A Handy Guide On Getting Your Blood-Stained Hands On All Those Shiny, Unique Items
As the title suggests, this guide is all about helping you get your grubby paws on every unique item in Fallout: New Vegas; from pistols to knuckle-dusters and checkered suits to impenetrable power armour, this guide covers everything under the bright sun of the Mojave (Provided you don’t have Project Reality installed).
Additionally, I think it’s worth mentioning that the locations of the items may or may not have been ripped straight from the wikia; but if it just so happens to be the latter, then I am absolutely certain that they won’t have any problem with that. Right?
Anyway, let’s get straight down to business.
Glorious Guns
Starting off first, we’ll be covering the wasteland’s favourite choice of arms; whether it be for mowing down innocent travellers or using that last round for yourself when cornered by a horde of ghouls, there’s always a use for Glorious Guns.
Lucky is found in a locked floor safe which requires a Lockpick skill of 75 (Well, there’s always console commands) and is inside the Bison Steve Hotel in Primm. Start by entering the hotel and proceeding through the doorway ahead. Following the corridor, you will find a gift shop to the left. The safe is located behind the cash register.
Mysterious Magnum
The Mysterious Magnum is carried by the Lonesome Drifter, who is located in front of the Sunset Sarsaparilla billboard next to the highway, east of El Dorado dry lake and north of the El Dorado Gas & Service. The weapon can either be acquired by passing a barter check of 50 during the quest, Talent Pool or, alternatively it can simply be looted from his lifeless corpse or stolen from him when he is looking at a peculiar piece of ground you pointed out.
That Gun
That Gun is located in Novac, inside the Dino Bite gift shop (The Giant Dinosaur, you can’t miss it) where you only need to open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the Dinosaur. It can either be obtained by purchasing it from merchant inside, or by stealing it from the storage room, where it is on the end of the first shelf with the Rocket souvenirs on the right. The storage room key can be pickpocketed from the merchant or the door can be opened by picking it’s Very Easy lock. However, should you choose to acquire the key through honest means, it may also be purchased during the quest, Come Fly With Me or any time after the quest’s completion.
Maria can only be found on Benny (That guy that shot you in the head, remember?) and there are only two ways of obtaining the weapon; which is either through murdering him and looting his corpse, or by pickpocketing him when you meet him in The Tops.
Vance’s 9mm SMG
The weapon is missing from its display case in the Vikki and Vance Casino, but Primm Slim does not notice this fact, however, with a Science skill of 50, you will gain a dialogue option to reveal that the weapon was taken to Wins Hideout, where it can be found inside the safe with a Very Hard lock. The lock can be picked, or, with a Speech skill of 55, you can convince the Wins to give you the combination (Of course, there’s always console commands). If you don’t have enough speech for the speech check, talk to Sammy again and another dialogue option will appear.
Dinner Bell
Dinner Bell is given as a reward by Red Lucy in The Thorn, after completing the quest, Bleed Me Dry.
Big Boomer
The Big Boomer is carried by Old Lady Gibson, who resides in the Gibson scrap yard which is located nearby Novac. The only way to acquire the weapon is either through killing her and searching her corpse or by pickpocketing her; either way, should you choose to take the weapon, it makes you a horrible person.
This Machine
This Machine is received at the end of the unmarked quest Dealing with Contreras, either by Contreras if he isn’t turned in, or by Carrie Boyd if he is. You can start this quest by either speaking to Lt. Boyd in the Camp McCarran terminal building or by heading directly to Sgt. Contreras’ computer in the Camp McCarran supply shack and hacking it if you have a Science skill of 50.
Abilene Kid LE BB Gun
It can be found in Fields’ Shack, south-west of Nellis Air Force Base. The shack is right next to the main road leading in to the base. The gun is sitting on one of the shelves on the left wall, but, if the Wild Wasteland trait is active, the gun will instead be located inside a well that appears in front of the shack. The well appears after talking to Rex who says “Aroo” and asking him if someone fell down a well. Doing this will activate a map marker showing the location of Jimmy’s Well.
