DOOM 64 Guide

A Guide to DOOM 64 Weapons for DOOM 64

A Guide to DOOM 64 Weapons


A simple guide to the weapons of DOOM 64 and which demons to use them on.

The Basic Ones

Your Fists

Most of the time, your fists will be pretty much useless, unless you have the Beserk powerup. This makes your fists far more effective and turns the lower-level demons, like Imps, into a satisfying puddle of blood and guts.

The Pistol

The pistol is a little better than your fists, but not by much. It is the first gun you get when you start a new game. It is moderately effective on Zombiemen, but you’ll need a better weapon fast.

The Shotgun

One of the most versatile weapons, the shotgun is probably the second weapon you pick up and the one you’ll use the most. It can kill Zombiemen, Imps, Nightmare Imps and Lost Souls in 1-2 shots. An upgraded version, the Super Shotgun, also exists (I’ll talk about that later).

The Moderate Ones

The Chaingun

Even though it loses ammo pretty fast, this bulky gun is useful for tackling loads of low-level demons at once, as well as Pain Elementals, Pinkies/Demons/Pigs and Spectres. If you’re on a level where any of these demons are prevalent, this is a solid gun to use.

The Super Shotgun

The super shotgun is a more-powerful alternative to the regular shotgun, and uses the same ammo. It can kill most low-level demons in 1-2 shots, and is surprisingly effective on Cacodemons and Hell Knights.

The Plasma Gun

Despite its flashy looks, the plasma gun is actually, in my opinion, only a little more useful than a pistol. It doesn’t do as much damge as one would think and it runs on the same ammo as the BFG 9000 and the Unmaker, so using the plasma gun actually is wasting precious, much-needed ammo.

The Best Guns :b

The Rocket Launcher

Personally speaking, the rocket launcher is an incredibly useful gun, only outdone by the super-shotgun as far as versatility is concerned. It’s best used on Hell Knights, Hell Barons, Cacodemons, Mancubi, and Arachnotrons.



The BFG 9000

Now we’re talking! This gun should really only be used when there are lots of high-level demons (like Mancubi and Cacodemons) or a Cyber Demon. You could use it on the Mother of All Demons, but it didn’t do a lot when I tried it. Probably because she didn’t really give me a lot of time. ANYWAY, that’s NOT RELEVANT. As with the rocket launcher, don’t fire it too close to you, or you’re gonna have an issue.

The Unmaker

This is actually an incredibly easy gun to get, but very difficult to power up. It reaches its place as the most powerful weapon in DOOM 64, but only if you have the three Demon Keys, which can be found in the secret levels of DOOM. It is most effective on the Mother of All Demons and runs on the smae ammo as the BFG 9000 and the plasma gun.

There’s the Basics, then there’s the Mediocres, then there’s the Chainsaw

The Chainsaw is P E R F E C T I O N

1. You don’t need ammo for it

2. It can be found in the FIRST LEVEL OF THE GAME

3. It’s got two blades (H E L L O !)
The following are all the demons the chainsaw is good against:

a) The Shotgun Guy
b) The Imp/ Nightmare Imp
c) The Pinky/ Spectres
d)- Hell Barons and Hell Knights (If you’re brave enough)

The following are all the demons you shouldn’t use the chainsaw on:
a) The Archnotron
b) The Mancubus
c) The Mother of All Demons
d) The Cyberdemon