Yet Another Zombie Defense HD Guide

Achievement guide for Yet Another Zombie Defense HD

Achievement guide


Since there is not a single complete guide for 100% achievements, i decide to make one own. I will add more than achievements, right now i working on money drops from monsters and few more things. I hope you will help me improve it.


Add “HD” and you have a new game.
No just kidding. It’s almost the same game. The new one have more enemies and better graphics. And also lagging much more. So, if you are such a fool and you have already bought this (even though you have the old version of this game, like me), you will probably need to finish this on 100% achievements.

Defense mode

  • Abandon all hope ye who enter here

    This is the first one you can do. Just start game in defense mode and do nothing. Don’t shoot, don’t move, just die.

  • Private, Corporal, …, Colonel

    Score XXX points in defense mode
    Seven achievements for scoring in defense mode. Better play in multiplayer, you can get it easier.

  • Efficient usage
    Use no more than 6 clips during the first night
    There is only few zombies first night. Just aim and don’t shoot much bullets to air. Better in single player.

  • Come get some
    Build and equip four turrets
    Multiplayer is better for this, you have more firepower. Can be done in day 4 – 6.
    Better equip with shotguns, so you can complete next achievement (Cheap and reliable) on one play.

  • Cheap and reliable
    Kill 300 zombies with shotgun in a single game in defense mode
    Equip some turrets with shotguns and use shotgun. Don’t forget ammo 😀

  • Untouchable
    Survive 10 nights without taking any damage
    This one could be tricky. I highly recommend do this with full team. Stay behind barricades and let other players pick money.

  • One shot, many kills
    Kill 8 zombies with a single sniper rifle bullet in defense mode
    Single player recommended. Night 4 – 6. Just build line of barricades on side of battlefield and have some hiding place behind walls. When all zombies are attacking line of barricades, go out and shoot the line.

  • Demolition
    Kill 8 zombies with a single rocket in defense mode
    Solo play. Night 4 – 6. Stay behind barricades and just shot to do crowd of zombies.

  • Lumberjack
    Survive night 7 or higher using chainsaw only
    Fight your way over 6 nights, level up upgrades choose HP (3x total – after night 2, 4, and 6). Then, before night 7 starts, go to corner and push “next night”. Just stay there and kill everything. Remember: remove baricades, mines and other things. Don’t throw grenades.

  • Grenadier
    Survive night 7 or higher using grenades only
    Same thing like lumberjack. Remember: remove baricades, mines and other things. Don’t shoot.

  • Precise cut
    Kill 15 enemies with a single laser beam
    Same thing like “Lumberjack” and “Grenadier”. Go to corner, have 3x upgraded HP, wait for all zombies and then shoot with laser. (i still dont have it)

  • Not so fast
    Have 25 enemies frozen at the same time in defense mode
    This one can be done like “Lumberjack”, “Grenadier” and many more. Stay in the corner, HP +200%, night 6, or 7 (4 or 5 dont have enough zombies) and achievement is yours.

  • Watch your steps
    Survive night 9 or higher using mines only
    Just buy chainsaw and some barricades and survive 8 nights. Don’t spend much money. Watch for sale. Then, before night 9 remove barricades and plant it all (196). They don’t blow up everything, but for sure. And its amazing 😀


    And after

  • Arsonist
    Kill 70 enemies with flamethrower in one night in defense mode
    Few turrets equipet with flamethrowers, barricades (not electric) and night +-10 (i did it in night 10. 1 flamethrower to your hands and achievement is yours. Dont forget ammo 😀

  • Combat mastery
    Survive 10 nights without any barricades, turrets or mines
    Procedure is the same as “Lumberjack” and “Grenadier”. Buy chainsaw and grenades, upgrade HP. Stay in corner and slaughter them all. Its good to let game open, so anyone can help you. Just set “Cash sharing” to “Only host can buy” and watch out for planting mines that dropes you in game.

  • Saving up
    Survive 6 nights without buying anything
    Full team recommended, but not necessarily. Better setup “only host can buy” option in shop.

  • Don’t fear the reaper

    Night 16 – night xx. Depends on you. Kill the reaper. It must be you who kill him. Last hit is enough i thing. Could be your turret (it mostly is).

Endless night mode

  • Beginner
    Survive for 2:00 in endless night mode
    Easily done in solo play.

  • Survivor
    Survive for 3:30 in endless night mode
    Could be done solo, but more players are better.

  • Veteran
    Survive for 5:00 in endless night mode
    For this i recommend full game. It’s possible hold even more, but in 15 minute it’s lagging too much. I hold +- 17 minutes with 3 other players, but i was not possible to play any further.

Deathmatch game

  • Challenger
    Play through a deathmatch game
    Join deathmatch game, or start new one and wait for someone.


Enemies and money

Zombies strength

Money for kill

  • Zombie = 100 $
  • Ghoul = 200 $
  • Barghest = 300 $
  • Vampire = 400 $
  • Hellhound = 500 $ (not sure)
  • Demon = ? $ (probably 600)
  • Reaper = ? $ (probably 700)

    That’s all, hard to count

Numbers of enemies

  • Night 1: Zombie 10x
  • Night 2: Zombie 15x
  • Night 3: Zombie 20x
  • Night 4: Zombie 25x (not sure), Ghoul 3x
  • Night 5: Zombie 30x (still not sure, but developers don’t have much fantasy. I expect this number rising +5 per turn), Ghoul 4x
  • Night 6: Zombie 35x, Ghoul 5x
  • Night 7: Zombie 40x, Ghoul 6x, Barghest 2x
  • Night 8: Zombie 45x, Ghoul 7x?, Barghest 2x?
  • Night 9: Zombie 50x, Ghoul 8x?, Barghest 3x
  • Night 10: Zombie 55x, Ghoul 9x?, Barghest 4x?
  • Night 11: Zombie 60x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire 2x
  • Night 12: Zombie 65x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 2x
  • Night 13: Zombie 70x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 2x
  • Night 14: Zombie 75x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 2x, Demon 1x
  • Night 15: Zombie 80x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 2x, Demon 1x
  • Night 16: Zombie 85x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 3x, Demon 2x, Reaper 1x
  • Night 17: Zombie 90x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 3x, Demon 2x, Reaper 1x
  • Night 18: Zombie 95x, Ghoul ?x, Barghest ?x, Vampire ?x, Hellhound 3x, Demon 2x, Reaper 2x

    Same, hard to count

Money drop
Here comes the tricky part. You can count your money based on income from killing, but money drop is very random. From dropped money you can earn 250 $, 500 $ or 750 $ and you never know how many zombies will drop money bag.
First night is approximately 3000 $ (lowest i had was 1700 $).
Next night is very similar.
Another night this number can grow, but who knows, it’s very hard to count 😀


Just few of my little experience

  • Use chainsaw.
  • You don’t need base before night 11 (maybe even later don’t, depends on team).
  • Shotgun and other cheap weapons (not chainsaw, mines and grenades) are useless in late game.
  • Don’t let players buy everything (only for money they catch), they buying stupid things.
  • You will die anyway.
  • It’s better never start this game


Consider this guide as finished. I will add something only if you write me to add something. And, of course, i will correct mistakes i made here. I waiting for your reactions and tips. Thanks