A Handy Guide On Getting Your Greedy Paws On All Those Shiny, Unique Items Featured In The Add-Ons For Fallout: New Vegas
In this guide, I will be covering all the unique items found in each Fallout: New Vegas add-on; which, personally, isn’t all that much, so this guide will be considerably shorter than my previous which covered all the unique items in the main game.
Again, I’ll be coming clean with fact that I blatantly ripped out all the locations from the wikia and then proceeded to paste them here in order to make myself feel like a good person.
And so, without any further delay, let’s go treasure hunting.
Dead Money

Starting off first, we come to the first downloadable-content for Fallout: New Vegas, Dead Money. When a mysterious radio signal suddenly leads to the courier ending up in the fabled city of Sierra Madre, having to work with unlikely allies to survive, with the legendary treasure of the casino getting closer by the moment; sometimes you need learn to let go.
Also, screw The Cloud. Screw it in it’s ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ face.
80 (+15 For 3 Seconds)
88.9 (+15 For 3 Seconds)
The Holorifle is given to you at the beginning of Dead Money.
Dean’s Tuxedo
The tuxedo can be found on Dean and can either be obtained by taking it from his inventory through trading equipment if you have him as your companion, or can be looted from his corpse.
Father Elijah’s Robes
Brotherhood of Steel disguise
It can either be taken from Elijah’s body or can be found in a footlocker inside the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker after the completion of Dead Money.
Vera’s Outfit
The outfit can be found in the Executive Suites where two copies of the outfit can be found in Vera’s apartment; one on her corpse in the corner of the room where you find Christine, and the other in a wall safe near the hotel vault elevator.
Assassin Suit
The suit is located inside the Medical District of the Sierra Madre, in the Medical Clinic.
Upon entering the Clinic, go through the door on the right side, near the front desk. Then take the first right into a room with two corpses. In one corner of the room, there will be two green tables. The assassin suit will be on one of those two tables next to a cosmic knife and a terminal.
Honest Hearts

From the deadly, but alluring city of Sierra Madre, we move onto the unspoiled wilderness of Zion Canyon where things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a White Legs raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave, the Courier will be thrust into a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man.
A Light Shining In Darkness
It can either be retrieved from Joshua Graham’s corpse if he is killed, or it can be found in a footlocker at the Southern passage in Zion Canyon after completion of the Honest Hearts main quest.
Survivalist’s Rifle
The Survivalist’s Rifle can be found at The Red Gate, in a duffle bag marked “The Survivalist’s duffle bag”, next to the skeleton of Randall Clark (Take five; them feels).
Compliance Regulator
It can be found inside Fallen Rock Cave, found in the room with a reloading bench and a terminal. A word of caution though; watch your step.
NOTE: Executing A Critical Shot With This Weapon Paralyses The Target For 10 Seconds.
Salt-Upon-Wounds’ Power Fist
45 (+3 For 10 Seconds)
61.4 (+3 For 10 Seconds)
It can either be obtained by choosing to kill Salt-Upon-Wounds and looting it off his body, or by completing Honest Hearts.
She’s Embrace
It is given to the player by White Bird upon completing the quest, “Rite of Passage”.
Daniel’s Outfit
The outfit can either be found on Daniel who is normally located at the Sorrow’s Camp or inside the footlocker that appears in front of the player upon completing Honest Hearts.
Chalk’s Headdress
Melee Weapons
The headdress can be found inside the footlocker that appears in front of the player upon completing Honest Hearts.
Joshua Graham’s Armour
Critical Chance
It is found inside the footlocker that appears in front of the player upon completing Honest Hearts, or it can be taken from Joshua Graham’s corpse if you kill him.
Desert Ranger Combat Armour
It is located inside Stone Bones Cave, at the end, near a footlocker in front of the Survivalist’s terminal.
Salt-Upon-Wounds’ Helmet
Critical Chance
It can either be obtained by looting it from Salt-Upon-Wounds’ body should you choose to kill him, or can be found inside the footlocker that appears in front of the player upon completing Honest Hearts.
Old World Blues

Moving from the unspoiled wilderness of Zion Canyon, we come to the zany, and downright insane Research and Development Center of Big Mountain. From the wacky members of the Think Tank, to the elusive and sinister Doctor Mobius and giant robot dogs to walking corpses in automated suits; you can be sure to find that even in Post-Apocalyptic USA, people will do anything in the name of SCIENCE!!!
Christine’s CoS Silencer Rifle
The rifle is found leaning against the wall in a corner right next to an ammunition box on the top floor of the crumbling building outside the north wall of Little Yangtze.
Elijah’s Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon
85 (+20 for 2 Seconds)
134.2 (+20 for 2 Seconds)
It can be found looking west near the wooden platform where the second sentry gun is located at Elijah’s Watch.
Dr. Klein’s Glove
The glove is found inside Higgs Village, in house #101, in the middle room upstairs. It is in the bottom corner of a cabinet to the right side of the door.
Dr. Mobius’ Glove
It can be found near Dr. Mobius in the Forbidden Zone Dome, lying on a table to the left of the center stairs, next to some of Dr. Mobius’ work.
X-2 Antenna
It is found at the X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array, on top of the satellite dish.
Dr. Klein’s Scrubs
It can be found upstairs, on top of a wardrobe in house #101, located inside Higgs Village.
Dr. Mobius’ Scrubs
It can be found in a trunk inside the Forbidden Zone Dome, next to the flight of stairs in the middle of the room. His glove is on the left side. The scrubs are on the right.
Dr.Klein’s Glasses
The glasses are located inside The Think Tank, up the first set of small stairs to the left, on a table with a deluxe chemistry set, the glasses will be next to it.
Dr. Mobius’ Glasses
The glasses are found in the easternmost room on the second floor of The Think Tank, past a door with an Average lock, where it is lying on some papers in front of the file cabinet.
Christine’s CoS Recon Armour
It is found at the Y-17 Medical Facility, on the floor in the middle of the room with the Auto-Doc.
Hazmat Suit
Poison Resistance
The suit is found at the Hazmat Testing Ground, where it is in a protected pod. The player must either find the Hazmat Pod Security code, in the Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant, or shoot the field with an upgraded Sonic Emitter to gain access to the suit.
Stealth Suit Mk II
It is found in 3 pieces at the X-13 research facility. One part in each of the three labs in the first hallway you come to after you enter the facility.
NOTE: Provided you upgrade the suit, the following effects will stack:
+15 (Firmware v1.0)
+10 (Firmware v1.1)
+1 (Firmware v1.2)
+1 (Firmware v1.3)
Movement-speed while crouched
+20% (Firmware v1.4)
Lonesome Road

