This guide is designed to help you understand and get the achievements in Lords of Waterdeep, including the hidden 22 achievements in the game.
Lords of Waterdeep is one of my favorite board games, it’s also a favorite of my wife, who always manages to defeat me (probably why she likes it so much). This guide is primarily a list of all the achievements in the game. The majority of the achievements are self explanatory. There are some grindy ones in this game that will take some dedication to unlock. You will need to own the two expansions (Undermountain and Skullport) to fully unlock all of the achievements in the game.
Base Game Achievements
Apprentice: Complete 1 Tutorial.
Master: Complete All Tutorials
You will need to click through all the tutorials, they are good if you’ve never played the board game version. You do NOT need the expansions to go through the expansion tutorials.
Welcome to Waterdeep: Win 1 Game
Aristocrat: Win 5 Games
Lord: Win 100 Games.
The grindiest achievement in the game, good luck! Set bots to easy and just play!
Overlord of Waterdeep: Win a game as each of the 11 Lords in the basic game
Noble: Win 10 Online Games.
Usurped: During the scoring of a 4+ player online game, start in first and end in last
Sleeper: During the scoring of a 4+ player online game, you started in last and won the game
Esquire: Score 125 Points in a Game
Cabal: Acquire 9 Clerics in 1 game
Band: Acquire 18 fighters in 1 game
Gang: Acquire 19 Rogues in 1 game
Council: Acquire 11 Wizards in 1 game
Devoted Curate: Hire 77 Clerics
This is a stat tracked across multiple games, this will come in time.
Headmaster: Hire 111 Wizards
This is a stat tracked across multiple games, this will come in time.
Captain: Hire 300 Fighters.
This is a stat tracked across multiple games, this will come in time.
Gangleader: Hire 400 Rogues
This is a stat tracked across multiple games, this will come in time.
Penny Pincher: Collect 500 Gold
This is a stat tracked across multiple games, this will come in time.
Proprietor: Aquire 3 buildings in 1 game
Landlord: Acquire 5 buildings in 1 game
Harbor Master: Occupy every actions space in Waterdeep Harbor in 1 round
Inn Keeper: Occupy every action space in Cliffwatch Inn in 1 round
Warlord of Waterdeep: Complete all 12 Warfare quests in the basic game
Warmonger: Complete 8 Warfare quests in 1 game
The quests you complete must be from the base game ONLY. This will not pop if you do 7 Warfare quests from the base game and 1 Warfare quest from the expansion.
Merchant of Waterdeep: Complete all 12 Commerce quests in the basic game
Moneychanger: Complete 8 Commerce quests in 1 game
The quests you complete must be from the base game ONLY. This will not pop if you do 7 Commerce quests from the base game and 1 Commerce quest from the expansion.
Wizard of Waterdeep: Complete all 12 Arcana quests in the basic game
Spellbinder: Complete 8 Arcana quests in 1 game
The quests you complete must be from the base game ONLY. This will not pop if you do 7 Arcana quests from the base game and 1 Arcana quest from the expansion.
High Priest of Waterdeep: Complete all 12 Piety quests in the basic game
Oracle: Complete 8 Piety quests in 1 game
The quests you complete must be from the base game ONLY. This will not pop if you do 7 Piety quests from the base game and 1 Piety quest from the expansion.
Well Rounded: Complete 1 of each quest type in 1 game
An Officer and a Gentleman: Assign the Lieutenant and Ambassador in the same round
Undermountain Expansion Achievements
I’ll Take These: Collect 3 placed resources from a single action space
Full of Surprises: Play 6 intrigue cards in a single round
King of the Undermountain: Complete 6 Undermountain quests in a single game
Quests? Who Needs Quests?: Win a game in which you have completed 4 or fewer quests
Halaster’s Heir: Occupy all three Undermountain action spaces at the same time
Resourceful: Collect 200 placed resources
Skullport Expansion Achievements
Bad Influence: Place a Corruption on a action space that already gives you Corruption
Lack of Subtlety: Lose 10 victory points by taking a corruption when the corruption track is empty
The Obvious Evil: Collect 15 Corruption in a single game
Crime Lord: Complete 6 quests from the Skullport expansion in a single game
Absolved: Return 10 Corruption to the Corruption Track in a single game
Rid the Corrupt: Remove 6 or more corruption from the game during a single game
Keeper of the Keys: Occupy all three Skullport action spaces at the same time
Spies in Every Corner: Complete the quest “Place a Sleeper Agent in Skullport” in a game with the Skullport expansion
Corrupted: Collect 100 Corruption
Moral High Ground: When playing with the Skullport expansions, win a game without receiving any corruption
Tempting, Isn’t It?: Have three buildings that you own and have additional resources placed on them at the same time
Greedy: In a single game, place a resource of each type on a space that gives that same resource
They’re Everywhere: Occupy four of the six buildings on the Undermountain and Skullport boards in a single round
Hidden Achievements
Pledge Drive: You completed Recruit for Blackstaff Academy as Khelben Arunsun
Waterfront Property: You purchased the Smuggler’s Dock as Mirt the Moneylender
Smoke on the Water: You assigned an Agent to Waterdeep Harbor as Caladorn Cassalanter
First Among Equals: You assign an Agent to Castle Waterdeep as Piergeiron the Paladinson
The Wanderer’s Home: You purchased the Yawning Portal as Durnan the Wanderer
Location, Location, Location: You played Real Estate Deal as Larissa Neathal
Family Reunion: You played Repel Drow Invaders as Kyriani Arriver
Who’s Scarier than an Owlbear?: You completed Domesticate Owlbears as Sammereza Sulphoritis
Bait and Switch: You played Assasination as Nindil Jalbuck
Leisure Activity: You completed Investivate Aberrand Infestation as Brianne Byndraeth
Honest, It fell off the Wagon!: You completed Procure Stolen Goods as Nymara Scheiron
Knowledge Is Power: You Completed “Create A Shrine To Oghma” as Sangalor
Come my Minions: You put “Trobriand’s Graveyard” into play as Trobriand
Undercontrol: Complete Defeat Uprising from Undermountain while playing with Undermountain expansion
Pleased to Meet Me: You completed “Survive a Meeting with Halaster” as Halaster
Seeing Eye to Eye: You completed “Confront The Xanathar” as The Xanathar
It’s Not Stealing If It’s Yours: You completed “Steal Spellbook from Silverhand” as Irusyl Eraneth
Who was that Handsome Devil?: You completed “Ally with the House of Thann” as Danilo Thann
Introvert: Play 10 offline games
Recluse: Play 30 offline games
Extrovert: Play 1 online game
Social Butterfly: Play 10 online games
If you’ve enjoyed this guide please rate up! Thank you!
-Finish gathering all hidden achievements.
-Organize achievements into ones available in base game vs ones only achievable in expansions
-Add images of achievements
-Possibly write full achievement guide for game. (COMING SOON!)