NOTE: However, The Weapon’s Critical Hit Damage Is A High 70
La Longue Carabine
It is carried by Corporal Sterling, a member of NCR’s 1st Recon who will be found wandering around Camp McCarran, but if the quest, Three-Card Bounty has been completed, he and 1st Recon will move to Camp Forlorn Hope.
It is located in the Vault 34 armoury, on an overturned table to the right side of the armoury.
Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle
The rifle is located at Sniper’s nest, which overlooks Cottonwood Cove and is found in the Very Hard-locked gun case that is next to an ammunition crate with .308 rounds.
Ratslayer can be found inside Broc Flower Cave where it is below a desk in the makeshift laboratory on the upper level. I think it’s worth noting that there may be a rat or two inside the cave with you.
CZ57 Avenger
The CZ57 Avenger can be found in The Devil’s Throat, next to the body of a dead prospector, inside a blue truck located in the center.
Eccentric Energy Weapons

Next on our list are the enticing weapons of the future brought to you by the scientists of the Old World and a hint of malicious intent, allowing the denizens of Post-Apocalyptic America to reduce their enemies to piles of ash and green goo. If there’s one thing that the Brotherhood and Enclave can agree on, it’s that nothing beats Eccentric Energy Weapons.
Alien Blaster
The alien blaster is found just north of Horowitz Farmstead, where it is on the alien captain, along with 140-250 alien power cells. The captain is aided by two other aliens, all 3 of whom are armed with laser weapons.
NOTE: The Wild Wasteland Trait Has To Be Selected In Order To Acquire The Alien Blaster And Will Also Make The Weapon, YCS/186 Unobtainable.
Pew Pew
This weapon can be found inside the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters after presenting at least 50 Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps to the animatronic automaton, Festus, and beginning the quest, A Valuable Lesson. The weapon should be laying next to the body of Allen Marks.
Pulse Gun
Like the All-American, it too is located in the Vault 34 armoury, except it is inside a box with a Very Hard lock which can be lockpicked, but can also be opened with Col. Blackwell’s key found in a filing cabinet in Pearl’s barracks at Nellis Air Force Base.
NOTE: However, The Weapon Has +250 Damage Against Robots And +110 Damage Against Power Armour
Euclid’s C-Finder
0 (+150)
0 (30.4)
In Freeside, outside of Mick & Ralph’s, a child named, Max can be seen holding the weapon (Though he thinks it’s a toy, psshh, dumbass). You acquire it by either paying 1000 bottle caps, or just 20 with a barter skill of 45 or more. Alternatively, the weapon can be acquired by pickpocketing him, and should you choose to do so, then you’re a horrible person for stealing from children.
NOTE: In Order To Use Euclid’s C-Finder, You Must Complete The Quest, That Lucky Old Sun And Choose To Direct Power To Archimedes II.
YCS/186 is found just north of Horowitz Farmstead, at the Mercenary Camp where it is held by one of the mercenaries who will be wearing Reinforced Combat Armour. All the mercenaries will be hostile so you won’t have a guilty conscience when you slaughter all of them for a weapon.
NOTE: This Weapon Is Unobtainable If You Have The Trait, Wild Wasteland Selected And Will Be Replaced With The Alien Blaster.
Van Graff Laser Rifle & Plasma Rifle
15 & 32
46.2 & 44.8
The weapons are given to you at the Silver Rush during the quest, Birds of a Feather when you are asked to choose between a plasma rifle or a laser rifle. Once the first part of quest is finished, the gun you chose is taken from you. The only way to keep your weapon of choice is to let the Silver Rush explode during the quest.
Q-35 Matter Modulator
The weapon is located in REPCONN Headquarters, behind a door with a Very Hard lock, and beside that is a wall terminal that requires a science skill of 100. There also alternate routes to obtain the weapon, but I cannot be bothered to type them all out it would take up too much space.