And finishing our list, we come to final Add-On for Fallout: New Vegas; where the Courier must head to the perilous Divide after being contacted by the mysterious Ulysses for once last job. This is the fabled location of the battle between the Courier and Ulysses. The road to the Divide is a long and treacherous one, and of the few brave enough to walk it, none have ever returned.
Great Bear Grenade Rifle
15 (+100)
The rifle In the gun-case located near Colonel Royez in the Long 15.
NOTE: This Item Can Only Be Acquired If You Choose To Nuke Either The NCR Or Both The NCR And The Legion.
Red Victory Grenade Rifle
2 (+100)
The rifle is found in a gun case on the west side of Dry Wells, on a cliff overlooking the encampment.
NOTE: This Item Can Only Be Acquired If You Choose To Nuke Either The Legion Or Both The NCR And The Legion.
Fist Of Rawr
This weapon can only be obtained by crafting it; provided you have an Unarmed skill of 75 and Rawr’s Talon. Rawr can be found in a dark cave just past the Boxwood Hotel roof, near the pipe that has water spewing out of it. Entering the cave triggers a cave-in which will draw Rawr’s attention, resulting in it running towards the Courier. The Courier will be trapped in the cave until the second warhead, which will fall with the rubble, is detonated.
NOTE: If You Have Selected The Wild Wasteland Trait, The Name Of The Weapon Will Be Changed To Fist Of The North Rawr.
It is located at The Courier’s Mile; and only becomes accessible after completing the quest, The Launch. It is found sticking out of a street lamp just to your left as you enter the area.
Old Glory
Old Glory can be found on the body of Ulysses, should you choose to fight him; however, the weapon can also be found inside Ulysses’ footlocker which appears upon the completion of Lonesome Road.
Courier Duster
The duster will be located at the entrance of Canyon Wreckage, in the footlocker which appears upon completing Lonesome Road.
NOTE: Depending On What Faction You Side With, The Following Effects Will Apply:
Yes Man
Poison Resistance
“Fighting Chance”
Caesar’s Legion
Action Points
“The Great Bear”
Carry Weight
“Old World Justice”
The Strip
Radiation Resistance
Ulysses’ Duster
Critical Chance
It is either found inside Ulysses’ Temple, on Ulysses; or at Canyon Wreckage, in a footlocker which appears upon completion of Lonesome Road.
US Army General Outfit
The outfit is located inside Hopeville Missile Silo Bunker, on the body of General Martin Retslaf, in the second level of the silo.
Ulysses’ Mask
Radiation Resistance
The mask is either found inside Ulysses’ Temple, on Ulysses; or at Canyon Wreckage, in a footlocker which appears upon completion of Lonesome Road.
Advanced Riot Gear
It is found on the body of a ghoulified NCR riot control officer in The Crow’s Nest. The NCR trooper will be hanging out a window closest to the cave to the west.
Elite Riot Gear
Critical Chance
The Riot Gear is located at Third Street Municipal Building, on the top floor, on the body of a dead NCR riot control officer. It can be reached through the sewer pipe that connects floors two and three.
Scorched Sierra Power Armour
Fire Resistance
It is found on Colonel Royez who is located at the Long 15. A word of caution though; bring Stimpaks.
NOTE: This Item Can Only Be Acquired If You Choose To Nuke Either The NCR Or Both The NCR And The Legion.
Armour Of The 87th Tribe
Critical Chance
The armour is located at Dry Wells, on Centurion Gaius Magnus. And again; bring Stimpaks.
NOTE: This Item Can Only Be Acquired If You Choose To Nuke Either The Legion Or Both The NCR And The Legion.
Marked Beast Helmet
Energy Weapons
Energy Resistance
The helmet is found on Blister, who is located at the Marked Men Base, and will only spawn when the Courier detonates the warhead blocking the entrance.
Marked Beast Eyes Helmet
Melee Weapons
Maximum Hit Points
It is found on the body of Blade, who is on a roof north-east of Ulysses’ Temple.
Marked Beast Face Helmet
Melee Wepons
Critical Chance
The helmet is found on Beast, who resides in a small camp, east of the High Road entrance.
Marked Beast Tribal Helmet
Melee Weapons
It can be found on Bonesaw, who is located south-east of the Ashton Silo Control Station, near a small building.
Now that this guide has reached it’s completion, I can confidently say with only a sliver of doubt that I have covered every unique item featured in each Downloadable-Content for Fallout: New Vegas. Additionally, you may have noticed that I have missed out Gun Runner’s Arsenal from the list; but this is because I didn’t believe it was worth including due to the fact that all the items can all be found being sold by vendors, and therefore don’t pose much of a challenge to acquire.
In the future, I may get around to covering every skill book location as well as guides for certain quests.
And if you haven’t, be sure sure to check out my other guides: