Royal Crown Guide

A Royal Crown Guide but I rate every champion based on my experience for Royal Crown

A Royal Crown Guide but I rate every champion based on my experience


Tired of being dumpstered all game including both Sqaud and Solo?Tired of jumping into team fight and deal no damage at all?Are you bored because your teammate sucks?Do you come looking into the guide section and hope to find a helpful guide?Then you’ve come to the wrong place, cuz I will rate every champion there have ever existed.


This guy solid and has simple skill AND is recommended for everyone from Beginner to Rank #1
He has nice bread and butter combo that is suitable for every situation.
He works in Squad as a Initiator/CC if your team doesn’t have any and works in Solo as a solid face to face fighter.
I have never see any LV.1 – LV.5 player play this guy.


She deals no damage early game but has a nice escape skill.
Although the difficulty level displays easy, it is easy for people who actually know how to play the game and/or how scaling in this game works.
All she can do is kite and be an annoying bug to the other team in Squad and prepared to get jumped by millions of skill that can catch up to her in Solo.


He works best in Squad because of his AOE stun and tankiness.
Don’t know how he can be able to Solo thou.
Edit1. He works in solo as hyper-tank who sucks your life, runs around and calls you gay.


If you drop down from the ship in Solo and see her dropping besides you, fly as far away as possible.
Cuz she can cut you in half at LV.1
She is outright broken in any 1V1 situation and should never be engaged alone.
She however do not have any tankiness and can be fight against if you know what she’s doing and what you’re doing.
If she’s so far ahead in gears and runes, Hol ass

Edit1. She has an escape skill with 2 charges if it’s hooked to any wall
If she thinks she can’t duel you she’s just gonna nope out, making her the most annoying champion to play against.

Edit2. Might as well call the game Violet Crown cuz she’s so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ broken
She have an amazing disengage skill and KITE yes I said KITE any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ body that isn’t another Violet.
Who the ♥♥♥♥ think that her 2nd skill can be used 2 times that is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.


This guy deals no damage.
This guy is a meme.
Don’t play him


I always get chased by Stepan in Solo idk why.
He has a role of being frontline fighter and catcher in Squad.
Also whoever playing him has 200IQ of Nidalee spear from LoL.

Edit1. This guy is a beast compare to Violet.
He’s a sheer fighter and hit ♥♥♥♥♥ harder than Violet.

Edit3. Don’t ever try to run away unless you have a movement items/ are Violet cuz he can and he will catch up to you in a blink of an eye


He has everything to shoot people and especially melts tanks.
But he is weak to gap closer.
I’ve never see this guy in Solo.


I missed a gap closer skillshot and now my kill potential is her kill potential.


This lady excels in 1V1 anyone and still loses to Leo.
Edit1: Well she can 1V1 Almost everyone except Violet

Edit3: Don’t try to engage her if she knew you’re gonna engage her because she can dodge an attack and get a passive proc at the moment she dodged one.


Good luck doing a teamfight with this girl in the other team.
Also if you can win Solo #1 with her you can link your clip to me and I’ll salute to it.


This girl is the Jack of all Trades but the master of none.
She can heal, CC and be a damage dealer at the same time.
I’ve never see her in Solo.


Rank 1 to 100 has Coric as their main character.
This guy is the powerhouse of the team that is capable to 1V3 any squad comp.
Also don’t provoke Coric in Solo unless you want your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ spread wide.

Edit1. I can’t really kill this guy in solo he’s tanky af

Edit3. Coric is Wack in so many aspect. He doesn’t even need to use his spin, he only need to activate W and his shield and regularly wack people in the head while the opponent sweating out their skin trying to blow him and find out that you only damage him by a quarter of his health


Who the ♥♥♥♥ play this guy anyway.
Unless you play with your friend in trio squad, don’t play him.

Edit3. Every top squad in a match consists of one Bastine and he’s incredible at gap closing and initiation.


She is good in prolonged fight.
That’s it.

Edit1. Never underestimate her power in a long fight
Cause she can and she will outpowered you when she get 10 stacks.

Edit3. “Just gonna casually jump in and stun all 3 people no problemo”


No one play Ruhk.

Edit1. No one still play/main Ruhk.

Edit3. His play style is very niche with all his combo being predictable and no one still play Ruhk.

Edit note.

Edit1. (08-05-2020) I’ve been trying to play Leo against The World and Leo still doesn’t do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ against Violet and Coric in Solo Meerkat Games pls nerf
Edit2. (08-05-2020) Violet needs to be nerf she isn’t supposed to have 2 charge of her disengage it’s so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on Solo
Edit3. (08-05-2020) I’ve spent like countless hours trying to think about playing against Violet and it’s still impossible with all those 3 daggers going back and fourth too quick

Edit4. (09-05-2020) The scoreboard is in

Odri is capable of solo by [link]

Shoutout to him for being generous for sharing the screenshot