AER14 Prototype
The AER14 Prototype is found in Vault 22, in the common area. If you go to the fifth floor, pest control, and enter the stairway door to the common area which is to the right upon exiting the elevator, it will have a lock which difficulty varies depending on the player’s level. Inside, there will be a scorched skeleton which you’ll presumably step carelessly over in order to retrieve the weapon which is lying next to it.
Tesla-Beaton Prototype
The Tesla-Beaton prototype can be found at the Crashed Vertibird next to a skeleton, which is near the old nuclear test site. Should you choose to pursue the weapon, it is worth noting that there will be 10 hardened robots standing guard who will be prepared to annihilate you, in which case, good luck.
Ecstatic Explosives

Moving on, we come to Post-Apocalyptic America’s best method for murdering and maiming their foes en masse; ranging from the classic Fragmentation Grenades, to the more destructive Mini-Nuke, everyone knows that if you want a job done loudly and as gory as possible, whilst putting in minimal effort, you have to use Ecstatic Explosives
5 (+100)
Mercy is located inside Dead Wind Cavern, at the last section of the cave where it will be lying next to a dead Brotherhood of Steel soldier. The only thing standing in your way is the Legendary Deathclaw and his friends. Go get ’em, champ.
2 (+100)
The weapon can be found inside Nellis Array, where it is south-east of the generator switches during or after the quest, Ant Misbehavin’. It is next to two broken generators, by a skeleton.
150 (+200)
Annabelle will be located at the top of Black Mountain, where it will be found on a Nightkin sniper on the radio tower catwalk. There may also be a Supermutant or two hanging around with him.
Holy Frag Grenade
1 (+800)
Three Holy Frag Grenades are located in the basement of the church in the eastern part of Camp Searchlight.
NOTE: The Wild Wasteland Trait Has To Be Selected In Order To Acquire The Holy Frag Grenade
Unyielding Unarmed & Murderous Melee Weapons

In the last category for weaponry, we have the Wasteland’s most reliable way of murdering each other; they don’t jam, they don’t require ammunition and they most certainly don’t have any mercy. If you want to get up close and personal, the best way to go is Unyielding Unarmed & Murderous Melee Weapons.
Cram Opener
It is held by Little Buster in Camp McCarran and can typically be found sparring with a practice dummy in between a truck and the camp’s tents. If you completed the quest, Three-Card Bounty for Major Dhatri, Little Buster will leave the camp and go to Freeside. If you wait a few in-game days, you will find his corpse near the entrance’s railroad tracks. The weapon can then be looted from his corpse.
Golden Gloves
The Golden Gloves can be found on the casino floor of the Lucky 38 casino, in the VIP Lounge. The lounge is located at the top of a small staircase to the left upon entering the Lucky 38. They are located on a bookshelf behind the bar.
NOTE: However, The Weapon Has +50 Fatigue Damage, or +15 DMG Otherwise
The weapon can be found inside Ruby Hill Mine where it is found on the body of a dead Jackal gang member, lying near the dry tunnel entrance in the underground lake area.
Recompense Of The Fallen
Recompense Of The Fallen is located at Cottonwood Cove where it can be found in the office of Aurelius of Phoenix, inside his desk. If you are on bad terms with the Legion, you may have some difficulty acquiring the weapon.
Love And Hate
The weapon, Love And Hate will be at Bonnie Springs, where it is being used by a Viper Gang leader.
Paladin Toaster
The Paladin Toaster is located in Black Rock cave and is lying on the body of a dead prospector. I think it’s worth noting that some Nightkin want it too.
It is found at Wolfhorn Ranch, inside the Wolfhorn Farmhouse on the stove against the right wall of the house.
Chance’s Knife
The weapon is located in Chance’s grave, north of Goodsprings, on a hill near the Tribal Village. A shovel is required to obtain the weapon; however, this also makes you a bad person for sifting through someone else’s remains for a weapon.
It is found in Camp Searchlight’s fire station, upstairs, in the bathroom stalls, look in the right side corner of the stall with the skeleton to find Knock-Knock. In order to acquire the weapon, you have to complete the quest, Wheel of Fortune to get the key or you can simply kill Logan when you first meet him at Searchlight NCR Storage.
