Awkward Dimensions Redux Guide

A list of cool things to do in Awkward Dimensions Redux. for Awkward Dimensions Redux

A list of cool things to do in Awkward Dimensions Redux.


Just an ever expanding list of cool stuff to do in ADR. Pic unrelated.


There’s not really much to do in Lebgible. You can go into the house, jump onto the roof, all the usual stuff.
Bu then there’s the windmill.
I went to war with that windmill, and I won.

Here’s the windmill guys.

There’s even a reward to prove we haven’t broken anything.

But wait. The blades of the windmill appear to be solid ground with a moving texture, so we can get on top of them, beyond the reward zone.


Relax in North Berwick

There’s a lot of pictures in RiNB.
But there’s also an island…

…and I want to go there.

Long story short, there’s a photo and a telly booth.

*visible happiness*

Something something this guide is incomplete

If you have any easter eggs, bugs, glitches, or mods for this game, please tell me about them, especially the mods. This is a relatively short game and I would love to just fly around and noclip through everything. Maybe the dev. hid one of those reward pictures in an inaccessible room.