Have you ever wondered what those weird numbers were in Moon-Landing-Measurements? Then this is the guide for you!
The Useful Stuff
In all fairness, the imperial system sucks total balls.
This is a quick little section that tells you what you will need to know before reading the rest of this.
Acronym/Unit Description:
M/S: Meters Per Second
FPS: Feet Per Second(Not Frames)
MPH: Miles Per Hour
KPH: Kilometers Per Hour
Knots: 1 Nautical Mile/h(different from Imperial Miles)
Speed Sensors:
Speed Sensors measure in M/S
If you’re looking at a speedometer that doesn’t specify the units that it’s in then it’s probably in M/S
Altimeters measure in Meters
This is a quick conversion from M/S to other measurements of speed.
To make a speedometer that measures in something other than M/S just mulitply the speedometer speed by these numbers to get it in those measurements.(Do this with a multiply logic gate and a constant number)
MPH: 2.23694
FPS: 3.28084
KPH: 3.6
Knots: 1.94384
Other Measurements
I don’t know why you would want to get the other conversions, but since you’re here honestly you can just google it. Unit conversion almost always shows up in Google’s featured snippets.
To convert any of these other values(for whatever reason) just set the snippet up so that it’s 1 of whatever unit it’s currently in to whatever value you want to convert it to.
It should be something like 1:1.843517
Just place a multiply logic gate and a constant number gate(Its just called Number). Set the value you want to convert to A and the Number to B. Set the number to whatever value you got from the featured snippet(in this case 1.843517). The output is your converted number.
To start off I’d like to say that It’s probably a bad idea to change the temperature from Celsius to Farneheit because It’s really simple to tell if something is overheating in Celsius(generally any temp being over 100°C(the boiling point of water)). Nonetheless, you’re reading this so that means you probably want to know regardless.
Changing temperature is more difficult than changing other measurements due to how the scales are constructed. So keep that in mind. Also I’ll only be showing Celsius to Farenheit because amy reason why you’d want to convert Farenheit to Celsius makes no sense, and I have absolutely no idea why you would ever convert to Kelvin.
Celsius to Farenheit
Use 2 Number gates, an Addition gate, and a Multiply gate. Set the first Number gate to 1.8, and the second to 32. Wire the first Number(1.8) and the Temperature(C) to the Multiply. Then wire the Mulitply and the second Number(32) to the Addition. The output of the Addition is your temperature in Farenheit.
Currently all engine temperatures start at 0(They’re freezing?)
Seriously though, Diesel Engines tend to overheat at 120°C, 250°F
Jet Engines tend to overheat around 20°C, 70°F