Stormworks: Build and Rescue Guide

Absolute Block Signalling Mainland Railway Mod Manual. for Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Absolute Block Signalling Mainland Railway Mod Manual.


A full manual for the new signal mod.






Thank you very much for subscribing to this new mod. I would firstly like to thank TinMan, Tricky and his server staff and Lassi for allowing me to test this mod on there servers. I would also like to thank Tajin for there Paint Tool used to make the interior floor and wall textures. Firstly I would like to say I’m not an expert on signalling or railways just an euthusiast, therefore these signals are a realistic as I can get them with my knowledge of Stormworks and railway signalling.

This system I have built represents 3 main signals used on UK railways mainly in the 20th century, however, some heritage lines and some smaller working lines still use this setup. These 3 signals are normally found in the following order : distant signal – home signal – starter signal. The method of signalling is absolute signalling which operates on the principal that the railway is divided into sections. The size of these sections depends on what the line is used for, the line speed limits and stations and yards etc. These sections are divided up by signals which inform the driver either to stop the train or continue or continue with caution. Only one train is allowed in one section at a given time and each block section which Includes the full set of sections controlled by a signal box, is controlled by many signals boxes along the railway.

If you want to quickly learn the basics without reading the full manual then please skip to “simple example” section, although to gain a fully understanding I would suggest reading the manual.

Differences from real life (to accommodate Stormworks)

Normally UK rail signals are place on the left side of the track as the driver normally drives the train on the left side of the cab or in the middle. In Stormworks there are a variety of sizes of trains, and to stop the larger trains hitting into the signals there have been placed on the right hand side of the track.
UK up line trains normally run on the left hand track of a double track railway and down line trains normally run on the right. However because of the default positions of the spawns and track switchers, trains leaving the spawn at Spycakes or Camodo without touching any of the tracks are sent to the right hand side of the railway.

To keep this simple I have swapped them around so people don’t have to bother switching the tracks. Possibly in a future update I will remove these switchers and give the control of track switching to the signal box which was often the case in real life.

Finally to avoid confusion with the default track switchers I have not included any junction signals. I have not updated the track switchers because they are constantly changing and there has been updates where only the default switchers work and the radio switching doesn’t work etc, so I thought I was best to leave them alone for now.

Starting The Generator

Your signal boxes are all fitted with one silent running generator. You can access the engine by closing the door battery breaker, and typing in the door code which 1950 (codes may be changed by server owners using this mod). Below is a diagram of how to start the engine:

Signalling 1 – Communication

Signallers used to use 3 main ways of communicating between signal boxes, these are:
1. Bells
2. Block instruments
3. Telephone

All 3 have been included in the Stormworks signal boxes. To use the bells you must first learn the bell codes. There are lots of bell codes used in real life however, in Stormworks we don’t have to use all of these. I personally find you only need about 6 bell codes, but if you want to see a full list of bell codes there are available on Wikipedia using this link:


Simplified Bell Codes for simple operation in Stormworks:

1 = call to attention, used to tell the signaller you want them to listen to your bell as they may not be attending to the signals all the time.
The following codes are used to ask permission to allow a certain type of train to enter the signal box section (this is not your own section but the signal box you are communicating to’s section). You must call to attention before sending these bell code unless you are replying to a signal box. (- = pause) :

3 – 1 = Passenger Train

2 – 3 = Light Engine (just the train engine on its own with no carriages)

1 – 3 -1 = Frieght Train

These codes are used to inform the other signalman where the train. You do not need to call to attention when sounding these bell codes as the signalman will be already expecting a train to enter or leave section and will likely be standing at there signals waiting to operate them:

2 = Train entering section

2 – 1 = Train leaving section

Telephones maybe used to communicate between the signal boxes and in the modern world train driver can normally contact the signaller by radio. In our Stormworks version I have put a message on the signals telling poeple they can contact the signal box on frequency 50Hz.
Finally Block Instruments are used to tell the adjacent signal boxes what the status of your line is. whether the line is clear or block or is not being requested by signallers. When using your block instrument controls you must press line normal to reset the controls before pressing a different button as the colours maybe turn yellow instead of red or green or off.

Red = Line Blocked

No colour = Line normal (used when you are not communicating with a signal box)

Green = Line Clear
The diagram belows show the arrangement of block instrument and bell in the signal box :

Signalling 2 – Control

The signals are controlled by 4 separate signal boxes and the signals within the control of a signal box are controlled by the lever frame shown above. To control the signals you must first ensure the generator is started and the breakers are on. Then turn on “signal control” which will connect the lever frame to the signals.