If siding with the Legion, the weapon is given to you by Dead Sea at Camp Nelson after completing the quest, We Are Legion. If you are working for the NCR, you will be sent to take Nelson back in the quest, Restoring Hope, where you can then find Dead Sea and take the weapon from his corpse.
It is found on Sergio, who is inside The King’s School of Impersonation. It may be looted from his corpse, or obtained via pickpocketing; either way, it makes you a bad person for wronging an ambiguously gay character for his weapon.
Nephi’s Golf Driver
It can only be obtained by killing Driver Nephi, a Fiend who resides south-west of New Vegas.
The Humble Cudgel
In order to acquire the weapon, you must first go to the north sewers which are accessed through a door in The Thorn. Once inside the Northern Sewers, head down to the bottom center of the map where you’ll find a large pipe which is the entrance to the central sewers. Head straight and take the left at the T intersection and then look for a red light in the next tunnel which marks a door; inside will be the corpse of “Blind” Luke who carries a key you will need. Next, head south-east through the map to find a sandbag wall and a couple of NCR troops in a tunnel. Go West past this tunnel and up a couple of ramps to find a group of about five Fiends guarding a door. Go through the door where the next room will have metal stars where at the end, is the door you needed to get the key for. It leads to the sealed sewers. Inside the sealed sewers there are a handful of ghouls, and in the first room on the left will be a dead prospector, his body will carry The Humble Cudgel.
I hope all that effort was worth it for just one mediocre melee weapon.
Oh, Baby!
The weapon is found inside Charleston Cave, in the far south-west, open area of the cave where it will by lying next to the body of a Nightkin.
Cool Clothing

From dangerous weaponry, we now move onto the Mojave’s stylish fashion, as even in grim times of Post-Apocalyptic America, there’s nothing that can stop you from looking good (Please take that figuratively as I do not want to be held responsible if you walk out into the wasteland and get half your face blown off by a shotgun); after all, who needs body armour when you’ve got Cool Clothing?
Ambassador Crocker’s Suit
The suit is only found at the NCR Embassy, and is worn by Ambassador Crocker. It can be obtained from him by either killing and looting his body or by reverse pickpocketing him (You sneaky devil).
Benny’s Suit
It is worn by Benny and can only be obtained, by again, killing him or through reverse pickpocketing.
Brotherhood Elder’s Robe
The robe is either worn by Elder McNamara, or, if you choose to help Hardin remove McNamara as elder during the quest, Still in the Dark, Edgar Hardin will be wearing it.
Followers Lab Coat
The outfit will be given to you by Julie Farkas after you become idolized and join the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Naughty Nightwear (Ooh, Kinky)
It can be only be obtained from Mick at Mick & Ralph’s in Freeside. It can be found in Mick’s “special” stock, which you can access with a Speech check of 30. Alternatively, you can simply steal it through the bars of the shop’s special stock.
President Kimball’s Suit
This suit can only be found on Aaron Kimball, and can be obtained by either failing to protect him in the quest, You’ll Know It When It Happens or when you assassinate him in the quest, Arizona Killer.
Sheriff’s Duster
The outfit can be acquired from Primm, inside the Sheriff’s office.
Vault Lab Uniform
Science +5
It can only be purchased from Sarah Weintraub who is located at the Vault 21 gift shop; however, she may not sell them at all times, but she will restock after three in-game days.
Viva Las Vegas
The outfit is worn by The King inside the King’s School of Impersonation in Freeside.
Lucky Shades
The Lucky Shades are found inside the Caesar’s Legion Safehouse.
Caleb McCaffery’s hat
It is found on Caleb McCaffery in the New Vegas Strip during the quest, Debt Collector. The player can either kill him and take it or convince him to hand it over peacefully with a Speech skill of 40.
Jessup’s Bandana
Jessup’s bandana is worn by Jessup who is located in the Great Khans Hideout in the Boulder City Ruins or later Red Rock Canyon.
Party Hat
The Party Hat can be found at Devil’s Throat, on a prospector’s body in the back of an old truck located in the center of the crater.
