A decal tutorial using the Prussian Blue Star Custom as a example. Come join the Sekai Project or Community Discords!
Decal Tutorial : Prussian Blue Star
There are 8 decals in total with the 1st decal being at the bottom of the layer and the 8th decal being at the top of the layer. Thanks to this layering mechanic, it allows you to make custom logos or symbols but at the cost of a few decals so use them wisely!
While on the ”Adjust tab”, you can reposition your decal to anywhere on the selected part. A grid will also appear to help show which surface you are repositioning on.
Decals also have a surface wrap feature which allows your decals to go over edges which can allow for smooth undisturbed decals on more rounded surfaces like Kaiser or Hammerfall.
However not using surface wrap comes with its own advantages, like using them to wrap around armor without fully covering the surface with the decal. This technique is a bit trickier to do as you need to mess around with scale, rotation and axis a lot.
It usually takes a lot of trial and error when it comes to decals, especially more when its the more advanced techniques so experiment and practice!