Not sure how to get swag in ADventure Capitalist? or want to know how much of an investment you need to get swag? well heres a guide telling you how many investments you need to get swag 😀
Angel above shoulder
Qaunity: 1
Obtained by resetting at least once
A flying delorean
Qaunity: 1 flux capitalor
2x Moneybags
Qaunity: 25 lemonade stands
Qaunity: 100 Movie studios
x3 Moneybags
Qaunity: 300 donut shops
Qaunity: 400 shrimp boats
2x Moneybags
Qaunity: 400 Hockey teams
Suit/cash In hand
Qaunity: 600 Newspaper Deliveries
Mansion with helicopter
Qaunity: 800 banks
Qaunity: 900 of everything!!!
Fancy car:
Qaunity: 1000 Car washes
Moon base
Qaunity: 1300 Oil companies
Cellphone and moneybag in hand
Qaunity: 2000 OF EVERYTHING!!!!!
What a player would look like with all swag 😀
Bubbled Mars credit
Qaunity: 3000 red dirt
Johnny Cab thing
Qaunity: 400 Brain-cations
Reference: Total Recall (Film, 1990)
Farm with buggles
Qaunity: 777 Buggles
Reference: Wong ranch from Futurama
House with spider inside
Qaunity: 444 Terrorformers
Reference: Charlotte’s Web (Book,1952)
Mouse with a motorcycle
Qaunity: 5600 Marsies
Reference: Biker Mice from Mars (TV,1993)
Spartan Helmet
Qaunity: 2500 LiFE pods
Reference: Marvan the Martian from Looney Tunes
Spike glassed dome in the background
Qaunity: 1000 of everything!!!
Reference: Watchmen (Comic,1987)
Qaunity: 3000 Heck portals
Pug dog
Qaunity: 10000 Men
Reference: Men In Black 2!!! (Film,2002)
Excavation machine
Qaunity: 7000 Brain-cations
Reference: Total Recall (Film, 1990)
2x UFOs
Qaunity: 13000 Ambassadors
What a player will look like with all mars swag 😀
Robot serving glass of oxygen
Qaunity: 160 Moon shoes
Moneybag (open)
Qaunity: 380 Gravity booths
Two clones
Qaunity: 120 payday clones
Golden Moon buggy
Qaunity: 400 Moon Expresses
Weird building
Qaunity: 720 Oxygen bars
A moneybag
Qaunity: 200 helium 3 farms
Moon racer
Qaunity: 800 amusement parks
Werewolfs on the building:
Qaunity: 1000 werewolf colonies
Two moneybags floating around
Qaunity: 100 giant lasers
Giant laser behind character
Qaunity: 400 giant lasers
Cheese moon
Qaunity: 2048 Cheese mines
What a player looks like with all moon swag :D!!!!!
Thank you 😀
Thanks for viewing this guide and I hope it helps! 😀