Suave Gambler Hat
Slightly southeast of Goodsprings, along the road out of town, there will be a refrigerator lying on the desert floor, next to the road. Inside, there will be a curled up skeleton with the Suave Gambler Hat lying next to it.
NOTE: The Wild Wasteland Trait Has To Be Selected In Order To Acquire The Suave Gambler Hat
Tuxedo Hat
The Tuxedo Hat is worn by Mortimer who is located at the Ultra-Luxe, at The Strip.
Vance’s Lucky Hat
The hat is worn by Sammy Wins, who is located at the Wins hideout.
Vikki’s Bonnet
The bonnet is worn by Pauline Wins, who can also be found at the Wins Hideout.
Amazing Armour

Transitioning from the flashy clothing of the Mojave, we come to the end of our treasure hunting for now; the finale for this guide being what many consider essential for the battle-hardened warrior. In this case, looks don’t matter when you’re standing on top of a hill with the sun on your back whilst shaking off small arms fire with the aid of Amazing Armour.
All-Purpose Science Suit
The suit can be found on one of the three beds in the Followers safehouse. The safehouse key is given to you by Julie Farkas after becoming Idolized with the Followers.
Caesar’s Armor
The armour is found on Caesar who is located at the Fort. It can either be obtained through reverse pickpocketing or through killing him and looting his corpse.
Chinese Stealth Armour
Two suits of Chinese stealth armour can be found on the office level of Hoover Dam. They are located in a storage room with some radioactive barrels, in a wooden crate to the left as you enter the room.
Explorer’s Gear
Melee Weapons
Despite being exactly identical to the Merc Troublemaker Oufit, the Explorer’s Gear is only worn by Orion Moreno who is located in a house north of the NCR Sharecropper Farms and can be obtained by either killing him or through reverse pickpocketing; or you can simply reverse pickpocket it from him or loot it from his corpse when he’s present in the Remnants Bunker, when you engage him in either combat or through a speech challenge, which allows you to both have him help you during the fight at Hoover Dam and obtain the armour.
Regulator Duster
The Regulator Duster can be found on The Lonesome Drifter who is located in front of the Sunset Sarsaparilla billboard next to the highway, east of El Dorado dry lake and north of the El Dorado Gas & Service; or, if you have completed the quest, Talent Pool, will be located in The Aces Theatre at The Tops.
Space Suit
Radiation Resistance
The armour is found during the quest, Come Fly With Me at the REPCONN Test Site. It is found down in the REPCONN basement overlooking the inaccessible irradiated rocket hangar, where you go to give the fuel and thrusters to the Bright Brotherhood, who are planning to use the rockets. The Space Suit and Space Suit Helmet will be on a shelf to the left when you enter the door.
Gannon Family Tesla Armour
Energy Weapons
Radiation Resistance
This armour can be obtained by completing the quest, For Auld Lang Syne and convincing Arcade to stay with the remnants for the fight, and also convince the rest to fight for the NCR; then, when you are leaving the Remnants Bunker and go outside, he will appear, wearing the Gannon Family Tesla Armour, at which point you can kill him and loot it off his body, or you can also kill him later at Hoover Dam and take it the armour then.
Alternatively, if you convince Arcade to go back and stay with the Followers, rather than fight with the Remnants, he will leave for a while, before appearing after you leave the Remnants bunker and give the Gannon Family Tesla Armour to you.
NOTE: A Speech Skill Of 80 Is Required if You Attempt To Convince Arcade To Do Something That Contradicts The Answers You Gave Him During The Quest, For Auld Lang Syne.
Motor-Runner’s Helmet
Melee Weapons
It is worn by Motor-Runner who is located inside Vault 3.
And with that, we reach the conclusion of this guide; and I hope it has helped you during your treasure hunting exploits out in barren Mojave wastes.
In the future; I may add guides for miscellaneous items and skill books, as well as items from the DLCs (With locations ripped straight from the Wikia, of course).
And if you haven’t, be sure sure to check out my other guides: