying one.
- Mid Game (Mine U2)
I would say this is where the Yaoguai can fall off becuase many of there units are very expensive and need more of their weaker units to help pull through mid game to be effective and if your playing agaisnt good players, your mid game will be pretty bad if you dont save your essence properly. I would generally use Pangolin or Rhino as a way to buffer the time it takes to get your top tier units without getting dominated and giving your enemies essence.
- Late Game (Mine U3)
This is where the Yaoguai really shine because of Bone Dragon and Bear. These two units are the most expensive but really come with a kick if you can manage to get a bunch together. However Bone Dragon is the most important if you have to choose between them in a deck.
Countering Yaoguai, Terran, and Atlac
Terran player usually like to spam Sentinel and Mass Produce it. It does work really well for certain strategies but All you have to do as a Yaoguai is build Bone Dragons. Bones dragons shoot a AOE bone ball and that will kill sentinels before they can do much about it. 1 Bone Dragon = about 7 – 10 Sentinels – 1:10 ratio.
Atlac players usually enjoy using Arhats to kill just about everything in the game and Azure Dragons. So to counter that, you can A use Bone Dragons to take them out faster then they can us or B use Beattles to take out most of their units and leave them vulnerable to be attacked.
Yaoguai player (Myself included) enjoy spaming Bone Dragons or Bears. To counter that, all you need is the Eagle unit or your ally to have Interceptors. Bone Dragons are extreamly weak to other air units and Bears are weak to units with alot of damage or shield.
* They (Sentinels, Battleship, Arhat, Azure Dragon, Bone Dragon, and Bears) are the most common units I see used to win a game so this was to help other Yaoguai players deal with them.*
Like I said previously, these decks line up to how I like to play the Yaoguai so if you see something you would change in it, go and test things out and see how it works for you.
Deck 1
Werewolf, Pangolin, Beholder, Basilisk, Rhino, Deer, Treant, Bowcat, Bear, Bone Dragon
For my first wave in a match I take 3 Werewolfs and a Pangolin. They usually win against the other enemies wave unless their using cloaked units. From there on, I get some Basilisk because they are very strong early game and tend to attack the essence capsules more then the enemies so you should be able to get 2 or more of them with about 3 Basilisk (per wave) if the enemy team doesnt adjust to them.
Once your in mid game, you should have a Treant to help you get your units into the fray faster. I usually only take 3 ever in a game because 3 is enough to get all your units under the grass blanket. Also depending on how early game went, you should go for 3 Rhinos and/or build up for a Bear. I produce Bowcats when the other team are using more air units then im comfortable with.
When you’ve upgraded to your last mining core. You should have a decent amount of Bears and Rhinos + Werewolfs and Pangolins. From there I start producing about 8 -14 Deers because their healing wave can help keep the Beers and Rhinos alive longer and Heal your allies units.
The rest I think is self explanatory on this deck. I also use Immolation on the Werewolf and Pangolin so I can refund them for more essence for end game units like Bear or Bone Dragon.
*I will put more decks later on.*
Last Comments
Before I end this guide I would like to say that this guide is still work in progress (just like this game is work in progress) so I will be adding more parts to it as I learn more about the Yaoguai and what other units may come out for them. So once again, if you see anything in this guide that sounds wrong or needs to be relooked at, please tell me.
-Also if anyone is looking for a group to join thats focused on strategy and tactical playing. Feel free to join The Tactican’s Group! : [link]
Its a new group coming together on steam to bring together all the people who enjoy being tactical and enjoy playing strategy games.
My ingame name is Sacred btw.