King’s Guard TD Guide

Achievement Hunter's Guide for King's Guard TD

Achievement Hunter’s Guide


A guide for all those looking to complete the game with 100% achievements unlocked.


Welcome hunter! You are likely here because you wish to collect all the achievements for this game having seen that there aren’t that many to collect. However despite this I personally had a little difficulty getting my 100%, and if you are here it means you do to.

The Good

The good side to collecting the achievements and getting to 100% is that it is very clear what you need to do, and as you progress through the story most of these will automatically unlock for you as you play, and all can be done on the lowest difficulty, which I suggest you do to.

3 Specific Mook Kill Achievements – There are 3 campaign chapters. Chapter 1 (20 Levels) introduces the Warriors you need to kill, Chapter 2 (20 Levels) introduces the wizards and Chapter 3 (10 Levels) introduces the dragons. I highly recommend you finish all the levels first before checking to see what you have left, as it is likely you will have already collected these after finishing level 50.

3 Chapter Completion Achievements – Simply by completing each chapter, as with most games you will collect these automatically. Finish level 50 and it is likely that the Moraenul achievement is the last you need to collect.

3 Total Kill Achievements– There are 3 of these at the 4000, 8000 and 12000 marks, which you will likely get automatically as you play through the game.

1 Tutorial Achievement– All you need to do is build 3x Arrow Towers, which is the first one you get, and you will likely get this playing the first mission.

The Bad

This game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mobile game port, so that means you have to deal with an in-game currency for perks. You won’t have to pay any of your own money to do this unlike the mobile game itself, as the game does reward you with some (along with smaller perks you can sell once you don’t need them) for each completed mission, so it will mean a little bit of grinding to get the perks that you need, as from Chapter 2 onwards, you’ll need some good ones, which cost me 80,000.

I ended up with 33% Tower Attack Speed (30,000), 33% Damage (30,000) and 2x 80% bonus starting gold at level start (10,000 each, buy these first!).

The Strategy

You get 6 different tower types, however only 3 are useful. You want to go for the Cannon (Best damage for ground enemies), Ballista (Best damage for air enemies) and Fire Tower (High speed and burn damage for quick ground enemies) ONLY, which are the 3, 4 and 6 ones respectfully.

You want to place on the field the following:

3-4x Ballista Towers close to the exit point by round 3, as this is when the air enemies tend to show.

1-2x Fire towers covering entrance and choke points to max the burn and to better catch the speedy enemies.

Max Cannon towers using the space you have left. Flood the map before you upgrade if you can.

If you do this right, the cannons should rip apart the ground troops, with the slow delay countered by the total number of them and the perks you should hopefully have.

Upgrade Priorities– Focus first on towers covering a wide range and at choke points first if you can. Save some funds for when the air troops arrive and invest in upgrades for your Ballista towers as you see fit. Upgrades aren’t that good so if you have the gold, ensure that you spread the wealth among your towers.

Note that on some levels you have a boss, with some dialogue at the start of a mission to signify this. On the difficulty I played at, they took 20 out of my 30 hit points if I failed to beat them (happened primarily through the earlier levels). That’s a hit you can take if you follow my guide. Some quick enemies will slip through, but this number won’t be too bad and is still winnable.

Also some maps have very few spaces to place towers. In this case, I sold and rebuilt Cannon and Ballista towers depending on what the wave looked like.

The Plug

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