In order to learn what lever controls what signal I have included a set of diagrams with the numbers on so you can compare the numbers on the lever frame with the numbers on the diagram. If you starting as a signaller in MP I would recomend printing them out to have with you when starting, but eventually the signallers were doing this so often they remembered it as a pattern rather than individual signals.

The signals I have modelled in Stormworks are known as “upper quadrant signals” these were commonly used by British Railways this means that when the lever points up the driver knows they are clear to pass, however, early Great Western Railways used lower quadrant signals which means the lever points down to tell driver they are clear to pass. Modern signals dont use any moving armature, there are just the same as traffic lights.

A simple block section normally consists of a distant signal which warns the driver that the next signal will like be at danger (red colour with armature horizontal) or the next signal will be clear:

A home signal normally follows the distant signal. This tells the driver to either stop the train or continue, red with lever horizontal = danger – green with lever pointing up = clear:

A starter signal does the same thing as a home signal and its called a starter signal because its at the end of the block section controlled by your signal box, so you could think of it as it being used to “start” the train on its way to the next section controlled by a different section. you are not allowed to clear the starter signal without first obtaining permission from the next signal box to send the train into there section (we will cover this in the simple example).

Below is a diagram of a block section controlled by individual signal boxes:

Signalling 3 Quick Start Examples

Example A – Accepting a passenger train from signal box A section to your section controlled by you at signal box B. (YOU ARE SIGNAL BOX B)

Signal box A = 1 bell to called signal box B to attention

Signal Box B = 1 bell reply to tell A that they are listening

A = 3 – 1 bells (- = pause) to request a passenger train to enter your section

B = 3 – 1 bells reply (only if line is clear, although a signal box will not normally request a train when your line is not clear as you will have your block instrument set to line blocked to tell them that you already have a train in your section. However, its always best to check as they may have made a mistake.) You then set your block instrument for signal box A from “line normal” to “line clear” (green light). This tells the signal box A that you understand what type of train is coming due to your reply on the bell and you have checked and your section is clear of trains.

A = signal box A will now set there signals to allow the train through there section into your section. They will do this backwards starting with the starter signal, then the home signal and finally they will clear the distant signal. When the train passes each signal they will return it to the caution or danger aspect.

A = When the train is about to leave signal box A section they will give you 2 bells to tell you the train is entering your section. They will then tell the signal box to the left of signal box A (not marked on diagram )that the train has left there section using 2 -1 bells and then returning there block instrument for signal box to the left of A to “Line Normal.”

B = You reply with 2 bells telling signal box B you understand that the train is entering your section and you then set your block instrument for signal box A to “line blocked”. Then you must call signal box C before setting your signals in the same way as signal box A had done, returning them to danger or caution as the train passes.

Example B – Sending a train out of your section into the next section controlled by signal box C:

B = Once you have received train entering section from signal box A you must call Signal Box C and request permission to send a train from your section to there section. First press 1 bell to signal box C.

Signal box C = 1 bell reply to say they are listening

B = 3 -1 on bell to request a passenger train into there section

C = replies 3 -1 bells if line is clear and then sets the block instrument for your signal box B to “line clear”.

B = you can now clear your signals to allow the train though your section into signal box C section, returning them to danger or caution when the train passes them. As the train is about to leave your section you must sound 2 bells to signal box C.

C = replies 2 bells telling you they understand the train is entering there section. They will ask permission from the signal box to the right of them (not on diagram) to send the train though there section into there. They will now set there signals for accepting the train once clear to from the signal box right of them and set there block instrument for your signal box to “line blocked” (red light).

B = You then sound 2 -1 bells to Signal Box A to tell them train is out of section, and return your block instrument for signal box A to “line normal”.

A = ? as your block instrument is now set to line normal they may ask you if they can send a train into your section again.

B = You are now finised until another train is requested to enter your section.

C = will now sound 2 bells to the signal box to the right of them (not marked on diagram) to tell them the train is entering there section. There will also sound 2 -1 bells to your box B to tell your that the train has left there section and they will return there block instrument for your signal box B to “line normal”.

B = you can now ask to send a train to signal box C as there block instrument is set to line normal.
This process will repeat and since our railway in Stormworks has two tracks, this process may happen in reverse.

Track Diagrams


North Donkk:



Outro and Sources

Thank you for reading this manual, If you have any question please just ask in the workshop comment section and have a look at the information links below for more help thank you.


[link] (block diagram)
[link] (distant signal)
[link] (home signal)

